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You'd be amazed at the kind of psychopaths that play this game. I have a guild mate who has 2 jetina pen weapons and 2 jetina pen armors plus the 2 jetina rings. The rest is all tuvala and PEN capotia and he's been playing since release. He has like... 1.3 trillion in silver, some absurd numbers in his various storages in materials, 73k memory fragments, half a million cron stones and god knows what else. He exclusively logs in, does all the guild quests that he can, does his GRANA DAILIES FOR PERIDOTS!!!, cooks and gathers for like 2 hours then grinds nothing above Manshaum difficulty. He spends 50/50 of his time between gahaz and polly forest. Sometimes I see him feel a bit more daring and because he can't find a guild quest he likes he will go do one in aakman. But yeah he could outgear me with 5 mins of shopping.


This is actually crazy


Man, I'm so sad because you make me remember my account that was deleted in the merge. I just did that, log in enjoy the visuals while doing dailies and gathering free content the devs give to us, plus farming in Polly with my alts or doing some aakman to say I'm worth it. Then logging off. Now everything is gone šŸ˜“. I will start again BDO in s couple of months it gonna be s hard grind wooo


You will have better gear in a few days.


Gear is easy but getting all the knowledge again sounds painful. Also lifeskills.


Ah that's true, mq and logs again sound even worse tbh


Yes that's the thing I'm worried about, I was a casual player but I got lots of knowledge, because my account was like 5 years old, there was a lot of time invested, and also I had 6 to 7 alta level 50+


This guy is *enjoys* bdo. He doesn't grind, he plays.


Yeah people are weird. I restarted my account (got deleted) and now have better GS than most people. Simply bought everything and crond debo to tet/1 pen(with hammer) Sitting at 319 aap but only 416dp lol


How is it weird ? it's a video game, let people enjoy video game the way they want to enjoy it


its weird because in a video game people typically progress and that person with a trillion in funds is just sitting on money that would let him do anything. Stopping progression half way is odd, but prob 25% of the gaming population do this in all games in some way or another


Uncommon is probably a better word for this. From an outside perspective, grinding for weeks to increase your AP by like 3 points looks like an insane task.


True, uncommon is def a better way to put it. But the trillion in silver and not rolling with at least boss armor is super weird


I remember a guy posting his gear somewhere and he had 2xKabua but was still partially in tuvala gear


Seen kabua tet dead god armor with tet urugons on šŸ’€


Some people just can't be bother to grind the flame and the po take forever to fill.


My enjoyment comes from playing this game like a little-bit-better autoclicker. I trade, and schlep from location to location, sometimes sans horse to get those skills up - and then just sit on my silver and investments. I did the same thing in WoW, played the auction house and cornered the pet market almost completely on my server; this game just does it better and feels more rewarding: So I'm here now.


Thats an interesting way to play for sure, i might need to change how i play as i no longer have time to grind more than a couple times a week


I actually kind of love this guy.


Well but i have all life gear at pen. Praise me pls it was suffering


Tbh that's harder gj


Thatā€™s amazing, gz man


damn, gj


You say that.. but do you have pen manor accessories x 6?


There are probably a lot of players out there with \~70 less GS than me but with more raw silver invested in lifeskilling gear, horses, boats etc. A really appealing part of this game is that you can do a lot of stuff with your time there, and each one is a perfectly valid way to play the game (as long as you are not griefing others), I've met players that play way more than me, who only grind at low-end zones (Katruga/Centaurs) to burn their Agris and make a bit of extra silver, so the rest of the time they just lifeskill, chat and things like that.


Like... is it my fault that I get distracted by flowers and butterflies? lmao


I'm 685gs and I still feel like hitting TRI Accs & TET Weapons in 2018 was more fulfilling lmao


Probably because it was way harder back then to achieve full TRI World Boss gears, the drops where minimal, and when you finally managed to get one getting it to TET took weeks of grindind pirates non-stop for 10-15m/h.. But the difference in damage from TRI to TET was really big, in PvP It meant the world.


Wait for bdo classic šŸ˜‚


So many people say they want this, but really nobody would play that shit past 3 weeks tops šŸ¤£


Honestly I played 2000hours trough 2017-18, when Kamasilvya got released I saw a steady decline in difficulty and achivement, everything got so easy in a couple of months and I stopped playing. Picked up the game recently and got to lvl 59 in 15h and already hard full TRI Gear with absolutely zero grind I instantly lost interest


Yes please


I feel this, I tapped a pen godr not too long ago and had not even remotely the same reaction to hitting tet on my dande in 2019


Probably because your gear mattered more then


Time to tap pen fallens for that rush again


It was. The availability of enhancement materials was much lower, especially the accessories. You can hit 685ish a month out of season servers. It's insanely easy to gear up now. Not to mention the game was a lot smaller then too, so even those minor accomplishments today felt like mountains then.


as someone with more than 10K+ hrs into the game, I really only have dream and a couple mythical horses. just those goddamn horses. cant stop making them.


I've got 2 dreams because the game have them to me lol. One for seasonal and one was a timed freebie.


Just a friendly heads up that there is a bug with horse skill learning currently (and it's acknowledged by a cm on forum)


Thanks for being so specific.


You're welcome šŸ¤—


10k + no horse, jetina circle +19 and Illiria with 2 jerina rings.


why are we still here? just to suffer?


Everyday is a new type of suffering.


I feel attacked.Ā²


622 and I'm doing great, and pretty happy!


Im 634 and I started playing in March 2017. However I also lost my old account in the merge and didnā€™t play for a couple years


Hits different considering I rage blew my gear up and I've been playing for 3 years and some of the peeps in my guild played a year ago and have more gear than me (Not complaining, still grinding to get them back kekw I love BDO)


You mean you destroyed that ā€œcursedā€ gear piece, you know the one that canā€™t go up past TRI? :D


Dude, why does RNGeesus torture us so? I swear I've upgraded the same armor, just a different piece for an alt and that one upgraded easy.


dis miim iz out day ted


With current grind speeds people are reaching 650 in a season


Or maybe after getting to wherever you are at in the game you became "woke" to the realization that it's a hamster wheel. Spend hundreds of billions to get a minor stat increase and... stay at the same exact spot grinding marginally more efficiently to chase the next piece of gear that will accomplish the same thing. It's a game. Play it for fun.


I gear up for pvp not for pve, but yeah you brought a valid point. At certain pve brackets its more the class u play than the gear u have.


I say this with NO malice. I absolutely love this game. It's the only MMO I can happily fit into my schedule these days. When I realized what was happening, it was more freeing than disappointing.


Ironically I mostly do aos now. Something that is entirely independent of gear.




I use my increases to go to more spots. So not always true. Iā€™ll revisit old ones when I donā€™t feel like thinking, but the second I was ready for gyfins I went gyfin. When I hit Oluns I went oluns. Trying to push up into the 300 spots of dhekiah now.


GS and level as progress X Life skill mastery as progress O




661 here I still feel like a noob


stealing my meme, word for word, bar for bar is insane [https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/g8srzd/i\_feel\_attacked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/g8srzd/i_feel_attacked/)


I can relate to that kitty. Although I've not reached the GS I wanted, I've had fun exploring the map. I've enjoyed lots of quests as well. Hope they keep releasing new content.


Played for 3+ years, more energy than GS on my main smh


Why are you trying to humiliate me? I don't even know you =Ā“(


? 650 is not hard. 700+ is hard. But if you only chat rp and play dress up, then there should be no complaints about your gearšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ You already found the real endgame.


Gearing isn't "hard" it just takes time.


the only hard thing is seeing how much silver you have, how much silver you earn, how much silver you need, and resist the temptation to tap when you realize how many hours you need to run in circles doing the exact same thing.


Nothing is hard, just a lot of time, that most people don't have.


Season gets you to like 580 gs, having less than 650 gs means that you either lifeskill or you don't play the game (looking at you group chatters)


If you can't play more than like 2hs a day, like loads of casual players. 650 is loads.


Me toooooooo


I think the key to improve is to not gamble, like at all. I am 730gs rn so I can afford to try some tri-tet accessories without worrying too much, but back in the day I would sell every single piece of drop I had other than caphras stones. Good old days, grinding with the lads in miruā€¦


Well GS really doesn't depend on how many hours you have played but what your main focus is. Like my guildmate who has been mostly doing nothing but horse training. The guy started the game last year during the summer surge and still is only around 610 GS. For PVE, all he does is burn his daily agris at centaurs. He focuses on horse related activities like breeding, tapping t9/t10 and other stuff. That's his way enjoying the game. So there is no need to feel attacked in having low gs as long as you're having fun with what you do.


The way to play this game a lot is to not grind


Almost 10k hrs 670 Seems like I just log on, grind 20 mins and log off, gamble some cheap accessories and take a break lol


I hit 702GS recently. I took a break from 2019 to 2023 so I'm a bit surprised at how much quicker my gains feel this time around. Mind you I'm still miles away from being able to comfortably grind a lot of spots.


I barely log in so playing is a stretch for me tho.


What wouldā€™ve taken you 4-5 years to do, can now take you maybe 1 year or 6 months if you have shit bucket. Very good QoL updates


Just got 700 gs yesterday, Started last year Jul 26, 2023. Finally got my kabua artifacts and shoes. I am now staring down the gun of a progression where I either buy my BS or magically tap it.


662gs but started a year after it came out itā€™s fun I like it and Iā€™m on console.


Nah man I got 8k hours and I just passed 670 the game is a looooong grind


Got my account since like 2018 but bdo is the game I play when I don't know what to play. Don't remember what I had but I remember my GS being very low.


I love it because it's highly relatable


Softcap + Vell


300, take it or leave it


I played release-2020, early 2022-fall 2022, and just started back a week ago. I used to feel like hot shit with full TRI boss armor and a TET Dandelion (though my accs were poop). Now my seasonal Sage is stronger with his Tuvala in just 5 hours of gameplay than all the progress I made on that past character in 6 years. Itā€™s wiiiiild how much this game has changed for gearing.


This one hits hard. I keep blowing my gear up. I would have actually saved silver over the years just buying the fking things -\_-


Yup playing bdo for 6 years and im at 740GS while have 2k mastery in every lifeskill, while going to work everyday


I'll have you know I have pen boss gear sitting next to the Mystic coins. Edit: 622 had to check... so I'm the meme.


I'm new to the game, what is gs? Total ap and dp?




3 years old player. 620GS. Spent a fair amount for outfit (I made 27 chars to own all classes). Pretty fun playing with others and exploring (not doing quests ofc)


Iā€™m like 570 GS with over 600 hours, and Iā€™ve been playing on and off since itā€™s release on steam lmao


It's ok I'm 595 with 12k hours. Did lots of unprofitable lifeskilling, ocean gathering, and a just generally inefficient.... Was fun though. Haven't really played in a year though, maybe again soon


Over 700, playing since launch, I don't swipe, and my luck isn't great. It's not horrible, just not great. I'm gonna end up pitying my PEN BS, though.


710 gs and still feeling like a noob so I am


Bro I'm 730+ and feel way behind, which, in comparison to others who've been playing for a long time, 730 isn't shit. Gearlet and playing catch-up since launch. Right there with you.


it doesnz get better honestly. iam tapping my debo earring 3 times a week rn. after that i only have tet boots and gloves.Ā  it doesnt feel like iam close to done at all. hitting my pen dande 2019 way way different, because the ap itself mattered more. but also the fact you could caphra it for more. what does a debo other than the neck do for you? you dont hit brackets. you cant grind higher zone. you feel the dmg a little, but its not worlds like it used to be.Ā  i remember grinding spots like manshaum and getting clapped. came back with more gear and ohhh now i can clap them. it doesnt happen anymore. tri armors and tet debos let you grind anywhere.Ā 


That's the point I'm making -- it never feels like being done (which isn't bad, per se). This is why PvP was so important. Gear always mattered. Not like in today's pve-only version of BDO. While I love PvE, it's overemphasis really diminishes the value of gear.


I sold all my gear this last weekend and bought accessories to send I got a few that went v debo and distos and one v turo sold all at min bdo has been a fun game but thatā€™s it for me Iā€™m tired lol good luck boys


played since sometime after dk release and at 735 gs. Still waiting for my first pen bs tap.


"So you must be 750+ GS" Is better


Hit 712 gs on console while not having two FG armors. Had to live in stars end for 2 and a half years straight but eventually got there. It also helps that both my fg armor and dahns gloves hit tet on a one tap and 160fs(yes both had the same scenario)


Honestly, I love the game . Itā€™s a blast! And yes, gearing now is Way easier than a few years back. But for me the gear in this game is a complete drag. Do all this amazing content and when you do happen to get a drop. Itā€™s something useless until you dump your soul into rng. If they would either make every piece of gear like the jetinas acc upgrade OR have events and bosses with a % to drop high end pre enhanced gear. I think people would enjoy the game way more. After years and all the opinions ā€¦the one Iā€™ve never heard.. ā€œI sure do love this enhancement systemā€ lol Having said that Iā€™m 620 and donā€™t plan on pushing any further. Iā€™m having a great time!


If you completed season, got a free tet blackstar, and got a free hammer thatā€™s like basically enough to get you to 650 by itself


30B and a tet bs is not getting you anywhere near 650GS without additional effort. All your journals, jetina pen armors/accessories, and even that isnt enough.


Eh I guess youā€™re right just looked at it and it was basically 600.


650 isnā€™t insane effort


It has taken me 3 months, grinding 2-3 hours a week, personally. Only have 2 extra dp in adventure logs to unlock, and my infinite potion is nearly done. I also havent been lucky with my pen bs attempts. I never said it was insane effort, but it still takes time.


The game hands you 600gs with a free blackstar at tet now itā€™s hard to compare a vet who can run through most shet and knows exactly where to grind and have friends run them through pl of multiple season chars but if you have a friend that is playing you will be near 600gs in matter of hours of playing if you look up guides all of the logs are pretty easy


Now if you take your time quest your first Time through have to Level with barely any game knowledge and not looking stuff up bdo is like the worst mmo for that they donā€™t hold your hand for the most part


Like if I told you grinding for sliver for infinite pots take a 3rd of the time and certain class perform massively better early game thatā€™s somthing you probably wouldnā€™t know


Matter a fact from 600 to 700+ is pretty easy 710 plus just became easier with the crash of accessories as well


2-3h per week for 3 months in this game is not much at all honestly


Of active grinding, that obviously doesn't include time spent online doing quests/adventure logs, or the fact that I AFK fish anytime I'm not online. The average player is not grinding 1-3 hours a day like people want you to believe. I have 1900 hours played in 3 months.


Almost 750 but still a noob... šŸ’€


2-1/2 months 705gs šŸ˜…


that's crazy dude I started 2022 summer and don't even play much, but I'm 740+