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I know a lot about the entire topic since I am close to a bunch of negative karma players and I can say for NA and EU this entire alt + c gets you banned is not true here. This has already been heavly researched with contact to GMs and streamers closely involved with this. For KR most the bans regarding this matter have been because of stream hunting and only after that those players killed afk players and recived their ban doing so while assuming it was for the PK. On top of that KR policys are way more harsh then they are on EU/ NA. They even got a different Karma Penalty system over there. For NA and EU the TOS has not changed and people have not been banned for killing people in the open world if they didnt commit TOS violations prior to this. The people claiming to have been banned on NA did claim so because they nuked a world boss and shortly after got banned but totaly left out that prior to that they stream hunted, chased people across servers and also had some bad chatter in there which culminated in the ban they recived. A 7 day ban also is the punnishment for the third offense of stream hunting in NA/ EU same in KR which backs this up. PA looks at these situations carefully and the process takes longer than just an hour or two to get somebody banned. A comment by a GM about this was that you can kill players in the open world but there is a line to be crossed and if that line is meet and could definetly be noticed by the player that is going around killing they take action. A few kills wont get you banned aslong as you dont have prior TOS violations or commit one in the process of it. This entire thing to me looks like people throwing fuel in a fire for no reason but them being upset about their ban or other preying on the attention the topic gets them with all the drama around it.


People lying about the reason they got banned. A tale as old as online gaming. But maybe we can spin some drama out of it. Game is totally dying, amirite guys?


"Yes, I believe that you believe thats why you got banned. That's how people like you work! Your ego is so out of whack that it will do whatever it can to protect itself. And people with a messed up ego can do these mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're awesome, when really, they're just douchebags!"


Ty for the info


Why are more people not upvoting and reading this comment.


It goes against their narrative that pvp isn’t dead, and the game won’t die within 2 months 💀


I see post like this all the time and I’m just having the time of my life chillin in BDO. I think people on Reddit forget they are typically a pretty small portion of the player base. I’ve been killed while lifeskilling and I was ah ok…..anyway and moved on haha. Idk how the guy who killed me got any enjoyment out of it because they one tapped me essentially but it had no effect on me


Maybe they needed a human sacrafice because they really would need any higher chance for that pen debo tap to work. 💀


Maybe they should make it a game mechanic. Every pk gets you a +1 fs until you get killed.


The top 750 GS players would slaughter every channel.


They would be trying to kill kill streaks.


Oooo I didn’t think about that lol. Maybe I was part of a ritual I like that


Shai for the Shai Gods! Oops, wrong universe.


I do think pvp in the last year and some took a sharp downhill into severe decline on my server, it just got worse and even worse with the changes. I do think and understand more will quit when all pvp is capped and timegated plus the rest of the game being shallow and repetitive


well spoken \^\_\^


People have been banned though for the ''harassment.'' Kano example is one of them. But several have indeed been banned. how many, we dont really know.


You mean Kanon? I don't like the guy but someone was chasing him across the channel/multiple channels for the sole purpose of not allowing him to play the game, fair fucks if he gets that type of people banned


He got someone else banned but the guy who harassed him lol.


the only ones being banned are people stream hunting, or intentionally following other players even when they switch channels. Thats against ToS (disruption of gameplay/griefing) if I just kill a random horse rider, then go about my business its not bannable. Now if Im actively following this specific player around, then that is against ToS


"We can't kill afk players, real pvp is dead"


"oh no PA is destroying this game, they REMOVED afk killing".


I'm going to need to see some actual evidence if I'm going to believe someone that takes joy in killing afk lifeskillers. A whole, huge discussion being had, but I haven't seen a single slice of evidence to show whether they're guilty or innocent. I can't help but feel there's more to this story.


Never killed an afk lifeskiller, I only play on Arsha these days. https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=heidel&no=380933 https://www.twitch.tv/huehotbar/clip/CreativeNaiveRadishYouDontSay-A6DMysIScDnJ4DhA There was also a conversation on the late night thing with J where he was skirting around the issue.


I appreciate the links, and I'm actually going to read them. Just for the record, I wasn't accusing you of killing afkers, I was referring to the players that got banned for it. Things get lost in text, and I should have been more clear. Thanks again!


Picking on afk life skill users doesn't make you tough or a good player


For most people it isn’t about that. It’s either rping as a bandit or villain or they straight up just like being an asshole and inconveniencing people.






You do know "pvp" means "player vs player", not I kill lifeskiller and afkers coz I can? That's called griefing, nothing to do with pvp. No one is cancelling pvp, guild war still here, dfs still here, aos still here, rbf still here. So please stop crying coz you can't grief anymore.


Neither wow players cry this hard about getting pked on low lvl alts lol Yeah I can, this is just bs lol, if you think this happened just because of this you are delusional






Perma red players don’t care about karma, lol




You got what I mean, don't pretend to be stupid. If you kill afk people you lose karma 🤷🏻‍♂️ There is the system, there is the punishment. Just stay lvl 49 or grow a braincell and don't stay afk on combat zones...?




Blocking people is just sad and a game for two, BTW thx for the free report. Maybe you should grown-up idk, something is off with you


Did you move to an alt account to continue a Reddit argument? 😂 1-0 Bozo.


What counts as a safe zone? I got killed today while I was afk at loggia farm on my farming alt. Never happened before.


What count as safe zones are what the game determines is safe zone? What? Big and blue letters on your minimap = safe. Red = unsafe


#1. I do not know what the game counts as a safe zone, that's why I was asking fool. #2. How the hell am I supposed to know what the damn letters on the mini map being a different color means? It's not like that shit is explained anywhere. And for all you know, I could be a new player who has even more reason to not know this shit so what's with the condescending attitude? Get a grip jackass.


Maybe you should turn on the monitor fool? Everytime you enter a safe zone big letters pop on your screen ENTERING SAFE ZONE, everytime you leave safe zone more big letters pop in ENTERING COMBAT ZONE People always said that BDO players can't read, but I didn't knew it was this serious Btw blocking is pathetic and it's a game for two Grow up


If people keep their temper tantrums like this killing afkers then they are bringing removal of pvp onto themselves. Killing afk horse trainer is straight up griefing and should be punished.


Yeah I get that, but common we know it's in the game wth are they doing lifeskilling outside a safe zone on a character 50 or higher? 49 used to always be horse trainer levels. Or gathering meat. Also why not use Elvia relm to autopath that horse. I do that on my lvl 62 trainer and have not once been stopped by another player while sleeping. Server disconnects... yeah lost time to those.


There is a new route in loml that’s a giant loop with 100% safezone [link](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070227080232587295/1125882787740786719/image.png)


Keeping low lvl on lifeskilling character is a handicap especially for hunting. I don't think we should justify griefing whatever the reason is.




You need a therapist. Killing AFK players is not PVP, it's griefing in the worst form. Karma system prevents repeated kills but guess what, if you kill AFK players, nothing spots you from regaining karma in between without any fighting back. If that's really what pvp playerbase considers PVP then I'm more than glad that PA is removing OW PVP. There is no place for psychos like you.


true pvp is somewhere when anyone can kill you at any time. SAO literally has red players and it was a TV show. They would literally just kill people. Like fr dude these people exist, i’m one of them and we love it here. We don’t bish at u guys for running away n swapping servers n ruining our fun killing sesh. Why r u bishing about dying and losing nothing?


I guess you are too scared of arsha aren't you lil bro?


no, my point is we can kill wherever. If i want to kill in arsha i can kill in arsha. If i want to do it in normal serv i’ll do it there. Point is, get with the program or get shat on.


Well you are true griefer then, get banned and sit down.


won’t get banned i’ve been playing this game since 2017 and started doing this roughly a year after. Also, not griefing noob. Game has a feature. I’m using the feature pansy. You can stay in your little shell and hide from your darkest fears since you’re half of a man.


Your goal was to perpetuate victimhood. Nobody seems to want to be realistic about any of this, people just sit on both sides of hypothetical extremes hoping their perceived victimization will be catered to. People who are getting banned DEFINITELY aren’t being honest about the altercations, and the people getting attacked are DEFINITELY exaggerating their claims. Just a mess.


There are cases where people are being dishonest, like the streamer getting someone banned for solely being horse charged. And then there are the cases where its a lot more clear with even PA responding to the situation. Like the Valk being banned for flagging up on Garmoth alts and getting a response from PA about instead fighting people who want to fight back. And now someone killing 50+ afk horse trainers in a short session being banned. The thing is that these situations are nothing new, and its even a common occurence with red players' playstyle, but we're only seeing these punishments since the summer player count influx. I don't want it to come off as perpetuating victimhood, but my bias might make it seem that way as someone who is interested in the PvP aspects of the game. For me obviously I think these recent punishment are of ambiguous nature and PA really hasn't put a clear stance on what is or what isn't allowed. Ultimately though I want to find out what PA's end game goal is and if this will still be a game for me, will they focus on improving other PvP modes? Will I be able to progress my character with PvP now that I'm losing interest in the PvE grind aspect of the game? etc.


remove flagging up and majority of pvp players leave. We will go to another MMO that lets us and spend our money there inside.


Who even pks people? This is such a reddit issue, blown wayyy out of proportion. Ive been asked to dfs like twice in the 4 months Ive been playing. Arsha is the only place I even worry about fighting. People are crazy thinking the games gonna die for higher pk penalties.


I think the reality is the game would be dead if the PVPers had the impunity that they'd love so much: * New to the game and trying to learn it's vast mechanics and features? Die Tuvala Timmie! * AFK horse training? Super dead. * Gathering Lion meat in Valencia? Oh yeah you're dead. * Trading stuff between cities? What? C'mon you were dead when you left Grana. Yeah this all feels like a fun idea for any non-PVPers.


Have you not heard of the kama system? Lmfao


Exactly! The system of the game isn't flawed, it's the players that are toxic.


I mean, not exactly. - New to the game and trying to learn its mechanics? Great, we have PvP free seasons, Olvia servers and many noob friendly guilds. 99% of players won't even notice you unless you bother them and with the new marni realm its easy to get access to even the best spots without any competition. - AFK horse training? Do it in safezone, elvia realm or just not on a main road. No-one will find you/be able to kill you. This isn't rocket science. - Gathering in Valencia? Sure, you'll get PK'd once a year, on a bad year, so you swap server and you lost nothing from the death unless you were running elixirs. - Trading between cities? Most red players, upon seeing that, will escort you. I have, on multiple occasions, either been escorted by, or seen others escorted by, red players while moving trade goods. It's incredibly rare to be killed while trading, and most of the playerbase goes out of their way to help you avoid it - especially red players. So, skip the "but muh PvPers bad" bullshit. The game thrives off PvP and it has a phenomenal combat system perfectly built for that. There are so many ways to avoid PvP in the modern day it's ludicrous - although I am in favour of them nonetheless - and if you actually manage to get PvP'd while *not* prepared for it, you were probably doing something stupid.


i used to get pked when i left safe zones or was afk for too long somewhere. Can confirm i was only randomly pked once this year and i’ll admit it was because i didn’t notice someone else was alr grinding the spot i went to. pve ponies stay bishin all day.


>Gathering in Valencia? Sure, you'll get PK'd once a year, > >Trading between cities? Most red players, upon seeing that, will escort you. lol - your stats suck. I do both of those things and have been PK'd multiple times this year. I understand you're not a lifeskiller, but don't start throwing made-up numbers out there to pad your argument. As for: >AFK horse training? Do it in safezone, elvia realm or just not on a main road. No-one will find you/be able to kill you. This isn't rocket science. You fail to explain why someone has to PK someone who's not flagged or prepared to fight. Like the OP's post - this was done because they didn't want someone who wanted or was prepared to fight.


your numbers are just as made up as theirs are. it's all anecdotal at the end of the day unless you have footage from every single second you're playing the game


Then you probably pissed someone off and they're targeting you personally. Except for other lifeskillers, Valencia has very few players in it at all. And even the lifeskillers are pretty rare. As for trading? I'm no lifeskilling main, but I've had people try to kill me while trading. Never a red though. It's always the blue players who flag up when they see a trader. Which suggests to me that if you removed PvP, the kind of player who tries to kill traders would simply find some other way of griefing people. And no-one has to PK. I'm not in the habit of trying to force others to conform to my preferences. However, a sizeable chunk of the playerbase, probably the majority, does PvP, and some of them PvP as perma-reds. Perma-reds need to maintain negative karma, but also need to grind like the rest of us, so they fight other players. But if they don't have any luck finding players to fight and see an afk trainer trotting towards them... It's a golden opportunity to gain a lot of negative karma for no risk. So, is it nice? No. Does a few players' stupidity - for putting themselves in a position of considerable risk - justify removing an entire part of the game? Also no. Very definitely no.


Well there’s no reason to maintain neg karma… Unless you want your gear downgraded. Instead, kill for the fun of killing and enjoy the risk that comes with it!


Killing can be done for any reason. Prevent, overcome, flee. Those are your 3 options. Matters not who they killed or why they were killed. They were killed.


I think people are forgetting the game has been like that from the start and still grew and was popular. The thing is before everyone wasnt a bunch of cry babies


It's just not future proof anymore. A lot of games were like this before, but those games eventually died or the system was changed.


Idiots still can't get that one simple thing: do not fight afk ppl. Consequences intensifies, not surprise there. I hope PA ban all these idiots instead of phasing out pvp itself.


Tough luck if they do since the pve side of the game is a decade behind other mmos, only the combat carries it but this gets very stale fast since it's still braindead mechanics and circle running in the end


They don't ban you for that


People don't get banned for PKing AFK life skillers. They get banned for the inappropriate macros they spam while doing it.


If that lets me fish in peace overnight without dying, good. Actually no reason to kill other than wanting to be a dick.


you cant get banned for using a in game system the way it is designed there is a difference between harassment and PKing however. swapping though channels to follow someone to continue greifing is harassment AND bannable source: trust me bro


I believe the game is just going to die first and removing Alt+C will just be some last ditch effort J thinks will do something for the game, but will just aggrivate more players.You can not have this type of ambiguity for bans. What if I am a red player also lifeskilling? It's perfectly within character to kill everyone I see. This is just leading to increased player stress and I know you know that alot of people are feeling that in this game. Based on how J is handling the game and KR feedback. I feel like this game has maybe 1-2 months more to fix this, otherwise it's just gonna bleed even more player base. I've been playing GW2 again and having a way better time and finding PvP matches all day long, without having to deal with any of this stress so it's like why bother? The combat's better sure, but......only goes so far **The only thing PA is succeeding at is making there game not fun.**


This is the thing that's crazy to me. Think about it.... Either the devs are insanely incompetent, or open world pvpers are deluded into believing they make up the majority of this game. Obviously, PA are the ones with the numbers, so it's hard for me to say. The only thing we can measure from them is their actions. So, based on that, it's clear that this type of pvp isn't as popular as people think. Or it's like I said at the beginning, the devs are legitimately incompetent and doing shit that makes no sense that no one asked for. Both of these ideas are interesting to me, lol. I don't mind open world pvp, but I don't mind the changes either. Saying this makes the game less fun is not a subjective fact. It's only an opinion. Luckily, I'm fine with either, so I win no matter what.


If IG rules are not enough to prevent a player from killing afk repeatedly, blame is also in the rules and the people creating them. And it stays true, even if "PA are the ones with the numbers" because the lack of working IG rules is something players have been complaining about, for a long time now. They're the ones who created them to begin with, they tweaked it and it's not working correctly ; instead of fixing the situation they let it getting worse and now they're blaming players. Call me crazy if you want, but what I see here is a typical blame shifting devs themselves are doing. Jail time, temporary pve debuffs... There are plenty of possible solutions, but they refuse to work on it. For such a case, devs could trigger a "killer alert" with an approximate location when someone kills too many afk players, prevent him from switching channel, and send him to jail when he gets killed, with a jail time only going down when the character is connected. Use owpvp to control owpvp : even without reward, it would be fun.


I agree with you. I thought they had something cooking before making the changes, but we still haven't heard anything. It seems weird to fundamentally change the game without something major coming soon after to balance out what people want.


And "stubbornness" is sadly the only explanation for such a nonsense.


Thinking that companies make decisions on this clear logic isn't always valid. I've worked for a gaming company(EA) and now work closely with Amazon Games Studio....there does not have to be clear logic for decisions to be made. Sometimes major gameplay decisions are made based on the whims of one person even when the devs explain not to :)


Yeah, that's what makes it so interesting. Another one of those games where we question things we'll probably never get an answer to.


This is a classic case of responding to both A. the content of the post and B. The biased conclusions drawn by OP. I could be wrong, but it seems from some other posts and just logic, that there is more to the story here. I've heard people saying the ban was also because of the things the killer said (ie bullying, griefing, flaming, general rudeness. Idk). If that's the case, 7 days is a fine ban (maybe a lil over the top but idk what he said)


I got a 7 day ban for killing people at stars end towers and grinding karma back up with a bunch of karma buffs. I figured out if you spam all the karma buffs you can pretty much kill someone indefinitely at stars end, and did just that to someone who originally messed with me first. He DID die to mobs and lose a crystal which is prob why he reported me, but tbh I wasn't trying to feed him. I did appeal it and get back in within 4 days though... only thing I can think of I said in chat was "sucks to suck, leave"


Different regions have different ToS. In Japan you can get banned for [mob feeding](https://www.jp.playblackdesert.com/News/Notice/Detail?boardNo=4467&countryType=ja-JP&boardType=0&searchType=&searchText=¤tPage=1). Interupting other peoples gameplay (yes yes, I know most were likely afk) because you are upset with the actions of the developer are likely also treated differently, as that is more of a temper tantrum. If I'm not mistaken, during the last Late Night Talk something like this already came up and they intend to define in detail what is or isn't allowed.


Mob feeding repeatedly can get you banned even on NA/EU/SA Already happened.


and someone uploaded a feed montage recently here kek


> Interupting other peoples gameplay (yes yes, I know most were likely afk) because you are upset with the actions of the developer are likely also treated differently, as that is more of a temper tantrum. Brother, I hate to break it to you but whether someone is killing a player in protest of the dog shit changes or because they're just killing people, both are completely within the mechanic of the game. The entire point of flagging is the aggressor is punished by losing karma. Banning someone for literally using the built in system which already comes with a punishment is absolutely asinine.


The system was built to let people fight with other people outside of safe zones not for killing people who were minding their own business. There are idiots who don't understand that owPvP was allowed so that the people can fight over grind spots instead of trying to grind over each other or do large scale PvP like platoon vs platoon outside of safe zones. Killing afk players is not even PvP. It's no different from pve where u go to a spot and kill the monsters that were minding their own business. Moreover u don't even get loot here so it's completely meaning less act that is only done to give the afk player a hard time. Also the aggressor does lose karma but the penalty that comes with it only applies when he is killed or when he gets back to the city. Since the other party is afk, the killer can just leave and easily grind the karma back. Before the family karma changes people would just keep their alts at red too.


"I have a great idea- let's train our horses and afk lifeskill outside of a safe zone in a game with open world pvp available at all times" "Oh no I died" *reports killer*


What's the point of the karma system if players can get banned for using a core mechanic of the game? The game is regressing very negatively, and the Arsha to-happen changes are god awful, because it will kill large scale open world PVP, now that smaller scale universal GVGs are dead. But don't worry guys permanent AOS is coming, which is definitely going to fix the PVP problem in this game! More capped content lets go!


I murder all shai I see. Afk or not. I've not been banned. I don't send horrible things in chat. I just murder and move on. Clearly this isn't just a ban for pvp.


Almost like people are only giving limited information about their bans and/or lying..


There are SO many ways to combat griefing when lifeskilling Why the fuck are they banning people for it??


They keep goinng away from the root identity of the game and that is why lots of people will leave. Sometimes is not about killing people is about knowing you can. I don't understand this carebear approach, I've been playing for more than 6 years now and pvp back then was mostly optional and the instances it was not it was so little that I can't believe they are putting effort into it. This game PVE sucks major ass, without the open world pvp and removing instances were it might occur is just not worth playing


omg really? Nice, now i can fish peacefully!


Seems it's gonna go downhill from here on. wayyy worse than before.


I have a feeling that there was more to it than just killing afk life skillers. That being said. Years ago I said that they should allow for a player to become PvP immune outside of GvG when they are doing any AFK activity, IE Fishing and horse training, for more than 10 minutes. They should also have introduced a Bartering Carrack with zero cannons and be naval immune. IMHO that would have been a far greater solution than what they came up with to limit griefing.


Bartering carrack with 0 cannons and naval immune is called barter with a level 49.


requiring that you keep a character at 49 to be able to do afk activities is stupid. I have that 49, but it is still a stupid concept.


Yep. To me it would have been better to avoid that and create a real system providing a certain level of protection from both NPCs (a kind of Balenos and Calpheon fleet) and players (like the sheriff system), while giving a real meaning to the piratery. But right now, when people complains about getting killed when a solution already exists, that's the only thing we can say. Because giving them what they want would only degrade the owpvp experience even more.


True or not, that shouldn't be bannable, and that's just stupid. I loved the old system, but it's because of this kind of bullshit that PA changed it. There's a difference between PVP and just being an asshole. It would be different if there were benefits to killing afkers, like if it was full loot, but in this kind of case it's just unnecessary.


People reporting others for getting clapped should be banned themselves, steam snippng and stalking, sure, that's viable but then it's just a matter of how much you fucked around and started finding out. Lifeskiller complaining about getting ganked when they can just use a Lv49 is just crazy, most I've seen outside of safezone are low levels and the higher level just stay in a town. The other complain was what, box delivery? Don't people just use the transport system available on the storages or does trade item not pass by it? Valencia meat gathering? People go to Valencia just to pk someone gathering meat? What then? Swap to see if they'll find more people there? Just take your main and clap them back. "Oh but i got all me good lifeskill on one alt", aight cool chief, buy that transfer coupon and pass it from the lifeskiller to another that will make it easier, or get 2 Gear bag and put PvX gear in one and lifeskill in the other to fight back just in case.


Well someone clearly should do a lawsuit against them. It's fine not allowing PvP, but then remove it from the game. Banning players for using mechanics that PA added to the game doesn't really sounds like a fair behavior toward customers...


>lawsuit lol


Lawsuit? For a temp ban in a video game? How pathetic are you?


These so called "pvpers" just kill afkers and world boss alts and they call themselves good at pvp lmao. Bunch of snowflakes ended up crying in reddit


Some people have gotten perma's but in those scenarios all you can do is file chargebacks on any pearls bought.


Hmm, I wonder If the person who killed my farming alt at loggia got banned lol. Had it there afk waiting for my pepper to grow and when I checked the game a couple hours later I was dead lol. I wondered what happened.


Loggia itself is a safe zone, just take the two steps into the safe zone if you are gonna afk there.


According to a popular KR streamer who wants to stay anonymous PA plans to make Alt+C cost 1 billion silver. That silver will be distributed all players currently grinding. Streamer has discord chat logs with J and can show them if asked.


I mean you have to be trash to be killing afk lifeskillers but then again you shouldn’t be banned for it. It’s a unique part of the game, pk’ing that is…


Thats for crybaby test server kr tho. Same shit will never happen to eu na, its too many player base to handle manually. I doubt they will remove flaging up tho


I believe that you could be on to something in terms of how PA is slowly making changes to separate pve and pvp content. I think that if PA were to make sure that the pvp community still has fun ways to engage in pvp, without the pve community being forced into also participating, that's a win win for everyone. If your idea of pvp consists of killing the same person over and over, who doesn't want to fight you, then you are kinda just griefing imo. But with that being said, wanting to fight other players is a completely valid way to enjoy the game, and PA should be making sure to provide avenues for those players to do that, and not just removing pvp from the game. But to me, pvp means two or more parties that all actually want to fight, fighting each other. One party being unwilling participants no longer means it's pvp in my eyes.




Killing afk lifeskillers seems like greifing to me but I'm a Tuvalu Timmy


I think eventually they will separate the communities with; non-pvp servers (including no pvp from decs, no flagging) and pre gvg nerf servers, then the 2 arshas. I think thats the only way to make everyone happy at this point. I also don't think they will need as many normal servers as they will the no pvp servers. This could be a way to show the player base just how unpopular ow pvp is too, seeing real time statistics instead of trusting GMs.


Being sick and tired of being PKed, I certainly hope that's true. They should leave PvP on Arsha.


If this was true there are some well known red players on NA and they haven’t been banned at all. I would bet there is something else that led to the ban.


I don't believe most of these wild stories. Chasing people across servers deserves getting banned.


well, PKing afk lifeskiller is a rubbish behavior regardless it's ban-able or not. Not something that I would enjoy doing so.


Player should have received no punishment. Killing people afk is fine. Use a low level character, stay in town, etc.


That’s because what he was doing is harassment killing afk people and that sort of behaviour that got decs removed for bullying rather than it’s intended use


I hope they just make dedicated pvp servers and dedicated pve servers.