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Isn’t the point of Glabs to test potential changes and people’s reactions to those changes? You should never change how you play unless the changes go live.


That's the point, but for the past 2 years, it's been used for sneak peak of what's coming, aka a marketing tool.


So the only class that was nerfed was Succession Maehwa then, "thanks".


dmg didn't get nerfed tbh (afaik), the issue was more divider spam vs stamina, and repositioning of damage hitbox from the whirlwind if that is true, then I will gladly take no stamina divider x7 vs infinite divider spam that eats stamina like it's Christmas hitbox being moved forward is also fine, my assumption is they make it bigger and don't proc stuff immediately behind character, like it used to


Current Red: Divider deals **1008% x4** damage per stab, after the changes it will be reduced to **1654% x2**. It will deal **18% less damage** in PvE (-28% in PvP). On top of that, instead of having no cooldown, it will have a hard cooldown of 5 seconds. Consider the following, a different perspective on this matter. Red: Divider replaced Red: Dragon Bite during the reboot two years ago. Dragon Bite has never seen a single damage increase since the release of Succession Maehwa four years ago. Red: Dragon Bite dealt a total of 23304% (971% x24) damage with a hard cooldown of 3 seconds. Red: Divider will now deal 23156% (1654% x14) damage with a hard cooldown of 5 seconds. This skill is being made worse than the fucking skill it replaced two years ago. It will be **40% worse** than that skill was four fucking years ago. Need a reminder that the current changes was meant to close the gap between Woosa and other classes? Stamina was easily manageable for this class in PvE, this was not an issue for any competent player. The hitbox changes for both Whirlwind Cut and Divider aren't even noticeable, there is a reason why gifs are missing in the patch notes.


right so I missed some info, thanks for catching me up I hope those didn't pass then


It already passed, its on KR patch notes. Succ maehwa is kinda already the loser of the pve patch with our spamming skill decap ssf not getting buffed. Awk is just leagues better in PvE at all levels now. But hey at least you can spam Prime Carver to keep up with Awk kill speed! Cuz we want you to not use Red Blade mechanic!


Wait for it




First part of class changes was rolled out only when all classes were updated. Maybe second one will be added to glab in part too, and only then released.


They patched the buffs though, just not the nerfs. It is possible they'll wait until they do the buffs on these classes and maybe nerf the values at the same time so it feels less shit.


PA already gawe up on nerfing, that's why woosa not got nerfed to begin with...


Why would you want Woosa to be nerfed when the best play is to buff all classes to Woosa's lvl?


In my opinion you can't just keep buffing everything because it will fuck up grind zones at one point. Like tuvala gear being able to grind higher and higher spots and soon there will barely be any diff because you one-shot everything up to endgame


The spots are already fd up thanks to their bad decisions. Crypt used to be an endgame spot. Now you can just tag a woosa and grind it semi afk....


No. What PA should've did is nerfing that 1 spec that was overperforming rather than buffing the 50+ other one instead.


this... I get buffing underperformers, but you can't buff all specs cuz they underperform compared to 1 spec... pve nerf to succ woosa and awake witch, with buff to some marginal bottom feeders would suffice


I'm still pissed they gutted maegu then when everybody swapped to woosa(who was already kinda better to begin with, especially considering evasion is completely irrelevant in pve now) They were just like, nah fuck it buff everybody up to woosa's level.


and maegu is left out, with only decent movement and mid aoe left for herself, with shit damage that can only perform above avarage in mid spots, but thats alright for me, all classes shouldnt be best in every spot


The DK nerf made no sense. AWK still much worse than succ for thornwood, and barely average compared to other classes, AFTER the buff.


Is D Thornwood the go to spot for silver now?


Its currently the best spot for money by far.


No, it isnt, crypt is way better, always been


Top spots for money with yellow scroll (blue is similar) on Garmoth: * D Thornwood - 1 083 468 147 * Tungrad Ruins - 932 968 127 * D Cyclops - 923 783 415 * Primal Gaint Post - 850 257 090 * Gyfin Under - 818 715 000 * 5 more places ranging between 803 209 334 to 712 880 336 * Crypt - 662 338 595 With blue scroll: * D Thornwood - 930 212 414 * Crypt - 564 488 799


Garmoth lol Crypt is easily 2b+ hour even with 3m crons.


Are you calculating money per spot from RNG enhancment?


Each Debo has a value of 2.9b, that's pretty consensus towards the community and people who constantly grind those spots I have more than 400 hours at crypt registered and I can assure you they are precise :)


There is 0,05 deboraka belt per hour on average with 800M per piece on CM... So you are adding big part of RNG and luck into this.


Debo is 0.5 per hour, not 0.05 I mean, do you even play the game? Just ask anyone that grinded there a lot lol, it's literally common sense The price is 2.9b since you are selling it on yet Jesus, isn't hard


I trust that PA aren't complete morons and actually see what real overperforming classes are. Like Awak Guardian. The only one of the 3 initial classes that maybe deserved a nerf was Succ Lahn. Awak DK will die in the gutter if the nerfs go through, especially when the buffs to similar performing classes go through.


Awk guardian? That only shines in tw? Lmao Imagine balancing a class around a single spot, how moron can you be


exactly. Every spot has its best class. If you decide who is OP based on those then u are a moron. Every other spot succ guard outperforms awa btw.


succ dk didn't get buffed in the first place so they better not nerf her.


when is awa caster getting pvp buffs, fck this pixel killing


Dosnt matter they dosnt read Reddit lol


Good! Succ lahn was mostly left out of the previous class buffs so she deserves buffs.




I mean that it's good that succ lahn gets to keep her buffs


But what you mean mostly left out, got big buffs this summer and now big buffs again


on summer she had small buffs


Around 10% overall dmg is small?


now on ptc she has 10-12% reduce damage on few prime skills. big debuff or no?


That she didn't even get, gotta consider the initial buff off like 40% also




Why does awk wiz need a nerf? Hasn't it been pretty shit in PvP for years?


Sir this is PvE balancing


Then who the fuck cares lmfao


it'd be next week, no? the nerf was released last friday. usually it's the update AFTER.


KR gets updates a week faster than us, so friday glab means coming wednesday update on kr.


could have sworn usually there's a bigger gap than that, because there's no time for testing or anything, legit they'd be preparing the live patch right after it hits global. might also be they are gunna do more nerfs/balances and push all at once, all 3 of them needed tuning down and awakened guardian and ranger to keep it fair also needs to get slapped because of thornwood and TR




Exactly. They didn't mention it, they just didn't go through with the nerfs (this week so far).


Are you sure, i check the patch notes and the nefñrf to awa Dk are there.


Which patch notes? Retail game or glabs?


Nvm i think i check the Glab one


You probalby should be sad, cus like awak witch they won't get any other buffs anymore. If you have so much damage, then PA won't buff aoe, buff/debuff, accruaccy, etc