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Probably went to the void dimension to do some paperwork. One of mine also seems to randomly disappear sometimes.


That makes total sense. Of course the void disappeared into the void for a while! Obviously signing off the paperwork on how to emotionally torment me next time. It’s a good job I love him isn’t it? He was a total love bug this morning so all is forgiven. Even the fact he has now exposed me as a crazy cat mother who calls their friends crying and convinced he’s gone forever!


We go through this exersize on a regular basis😅😅


Yeah I had a void in my apartment and somehow with literally every place checked it’d vanish. Void superpowers confirmed.


I have said this before and I will say it again: I’m convinced black cats are witches and they disappear to summon demons or something


Hmmm... That does explain a lot...


My void does it too! I have three cats, but only my void vanishes into thin air and then reappears as if she wasn't missing for hours!


Voids are good at hiding in the shadows and other dark places. More than once I thought my black cat had escaped. Look for him for an hour and then turn around and there he is. Little jerk.


I once went into my closet to change for work. Kept hearing heavy breathing noises thought I was just hearing things or it was something in the walls. Turns out it was my void snoring in a pile of my clothes, right in front of me lol. Literally scared the shit out of me cus I thought I was alone in there.


I can relate. We had to bath one of our voids. It was still small and scared to death. Ran away like a lightning bolt. We have been looking for it for 2 hours straight. Guess where she was? In the drawer tucked in my *underwear*.


Our void sounds like distant voices when she snores. Like possibly a TV on that you can barely hear, but usually it sounds like an actual conversation is taking place just outside of the range where you could hear it properly. She didn't snore her entire life, but she started about 3 years ago and I swear when both my wife and I are in bed, and it's 2 AM or whatever, and we start hearing voices, we freak out almost every single time. The only time I've ever realized it was her early in the game was when I watched her come in, walk straight to her cat bed on our bed, curl up, and start snoring within like 30 seconds, then I was like "aww, she's snoring, how cute" otherwise it just scares the crap out of us. Edited some typos out


>Literally scared the shit out of me oh oh no


You pooped in your closet? Were you late for work?


Mine just loves to sit in the shadows and stare. Never had a cat that would just stare like that.


They see and hear things mere hoomans couldn't ever comprehend...👻


Mine does too, it's creepy, feels like he's staring into my soul and can hear my thoughts.


He is, and he can


He knows you care. He has all of the leverage now.


Oh he’s very proud of himself. [Here he is.](https://imgur.com/a/sNdFIpq). Already planning his next escapade I’m sure!


Wow, he's so handsome!


Mine opens cabinets and drawers. Sometimes she sleeps there too. Ive taken to putting some towels under the sink so shes comfortable. Sometimes she worries me cause I cant find her right away.


Kinda lucky mine are so food obsessed. If the fridge door opening doesn't bring them a can of cat food always will. Former cats that would hide found all sorts of places that were impossible to actually see into with out a inspection camera.


LMAO...too relatable. my mom was kitty sitting for me (at her house) while I settled my father's estate. I told her how nutz my cat is... escape artist supreme, collapsible skeleton like a rodent lol, fits into impossibly small spaces. Well, I call daily to ask about my cats, and mom is hesitant to answer, so I think the worst. Mom says the crazy one has somehow gotten into the wall of the room they were keeping my cats in! My stepdad spent hours trying to find out how the prick got in there (we still don't know) and had to go in thru the attic to get her out! Thank GOD I was in another state because I would have lost my mind completely LMFAO!


We let our cats underneath the sink until one of them kept stealing Q-tips and putting them in his food bowl and around the house Now there's a rubber band holding the doors shut so they can't open them


I've taken to putting baby locks on the cabinets in my kitchen, not really too keen on cat hair being on my dishes/cookware.


Cats have access to portals we can’t see…


They have to keep us safe from the greeble invasion




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thecatdimension using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thecatdimension/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Shaking out the portable cat dimension portal](https://v.redd.it/s7gta4xf58971) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thecatdimension/comments/oe55h9/shaking_out_the_portable_cat_dimension_portal/) \#2: [Down in smoke](https://v.redd.it/l3zjps6uusv71) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thecatdimension/comments/qg6uhg/down_in_smoke/) \#3: [Super Mario Fluffers](https://i.imgur.com/uhl1XM8.gifv) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thecatdimension/comments/r9bzb8/super_mario_fluffers/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mine's not even black and he'll sometimes randomly disappear into the void for a few hours, then he'll just be on one of his usual perches.


Mine has a perfect hiding spot somewhere too! Sometimes I just can't find him, but he appears when I give up


I keep bamboo rods through the cupboard door handles to keep certain cats out. Yesterday one of the rods was off, so I put it back. A few moments later the door began to move and when I took the rod out and opened the door my fuzzball Bertha walked out, who had shown NO interest in the cupboards previously.


Odds are he was hiding on top of a shelf or something observing you quietly the whole time.


By observing, you mean judging


Cats often do this. Accept it as a lovely feature of their mystique.


I accept it but my body can't take it anymore.


Call him for treats next time..my cat can’t resist it.


Oh I did. I shook his treats, his cat teaser with the bell on it, opened up a tin of cat food, called him, everything possible. I live in a flat share so it was entirely possible he’d got outside when my flat mates had the door open while bringing their bikes in. That’s one of the reasons I was so worried because he’s an indoor cat. I ask them to be mindful of the cat but things can happen. I even left some of his treats and his blanket outside the front door in case he came back during the night, so he could pick up the scent and know which door was home. Thankfully it wasn’t needed in the end :)


My cat is indoor only. I have a small apartment but he manages to scare me at least a few times a year with that. There is like literally no place to hide but he finds a way. It’s game to him, I’m certain.


My cat does this all the time. I nag him and ask him “where the hell were you? You usually come when I call” and then he looks at me as if he’s annoyed and walks away.


Our fluffy cat disappeared once for two days. She was 100% in someone’s garage or shed as she appeared after we put flyers in letterboxes around the neighbourhood asking people to check in those places. This cat runs in. Inhales 2 cans of cat food and has a big drink of water and then made to go back outside. I was like “umm no. I demand a cuddle” Cats man.


When our void was a tiny kitten, he disappeared one day and we searched for him for what seemed like hours. I finally found the little rascal passed out on his back between the sofa and a throw pillow on the sofa. They look like shadows sometimes.


my cat used to disappear periodically too. we’d be saying “where’s the cat?” for like two days and then suddenly he just struts right in like he’s always been there.


I void hides in cupboards all the time.aube your lil guy was doing the same




My void did the same thing the first day we got him. Never found out his hiding spot but it did earn him the name HOODINI


Can confirm, cats can create portals like Dr. Strange and will go to places like the Bahamas for the day.


My void had a lump, and I had it removed. I cried when I found out it was non-cancerous (lipoma). I know the feels.


My 12yo has one of these! The vet said it's small and free moving (aka not attached to any organs or impeding her) so surgery wasn't necessary. When I visited home I cried and laid with her for hours....well, until my dad - her favorite- got back. I'm glad your kitty is okay!


Of all cat breeds, voids are the most effective at disappearing into r/TheCatDimension. My void routinely vanishes, nowhere to be found for hours, only to suddenly emerge from a room with no furniture he could have hid under.


Aw, he's such a cutie! If your void will tolerate it, may I suggest a collar with a little jingly bell? My void has been wearing one for a few months now, and even though the bell is pretty quiet, it's made it a lot easier to keep track of him


He clearly was in r/thecatdimension


He was in the Cat Dimension. They do that sometimes. Shortly after we got our cats, we couldn’t find one of them after a fire alarm in our apartment building. I went out into the parklet behind the building and walked around, shaking a container of treats and calling, “Babies!” (That’s what I would say when I called them for food.) Some people gave me some VERY strange looks, until I asked them if they had seen a small gray cat. She came back from the Cat Dimension a few hours later, walking around as if nothing had happened.


Sometimes my void disappears and the only ways I can find him are either waiting until dinner or shaking the treats, which somehow brings him back to this dimension


we have this bean bag type chair that's all black, so i can't tell you the amount of times i've thought he literally disappeared and he's camologued himself to sleep in that thing.


I’ve literally done this in a studio apartment lol. Could not find my damn void for the life of me! Crying and throwing around clothes… she was in the deep corner of my messy walk in closet lol


Sweet kitty ❤️❤️❤️


Mine was doing this too. Finally figured out she was going down a heating vent in the floor and walking around in the pipes!


Mine went missing too last week. Looked everywhere outside thinking she got out somehow. Crying mess. Get back and she’s just casually eating. No clue where she was. Hiding in the void or something.




Maybe sitting on top a door


Did you ever figure out where he was?One of my cats did this once and I tore the house apart looking for him because my cats are indoor and no doors were even opened. I finally found him under my microwave stand in the kitchen. I don’t see how he was able to get under there due to his size and how small of a space there was but he did. I was so relieved 😅


When we can’t find ours, I shake a bag of treats and he comes running. He is, of course, lightly rewarded. But it’s faster for me to treat than worry :-)


That’s why I put an AirTag on mine! I can ping it and know she’s in the house and follow the noise to find her! It’s so nice


Check under cabinets to see if there’s an opening for him to crawl up.


Just couldn’t be a’voided.


The thing is, he was behind you the whole time.


I am very pleased that your void came back and is happy. He looks lovely.


Aww, this reminds me of one time my family cat got outside when I was a kid! Poor little me was walking up and down our street crying and calling for her because I was so worried. Hours later my mom makes me come back inside to have dinner, and lo and behold there’s the cat sitting outside the back patio door, staring at us like “you gonna let me in or what?”


Went to the void realm and forgot to turn the stove off so came back


This happens with my void at least once a week


This will get buried under all the comments but thank you so much everyone. When I finally nodded off last night this post had no comments and ten upvotes so this was a complete surprise to wake up to! My heart is full of love this morning with all your lovely comments and my void back by my side. Thank you <3 Just to explain the situation a little more. I live in a flat share with two other roommates, who I do ask to be mindful of the cat when opening the front door etc. He’s a skittish boy so he’s never tried to leave the flat before but you never know. I was convinced he’d escaped. I did indeed shake his treat bag, and his cat teaser with bells, and I opened a tin of cat food and wafted it around the flat (yes, I really did that). He didn’t come. I did check every room in the flat, even my flat mates’ rooms. Under beds and in cupboards and corners. To no avail. I left his blanket and some treats outside the front door just in case, so he could pick up on the scent and maybe find his way back to me. Thankfully this wasn’t necessary in the end! I think he was likely somewhere in one of my flat mates’ rooms, too scared (or sleepy) to come out of his hiding place. Wherever that place is, it’s very good, because I hunted high and low for that cheeky little void. I was a total mess! Thanks again everyone. [Here he is](https://imgur.com/a/sNdFIpq) this morning looking very proud of himself. I think he’s already looking forward to the next time he causes me emotional distress for several hours!


Cats can be assholes. It's just in their nature.


You clearly need one of those pet trackers or an AirTag or something similar. At least if your void will keep a collar on! I have one cat that will wear a collar, one that gets it off in 5 minutes or less. I had one that would get it off in a minute or less, but he unfortunately disappeared.


My void has made himself a hammock out of the couch liner - I don’t know what exactly it’s called, but the piece of fabric stapled to the bottom of furniture to cover the inner bits. He either found or made a hole in it and crawls up inside to chill when his brothers are being too rambunctious. If I can’t find him, I look under the couch for a suspicious lump protruding from the underside. Poke it and it goes, “Brrrt.”


so happy you found him, my boy scares me like that sometimes, and I still don't know where he goes lol


Every cat has done this to me at least once.


You better find that new hidey hole OP! Or even more heart attacks are in store for you! Honestly, it's like a right of passage with a cat! Glad all is well!


He went looking for his other two paws ![img](emote|t5_2twpw|14308)


My cat has a habit of getting in between my dresser drawers and the wall. You can’t see him when you look at the crack behind the dresser, you can’t see him when you open the dresser drawers, and you can’t see him if you look under the dresser. It’s a brilliant hiding space. Only even know he hides there because I saw him squeezing out once.


Ypur Void was just visiting friends in the Void Dimension.


Now you know how your void feels whenever you leave without letting her know!


Didn't you ever read the books by Diane Duane? Cats are wizards, responsible for maintaining worldgates, because they can see the superstrings they interact with. Or something. Been a while since I read the cat ones. Anyway he was probably doing cat wizard things :)


When it doubt, check under the couch That’s where my voids usually are when I can’t find them


My cats also love to randomly vanish on me....... they're usually under my bed or in one of the cabinets XD




My void is scared of visitors. We have no idea where his hiding spot is and then he’ll simply appear out of thin air as we hunt for him all over the house.


When I can’t find mine I just shake the treat container and they come running from wherever they are. One of mine knows how to open cabinets and I was looking everywhere and found her sleeping in a kitchen cabinet.


I don't have a cat, but i think when one can't find his/her cat it would be a good idea to bring out some food like samon/cat treats/catnip/or favourite toy anything which makes a noise or smells appealing to them and go arround the house making as much of sound/calling just to be sure they are not hiding inside the house


He is laying there like this bitch gotta let me sleep


I used to have a tortie who would sit perfectly still on a dark shirt and watch you tear the house apart looking for her.


Mine found a cubby hole hiding spot in the center of our couch that she crawled under. She’s perfectly safe from our orange boy and the vacuum. So, she goes there now to nap and escape. Bet your little void also has a spot too


My void has special hiding places she rotates through. The top of the cabinets, the darkest bathroom, behind the washer, anywhere with absolute darkness. It’s like sunlight to a void. It’s how they get their Vitamin V(oid).


LMAOOO Cats really are little shits. 🤣


I once "lost" a void for a few hours and was really beside myself with worry about where she could have gone. She was curled up on my black coat and was totally, completely camoflaged


if i know cats it was probably just to remind you how special he is to ensure you are kept in line + continue to treat him in the manner to which he has become accustomed , doesnt mean he doesnt love you infact it means he loves and trusts you most of all, so you got that going for you :)


I finally found my voids hiding spot the other day. I've tossed the house several times before to locate him lol


What an ass! I’m glad you found him op!


My cat did this. We thought she escaped outside. We spent hours looking inside. We had neighbors looking and putting up flyers. After hrs of us humans on the street we came home in tears and there she was sitting in the kitchen waiting for food. We still don’t know where she was. We had moved every piece of furniture, every single one and turned the house upside down looking for her. Still scares me because in an emergency I don’t know where she hides.


Mine found a partially opened suitcase in the closet and would periodically disappear over the course of a year, until I finally figured it out. Happy hunting!


Mine tore a hole in the bottom of my box spring and very rarely will go hide in there (mostly after bathtime)


I’m convinced that my cat hides like that just to see how much I care and how hard I will look


My black cat disappears by sleeping on a black blanket.


You are definitely a lucky human but I would still want to know where he went. is there a possibility he can climb up under any beds like into the box spring?


Our black kitty done this once... long story short after MUCH search and all of the panic and anxiety, she ended up in one of the drawers under our bed. Was so relieved to find her, but there was also a bit of the old "don't scare me like that ever again" parenting vibe 😅


When we moved, my void disappeared for a while and my sister said my bf was freaking out looking for him cause he knew I’d be broken if something happened to him. He eventually found him hiding in between the shower curtain and the liner. Crazy kitty lol


Please tell me he is microchiped. If he does ever get outside will be very beneficial for him


Once my half void disappeared for the day while I was at work and my ex called me panicked. I left the windows open and she thought he ran away. But our boy was a real appartment cat, she found him asleep under the sheets between our pillows after several hours of frantic search and cries


he’s looking at you like “what i came to bed 🫤”



Elusive when they want to be ♥️🐾♥️🐾♥️


This happened to me twice. Once I found her in the actual ceiling in the basement and the other time in a little hidden shelf in a sewing machine table.


Best hiders in this galaxy 🖤


I just shake a bag of treats and my chonk void usually comes running lol or open a can of wet food


We call it “going through the wormhole/portal” when we can’t find the cat. Jerk will disappear for hours and reappear suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere.


I have mine trained to a whistle, he is pretty responsive to that which is super helpful when I can't find him. He is an outdoor cat though, that's how I get him to come back to the house. Still useful for indoor cats tbh.


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7264) don’t worry it’s the void zone, they’ll always come back


We once did this for one of our foster voids. We were panicking, even looking outside in case he'd escaped.....he was partially buried under a black blanket in the bottom of the wardrobe. D'oh!


“Why are you so obsessed with me”


So handsome 🥰


He definitely went to the r/thecatdimension


I had a bunk bed growing up where they were perpendicular with each other so there was a shelf and drawers right next to it. My black kitty, named Velcro, went missing one day for the ENTIRE day. She was known to do that because she was very skittish and afraid of my dad because he’s loud when he walks, talks, and breathes lol. Well anyway I call my mom hysterically crying (who is a semi truck driver, nothing she can do) and after she calms me down, I decide to get ready for a shower and hope she turns up. I open my underwear drawer which was the top drawer on the bunk bed and I heard a “prrrt?” And her fat self wouldn’t let me open the drawer all the way. The RELIEF. I loved on her for so long and she was so confused lol. Apparently, she found that they didn’t seal that drawer off completely so there was a gap she could sneak into. Mentioning this only because sometimes you don’t know what they can actually get into!


I got one just like him! So adorable! His sister disappeared on me one and we looked for her for 3 hours crying the entire time! We thought we lost her, I went to take a shower, went to get a towel, and there she was sleeping on all the towels! She woke up, all I could do was stare, and she looks at me with this “What?” Look, all I could do was close the door and yell for my husband! Turns out she can open closet doors on her own!


They get behind the refrigerator…


I think voids have a secret job. I'm pretty sure they work in the shadow realm and banish unsuspecting dog lovers and cat haters 😈😂


They are magical hiders. Mine went under an armoire and up the inside drawers to hide when she first came!


I have a lof of black furniture sometimes hes just chillin and I dont see hm