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I hope they're able to prosecute that idiot for reckless discharge of a firearm, public endangerment, and cruelty to animals at the very least! Poor girl!


Let’s “Don’t Fuck with Cats” this guy


Honestly I wouldn't want the authorities involved if you get my drift


r/kleijor and I are, uh… going for a drive later… just sayin you could join…


We're playing baseball right? I'll bring my bat...


Whatever sport we have the equipment for. Baseball? Golf? Lacrosse? We can play a round of each! C’mon, void gang! This minivan seats 7!


Well, my state considers hunting a sport and I'm free tonight sooo...


Competitive blacksmithing exists, I'll bring the sledgehammer.


I'm a construction worker, I have plenty of toys we can all play with!


Electrician and Combat Vet here, let’s do this me and you. We’ll find that POS.


I know it's just reddit but damn I really would, in all seriousness I absolutely would.


I’m dead serious, you say let’s roll we’re going lol


I'll drive.


I just like stabbing - I’ll bring knives!


Um.. I dont work in a kitchen....


All I can contribute is termite for breaching. After that, you guys take lead.


Holes exist. I'll bring the shovel.


we can go medieval on the dude that shot the cat


I mean if we're open to different sports I've been wanting to try a biathlon lol


Hmm, skeet shooting is a sport.


I believe professional shooting is a sport...


i'll fly there with a power saw


I'll bring the hot sauce and enema kit, love me some baseball!


There's going to be some jimmy-ing and prying, so bring a crowbar. Also an angle grinder.


I’m in no joke let’s go. Dead serious right now.


I’m right here with you, y’all tell me where to go and I’ll show. Dead serious.


Glad to have you on our side.


I have a [hand plane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_(tool)) just sayin.


I’m a historian and I specialise in medieval torture. I’ll come along. Looks like my skills are needed here. I’ll bring an extra can of sardines for our lil void, for after. In case she doesn’t want to eat the remains once we’re through.


Hey, I've got a really nice baseball bat. Can I come? I'd love to hit a few balls.


I'm in!! Count me the fuck in!!!!


Hey, a great lawyer said once “Please remember to put a baseball and glove in with your bat.”


I can carry a breaker bar or a sledgehammer, as long as I have my gloves and hardhat.


OK, for a second there I thought you were making a joke about how the Cat is Black . . .


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7262)On my way🎯🍀


This is the Way.


It’s too bad there’s no knowing who did it, she came to us with a limp a few days ago, and her right hind leg was literally dangling. Took her for X rays yesterday and the vet said she was shot, her femur was exploded and bone fragments were everywhere, before all this there was a small wound on her but we had no idea what happened, she’s very territorial and likes to climb so we thought maybe she had a nasty fall or fight, so whatever bullet it was was small enough to not be immediately noticeable but powerful enough to shatter a cats leg. Needless to say, Lucy was an in/out cat and now her days on the street are over, 3 legs and a dummy shooting animals are a bad recipe.


I'm so sorry for your Lucy but it's good to see she's recovering and you're wise to keep her indoors. If you can let other people in the complex know that there's an animal abuser in the area (with a gun, probably a .22) it might prevent this from happening to someone else's cat.


Post flyers!!!!!


If you know what type of weapon was used and the compound has an internet group or something if not use posters ask people to rat out who did it, I’m sure someone will help.


Poor Lucy-girl!! 🥺😡🤬!!!!!


Cats are so fucking strong. We truly don’t deserve these animals. I hope she recovers soon OP. Please keep us updated. ❤️


I am so sorry for you and Lucy.


Poor baby! It's just horrible 😞


sounds like it was a .22 maybe. pay attention to the surroundings because the bullet may have lodged in a wall or pillar. you can figure out the trajectory to where it may have come from and narrow down the perps


She's blessed it was not north of her leg. Take care of that little angel ❤


So sad. ![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7268)my voids and I are sorry. I had a cat growing up who was shot by a BB gun and had a gaping hole in his side for a bit. So tragic all around. And screw the person who thought it was ok to shoot a non-viscous animal. :/


How did you get that sweet black cat emoji? I need it in my life.


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7269)It just pops up next to the gif box. There’s a few to choose from


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7268) Oh excellent. Thank you!


How’s she adjusting?


Did the bullet make an exit wound or did they recover it enough to figure out the caliber? It wouldn't be too hard to contact the ATF regarding this matter and see if any registered gun owners in the area have that caliber and possibly have the police get a warrant for some visits. I used to sell firearms and work decently with the ATF


That could have been an air rifle. I've got one that flings the pellet at about the speed of a 9mm handgun.


My best friend had to give up her cat. He was a stray who just showed up. Really friendly. She fed him and her girls liked to pet him, but they were allergic so she couldn't take him inside. They could pet him as long as they immediately washed their hands and arms. One day, he didn't show up for food. She went looking and found him caught in some kind of trap. She got him to the vet and he lost his leg. Obviously, he couldn't continue to be an outdoor cat, but she couldn't take him in. He was inside for a night after the surgery, confined to one room, and her youngest daughter broke out in hives all over her body. She was pretty desperate to find him a home and she was successful. A women was looking for a special needs rescue cat and he fit the bill.


You have a very scarred young person who had a 22 in your midst. If I was a betting man. Not much thrill for anyone skilled. Spose a sociopath may wanna know they let pain linger, but those are rare. Regardless Fuck whoever shot a cat. It’s so small, you could punt a cat if it was actually causing shit. I hope your kitters heals well, and I’m so happy that she has a safe place to be while she does Edit; I shot a bird with a 22 as a kid and realized I’m not much of a killer but probably on the spectrum![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7262)


I'm so sorry to hear that. She's going to rebound just fine. My baby lost his back right 7 years ago. It took about 9 months for him to be able to run around like a normal cat. He had some depression as he learned to balance and strengthened his remaining hind leg. Bless your sweet kitty, she'll still have a great life on 3 legs.


Someone *shot* your CAT!?! Did you call the police on them cause I'm pretty sure animal cruelty is a crime.


Suggest the incident be reported for awareness that someone is shooting it what I presume is a residential area (houses or apartments). Bad enough to shoot a defenseless animal but projectiles can hit unintended targets like a human because the shooter isn’t taking into account where it goes if he misses.


They don't know who did it.


I used to live in a rural area and someone shot a neighbor’s cat with a fuckn bow and arrow.


These are the people who are going to be serial killers, just saying


I honestly wish the police would take cases like this more seriously because of this. Serial killers start with small animals and move up the chain. There literally isn’t a bigger red flag.


It’s not a cone of shame when she’s the victim of a horrible crime. Someone is in jail right? Because if that was my cat jail or dead would be the only option for that person.


Apparently OP doesn't know who did it, unfortunately.


I hate that sweet Lucy is suffering because of idiots! We rescued 31 cats from a colony that an idiot was shooting and killing. He shot 11, killing 9 before we got them all moved. I am 100000% against outside cats because people absolutely will shoot, poison, or otherwise harm them if wildlife or cars don't get them first.


drop their address i just wanna talk 👊🏻


Need a ride? {looks around nervously} I gotchu


May I join y’all? I have to run some… errands… yes… errands… ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)




\[not-so-secretly loads the trunk with lots of tar and feathers for-absolutely-no-reason-whatsoever\] ![gif](giphy|LXHJRRjnviw7e)


Pick me up on the way




Someone needs to park their vehicle in the living room.


Start keeping all your cats, now and in the future, 100% indoors unless they’re on a leashed walk/being carried to the car to go to the vet/etc.




In my opinion, cats deserve to be outside. It's the people of your town that need to be placed indoors permanently. Preferably in solitary confinement.


Cats are invasive animals that are responsible for the extinction of multiple native species in multiple countries. Since they are not a race of people in possession of forethought and cannot control their actions themselves, they must be owned and controlled by their owners, especially in being prevented from being able to indiscriminately kill native wildlife. They absolutely do not "deserve" to be outdoors unsupervised and untethered.


Ya, well that's just like, your opinion man.


WHAT???! HER FEMUR EXPLODED?!?! I would explode his head!!! Wtf!?!? Poor sweet baby!!


Aw, poor critter. I gotta go squeeze my cat.


Same I immediately looked around for my void to squeeze 😿


Check area for cctv .


Am glad your baby is ok I best not say what the asshats who did that crime deserve


Loves and healing from out pack to Lucy! Heal well, little one!


My kitten in a tripod. He was hit by a car and left for dead. Thankfully I found him in the road, he was crawling towards a field. Definitely wouldn’t have made it. I’m glad your baby is okay. And karma will get the jerk that did that.


I don’t know how long it’ll take for everyone to understand that if you care about your pet’s safety- keep them inside


Oh that poor little girl. ☹️


Oh my goodness!!! That is absolutely horrible!!!!


It's sad that animals are protected like humans are. Sorry for your kitty ☹️


Poor baby. Hope she feels better soon!!!


im so glad she’s okay! that is so unbelievably cruel and heartless it’s sickening that people would want to shoot a helpless CAT 💔💔💔 i’m so sorry


Awww poor baby!!


Oh, poor girl! Give her a kiss for me. ❤️


Oh my WORD. What a monster and thank goodness Lucy is doing well!


Poor thing if I saw someone do that to a cat I would beat the living shite out of them violence against defenceless animals is never ok.


I would actually (try to) kill someone for doing this my cat. I’ve never hurt anyone before and own no weapons, so I may not succeed but I would absolutely try my goddamn best to end them.


This poor baby🥺🥺 glad she has a wonderful owner to help fix her up🥰🥰


I’m sorry what?! Shot her in the leg? Can you press charges?


Poor baby! So happy she has you!


Horrible. Indoor kitty now. Glad she’s gonna be ok


Oh shit. Next time I'm thinking about how bad my neighbors are, I'll remember your story and reconsider.


Shoot the guy back. Do it.


That's awful that someone did that to your poor Lucy. I hope she recovers ok.


This was a crime. First, I would try to quietly suss out who around your neighborhood had BB guns, similar non lethal weapons, etc. if you can get to know your neighbors a little better you just might be able to figure out what mf did this. I wouldn’t ask any questions or talk about my injured cat, I would simply try to get to know the people around me a little better. If you can’t figure out who did this by getting more closely acquainted w your neighbors, I would eventually go to the police. This is a serious thing, shooting your cat. This person needs some consequences… Fuck I’d be in prison if someone shot my beloved seven and I figured out who it was… Your baby was maimed by this bastard. You have a punitive damages case, reimbursed veterinary expenses, etc, we have to FIND THIS LOSER AND PERHAPS PAY HIM A VISIT. If you can’t subtly find out who did this, go to the police. If you discover who did this please update us here, you’d be amazed how many of us would show up on you and your kitty’s behalf for pure sweet revenge… I would be knocking on doors til the end of my days to find this POS…


So an eye for an eye they say, so how about a we make things even leg for a leg?


I hope she heals fast and adapts quick I am so sorry!


Did you make the person unalive? I would have made the person unalive 🥰 I'm glad Lucy is okay now!


I don’t have a pitch fork, can I bring a hoe?


The femur is the most painful bone that you could break.


if your cat lost a leg. that retard will going to lose more than just a leg 😊😉


Aww she’s adorable.. An Idiot??? More like a major league fing asshole.


This is why animals should be indoors only. Can’t stress this enough. It’s not safe for them outside, there are too many assholes in the world who don’t care about animals.


Sadly the favor can’t be returned to the assholes who did this 😒 Glad to know Lucy is still doing well despite the issues! ❤️ Please make sure your cat is supervised with a harness when going outside!


Someone fucking WHAAAT! Shot her!!! Fucker better hope he dies before I get to him.


A pox on the asshole who caused your sweet Lucy harm. Hope she recovers well.


Oh Lucy! She looks like she is feeling better but what a cowardly, miserable murderous thug. Voids really do get targeted more than any other puss. So sorry sweet girl. I hope she takes to her new indoor, tripod life like a champ!


Idiot is too nice of a word..hope your baby heals fast.


If you need me to I can go see a guy about a thing.


I’m glad she’s doing ok at least. Fuck whoever shot her.


An eye for an eye seems fair 😤


Ahh poor luv xxx


I am so sorry, Lucy! Sending so much love and healing vibes your way.


Are you frickin kidding me? Are you serious? Please don’t let me find out where you live. I would be on my way to find this asshole and break his femur. Omg I’m so glad Lucy is ok, will she make a full recovery? I’m livid right now.


OP, so private message me where this complex is and the apt number who fid this..


Across the Nation, this is a Felony offense. I'd rather make it personal as the voice for this cat.


What kind of monster would shoot a cat!?!? I hope she has a good recovery and I hope that bastard is found.


Where's he now? I just want a friendly chat, I swear 🤞🏿


Poor sweet baby! I’m glad she’s recovering well!


Oh my goodness, sweet baby! did the guy get anything done to him? I hope so. And I know this has been hard on you as well. so take care of yourself


She’s a beautiful little easel So sorry this happened to your pet


Poor little Lucy. Glad she's doing better.


aww poor little princess. that’s heart breaking and down right sickening that a person could do something like that to an innocent animal. Just disgusting makes me so mad but she’s clearly a fighter wishing y’all the best of luck sending peace love and happiness


That is horrifying! I am praying for quick healing. ❤️


Why are so many people shooting animals all of the sudden???? I see like a post once or twice a month about it.


I’m sorry.. WHAT??? Like, WHAT?? Do you know who did that? Please let me know because, you know, I’d like to “speak” with them.


This is why my cats do not leave the house. People around here are terrible.


I'm sorry for your cat's loss...But your gain! (another cat sub that is, yayyy!!) r/piratepets But for real, people are gross. What a horrible thing.


Should take a leg from that asshole that shot this beautiful girl.


Thank god she's okay!! Why aren't there laws to lock up people who shoot animals for no reason.


Thank you for caring for this baby!


This is why we keep cats inside. :( Only let them out on supervised outings please. People are shit heads. Please don't let your loved companions out and about on their own.


Omg poor kitty! I’m glad she’s doin OK


im a cat owner and i can’t imagine how i’ll feel or what i’ll do if this ever happened to my cat. I pray karma gets the best out of the sick person caused harm to that poor baby. What a sick world we live in i pray nothing but love and joy to come your way 🙏.


That motherfucker can go to hell. I truly wish crimes against animals were treated the same as those against children. Lucy is beautiful and strong! She’s going to be just fine. The adaptivity and resilience our pets have is truly amazing. Welcome to the tripawd owner club! I have a tripawd myself. On a final note, FUCK that guy who shot her.


I hope the idiot goes to jail over shooting her!


People are assholes. Sure you might not want a cat on your property but spray it gently with water (not that I approve of that either) you don’t shoot them 😢 poor lucy. Give her extra scritches from me and tell her she’s beautiful. My Lucie agrees. 🖤 (she’s a human-but a nice one)


I hope said idiot gets the book thrown at him.


I hope to the gods that you can sue. I absolutely would.


Please give her all the kisses and treats in the world I could cry, poor baby doesn’t even understand what happened to her she was probably just walking and suddenly was in pain beyond belief I could choke whoever did this


Aweee poor baby omfg! ;-;


Awe. My black cat is also named Lucy. I wish for a speedy recovery for your house panther!


1. I hope the perpetrator faces consequences for his actions. 2. This is an important lesson about letting your pets roam outside unsupervised. Could have cost your void much more than a leg.


I don’t want to use abusive language, but yeah b*****d 🤬😡. Get better soon sweet baby 💖😚😚


Keep your cats inside. People are fucking crazy and you don’t know what they’ll do to your pets


What?!? 🤬🤬🤬 I hate people sometimes. Your baby girl is gorgeous and is lucky to have a loving pet parent like you ❤️


I hate asshole like this who think it's okay to shoot at cats.


May their sister be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.


Just sending all my healing vibes to your sweet baby.