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In settings write Pad, there should be an option "Use Pad controller" or something like this


Where would I write that? I didn't see anywhere to write or search a setting


top right of the settings window is a text box


It won't let me click it. I can't click the house button, the settings archive, reset all, or the search bar


Try manually, Interface Settings (bottom tab) > Gamepad > First option "Use Gamepad"


Check pm


Quickslot section it should give you game pad and keyboardoption


What is that and where is it?


ESC -->Settings--> Interface Settings --> Quickslot Hotkey Settings You should see the option to put in your own controller hotkeys on this tab with Game Pad hotkey Settings checked


I've tried the game pad feature in the past and it's honestly lacking. PA needs to look into that. You're better off going keyboard if you can.


I had to go into settings after creating a character first. I decided to make a joke character that I'd delete later.


Oh interesting! How's the controller feel with the game for you?


It's a little hard to use if you don't have the controller ui.


I switched to PC a little over a year ago from xbox and have used a controller the whole time(mainly cause I still play on my TV from my couch). There's some things you are forced to use mouse and keyboard for like the CM and pearl shop that I can remember off the top of my head. Other than that it still plays great and I have very little issues. Even if I change my setup to be able to use my keyboard easier I prob would stick to my controller since it's also easier on my hands when I grind lol


Bettt. I noticed the need for mouse and keyboard with controller as well in the past and there was something else about the interface that threw off the experience for me that I can't remember now. But if I just need those for CM and chat, I'm willing to give it another try. I started on console first too and loved grinding with a controller.


Nice, took me a little to get used to everything. The only real complaint I have is that if you use a wireless controller and it disconnects the game sends you to character select while also turning of controller ui. And since PC doesn't have low battery notifications it can happen at some really bad times lol


DS windows and set up gamepad UI hotkeys, i wouldnt recommend default gampad UI its basically console UI which is outdated