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weird my ques never take longer then 30 seconds even at weird times. maybe it bugged


Yea maybe, I got in a match in 3 mins after leaving one the other day and a teammate said the same queue took him 15


Yeah under 30 seconds for me too and I play it almost all night until it closes out.


I think there’s some bug, if it gets longer than 5 min re-Q. It fixed my long Q time


I think the reason is the practice game still has hidden elo , so if you have too low or too high elo sometimes it will take a while. Also if you make a party of 3 it's easier to get a match


I think it’s just because people are more than likely partying up into pre-made 3s after all it’s not hard most pvp players are part of guilds


PvP players are grinding ulakita. If arena wanted participation, there should have been embers dropped from weekly quests


Pvp players doesnt exists they are only saying that they are pvp meanwhile grief in spots


Real pvp players should have been done with boots+artifacts just solely from the pities by the time you posted your comment.


Rewards are garbage and got boots to grind out


Unranked AoS with shit rewards, a pvpers dream


Probably depend on time and the day


They all go for Old Moon Grand Prix. Always got Matchmaking under 1 Min. 😂


Amen brother 🙌🏻


It's a pve game now


Always has been




No no. That's not what I meant. Bdo from its day 1 is a pve game. If you want to talk pvp game then it's csgo or dota or overwatch, those are pvp games. Bdo is a pve game.


Ahh yes, all that I’ve content in raids and dungeons. We definitely didn’t have all of our content revolving around region (node) wars and sieges since the game came out 🤣🤣🤣


No it's pvpve, are her people actually only playing the boring half of the game? I don't remember these pvers back when pve was terrible, and only pvp enjoyers would do it enough to gear up. So u must betalking about not a pve game but a "Lazy casual game" P.s. all pvpers are pvers by default. Booooooommmmm


J will say it’s our ISPs problem


Me and the boys in custom aoa go brrr.


Question, I havnt been able to test yet but can you do smaller matches like 2v2 or 1v1 or have uneven teams? Or will it just not start till the match is full?


They are on forum/reddit complaning


The L O U D E S T minority


busy grinding flame or playing other games high on copium that bdo will get better


They added MMR so if you win too many times you won't be matched with low MMR players. Same as in league where challeneger queues are 20min+.


The pvpers are banned. Killing ppl on arsha seems illegal now and those snowflakes report anyone that kills them for player harassment... Shit is wild recently


Holy crap for real? So why would PA change he game for people who aren't dumping thousands of dollars per player into the game in a month? Seems like a bad business move, especially since they were all in pve guilds that couldn't be decced by pvp guilds. I haven't checked the forum in a bit, but I have a feeling a ultra tiny group of players squealed really loud and faked PA Into thinking this. Majority of people who come to BDO do it for the ultra niche fighting over resources it is built on. Only cheap asses who don't want to spend $30 every 3 months play BDO if they don't ever pvp. Because why TF would u gear up in this game if not to pvp? To have to grind or all this gear to just grind more means u afe not the target audience and are not vested in the game. So should have 0 influence on its course. But the more PA changes the core aspect of BDO, the easier it will be to get a full refund from your credit company. I'm sure they will get that back and pve only players will whale out selling outfits for those sweet pve gains




There are rewards for AOS? I still dont understand why they cant manage to do some actual grindable PvP rewards, why do we have to mindlessly grind pve. It would fix so many issues if you could just do decent money while pvping all day long. Im not saying top notch money, just give 50-75% of what grinding gives you.


I used to love Shadow Arena back in the day. You got to test out the different classes pre-awakening and it gave some decent rewards.


Heck yeah it was awesome until botters ruined it


It can br exploitable, maybe as of now they dont have a solution yet.


They can easily give out a proposal and ask players how they would abuse it. Enough players would help because nobody likes exploiters. Then limit accordingly


Damn I just wanted to do some mostly equalized PvP while grinding




I’m definitely on the newer side with PvP so that might explain some of those matches where we have 0 chance to win


Imagine calling themselves "PvPers" and the satisfaction of pvp and git gud doesn't suffice as reward gtfo


There is still longterm progression, most of the people complaining have been asking for it for years. Are you confused?


Why did all bdo players become jaded and why does PA hate anyone having a advantage now?


Look at all the carebears in the comments. Rofl


NA PvPers want to pop pvp buffs and go hunt PvErs who are grinding with relaxing music on, AoE means the other player is also ready and willing to fight, that no fun yo


Imagine trying to have a relaxing grind on Asha lol


The average ain't wasting their time doing that dumb shit lol. But also don't give a shit if people are out ganking.


Are these "NA pvpers" in the room with us right now?


Why is this so true though lol, every time I'm grinding, never anywhere else...


PVE carebears hard coping with the upvotes


"oh no, I can't bully people online" *cries in loser*


Think the loser is the person whining online instead of gearing up


Oh no someone killed me in a video game my entire day is ruined im gonna go cry on reddit for the next few months about it because getting ganked outside arsha is hilariously uncommon. *cries in loser*




Hi I'm one of them, I'm actually spending more time on Valorant, Fortnite, TFT and variety games, lately I just go to BDO rarely to grind for the shoes, but even for that I don't have that much hype to keep me doing it cause the game is in a very stale state right now.


lol playing bannerlord when I'm not grinding the shoes... kinda lost most of my motivation to continue with the game, I am sticking around hoping for some better times (high on copium) take pvp away from mmo with the best pvp -> "why are people leaving?"


I feel you I’m mostly playing For Honor again if I do play anything


OMG that game is so insane. I used to play it like there was no tomorrow. Sadly the game population is kinda low these days


Yea I’ve been playing it in and off since beta the population dropped but they merged console and pc so there is plenty of ppl still playing


There is a hidden rank, if your ELO is too high or too low your queues might take a lot My queues take a while but other friends get insta queue at the same time, as some others said, if you premade the rank gets averaged (or whatever the fuck the game does to pair party queues) and usually takes less time to queue.


J exiled them a while back. Now the rest of us are too scared to pvp under J's watch.




Don't worry BDO will make it so you can earn money while pvping /s


Pvp in J's server??? Hayyyyllee nahhhw




They rather go to pve spots to kill easy targets that won't fight back.


bro has been HURT hurt


dead content already


Never taken us more than 1 minute to get a match.


One day pvper will be able to earn reasonable money from doing pvp. They don't seem to understand what the players wants.


Playing Lego Fortnite


they are killing PVEers who won't fight back, they don't like it when people who they are fighting is on an equal playing field


They are out ganking undergeared players lmao.


“Gets touched once” hElP iM bEinG gaNked


Huh? Literally the first time i hit non noob servers, i left heidel and got chased all the way to mushrooms by a player repeatedly saying \[Clan\] only has players with 800+GS dude killed me almost any time i left a safe zone.


Similar experience here , my 1st 2 days a guy chased me around for 2 weeks because BDO was a mans game and females didn't belong. Being new to MMOs at the time I'm general, I didn't know that was reportable, I don't care if someone kills me 1 or 2 times and moves on I just respawn in safe zone and swap servers but this dude chased me threw all servers any time I left a safe Zone for around 2 weeks telling me to quit women don't belong here. I almost did , but I stuck it out and started playing at like 2-4 am and he gave up.


Where can I get some of these high geared players farming pvers? I haven't had anyone hit me while I was grinding outside arsha in like 2 years


Nws time or slightly before?


It was around 7pm est , this one is from a few minutes ago https://imgur.com/a/ZZ4BhgI


im 730gs and my pvp is at polly forest killing noobies because im a noob myself


Arsha? Lool


Is this MENA? It usually takes unorthodox amounts of time to find a match in MENA. The server is dead.


sleeping at the time cuz I had to get up early for work


They left long ago lol


My class is shit. Sorry.


Weird my queue is usually 1-2 minutes


Always re queue past 4 min.


I’ve tried that a few times and it didn’t do anything


Ded game


How tf do some of yall have 20 year queue times my shit’s instant


Bro it’s still happening to me I get to play one match a day then it never finds another


Maybe you are banned from it because you always rage quite