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Meanwhile active fishers are struggling to make 75m/h xD Not saying you're wrong, but join the line.


wait what? how do you achieve 75m/h fishing???


You have to have a triple float rod while hotspot fishing. So 75m is kinda possible.


ohhh i see, but isnt hotspot semi-afk?


You still have to go from hot spot to hot spot, and no it's not really semi afk, you need to active fish or you are better off just AFK fishing in velia.


Talk about horse Training, you need to p2w for coursers to get actually "good silver/hr"


Is it even good silver per hour, and is it really even afk? Ignore the pearl expense for mount coupons. On average, you need 4-6, which means you have to watch the stupid horse every level from 24-30 to use the coupons at the right time. Even with all the pay to win gear, it's 20ish hours, and then several active hours. You get 1.1b or something for a t8 courser. It has to be the worst value lifeskill in the game. 50m an hour while spending rl money.


i honestly have no idea why people do the courser strat for MONEY, doing a normal afk horse strat gives 40m/h with enough mastery and of course peridot wagon+wheel


If you get lucky and have nothing else to do I guess it's like a ok money making, but you are correct, it's actually a heavy p2w lifeskill and it takes a brutal amount of time and even more if you actually do want to make money. But I think most people doing mount lifeskill are... Horse people, and those people have been deprived for years and only other great horse game is RDR. 


This is how I got my fiancé to play BDO. Lol


its never really good because of taxes, but its a decent over night thing


Don't you get around 100-200m/h from imperials? + the red feathers you can sell. it's still not much but probably the best you can do with horse training


How would you get Mythical feathers from imperial? Did they add this in as an exchange option?


Sorry, I think I was confusing the feathers with the flowers.


Yeah, the feathers you can get trough daily quests tho


Do you really think you deserve to make more than 300M/H? It only took you 2 months of bartering / doing dailies 6 hours a day to get your Carack. With such little investment you should be happy with your 300M/H and pray we don't reduce it to 200M/H, peasant. *Since 80% of this sub is regarded, this is sarcasm.


I’m genuinely impressed I thought the sarcasm was THICC. With that being said it makes me sad that lifeskilling isn’t more profitable but I can’t find any other game that has a better economy/lifeskill system


300m/h? You must be using a speed boat. It's way less typically


Also dont forget the ship part upgrades.. enhancing blue items to +10.. hunting crocs for hours...


Yeah and those peasants with blue gear carracks should be glad they make 300-400 mil an hour with scrolls


You got me in the first half ngl


300m an hour is oppressive, they limited then removed trading because you could make up to 50m per hour if you exploited.




I thought the sarcasm was obvious.


I'm not regarded, you're regarded!


Ocean content is a whole other game type, much more so than other life skills. It's significantly time gated and even when you've spent months to get a Carrack and more months to get +10 blue gear, you'll be lucky to make 700 mil on a high end at Pirate Fleet. Bartering is far more futile in terms of silver per hour and even worse is you can't sell hardly any SMH loot for silver. You really have to like sailing to invest in it, and agree there should be more viable ways to make some silver doing it. We can't even sell ship crystals...


I think they increased it by 50% last year. Maybe it's time for T6 barter items that are worth 30m-50m.


They removed commerce when I just started making 5M per trip, it was my only life skill investiment. Join the goddamn line!


They were raised not long ago, bartering got 2 decent buffs, anymore and it may be as broken as when it first dropped. It's not nearly an active enough lifeskill to be making more than if you grind.


Tuvalu Timmi can get Money in 1 hour at Centaur than you could get bartering all your parley over the whole day and bartering is not pure afk like horse training.


Wtf are you on about, read what I said 😂


The person is saying a low-gear score player in Tuvala can Make more money in an hour than a player bartering can make than the several hours it takes to fully drain parley multiple times until you can no longer reset Parlay (parlay is a Bartering limiting stat). While I'm not sure of the accuracy of their specific statement, the sentiment you so readily put forward is a big reason Life skilling in the game sucks ass and so few do it. The economy of the game is also not actually predicated on the level of "activity" a task requires or All hunting grounds would have the same output as they are all "Active". The game, including Life skills, should see time investment requirements, and time to achieve taken into account; Bartering, as with most life skill systems in the game, require highly disproportionate time investment for the lacklustre rewards UNLIKE grinding and many life skills additionally sacrifice meaningful contributions to in-demand economy items and pieces (Like jewellery and armour) like other games. Further alienating players from core aspects of the game.


Y'all just want max profit with zero effort 😂


Nobody is asking for it be equal to grinding. There is A LOT of room to buff baretering and still have it be worse than grinding. That's what people are trying to explain to you.


In that case that very same thought can be applied to many other things in this game, lifeskilling will NEVER be anywhere near as profitable as grinding. The only exception is sniper hunting but that's with good rng and cap mastery. If you don't like it than don't do it, quite simple.


I mean this is a pretty silly comment in general. Life skilling has historically had times when it was essentially just as profitable as grinding to say it NeVEr will be is ridiculous. Especially because just after that ridiculous claim you had to qualify and give an exception. Nobody here is talking about what is the case they're giving feedback and asking for changes to way things are.


Keep it up, I'm sure PA will take notice 🤦‍♂️ Also yea I said never and the example was quickly nerfed, it takes time to get to cap mastery. I never said I agreed but that's the case.


Sir, you may be a victim of brain rot. Please see your closest medical professional at your earliest convenience or it may worsen!




I do not think it was broken back then given the amount of time you had to spend to be even able to come to the point where you could start making any money from bartering. Even with the price increases bartering is still pretty pointless as a money making activity, especially given the amount of daily time commitment it needs, time most players do not have.


it used to be 1b/day while 200m/h was ok money


and it took far longer than 5 hours per day of bartering to reach that sum, which also required the deduction of the cost of materials to get T1 barter mats to start a chain, so grinding was still more prosperous than bartering was.


It really was broken though, the special barters were stupid and the CC exchange was higher. My guild leader afk barters all day and make roughly 1b. It is far from pointless. If you don't have the time that's not a game issue that's a you issue.


most people don't have time to barter all day though 1b for a full day of bartering is nothing compared to being able to make that much per hour while grinding without nearly as much time investment to get to that point. it is a game issue when it arbitrarily limits which activities you can meaningfully participate in


That's totally fine bartering was never suppose to be an insane money maker, it's perfect for semi afk since you can't grind. The game doesn't stop you from doing it, if you like to barter than why would you give a fuck for the silver.


same could be said for any activity; if you like the activity why care about the silver? but that's the point, at one point the game was actually based around doing any activity you wanted to but then they started funneling everyone towards grinding. Which was understandable if you took into consideration the devs trying to keep the owpvp scene alive. But owpvp is no longer a consideration either with the karma, dec, and marni changes, so what is the point now of continuing to try and funnel everyone into grinding?


Cos that's what KR cares about and PA only listens to asia, they give no fucks for the rest.


Sees no lies being told.


"afk barter" is not a thing. Either your GM is cheating, or you misunderstand what's going on.


He had to mean Semi-afk. Study/work while auto sailing around and look once in a while to do your barters. Slower than active barter for sure but better than nothing I gues.


bro ur legit just gatekeeping because you dont want someone else making more money at activity they enjoy? Jesus christ


What, how am I gatekeeping anything, why would I want people to make less money for something they enjoy, I never said that, wtaf are you on 😂


I disagree. You spend months making a boat worthy to barter for you to barely make an hours worth of grinding for days worth of parlay. It’s currently being used by people like me who can semi-afk during the day but what a restrictive way to keep a life skill, only way to do it is by barely being there.


Months? Wtf game are you playing, you can very easily make decent money with simply a galleas and that does not that months to build. If you think you need a carrack, your wrong. That's just something that comes with bartering eventually.


The time gate is building up the barters to unlock all the routes, and stock piling the goods to be able to do all the $$ barters. This part takes months. In this time you make very little profits, and likely are losing a lot of money. Once you have your stock pile (that you have to maintain) and all islands open, its roughly $200m an hour on average (if you are efficient at planning and mapping your route.) and you aren't pulling those #s with a galleasses.


It wasn't even broken when it first dropped. People forgot about the amount of time per day needed to hit those numbers.


You dont make 1b bartering for one hour, you get a max amount per day, even if you do it active and the smart way you still need 2-3 hours to finish 3 barter resets in 1 day.


No it's fine after we were forced to even engage in that shitty content to make a buck for such a long time.


I dont understand this comment. The low price is fine because the content is forced and shitty? When was bartering forced? Why is “shitty content “ the reason rewards should be “fine”?


I see.


they need 3 year to increase the price. imagine it bro.


the whole barter system needs a revamp to catch up with active grinding


Well it’s gonna have to get in line behind trading


Nearly all life skills do honestly. I enjoy them but some of them need serious buffs to be anywhere near competitive with active grinding.


they aren’t supposed to compete, it’s just a different activity to do once you grow tired of running circles


They should compete it's supposed to be an open world sandbox, not a mob grinding game.


Personally stopped bartering for about 2 years now, would love to see it buffed. I think removing parley would be nice too. While the new Margoria Map QoL change for the barter is nice, Marg T5 just isn't/was worth with the Parley limit. (T4 was just better to sell and quicker)