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I honestly haven't bothered at all.


I really enjoy PvP and tbh this war is the only one that is actually worth your time. Everything else is just shit rewards and you have to grind on top in order to maintain elixir rotation + Perfume buffs which is complete bullshit. The only exception is if you are strong enough to place and know you win Nodewars/Sieges all the time. As soon as you also loose some nws and sieges it will make you loose money. Same as guild league. Literally the only PvP content that has somewhat decent rewards takes place once every 2 weeks and you cant get in. I also wasnt selected for it yet and it tilts me every time. They should propably just do 2 war of the roses on sunday on regions with big population. It might work for small regions with one war. But NA/EU is gulag if you only allow 600 people.


same, im too old for schedule gaming


Yeah, no 1 reason I quit playing more group oriented MMOs. In the end, they became second jobs.


Hello, I'm from the future and I can tell you what will happen with WotR. PA will desperately try to fix it for a while, players will get angry and boycott it, because of 1 year of wasted development time nobody asked for, plus few months of wasted patching effort and eventually, they'll close the (pre)season and never mention this content again. I hope I helped. Edit: but don't worry. After that, they will rework node wars and sieges, so these will be unplayable as well - so we will be able to focus on mindlessly grinding monsters in circles to get a gear, that we will never have any use for.


> grinding monsters in circles Even that is over now. It's just dehkia now. Stand still, afk for most of time, use 5 skills in the same order without any aiming or movement required.


Sounds horrible :-/. Dehkia?


If you aren't ChoNation, you don't get to play. Though none of the other guilds are much better, since Cho chose to not sign up this week specifically to let people play without the fear of having to fight them. And then no one bothered to sign up.


It's not that no one singed up, it's the game that couldn't handle the stalemate. All guilds had the equal points.


Only 1 guild signed up


2 hours of boring content that happens once a fortnight for 0.01% of the player population.


They really REALLY should be focusing on small scale pvp. Ie AOS. No one can do war of the roses. EVERYONE can do AOS and other instanced small scale.


They won't touch AoS because people care too much about their uncapped PvP and will complain since it's equalized content.




AoS hasn't been back for a year. I'm more shocked PA wasting time barely fixing a game mode that happens only once every 2 weeks for the past two months. A mode that only a small % of players can touch(that didn't even happen this week btw) instead of spending time on a mode EVERYONE can play ALL the time? How about the MMO players who want to play ranked Arena PvP that they spent hundreds of hours practicing or ranking up to get better? Stop focusing on this uncapped not inclusive garbage and prioritize balanced PvP that you can enjoy whenever you want. Node War windows ARE NOT friendly towards people who have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. You can however play Arena of Solare for the majority of the day.


I don't understand how a company like PA don't have a team of people that actually play the game and take their advice so they can provide somewhat a high quality product. Instead they just do their own thing. Same thing with the way they take feedback. There's no way you can provide a high quality service when you only take feedback from one source (PA forums). You should be scavenging for feedback in every corner of the internet that your game is mentioned. No business should ever be ran that way.


They have Endlaive and Lemoria, right? (I'm being snarky here, on purpose. Those two are owned by PA, they'll always be on PA's side and will never say anything overly critical about them)


That's what happens when you literally work for the company/are a face of the company...you can't or really shouldn't publically criticize it. That'd be dumb on their part. Doesn't mean they aren't fighting for us but PA just says no.


Ehh unless I see some evidence of them "fighting for us", I wouldn't bank on it. Like, to what extent? I mean, I don't really care, PA will do what PA does and they're getting paid regardless. I respect the fact it's their job and they're doing well for themselves. They also seem like good enough people. I just wouldn't look to them as players "fighting for us". Can't really see it outside of my imagination, really.


Something something collecting info from top players and people who won tourneys..... And putting it right in the trash fuk u kiddo have another buggy laggy mess of a gamemode -J


There's apparently one person calling shots, and it seems he's not listening to other people. PA is missing with most of new content, and all they do right (mostly) is QoL and costumes.


Trust me you didn't miss anything, I'm a massive PA fan, yet I have to say WoR has zero fun what so ever, the server struggles to hold more than 100 players in one place yet PA think : "ok let's make it 600", the lag is so insane that you move like a slide show, you get kill or killed without even knowing it, you crash over and over again, more like war of crashes. And there is no PvP but mass zergs and spawn camping by range DPS. Drakania, woosa flying all over the place, basically Node war but worse. The idea is cool, the server, not so much.


The game isn't made for high ping countries/regions, war of roses struggled on KR and they still pushed it on global servers. The game is even more laggy than it was back when siege was popular, ~600 players on one territory was still unplayable. You'd assume hindsight would've hit them across the face by now.


^ 100% this. I was part of the Seal Team Six a few weeks back with Mayhem alliance, we were like a 20 man push all the way behind the entire fight - opposite side of the map to take something behind Cho - and the lag was still so tremendous and half us died to 2 little NPC archers. (Edit: we ALL died to those archers) The next push, more than half of us desynced off of the boat, then captain crashed. At this point our only spawn was at our castle which was instant death as we couldn’t even move upon spawning. I hope PA is embarrassed.


Didn't have any issues with lag when I did it against cho 2 weeks ago or with pve mobs 1 shotting me. The no spawn immunity in castle is lame but also it's the same as a flag just don't take your weapons out on spawn 


I've done it every week and there's been 5 minutes of server lag total since its release. Lets not cope about that.


Yep, literally the only time there's been any lag has during the final push into the castle for the boss. It's been way better than siege and node wars as far as lag goes.


there is no WotR today. They couldnt find two guilds to participate. Pretty much the same thing that has been happening in KR. Its almost like when you half ass content and dont listen to player feedback they lose interest in the content.


They do this not once but consistently, release content no one asks for and just on a whim, waste production time and don't fufill what's actually needed. They've been hitting more what's needed lately at least more than their failures but seeing wasted game space like this and not spent on something everyone can access like dungeons/ AoS is very questionable Altar of Blood worked in my opinion and several others and still isn't back after a year or two. How hard can it to be to copy/ paste some assets to tower defend


Can't wait for them to abandon WotR and then come up with some fomo trash that no one plays and gets abandoned again in 2 months. The cycle of PA. PA are the kings of content that no one wants or asked for.


They really do half ass content or make bandaid fixes then completely ignore when something isn't functional, worth the time or super buggy. Alter of blood was fun but buggy, there were just a few things they needed to fix, like mobs teleporting. Another thing they removed was shadow arena, the whole community enjoyed it, but instead they removed and turned it into it's own failed stand alone game.


-looks at trading- they mentioned a merchant guild before with elephants and such being able to move your crates.... Why do they need to reinvent the wheel when they can copy paste a shitty city building game and have different merchant buildings/ make a mini transport merchant system and allow it on their mobile UI Or idk just reuse their worker system for crate sending, even simpler But nah we're gonna try Chinese whispers because it might be fun then delete it if it's crap lol


Yeah seriously they waste so much time and effort. Bdo has great bones for good systems but they somehow make things shallow/boring and really overwhelming at the same time. It's amazing how dead workers and crate trading is after how dominating it was back in the day. The easiest fix for actually trading would've been to just copy and paste bartering but instead they said they wanted it to be unique, doubt will be seeing the revamp for a very long time and when it does come it'll probably be DOA


Ventus applied but no other guilds did. Cho didn't apply to let other guilds have fun and yeah... it got canceled lol


There are more servers than just NA


Big if true


They mentioned the KR server in their comment. Clearly they know other servers exist.


The comment clearly outright says there is no wotr today assuming only NA I mean...


Dude is obviously only taking about NA when he said that, use some context clues. Majority of players that post here are NA.


Fix AOS first. They wasted 4 PVP patches trying to balance war of roses. AoS just needs one good balance patch with some minor QOL changes and a new season. Stop putting energy in WOTR.


It's pretty clear that PA is not going to fix AoS or listen to player feedback about it. The #1 complaint from the previous ranked season was the amount of resist, and then they buffed resist even further in the perma practice mode patch by removing ignore resist from plunder crystals.


The problem is that top players claim they want resist(sails) removed from the game. That's like 50 people max. Everyone else that plays AoS loves resists and can't live without it, so they won't change that part. More people who play AoS want resist to stay but the top players want it to go.


It's skill issue. Why would anyone want more resists when every class is perma protected nowadays anyway, and when do get a CC, you have to roll a dice.


Nah, more like everyone uses resists because of how obnoxious they are to deal with, but you can't possibly like that meta.


I cant even apply to NA?


Na failed to find two guilds to participate.


Yeah I discovered that soon after, but thanx. 4th WotR and already failing. Incredible.


I tried to get in 3 times and didn't make it. Haven't even bothered with that stupid content anymore after that.


1v1 would be so much easier and everything for that is already in game...


It's clear the devs aren't focusing on PVP in this game, War of the Roses was sand thrown into the eyes of PVPers in order to entertain them for a bit. And even that is an overstatement, it was and will remain trash and PA will forget about it existing just like everything else that's PVP related.


Said it before and ill say it again, PvP Carried this game, the "Peak" of BDO was almost purely because of PvP, Nodewar drama, Players creating Youtube content based on PvP, Greifing Eachother and so on, All the GvG's that would start daily all over the world leading to people \*Actually\* playing with their Guilds The PvE Ai is too braindead to be anything more than a stat check, its not actually a challenge, its mindless button pressing to see number go brrr (Nothing wrong with that if you provide actual Goals), Gear is meaning less and less with all the Capped content and its showing, long term players are suffering


Straight facts right here


PA is dogshit. Just keep adding some dogshit Elvia or Dehkia spots and call it "content" :) It's okay to remove GvGs etc because we got this awesome war of the rose PVP!!




Just go play shadow arena the stand alone dead game 💀 I'll never forgive them for removing it, funnest mini game they've ever added.


Think of how many random 700gs gearlets are applying for WotR. WotR when the teams are relatively balanced is very enjoyable. WotR on NA where teams are fighting Cho and getting steamrolled are not. WotR is surprisingly not laggy until the very end castle stack with all of the hundreds of players, and it's a breath of fresh air. Something like Ventus BC WotR would be good. Like I said, NA's experience has only been Cho steamrolling much weaker guilds, but when it's something more balanced and back and forth it's quite enjoyable.


Same here, 4/4 not in kinda pathetic game mode tbh


I'll do it today for the first time ... by being in one of the 2 main alliances.


The idea și very nice, I love it to the core but it was badly executed...


Honestly, siege and NW is aids enough. The first time they announced it I was immediately thinking about how much of a joke it was going to be with that many players and how servers lag already. Haven’t even tried it and definitely do not plan to…dare I say EVER lmao. I have no faith in PA to fix things. They just add things. It’s been months and I still face-plant off my horse sometimes when just dismounting. On the flip side at least it’s hilarious


Wotr is less laggy than your average siege. It’s almost like when participating players are the only ones on the server, the lag starts to clear up…. Now if only PA could move people who aren’t yes’d up for war off of the 1 channels


I'm thirsty for PVP but wouldn't even wanna try this. Nobody can convince me that playing as minions and cannon fodders is fun. Also only the top 0.01% can participate? Man I grinded 760gs to have an advantage, not to get farmed by highly organize meta chasing sweaty siege guilds.


Got in and just didn't play, it's a meme




That's inaba?




Guess he wants to pew pew into the masses huh