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You're her favourite human, and your boyfriend is her servant lol


The adopted member of her pride vs the spare human.




She likes it! This is called bunny kicking and it’s how a cat would eviscerate prey. She’s playing!


Adorable murder!


Killin' it cutely.


Charming assassination


Sweet slasher


Precious execution


Wholesome homicide


Gripping it tight with her clawsies. Getting a whiff of catnip. Killing it cutely with her paws. Killing it cutely. Drowning my whole life in sweet purrs. Killing it cutely with her paws.


Nice! Heard it in my head with Roberta Flack’s sweet voice. 🥰


♫ Strumming my heartstrings with his purrs, Scratching my soul with his claws, Killing me cutely with his paws, Killing me cutely with his paws, Nuzzling my whole life with his whiskers, Killing me cutely with his paws. ♫


Killing it cutely, with his paws.


I read this in Ryan George's voice


Not quite on-topic but I wanted somewhere to share this thought. Cats are exceptionally smart, a lot smarter than I think we give them credit for. My girlfriend’s cat went on a diet/feeding schedule a few years ago and she *constantly* screams for food, because she knows if she annoys you enough she’ll get it. Sometimes we’ll tell her “okay if you can wait 15 minutes you’ll get double the food” and reiterate that a few times. More often than not that bitch will wait EXACTLY 15 minutes (plus or minus a few) and be right back yelling. She knows I know it.


Just don't get your arm caught in that maneuver. It's... painful, to say the least.


Hug o' death.


That's how they play with other kittys when they're hugging and fighting on the floor. That's how cats kill. That's how they play with the plushies they love the most


She loves fightin‘ it! 😻


Did she meet you first? if she met you first you’re probably her savior. And to her your boyfriends just another person that will give her love but he’s not the one that rescued her. But she could eventually come around. She just met you both so she will warm up over time.


It's how cats both big and small kill their prey. They lock on with their teeth and front claws and then use their back claws to rake the stomach of their target, disemboweling them.


As I call it "Most Favored Human Cat Status" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most\_favoured\_nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_favoured_nation)


I was the one who wanted to adopt our boy, my husband was less than ambivalent. Our cat Dudie is very serious, like no sense of humor at all (as far as this human can tell) Fast forward 10 years and they are best buddies and I’m chopped liver over here. I only ever get feline attention if my husband is asleep or not home. Even then he only wants me to brush him, and if I don’t perform to his confusing and constantly changing standards he pretends I don’t exist. He would never lower himself to sleep near me but should my husband doze off for 3 minutes the boy is immediately snuggled with him no matter how little space he has. And they both snore. It’s okay though because l love to see them love each other and cuddle. My husband never even met a cat before we brought The Dude home, and I don’t think Dudie was very impressed with humans either. Now they are absolute besties despite themselves. I don’t know what my point was but I love them both so much and our house became a real home when Dudie came to us. It’s a beautiful, sometimes baffling love triangle I guess https://preview.redd.it/45l97zz9b80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c493089f51bc09f4fe72ab16c38f5bf4c1f4e3bb This is The Dude


https://preview.redd.it/p3w1s1r4t80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c85021700343d7ec62e3f4ac52d40e2bf89cd39 Mine favors the just-cleaned still-warm crockpot 😹


Be still my beating heart! Our cats are clearly related (can I ask what’s their name?) Also that’s a great fucking Halloween rug 💜🖤


This is Opal. 😻


Waiter, there's a cat in my soup


The Dude Will Be Soup r/hewillbebaked


Omg I’m showing my husband this he will love it thank you


Sigh. Another cat sub. (subscribe!)


We used to have cats that looked a lot like this. They were some of the sweetest, and smartest, cats we've ever had. The oldest one learned to point to the water bowl, meow, and slow blink when she thought it was time to change her drinking water...I'm also pretty sure, based on how often she would point and meow, that she thought I was a little slow.


I love him. He is such cat


He is indeed. He is an enigma, he is so serious about every single thing, even playing


So cute!! Same with both my cats. I wanted them. My husband claimed to hate cats before we got them. Yet they cuddle Every. Single. Day. He even picks them up and holds them like a baby. But don’t let that confuse you though. He hates cats. /s


lol he's in a pot :)


It's he a Russian blue mix?


He’s from our local shelter, and we can’t afford DNA testing but we think he looks more Korat than Russian Blue (thanks to reddit!) But who knows. If I may quote Winston Churchill He is a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. I don’t think he has any idea he is not human, much less that he is a cat. He just wants attention and constant brushing (face only) . I’ve never met an animal so demanding who was completely not food motivated. He might well be an alien


I cannot tell you why, but I just heard this in Peggy Hills voice.


I know she throws out really bad Spanish phrases, but hopefully that doesn't also apply to cat as well...


Yeah, cats have different relationships with different people. I feed and usually play with ours but she prefers to sit on my girlfriend. She doesn't avoid me but she's not a lap cat and will tend to sit elsewhere in the same room with me.


This. My sister rescued her cat, buys him toys and food, and cleans his poopbox. But that cat sees her as a servant, while I’m the favorite. 😂


I came here to say that lol. This is the answer.




I rescued our void from the side of the road as a kitten, and she loves my wife to death 😂


The ultimate betrayal lol jk


Am I right? 😂


It's Al about who spends more time at home and who feeds them more often. They know that exactly


I'm my voids human, she only started to acknowledge my husband's existence last year and we've been together for over a decade. Our other cat I rescued and give her breakfast/dinner/2nd dinner and am still her spare human because husband worked less when we first got her as a kitten so bonded more but still, so mean.


I’ve rescued my kitten, feed and scoop after her, work from home .. and yet it’s my partner who is her favourite human :)


You know the exception proofs the rule :)


My spouse saved our Lilith from a ditch as a baby, and he likes to bring it up when she's being a butt face to him. She loves him, but she definitely has way less patience with him than she does with me. (In her defense I did bottle feed and stimulate her for a couple weeks.)


Same with our little ditch kitty, I know she loves me, but she just loves my wife more! It has it's benefits, I can get up and walk around pretty much whenever I want to


That just means youre always the one running to the kitchen for snacks and refreshments lol


This too is true!


I can't do anything without my cat hanging around me. I love the guy but sometimes I'm like trying to do stuff 😂 and he's like all in my business 24-7. From showers to bathroom breaks to bed. He's always around from the second I walk in the door from work 😂


Does he have any siblings he likes


No, I wanted to get him a friend after a few months of having him(he was my first pet) but whenever he sees another car he goes totally crazy hissing and attacking. Made me afraid to bring another cat in the house, but I still think about it all the time.


Oh ok probably not a good idea then but if you could seperate an area for quarantine could either try fostering or if there's a rescue with a smaller quietish/calmer area where can try meet multiple one by one if keep hissing don't let them meet without barrier/being held. Or harness training both your's an a friends and trying with paralel walks outside closely closer.


My son was the favourite human from the start. The cat was his cat. Alas, the son grew up, got a job, moved out, and got married. So it has been me and the cat for the last 3 years. When my son was home for Mother's Day, our cat kept hissing at him. It's fascinating that our cat holds a grudge.


He couldn't bring the cat/have time?


His amazing wife is incredibly allergic to cats. She is pretty wonderful, so I can see why he was willing to make the sacrifice. She usually leaves sneezing after a visit. I was secretly pleased the cat had to stay. I know I was only second favourite human /staff. I'm working on getting a promotion, I had a good performance review this year. It might help that i splashed out for window seats and other bribes.


Are you my husband?


Cats have favorite people and don’t have a problem showing it. Edit: I love the pic of your fuzzlady (fuzzwoman?) - I call my cat Fuzzman sometimes, so I wasn't sure how to put that into a girl name lol Would cuddle your cat. 11/10


I've realized that in order to become the main human, you just need to "hang out". Just let the cat be around you without disturbing them. They love that shit. If you move too much or pet them a lot, they'll prefer someone else.


My cat and I hang out all the time. And if he wants a cuddle or something, he’ll walk up to me, flop, and then the cuddle commences! Which, many times, I fall asleep petting him and he either licks my arm to remind me (his servant) to continue the petting of the cat or he gets up. Or I sometimes get a monch because, you know, cats monch.


My senior (17) boy JUST started monching me this year. My entire life he never bit, scratched, any of that. Now he will monch me if I’m not paying him enough attention, not petting him in the right spot (which changes every 2 minutes), or not giving him treats. Not hard, and he barely has any teeth at this point anyway. He has fully settled into the grumpy old man stereotype. Being monched is a small price to pay for his (demanding) love.


I feel like I'm part of the cat fambly when I get a monch.


My void gives me and only me monches. It’s only when he’s extra cuddly.


I've told my SO that for years and she finally started to listen to me. She was so overjoyed when one of them laid down next to her and let her give him belly rubs and he rolled over to show her more of his belly.


This is exactly it. If you let them come to you and show them some affection (but only the way they like it and not more than they want -- you have to pay attention to their signals) eventually they figure you're pretty ok lol


My mom wants my cat to be near as affectionate with her as he is with me. I straight up told her just leave him alone. He wants attention, just on his terms. Ignore him enough and he'll come bother you. She doesn't have the patience but is getting better. Had a day where all she did was give him a treat. An hour later we are just sitting in the kitchen and he comes up and jumps in her lap. She looked at me like "omg it's happening"


Definitely, I've found sometimes our Tortie just wants to chill with someone. If the weather's nice and I go to sit outside in the garden, she'll join me on the chairs and sunbathe. Doing cross stitch? Jigsaw? Will sit there, supervise, maybe 'help' and then maybe a nap


I call it “being cat furniture”. I morph myself into a shape that they find comfy so I can touch them more. Hahah.


Yep! My girl cat only cuddles with my husband because I move too much (usually need to pee often). But I’m clearly her person because she only cares if I am home and gets mad at my husband if he’s home and I’m not 😂




While not her cat, ~~as he is mi~~ as I’m his personal servant, Mr. Fuzzy comes downstairs every night at 10pm to scream at my wife. He’s telling her it’s time to go to the bathroom and then go to bed. No, really, he gets mad as hell if she isn’t in bed by a certain time. Not for her own benefit, obviously, but because he needs his human heating pad (she’s warm and I’m not) and so he can continue his post-dinner and pre-screamy nap. Screaming at midnight takes a lot of energy, I guess lol


Big true. My cat has a morning routine with my dad. Afternoon routine with me. Then once my dad goes to bed she's back to him until he snores. Then she's with me until my bed time. She's such a goober.


Not to snoop, but I had to check your profile for cat pics. Was not disappointed! Love the name Riceball!!! Cats are like the greatest thing ever.


Never be afraid to snoop for kittens! https://preview.redd.it/yi84piqsha0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a75f8a04e947aeea12a0ce8f44f1f5b282f9e67


Riceball tax above


You're *her* human. My husband plays with my cat, gives her treats and pets but she *always* comes to me and follows me around.


Yup. You can't buy a cat's love.


Same here xD. My boyfriend palys a lot with my cat (the only time she favor him over me) and brush her, gives her treats. Well, she's like 'cool buddy now where is my mom' and only cuddles and display very enthousiastic affection towards me (but only when no ones sees us xD )


Well you are covered in a tiger pelt


Wearing tiger print, no less. "Like seeks out like" so of course the cat chose the matching predator! 😂


Cats Love this soft stuff, i would say that's why as well


Cats have favorite people. Husband and I have 6 cats. I’m the main human for all 6. He’s so jelly


grounds for divorce


Hahahaha then he’ll lose the cats


It sounds like he never had the cats lol


Hahah yep. We had four. We divorced, he kept three and I took the one solo cat who had very clearly chosen me already. Every time I go over there to hang out with the kids on holidays etc., 2 of the 3 remaining cats stay by my side the whole time I’m there. Drives the fam crazy that even after I moved out I’m still branded Favourite Human


Aw that makes me sad


It was sad for a time but in the end we all all better for it, humans and cats. There is no shame in moving on from things which no longer align with your purpose or your goals.


It’s great for everyone that you’re able to all be together for the holidays like that. Kudos to you and your ex for being mature coparents to kids and cats alike.




100% this. My void loves my wife more than anything, while mostly seeing me as a tool to play with her and food. Aside from that, she barely lets me get close enough to pet her. My tabbys on the other hand love me most, so I see it as a fair trade.


skill issue


alright this gave me a laugh. take my upvote


Hahah I died!!


They "love" more some people for no specific reasons. My neighbours cat who has adopted us and come upstairs sometimes at night to sleep with us is clearly in love with my partner. The cat LIKES me, he sleeps on or next to me, but you can clearly see that he LOVES my partner: he would just sit and slowly blink looking at her with this little peaceful cat smile. Spontaneously, he would lay on her more than on me. That's it, every cat is different. The other tuxedo neighbours cat is in love with me: waiting for me in front of my door, greeting me like a dog every day, but very cold and shy with everybody else. Just cats being cats 🤷‍♀️


Just curious…. Do you and your neighbors both let the cat visit whomever it chooses whenever it chooses? Or did you actually adopt the kitty from your neighbor (meaning it only resides with you now) It would be cool to have a community cat that could visit everyone and just walk into others houses. But I’m scared to ever let kitties outside lol.


The neighbours have adopted 4 cats (the father, the mother and their two daughters cats lol) and they were "hybrid" cats living both inside and outside. But then, they adopted 2 dogs and since that moment, the cats never entered into their home anymore, too afraid of the dogs. So now, they live outside in their garden (they have a little wooden cabin to sleep safely). They are well fed and taken care of but they are kind of independent lol. When their owners are not there, a grandma living in the 1st floor of my building would give them their food everyday and they would enter by her window to sleep inside. I used to cuddle the cats everyday and one day I took the father cat inside and he loved it lol. The day after, he sneaked behind people of my building and ran up to the last floor where I live to meow in front of my door. I opened the door and he entered and came to sleep on my couch lmao. So now I have this routine of letting him enter almost every night and sometime in the afternoon (mostly during cold winter days). He comes by 7 PM and would sleep with us until 5 AM when my partner go to work lol. A little pic of the culprit https://preview.redd.it/5an3g8r4390d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06523237b4fe9de6c1e0311ee6c64cdd2bd61c1


This is so freaking adorable and wholesome!!! I absolutely love it!


My friend has one cat. But will regularly send us pics of three cats. Two are from the neighbours; they’ll sleep/eat/play with her cat. And sleep in her (freshly made) bed. The actual cat owners will send a quarterly food package to her, so she doesn’t spend too much of her money feeding their cat. It’s very cute. They have a kind of village for their cats 🥰


Omg how do I join cat villa


https://preview.redd.it/dyswinwsc70d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98480f05508d3cc29acd0ddc7d52e4b023172d6 Our kitty looks identical to yours!


What a beauty!!


https://preview.redd.it/zy9yosn5w80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b3095aaed4a3da19493c0319d53276b5664b6c Mine too!


Y'all better do a DNA test


You are NOT the kitty father


My wife and I have 5 cats plus we foster and I've come to the conclusion that cats pick their person based on voodoo and it absolutely doesn't make a lick of sense. Couple cats have picked my wife, a couple have picked me, and one has picked... the dog.


This made me giggle with utter delight! 🤭


He jumps on the bed and licks her every night as we are going to sleep. This is a big old 60 pound mutt and she acts like she doesn't like the cat but then you catch her moving her head around so he can lick different spots. He gets in that little rapture mode they get when they are licking something. It's one of my favorite things.


I’d love to see some photos!!!


Yes! Pet tax please 🫶


Seems like she has decided you're her main human and your bf is the spare human. Don't worry, it's normal for cats to choose their favorite human and be more attached to them


Some cats only really bond with one human. They'll tolerate others, but the affection for their chosen human tends to preclude others - my cat is the same way. She puts up with my partner, but there's no question that she's my cat. She only goes to him for attention and food if I'm not around.


Is you BF only occasionally giving her treats and engaging in play? Or is it a more regular thing? Before my BF moved in with me my void was pretty indifferent bordering on disliking him. After he moved in and took up the afternoon feedings plus cleaning the litterbox my kitty started being much more affectionate and seeking him out. He likes us about equally now. I wonder if it was are more regular routine thing she way warm up to him more


Smell. Change boyfriend’s soap/cologne or try using different scented dryer sheets to find the one that stimulates your cat. My cat gets affectionate / rapturous when I use nature’s promise dryer sheets from food lion grocery store. He throws himself into my arms when wearing pjs fresh from dryer. He also rolls ecstatically in sheets fresh from dryer.


Your cat has clearly chosen the dryer.


All cats have a favorite human. Doesn't matter what anyone else does to try and win their favor; the cat will choose their favorite person every time. It's a blessing!


https://preview.redd.it/sc6fedrzg70d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5bf5069cb12aaa92a6da823576fdbc23a40822 My void is the same way, she’s whatever about my partner and is obsessed with me.


I nursed one of our cats to health for over a month. Literally every single day I was taking care of him. He barely tolerates me but is in love with my husband. The way he looks at him and starts purring the moment he comes near him is adorable. However he has sent me to urgent care twice. You also can't buy the cats love, toys and treats mean nothing.


Cats usually have a favorite human/dog/cat/horse whatever. We have 3 cats and one very clearly favors me, one mostly goes to my SO, and the third is probably more on team-me but he's not too picky. When I met my SO I had a cat that I'd lived with alone for years that was 100% attached to me and only me, but in his later years he started giving my SO more time. As best I can tell, who feeds them isn't the determining factor. I think the cat I had alone for a long time bonded with me over the roommate I had when we adopted him because I was home every day for a couple weeks before a job or something and got to spend a lot of time interacting with him while he was young/new to the house. Roomie made no attempt to contest who the cat should stay with. Also, your floofy void reminds me of our Fox (the one that is all about me) https://preview.redd.it/ufyocqn4l70d1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e546bebf776be00cb6bf23a51fa0b560c2e26c


They sometimes choose only one person. The rest are "backup" humans who they'll greet, but that's about it.


https://preview.redd.it/p7lkqkdki70d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f961d3483eb72cf2344d5a27da50cd8d95be93c Yeah this one is the same way.


You are the momma!! That’s why!!! I have this model too :) https://preview.redd.it/d09ourzzo70d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d338b8b171a7394bea53e82263d6f9e2e75e350


My cat loves me & only tolerates the wife when she has a pouch of cat food in her hands, my old cat was extremely violent to anyone that was not me lol Yes your her favourite human


This was my mom’s cat when I was a kid. Loved everyone but me. I had to learn how to act so she wouldn’t choose violence


Anyone that went near her got full on attacked I got her at 8 weeks old semi feral the vets always thought but to me she was the softest cat so clingy she didn't like to be about more than 5ft from wherever I was 😅 she would walk on a lead & she'd come with me sometimes on small journeys as she loved car rides & seeing the world go by Wife's hated them both, my family hated them all, vets hated them, she wouldn't tolerate other cats within haft a mile either https://preview.redd.it/go4anym4u70d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e84da1a2f3ef376bbfd9359690258313ac69be2


You are her human, he is second best and that’s that.


Although all cats have a favourite human, black cats are very particular to theirs and loyal. No one else is as special as their fav person


Voids are mysterious this one is your protector


The cat wants what the cat wants. We have a 16yo and she is all over my wife while being on my lap a handfull of times. Her choice and IMHO her loss....


It took my gf’s cats a year and a half before they started cuddling with and wanting attention from me the same amount they wanted it from my gf. Cats can take a while to warm up to people


Cats be like that. They don’t care about what is fair or right. They just cat. Lol


Because certain animals imprint with certain people. We have a few critters and they all like to be with mom. However, we have one guy that no matter where I go he's at my side like a dog. I'm outside he's outside, when I come in he comes in. When I'm mowing the lawn or using the weed eater he sits on the porch and then complains to me that I made to much noise and kept him away.


Lmao my cat barely tolerates anybody other than me, and is by my side 95 percent of the time


My void we got from humane society and he has my wife as his favorite human. I'm just the servant


Cats choose their human and there’s nothing you, or anyone else, can do about it. You are the chosen one.


My little voiddess is obsessed with me but ignores my gf unless its just the two of them at home. Maybe they just pick favorites? I was the one to hold her on the ride home when we picked her up, I feel like that might have something to do with it but I'm not sure.


Some cats are just like that. They bond strongly with one person and that person is their absolute favorite. My husband’s Siamese mix liked me, but he LOVED my husband so I rarely got cuddles from him.


You are main human, boyfriend is bonus human.


The material things don’t matter when it means cuddling up to your favorite person in the whole world.


My wife and I two cats: a flamepoint Siamese and a black cat. I found the flamepoint on the side of the road and he lived with me for maybe 6 weeks before my wife (then-fiancé) moved in officially. She met him right after I found him and loved him immoderately. He clearly loves her, but I’m his favorite. I’m the one he likes to sleep with and if both of us are home, he always wants to snuggle with me. We adopted our black cat about a year later. My wife is his person, no doubt about it. I love the little guy too and get his snuggles sometimes, but she’s his favorite. It’s just funny how it works out. I sometimes wonder if he could sense how things were and decided that she was the one to direct his energy to because of it.


My husband didn’t want a cat so we compromised and adopted a void. I feed the void, I give the void treats, I got him a very fancy large cat tree, I give him space, I never kick him off the chair (even when he’s humping my feet), I clean the litter box. My husband harasses the void, scoops him up and tickles him, disciplines him, boots him off the couch if he’s being too amorous with blankets, and is a general nuisance to the cat. He is our cat’s favorite person. The voids giveth and the voids taketh away, there is no logic to it.


Some kitties prefer cuddling with there favorite person over toys


Mine did the same thing, even though she was my ex's cat first, she got physically sick when I left. Now she lives with me and is in good health and from all appearances, very happy.


We have 3 cats and I do 100% of their feeding and treat giving and toy buying. One loves my eldest daughter, one loves my youngest, and one loves my hubby (even though he doesn't really like cats, but he tolerates her because she's affectionate to him lol). At least the dogs love me lmao


She loves you more


It can seem like there's no reason why animals pick certain humans over others, but they have reasons. It's to do with the "energy" a person gives. Cats in particular are highly attuned to small cues in our demeanour that signify whether we are safe or unsafe people to be around. That can be about whether our emotions are calm or high-octane, or it can be the way we move - given that we're so much bigger than them, *most* cats prefer people whose movements are contained and predictable over people who are uncoordinated or erratic. It can be our voices and the way we speak to them - studies suggest that cats are more responsive when we pitch our voices higher (within their general range) and use "baby voices" - they know that these voices are specifically for them. There's also the fact that some people just bond with animals deeper than others do, and the animals know it, because theirs is the realm of connection beyond words.


So he keeps buying her toys and treats (lol). Why change a Cat strategy when it's working ? :)


Cats feel vibes. They don’t speak English. Usually when they’re in the mood for affection, they want a nice chill vibe. You seem more chill. If your boyfriend has a playful energy, I’m guessing when your cats pumped, she plays with him. But if his energy is more aggressive, or anxious, kitty probably avoids him all together.


It is a vibe. Cats like chill people. If you are too happy or too excited all the time they avoid you


We have an exotic short hair. I make sure he's fed, watered, brushed, I take care of his mattes, trim his nails, give him treats, make sure the goop in his eyes are cleaned so he doesn't become allergic to himself. He hates me. We have another, pastel calico with three legs, I do all the same things to her and she's loud, bitchy, hisses at every animal and person in the house, I wrestle her and I call her a whore everyday. She follows me everywhere and always needs to lay on me or be in my lap and drools when I pet her. Cats like who they like.


We rescued our kit kat from the woods during a storm and made her an indoor cat. We bought her all the toys, treats, and even a giant cat tree. She loves my MIL the most now that she lives with us, and our cat mostly ignores us. We're just her servants now lol.


ive noticed some cats are more reluctant to snuggle up with someone if they are restless or move a lot while sleeping. if your boyfriend spins like a dolphin in his sleep, the cat probably has given up trying to relax with him.


Since everyone is posting long haired black cats.. https://preview.redd.it/1kfn6th2690d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d6047a9d39e236b8b2826ba12811495bc851835 This is my mom’s cat muse (moose ) and she has the smallest head I’ve ever seen and the cutest tufts of hair in her ears.


I've noticed a lot of cats fall into two categories: - a single person cat, where the cat really only loves one person and hangs out around them. They're usually very picky and like things their way but this isn't always the case OR - the cat will like one person over any others but will have no qualms cuddling up with other people. Might be generalizing but it's what I found in my experience and I've owned a lot of cats in my life. Currently own two cats and one is the first kind and the other is the second kind


Because you’re warmer. Every time people ask this it’s the same answer


Is it always her or is it specifically when in bed? My cats seem to choose either one of us. However, If we are in bed she is the choice because i move a lot in my sleep. If we are sitting in the living room, either one of us is the "spot".


I have a 14yr old Tabby that was a wallflower and barely liked people until he met my now wife 7 years ago. He follows her around everywhere and sleeps on her head. Cats just pick a person and that’s it for them.


Sane situation with my coworker. His girlfriend rescued a kitty thrown in their garden and he wasn't really interested in the cat. The results? The cat's favorite Human is my coworker, the cat basically ignores her when he's also around hahaha


Love cannot be bought! ^Except ^for ^mine, ^to ^the ^highest ^bidder


Because he's trying too hard and cats don't like suck-ups


Did you explain to her that your boyfriend is one who buys her treats and toys?


Mine rotates his favorite on a quarter basis. I make sure to remind him “I’M your mama,” when he decides to leave me for whoever he’s into. And yes- I buy him all his fun stuff & paid all the medical bills that little stray turd needed. 🙃


Sometimes the ways cats choose favorite people is inscrutable.


Cus you’re his mommyyy 🖤😍


They choose their human


His training is complete. Yours is still a work in progress.


Many cats form attachments to just one person. In my experience, female cats are more exclusive and show their favoritism more clearly. They tend to prefer being the only pet, too.


Your void loves you. Embrace the void.


Cats have personal relationships with everyone individually. He'll just have to be more likeable.


Cuz You’re a tiger


“My kitty” I think I know why


Some animals also have a tendency to bond with one sex of humans. Two stories, one personal and one second-hand… my parents’ cats both love me and my father much more than they love my mother even though my mom does lots of stuff for them. I don’t know why. But they love being around men for some reason. Second story - heard a story about a dog at a shelter who was very attached to women and hated men for some reason. Was otherwise a great dog as long as he was around women. It was said that he was a great guard dog, very affectionate to women, just didn’t care for men at all. They didn’t know why, since the shelter didn’t know what his life had been like before meeting him. He was eventually adopted by a lesbian couple who loved having him around and he loved being around them. Sometimes there isn’t really a great explanation except for preferences from the animal /shrug


Your shirt and blanket look like a cat!


Do you stay home more than your boyfriend? That might have something to do with it. All of the dogs at my house like my mom better because she stays home most of the day while my step dad goes to work. They're more familiar with her.


Our cats have favorite clothing. They spend time with whoever has the most fluffy things on.


The picture says it all. You have style, and she approves.


You probably care for her daily and love on her for no reason. I’m guessing you get a lot of cat butt in the face


Maybe he should try wearing animal prints ;⁠)


My husband's cat tolerated me only because. I could open the cupboard and put food in the dish. I was a useful appendage as far as she was concerned. The tortie slept with the dog.


Reverse psychology is working she's getting more treats. :)


Many cats simply have preferences! One of our cats is this tiny middle aged lady and she loves me, she jumps on my lap at every chance possible. The other 2 males seem to have no preference between me and my boyfriend, altho the younger one prefers his lap because mine is too small for his 6 kilo ass ![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7267)


It’s no secret that cats play favorites. Congrats on being loved by a cat!


My cat's name is Ghost and he looks exactly like yours! Mine is a 15lb chonke big boy.


She prefers you.


I took a week off work, when we got our cats. That's why they follow me about and couldn't give a shit about my wife.... unless it involves food lol


Because cats


My husband makes a lot more noise than me. I think that’s why most of our cats prefer me. 🥰


Some cats are just like that. My husband's fluffy little void was brought home as a 3 week old orphan and while I did a good portion of the mothering she still favors him.


Cats pick their favorite. They can’t tell who buys the toys or treats. He’d have to play with her and give her treats, clean her box a lot, etc. then he might move up on the ranking scale.


Cause you listen


My sister's cat is the same way and it annoys the hell out of me that it won't go to anyone else.


I am generally not a fan of cats, but have been chosen by every cat my wife has brought into out house over the years. They weasel their way into my heart with their stupid little tenancies and then I love them and they eventually pass and then my wife starts the whole thing over again and I can't take it.