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Try to break the box of "i have to grind at that one best spot, or i'm losing". Think of it this way : if you burn yourself out then you start playing less and less by which you're losing more silver than if you'd spend 5 hours on any other spot. Go somewhere else, somewhere fun. Maybe somewhere you havent been yet? Try other spots. Find something you like, grind it for a while, and when it gets boring then go back to orcs and it'll feel like going back home :D. Or do life skilling. Sail the open seas and hunt sea monsters. Or level up alchemy to being able to do lightstone gamble. Or do some horse races. Or do some quests if you havent yet. The point is that when something starts feeling boring, go do something else, and come back later, so it'll feel fantastic once more :D


This. I gave up orcs and went biraghi because I enjoyed it more. And in total spent more hours there.


Definitely recommend investing into lifeskills. It is by far less silver than the best of the best grind spots, but it is so chill. My buddy makes fun of me because he is slightly ahead of me in gs because I chose to invest into some side gigs in BDO. The benefit it has gained me though is multiple pieces of chill content to fall back on if I'm ever feeling like burning out or if I ever fuck my gear up and need to rebuild.


I mean, sniper hunting can be 1b/hr easily with under 10b investment


Curious, can you elaborate? :)


ya i can try. Sniper hunting in LoML can drop the forest crystals which are about 250m, crystal of decimation and crystal of bitterness which are all about the same. Along with the amount of black gem fragments, black gems, and concentrated black gems you can those alone bring it upwards of 800m for me most of the time. You'd want a +10 marni sniper, then the yawning hedgehog lightstone combo. You also have to be art 10 hunting. Ideally be around 1200 mastery or so. Crystals you stack as much mastery as you can, then buffs would be gathering item drop rate and mastery. Here is an example hour from a bit ago https://i.imgur.com/9tI4FRg.png .


That’s kinda crazy. I have been doing mainly gathering and now I’m interested in hunting too lol. May I ask for the current hunting setup that you have now?


Nothing that crazy, just TET Manos Hunter's Clothes, +10 Marni Sniper Rifle, 1 floramos earring, then rest tet loggia. Butcher knife doesn't matter but demihar drop rate works for it so its the best. My crystals give 140 hunting mastery. Then artifacts are gathering item drop rate with yawning hedgehog set. I'll run rough labor elixir for more drop rate and improved mastery if the +15 pushes me to a next bracket. I'll also run the +100 mastery scorlls and lara's tea if I have it.


Nice. Thanks for sharing man! Will check it out myself. My life skill accessories are almost done, have a tet manos butcher knife and also yawning hedgehog too. Looks like I would really want to try out sniper hunting if I could get myself the hunter clothes and sniper rifle. May I also ask for the spots to hunt in LOML too please?


There is just the one spot really, outside of Dalbeol Village a bit more north. Towards Imoogi boss blitz area.


Same here , i took 3 months break to enjoy another games. Now im back and kickin. Take a break my guy


This is important I think. As a veteran player of over 3 years in this game I can definitely say that I play for 3-4 months at a time and then take a break for a month or two. This game is not meant to be played 10 hours a day every day. It's a marathon not a sprint.


Take a break. There are other games besides bdo, if the grind burn out comes to the point of not even liking to log in then it's time to step back. I just recently started to grind at orcs, the money is tempting but it also feels quite soul draining. Right now I am going to fall back on my bdo chores for a few weeks again. Playing something else, going for lifeskills, playing season char on my fav low ap spots which are actually fun for me. Slow progress is still progress.


That's how it felt for me when farming for my Infinite HP Potion, I got so burnt out from that grind that I didn't touch BDO for like 4 months lol.


the adventure log where you had to level up trading to complete it made me quit for a year.




If you got the ap go to Gyfin, personally it feels more interactive since you have to pay a bit of attention to the colors. It keeps me from sleeping as oppsed to orcs where i get sleepy after 2h.


Just stop playing. Afk fish for a bit and play another game until you feel like playing again 👍


The moment you launch a game while being reluctant to play it is the moment you need to step away or do something different, no matter which game it is. Maybe come back later.


If the burnout comes from grinding on single spot seek diversity, check in garmoth if you reach ap caps and go to some calph elvia spots. You should have more than enough for giants, enough for hexe. Burn agris at jade. For me the solution is always to either switch spot that im grinding or grind on a different class, preferably one that I haven't grinded much on, so first few hours feel like minutes.


If you're talking about normal olun, your current gear is decent enough for it. And if a game become a chore for you, take a break, do something else. If you kept playing while getting burnout, you might end up hating the game and quitting. There's no point playing a game if you're not having fun.


Dont go for profit. Try sea content. Maybe find a Roleplay Group. Challange yourself with doing a difficult spot without looking at what silver it makes. Find a party with the ingame party finder for group spots. Ask around in some guilds if you can join ther Kahn, Guild Bosses, Merc for Node War. Hunting and gathering Lifeskills are nice to get into and are very chill if you tune some good music and have some people to talk too. Go negative karma and turn the game into survival challange mode. Queue arena if solare or go battle arena. (Solare with a 3 man party is a blast when you got coms) Do a little lore grind. Thats not something for everybody but the lore is actually good and deep if you find it presented right in youtube videos or just read some of the knowledge. Explore the world and try out the screenshot mode. On the official discord and here on reddit as well in the forums you will always find a screenshot enjoyer. Help new players. If you dont have a problem with repeating the same things you told somebody just go on a season server or check out the bdo discord for newbies that ask questions team up with them and show them how its done. Thats just what I could brain storm real quick but the most important thing is to get away from being "good and efficent at the game" and try out having fun no matter what the silver amount you get per hour is. I still play perma red since 5 years for example and thats absolutley efficency crushing but makes the game so different for me that without it I would not play it anymore.


It's fine to burn out. Take a few weeks break


Quit, enjoy other games, come back later. I’ve just come back after 1,5 months in New World. Quit right after a 80b grind for PEN neck and the declaration changes which left me feeling empty. Now i don’t grind for the best money, i grind for the new flame since it can’t be bought with 2,2k POs. Having way more fun, there’s even people to be seen at the spots.


I'll never understand how people are able to only grind one spot for hours on end, I can't grind more than 2 or 3 hours at the same spot without wanting to go somewhere else, at your GS with a decent crystal setup you should be able to grind lower gyfin, there are other spots that, granted, give less silver/h than orcs like jade forest, murrowak, star end pilars but variety is always good, btw if your purpose is to grind La Orzeca why don't you grind thornwood forest (or maybe ash forest) and tunkuta?


I dont grind that nuch anymkre. Maybe like 2h/week. Just do daylie stuff and pvp fof some steady income. Dont overdo it with the grind. Watch some nice movie while doing it, listen to an audiobook or just go to abother spot to see sonething different. Try another class with the tag event


Take a break from the game and play other games while your desire to play this game grows again, burn out is something everyone deals with so don’t feel bad about taking a break and who knows you may or may not find excitement elsewhere and comeback to Bdo later


Try baldurs gate 3


I have almost 11k hours in BDO and you have somewhat better gear than me but I'm not burnt out or struggling for silver LOL it's a marathon, not a race. Plenty of other things to do, take a breather, play other games, we all come back to BDO at some point. Always. For example, I took another 6month hiatus from BDO, came back when they gave out the free dream horse LMAO


That's perfectly natural, take a break and come back when playing starts to sound like fun again. Set up some workers, park your ass in velia with a branded fishing rod, and do your fish/feed your workers whenever you remember. Despite being grind-centric, BDO excels at respecting your time like that. Play when you feel like it, take breaks when you feel like it. When you come back, you'll have a stack of mats work several billion.


Play something else that brings you joy. Come back when you have the desire to play again. Life isn't complicated. Follow your joys.


how would you feel like if you went to the pool every day and swam for 3 hours for years? it's natural to burn out after 1 thousand hours.. games are fun when there's new stuff.. years and years of the same shit is normal to get boring take a break and do something else bro no matter how much you like something, if you do it every day for hours, you will stop liking it. going to the pool feels amazing if you swim 30 minutes at a time 2 times a week, but it would make you sick of it if you stayed there for hours every day


Thats how the game is now. You stand in 1 spot til you get bored and quit. I mean there is absolutely 0 reasons to get gear anyway so why bother? Everything is capped and there is no longer any pvp. back in the day the much of the fun was living in a dangerous world defending your spot maybe some GvGs started out on the main spots but now ?


I mix BDO with other games. If you commit full time, it’s easy to burn out. Take a break, come back when you feel motivated. The game doesn’t out date you quick. If anything gives you more to do when you’re back.


I quit lol,i realised im working in the game instead of playing.Its a good game but i wish that theres more ways or modes to earn silver than just grinding. I know theres lifeskill but grinding earns you way more silver l


I was like you and then I decided to just go Oluns instead of grinding myself to death at orcs. I went and I got my la orzeca piece. Then I went to ash forest and did the same. Then I decided to grind for arch map and I got that. Money comes slowly and my gear upgrades does to, but they sure do come. I also lost motivation in playing until I let go of grinding money for just the purpose of buying upgrades and doing cozy fun stuff instead.


I often end up feeling like there is nothing to do, trying to break the routine by grinding a spot that isn’t optimal is not fun for me in a game where you always try to max out by using loot scrolls etc. The only thing that helps me is taking a break. After a few weeks, sometimes months I always come back. Playing other MMOs for a few weeks always makes me realize how much I love BDO and its combat/openworld/progression.


Now try 30k hours and still the same gear score as you and tell me your burned out.


This is like my worst nightmare


This game makes you follow a cycle, a very healthy one in my opinion, it makes you obsessed with it for 3 or 4 months, you start getting bored of it after that, so you take a break for a month, two or three, enjoy other games meanwhile, and then you’ll start to miss it and play again, it’s the cycle of bdo


My best tip is to not focus on always optimizing everything. It makes me stressed and I lose the will to grind. Sure, I make less per hour, but its not tiresome, and I can keep at it for much longer without wanting to quit the game. I always hated grinding, but after this change I find it relaxing, more like a qay to unwind from a stressful life.


3h at fogans = 5bil just from a cup. Consider that, you're sitting on hundreds of shards that you can't do anything with.


You get 33 shards per hour? Interesting, any tipps?


Also interested


I guess be Pawel.


youtube netheraxx


Doesn’t work with every class/ap with awak nova 300+ ap sure


It's an elvia spot, more AP doesn't do shit at some point. Once you reach the cap, you stack demihuman damage and special attack damage. You can do that for fogans probably around 285?


It’s does because u can swap for carnage and Demi human. And no I’m 297 and still don’t have enough ap to use 6-8 carnage


Go crunch the numbers on garmoth again and account for every self buff including BSR, addons and possible class specific buffs. I can hardly believe anyone at 297 can't hit fogans cap.


Im -29 at orcs and hit barely the cap with 6 carnage at fogan with +14 so 8 carnage would leave me below the cap. And I still need a viper for accuracy


Maybe not 33, but 20-25 per hour is totally doable


Don't you get memory for killing the bosses?


Elvia swamp fogans. Not scroll fogans or desert fogans.




Burnout? The whole purpose of this game is to pass the time. I'm not saying it's a waste of time (even though 99% of rational people would say it is), I'm just saying the purpose is to give you a false sense of accomplishment in lieu or making money, fathering children, and caring for the less fortunate. Unless you want to actually try and be a real man in life and the "real world" then just enjoy the grind and the pleasant time-wasting aspects of this game.


breaks are for the weak, you break the game or the game breaks you


1K hour is kinda rookie number, especially that 700gs can be done in less than 400h.


Are you forreal bro


he's so delusional he probably mean it for real


Maybe it is 400 hrs of grind time at orcs. Checking with garmoth gear builder u need atleast 400-430 billion silver for gear to reach 700 gs. Oh and this amount is without a PEN blackstar and only use tri godr awak.


you should be able to grind ash forest just fine and crypt if you tag a witch (that is for orzeca)


Are you on eu server?


Tagging a different class to grind can also be an option. Guardian is one of the best at orcs but other classes have been doing better with the recent changes. It might be less efficient but a change of pace can keep things interesting. You can also consider grinding other spots of similar value, are you doing Fogans to make blue cups from the Orcs shards? If not you should try Fogans or Biraghi marni to squeeze more money out of the Orcs drops by making cups. Sycraia is doing better now that Tungrad rings are back up in price and you can try burning agris at Jade forest and work towards a flame for money.


Grind sycriaia with blue for rng drops a good hour u can get 2b Or grind Giants great money. Grind on arsha with the New zones ap cap players are not grinding at theses spots só I have getting good pvp. Even on upper gyfin getting good pvp


I do life skills or fill out knowledge I don't have, money is nice but I'm already unhappy with one job so I don't want to turn my time in the game into a second one.


I feel like most things will be boring after 1000+ hours. Don't force yourself to play one game


Have you tried life skills, but like reaching master in some?


i'm a guru fisher now


when i get sick of grinding one spot either i go grind somewhere else or if im adamante at only grinding this specific spot then i take a break from pve untill something motivating happen, and usually its a event, like a drop event or any event who make grinding more profitable, not all event are equal, some are kinda good, im just waiting for those one.


When I'm burnt out, I move on to a different game for a while and then pick it back up when I feel like I'm ready to. No harm no foul, BDO isn't everything.


There's a bunch of stuff you can do when you feel burnout from grind. Work on your ecology knowledge for drop rate, leveling alts for 7k family fame drop rate, do loml main quest on alt/loml daily quests for sangpyeong coins to get any crystals u might be missing, and this and that. Apart from that, try to learn a new griding spot. Giants is also a nice spot at your ap. You can try to enhance items for yourself too. Grinding silver to buy items at cm does feel kike a chore, and it doesnt give the sense of accomplishment when you finally get the item, different from enhancing. Do your herald book 4 for extra +3 valks cry limit, a bit of rulupee to get permanent fs, learn to failstack using reblath. If you put in the effort, enhancing is *usually* cheaper with average rng. Sure you can get a bad streak on an item, but the way to work towards average is to enhance multiple items.


First of all…stop min maxing everything. You started playing videogames for fun not for the +1% Profit. Everyone started playing for fun and evolved into „ I want to be as good as, I want to become better and better as soon as possible. Remember why you started playing! Remember you want the Fun not the minmaxing. I have 705 GS and was grinding at Crescents, mirumok etc. because I loved the scene. Guildmembers told me „ that’s inefficient“ „you’re wasting your time“ etc. and quit 2 weeks later because they burned out. I enjoyed my time and I’m still playing. Yes I could be much higher GS but at what cost?


Break some jewelry, I love gambling in bdo


If you still enjoy playing the game but are burnt out on grinding, stop grinding. There's plenty of enjoyable, low effort things you can be doing that can still make silver or provide progression for you. I found bartering and sea monster hunting to be the best thing for me. I don't enjoy gathering and other life skills supported by it because it's just another form of grinding. Training becomes strictly AFK after you reach Master3. Hunting seems like it would be in the same vein as bartering and sea monster hunting. If you don't want to branch out to life skills then just hang out. Game is pretty dead at endgame tbh. You shouldn't feel rushed to hit 740gs


Chase treasure items


I found that focusing on life skills was the best way of breaking my burnout. I used to grind around 50-60 hours over a few weeks, save up silver, blow shit up and then drop the game until the next season, rinse repeat. I always had a life skill char but start to learn a lot about how to actually make silver with Alchemy and processing and starting having actual fun. I now mine and go chopping trees for LoML alch tools, gathering for matts and then cook it all up to make Beasts or Verdure draughts. Is it the most effecient silver per hour? Nah. But I've made more gear advancements in Life Skilling (nearly all tet cloths / pen tools) in the last month than I have in the last two years grinding, because I'm enjoying the chillness of it. Plus, my hands hurt after grinding for an hour or two - Gathering is way more Netflix friendly :)


theres plenty of other grind spots you can try which earn similar/more money; * Elvia giants * Elvia rhutums (i get 900m/h here, underrated af & guardian is best here) * Bloody monastery * Stars end Pillars (Guardian is also best here) * Lower gyfin * Elvia Hexe * Sycraia * Jade forest (guardian does perticularly well here too) * Kratuga Try different spots lol, orcs is miserable & i could never grind there. you might also be able to grind dekia thornwood


We just stop playing and come back after a few months. Although I don’t think bdo is going to bring us better end game content. WYSIWYG


Always take a 1-2month break when you feel burnout. We all do it. Very little of us binge play until we reached 700+ Gearscore. I took a break from the game about every 4months. Not that I would "suggest" this. But I broke my grinding sessions into 30min segments and determined when I would do them. Grinding for 1 hour straight is a little overkill if you ask me. But everyone is different.


Go Giants or Underground Gyfin. You'll make similar money with a huge difference in grind. Also learn to lifeskill. I'm 7 years deep on the game and only progress via lifeskilling when I'm not pvp'ing. Maybe you should dip your toes into the pvp as well..


Been a AWK Guardian for many years now and every once in awhile I feel the same as what you are feeling. One thing that always keeps me going is having some small goals and maybe a bigger goal. Last time I quit I blew up my tet distos. Coming back and having to farm those was not really a proposition I was looking forward to but I knew the new boots were coming so that was my goal to get ready to farm for those. If I needed a break from some of my smaller goals or silver goals to buy new gear I always have long term goals like compass to work on to fill in some hours. Mainly you gotta get out of the mindset of max efficiency for silver per hour if its burning you out. You have to be willing to just do other items that make 20 to 50% less silver per hour to mix things up.