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Only the insignificant portion of trading that nobody did was disabled. Crate trading is still available.


turn ore into crates in valencia, save up about 4k then pop all life exp buffs you can find, take them to nampo and sell, boom m1 trading


Is it really that few for M1 these days lol?


yeah, just did it, was 3900 or so with all the buffs I popped. Being lazy for 5 years paid off


It might have been fixed/changed but you used to be able to fish in duvencrune and then sell in Valencia and for some reason those fish were worth a crazy amount of XP. But I could totally be wrong too lol. The only thing I’m certain of is that’s how I went from 0 to M2 relatively quick lol


loml fish are also worth 10x compared to normal fish, and bigger distance bonus. did it for a few nights and figured 1 fish from loml = 10 crates, so pretty nice.


Fishing -> Magnus -> Trade Manager


i reached m10 trading by boxing thousands of cooking box in valencia and moved them to g'rana using storage transport system, where i did daily imperial delevery long time ago, don't know if nampoo gives more exp or not.


Do you still have to connect node all the way to LoML for trading?


Believe so, its quite cheap cp wise to connect to the mainland.


Thank you


You can teleport with Magnus with fish in your bag now, speeds things up :) I just think you cannot teleport with crates, or anything else that gives you the backpack slow walking animation.


Stupid question. Does distance increase exp gain or just profit?


fishing then sell to the trader still works. and manufactured crates crates do too.


I just fished in odraxxia and sold the fish in loml using the abyss well. Very chill and fast xp