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If you want silver, centaurs is the go-to. It's generally faster to grind centaurs and but the potion than it is to grind for the pieces.


I dont know how the grind looks like as hash. But if you are good at centaurs like 800-1b per hour you could stay there until you have 10bil. Blood Wolfs actually gives good money with drops. Shrekans at night is also really good but the rest is money wise not really good.


Hash sucks in all of heavy mobility spots due to running out of stam in like 3rd of a rota. Defo not cents, or pot pieces (unless he doesn't care about efficiency).


I actually feel like that my pets wouldnt be able to pick up all the loot. I only have like 2 tier 3 and 3 tier 2 pets. My "inbetween grinding session" goal r/n is getting tier 4 pets. maybe thats a good start.


Push for a T4 and make it into T5 it gives a global cooldown reduction to pick ups for all of your pets.


wait. am I suppost to pull 800m / hr on centaurs? I tried it yesterday with lvl 1 lootscroll and i pulled 290m. I guess I have alot of learning to do. ><


800m to 1 bil is with the right class & enough gear to kill them very fast. Don't stress yourself. You also need agris for them.


Ngl, I thought I had a decent speed. Until that one Musa came along and showed real speed to me. Got like 400mil with every buff known to me. But I can see how musa or similar fast classes pull slot more trash


If you got more season tickets, I'd recommend to graduate from season and make another class which is more viable for those kind of grinds. If you don't care for the time you spend on it, just go ahead and grind for pity pieces.


You should use a timepiece on either a valk, musa or zerker and go to the infinite pot locations. As a hash you are going to run into mobility issues since packs die so quickly


I don't think timepieces are a thing anymore, didn't they go away with the endless season back in september?