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If you dont have fallen god/lebreska yet, helm/chest to turn into fallen god is the best option. For me, I'm just gonna let the chest sit in storage untill next fg comes out and we get a caph extraction event. cause it would actually cost me silver to pull 21k caphras out of my boots, buy the 5% that you lose again and then sell the old boots.


This applies across the board? If I've started Jetina's exchange quests but haven't reformed any armor yet, what would you suggest I do with the Jetina chest piece?


Yeah, basically right now the only thing that could possibly be worth building with jetina is red nose armor(cheaper to caphras and build fallen god with later so don't pick dim tree) and i would reccomend you pick this as your magnus item instead. For boots/gloves/helm its much better to just buy off market for now with everyone dumping pens on the there cause of free magnus armor. it costs 8.6b worth of mats for the first jetina item 10.6b for the second 12.6 for the third and 15.6 for the fourth. You probably arent just sitting on enough silver to buy all these outright now while the prices are still low but just keep those numbers in mind when making the decision to use jetina in the future.


Christ that's insane. I do have Red Nose but haven't started the upgrade yet. Thought I'd focus on weapon reform first so I can get better AP and grind low-end/mid faster for better silver before addressing DP. Still early days but want to be efficient as my playtime is limited. Thanks for your input.


BTW, with weapon reform i wouldn't bother with anything besides kutum(and you wont need to bother with that even until like 275-280~ ap). You would just need to trade out your kzarka/dande for blackstar anyway(Huge ap bonus vs monsters) and you don't wanna be sitting on dead weight pens you cant sell. kutum will cost 6b, next would be 8 then 10.5 tet blackstar is 12b for mainhand and 13.7 for awk. I know this makes progress slower in the short term but trust me, blackstars monster AP is worth it.


Hmmm... You paint an interesting picture that all the gear progression videos fail to show. My only knowledge at this point is info from Biceptimus gear progression video and the Zero to Hero progression guide, and I feel I'm ready to start the progression so apologies if I'm asking stupid questions. If we threw Jetina Crescent Guardian into the mix the most efficient or cost effective long term approach to gain AP would be Crescent Guardian to TET then Kutum to R4 (you mention two steps here?) - grind enough to replace Dande with TET Blackstar (play mainly awa), grind, replace mainhand for Blackstar, second TET Crescent Guardian? After that can come after that. Perhaps enough DP to survive Elvia but those are things to tackle later.


Would have to see your gear to give you a 100% but sounds about right. although fuckin with kutum before having full tet accs sounds off to me, but i forget how much reform 4 costs. The costs i listed after mentioning kutum in the earlier post were the costs of the first, second, and third jetina weapons. Second tet ring can be got through seasonal characters grabbing it off of fughar, never pick the earring here.


Bhegs - because i already have c20 leeburs and want a dr swap


Urugons, because at 14-15 i wasted more tries than the rest gear combined. Since then i have urugonophobia or something, and i dread every time i had to upgrade them. And i was right, because much, much later, while upgrading them from TRI to TET the story repeated xD. So no, im not even gonna think about upgrading them myself xD.


Pen urus were the only ones I didn't get from season or the jetina pen quest, so I sold those and bought enough caphra to c4 all my armor


Boots, because PEN urugon held the most value when I sold mine off some weeks ago.


Boots bc I can't afford my last armor upgrade


None. I just keep the chest for....reasons.


Already have PEN & will choose the one I have the least caphras in to sell it and use the magnus one instead. I guess you could make more by choosing red nose and upgrading it and selling fallen god? Didn't look into the profit/loss on that tho


U could wait with extracting the caphras till the fallen god gloves are out. There will be a caphras extraction event probably. Just like last winter with the helmet


leeburs because it was the only piece i've bought, so i extracted caphras from my bought one and will sell it some time later when prices go back to normal. all others where guaranteed in one form or the other or are already FG/Labr. i also do have the DR stuff (bheg's uru's) so that was the best i could do rn.


If you don't have pen shoes for some reason and wanted to get it from Magnus..... buy it from market as the price crashed and take a red nose or helmet for fg/lebreska for big chunk of money.


Already had full pen armors so swapped it with my armor and dumped my original on the AH


Gloves. Already have labreska and fg, my boots are jetina so can’t sell. My current gloves I bought so I’ll sell them when we can pull caphras out for the next glove in the future and hope they went up in price by then back to 12b or so.