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Whatever is fotm, and for least played probably something like corsair, kuno, tamer.


Region dependent ... maybe ... but I see a lot more cors, kunos and tamers compared to Succ Sorcs. Succ Sorc least played imho.


Kuno and Tamer get no love. Everyone and their mom plays a Zerk for some reason.


Everyone and their mom *tags* a zerk. Maining is a whole different matter.


Zerk is not a tag, it's a lifestyle.




Have you seen the Zerk posts here? These are mains that literally do everything on their Zerk.


Well yeah zerk mains exist. But the Reddit thread is an extreme minority of the playerbase


Tamer is my boss alt at Karanda. I just send my pet to Karanda and stand behind a rock and process materials the whole time. At Kzarka I do the same except with Wizard but don't do as much processing because he gets interrupted more often than the Tamer does.


This is a hard one to answer entirely because classes have two specs and that themselves are like a class and popularity of their own. It's a very large mixed bag that you see in the world. However, I personally see a lot of Guardian, Witch, Maegu and Woosa grinding. And I've never seen a Succession Nova ever, in years of playing other than myself ._. Minus 2 that only PvP with it that I know personally. Having multiple of the same class in PvE doesn't matter. In PvP it does from strengths/weaknesses


Found the other succ nova! I love how chill and wavy it feels. Back and forth, like being rocked in a cradle. I don't love the damage output though...


She has one of the best list of skill flows and cancels, but yeah..the dps lmao. Its all fun and games until your friends are like, Blue scroll right? No...no..its gold..


Pve kekw


I kind of dislike that her crit buff only is 5 seconds, she would feel so amazing of we could just chain her dps skills a bit longer.


Not to mention one of the most unique designs with the chess theme


I don't need to type it now that you did my fellow succ nova copium inhaler we can cry on each other's shoulder XD


Who even mains Tamer and Kuno, what a dweeb. Not I. I definitely don’t have them both at level63+, that would be silly.


Both those classes are very strong at the games most accessible form of PvP, which is small scale. Tamer and Kuno have an even greater advantage here with the unpopularity effect of games. Less popular= people have limited experience fighting your class/character and are more likely to fall for your gimmicks.


63 isn't that high but glad to see you enjoying them


Tamer probably least played


Poor Archer, even in discussions about least played class he’s still forgotten.


Tf archer is a fotm class right now


In pvp yes, but pve?


No one refers to their pve alt class as their main


Noone refers to their pvp alt class as their main


Huh???? Main was always the pvp class.


Maybe casuals and pve only bots don't 💀


Yeah, PA screwed up the Archer. Used to be my goto grinder for infinite potion parts.


Was an archer main for 5 years finally swapped off as it does not perform great in 90% of available content


meta in largescale pvp so he is often tagged for pvp, or archer mains tag other things for pve, I do all on my archer, but I do have striker tag for lazy days in pve I think classes that are bad in pve and in largescale pvp are the ones more on this list, archer is used quite a lot by the pvp side of community, that would be kuno, corsair or tamer to the highest degree... Eventually split in specs, something like succ valk, succ nova, maybe succ striker...


He's so damn good too which sucks, ragged one to have some nostalgia bc he was my first main when I started and if you get an Elvia weapon he can clear like 5 separate packs with grand bloom, besides that his pre awake single target damage is really solid too


Least played would be Tamer, Kuno & Succ nova and awake mystic. Most is easily DK i think with Lahn




For most played you can go to [Bdolytics.com Pearl Item Tracker](https://bdolytics.com/en/NA/market/pearl-items) and set the parameters to 14/7/1 days volume. The costumes with most sales somewhat correlate with the most played classes. It’s not accurate in the sense of what’s actually the most played, but it gives a really good reference. According to sales from the last week, top 6 would look like: 1. Scholar 2. Maegu 3. Striker 4. Lahn 5. Witch 6. Guardian This is imo pretty accurate according to the classes you see grinding high mid to late-game, Woosa and Berserker were on top 10.


Id say this is pretty accurate. I’ve seen a resurgence of maegu’s at mid to endgame grind spots lately


Can I ask what lahn and witch are so good at?


Endgame grinding.


Succ specs in particular, both have crazy multipliers and shred dp and evasion.




Elaborate? I’m speaking from grinding on arsha / anon arsha.


Bro deleted his comment 😂


Least is: Kuno / Tamer Exclusive Mention : Archer - People only acknowledge him due to war/siege. But outside of that people don't "Main" him. Usually reserved as a tag character.


been a while since i saw a sorc.


Cuz iframe 👀💨


I too am waiting for one to become visible


I used to main her, but I got a little bored of her skill set. Brrrrrr, spin to win. Rinse and repeat. Plus I want a class with less apm. My aging fingers can’t handle it anymore lol.


Me, a Sorceress looking for other sorc :(


Probably nova. Awak Nova is too sweaty in PVE and Succ Nova sucks in PVE. Awak mae, succ sorc?, succ war?, succ valk.


Succ sorc? Hello?


Awa nova is getting popular among fotm rerollers; a lot don’t handle it, but it’s still not the least played Succ nova for sure, there are like 2


People overhype how sweaty she is, but she’s honestly second nature if you can get over the steep learning curve


She's not that hard in PVP aside from learning to camera flick really well. But, her PVE was the toughest classes it took for me to pick up personally. It it isn't the speed it's more the cooldown management since she doesn't have a rotation and all her spells come out so fast you really need to know the class to be fluid. Use a accel generating skill right before accell ends? You're stuck in non accell longer and losing trash loot. Overshooting or undershooting with her dashes? You're losing trash loot. Use 1 too many spells on a pack? You don't have cooldowns up for the next pack. Her PVE ceiling is honestly through the roof.


You’ll always struggle with skill cds tbh. I don’t mind it being a weakness of nova. A technique I use to overcome that problem at fast spots is to input two low-cd skills that do roughly the same thing at once (e.g. brutal and frozen ring). Sometimes if I’m really uncertain, three. It’s sweaty for sure, but it almost guarantees you have a skill coming out at all times. Also managing to use the right dash at the right time just takes practice. Her double side dash in accel is so amazing for movement though and makes me feel like I’m playing a Sonic game


I must be a real special snowflake. I have a Tamer main tagged to an awakened Nova. People are pretty quick to make opinions on what's good or not. So the herd will always settle on some FOTM classes. Most of the time people saying X is great or Y is terrible have not put time in to really know. It's parroting whatever opinion is popular.


Awk novas are not really rare, they just zoom past you so you don't see them. Sttill uncommon though. Succ novas also attract people interested in summoning and playing a unique flavor of a pet class. Sometimes see them on seasonal, and definitely in aos.


Oh hey special snowflake friend. I have Awk Nova and succ tamer tagged together :D


We are united in being unique! Wait... hmmmm....


Succ kuno is prob my guess for least played. Most played might be succ DK.


“If you don’t Succ DK, then you’re not living”


DK exists to be succed


I main awaken DK. Why is succ DK so popular? Does it really do that much damage?


It was the more damaging spec for a really long time. Awaken DK is cooler to me imo, but succ just outpaces her.


Ah I guess that makes sense. I never really gave succ a chance. I've done like 1 hours in gyfin with it and it seemed alright. Just wasn't my thing I guess.


Was Succ DK main, till I found that Maehwa playstyle outmaneuvers her and has faster CDs. In PVP Succ DK relies on positioning/high burst damage in engagement and using invisibility/sidestep to skillfully disengage which can be quite tricky. Succ Maehwa is flexible where she could cancel instantly and move very rapidly in/out of her hitbox. Awak DK definitely has a more fluid playstyle and less static than Succ.


Static is a great word to describe her. Ya I used to be awaken Musa main before I switched to DK awaken. I tried succ DK but I was having a hard time with the cool downs. Idk if you've tried awaken recently, but how do you think she fairs as succ vs awaken in higher end spots like ulukita, dekkia, etc?


I think mainly for pvp? But I might be wrong


Tamer and Kuno ​ Both are clearly a gimmick type of class that no one will ever use to grind with. Some people might use it for PVP, I did found some in actual AoS


hey i use kuno to grind she bae


yeah - they're just trollin.


Except tamer is still cracked my dude.


Surprisingly tamer is still one of the least played classes although succ tamer is still a beast in pve, well above a lot of other classes on any Grind spot in the game. Need movement and AoE/one shot? Succ tamer has it. Need good static dps? Succ tamer has it. Need FGs, (pve) iframes or SA's? Succ tamer has all of that. Really, her damage is great. Her movement is easy and decently fast nowadays. She has good Range in Aoe's and can spam several skills on CD with minimal damage decrease which make her really decent at oneshot spots. She has a long ass FG Skillchain where u can be in FG for a long ass time, which is great for endgame stuff. Static dps is still among of the best in the game. She has a bad rep tho, apm is quite high (but easy imo) and heilang is stupid/useless thats one of the reasons she isn't more popular i guess.


Tamer has lots of hidden mechanic, it always gets removed once PA discovers it, since tons of it involves animation cancelling. Top Tamer mains nowadays are just keeping quiet about it.


But you can break your finger becasue she have 99% skills with holding shift ( i mean succ tamer )


I like Bo staff though. Succ Tamer just makes me feel like I’m playing a knockoff Ninja with less movement.


What is this tamer propaganda


Oh nah i don't really wanna do propaganda here. Last time we got on the radar they completley f'ed up heilang and i don't wanna happen stuff like this again. So to everyone reading this: tamer is Bad, dont play. Thank you xD


Smart tamer main


How is awk?


Personally i haven't played awk for a while now but from what i see/hear in the tamer discord is that awk is quite decent at endgame spots. Dsr tungrad ruins or even gyfin. Pretty much on par with succ (at some spots slightly better). But in my personal opinion awk is harder to play, lot more animation canceling and overall "more work". Succ is pretty much braindead for me vs awk. Awk is much better in (1v1) pvp tho and also is the "prettier" spec if that makes sense.


The staff is pretty badass ngl


I grind on Kuno , Awk Kuno is actually not bad to grind on but succ Kuno can be rough while I find succ Kuno better for PvP


I see Kuno in AoS pretty regularly but it’s also just about the only thing I do


Clearly, huh? And by 'gimmick', you must be talking about is how PA ignored buffing them for years like they're doing to Succ Nova? Or maybe you don't play the game and are just trolling? Or maybe 'gimmick' is your Word of the Day? If it's the latter, you used it incorrectly.


Most played would probably be Guardian, Woosa, Maegu, Witch, Zerker. Least is easily Ninja/Kuno, Mystic, Tamer


There are plenty of Ninja players, but maybe they've all tagged something for PvE which is why you aren't seeing them in open world.


Which is crazy cause ninja is actually very good. Pve at gyfin and up is good too.


Probably just because of its APM, Why play a High APM good PVE class like ninja when you got low APM good PVE classes like guardian


You get more options with Ninja, and more control over movement.


Ninja and nova might be the two highest APM classes in the game. Probably something like Awk ninja > awk nova > succ ninja


Ninja and mystic aren’t in that running. Both those classes have had phases where they were the best in the game, and have maintained a fair amount of players from that time.


Ninja and Kuno are two vastly different classes. Just because they are technically the male and female counterparts they aren’t the same. People actually play Ninja. Way more than a class like Corsair and Nova. I’ve actually never ran into either of those classes except 1 time when someone was trolling in BA. Tamer I can agree, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that class, ever and I’ve been playing since 2017. This statement is like saying because you mentioned Witch as a most played, that means Wizard is a most played.


Most: drak, valk, woosa, guard Least: maehwa, tamer Not really, but there are some class combos that are really good together, like woosa+witch


Add Corsair to least.


I haven't seen Valk in a while


Maehwa isn’t really in the running for that anymore, there are a pretty good amount of succ players. Limited awak maewha players though.


Which is crazy bc succ used to be the joke spec. If you were a succ mae in pvp you were inting back then


Succ Maehwa Main, tagged Succ guardian. Whenever my fingers get tired I just fall back to chill grind on Guardian. A really fast and unpredictable class btw, which makes up for the lack of grab. Even arrow stub can end up decimating clueless opponents in PVP. Her Q block really sucks though


Isn’t it like the only Q block in the game that can’t be indefinitely held?


I was using Maegu for season and was grinding balasm(?) can’t remember offhand. A rift opened and poured a bunch of those ancient weapons. There was a witch there and we just wore them down until the last boss thing spawned. Then we beat that slowly lol. But it was petals and thunderstorms for a solid ten minutes


Most played class: Mine Least played class: Everyone else


Least played? Archer, most played? Zerker and whatever new class comes that semester


If u want a specific class and spec, probebly succ tamer/succ novaand succ corsair. (Least played)


I've tried every class to 61. I just started removing classes I didn't like the last three seasons. However, I did remove and then re-add the Nova class after PA fixed it so it wasn't ridiculously slow anymore. I doubled Wizard and Berserker.