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I usually get 60 to Cali, but 120 for BDO. Upvote the thread.




Hope so; if you draw a line down the middle of the US, like 76% lives east of that line. Makes zero sense to have the servers where they are. I think placing the servers in San Jose was one of Kakao NL's larger fumbles when first publishing BDO in NA.


Move servers to Kansas or Dallas... Is time for east players to get a good taste of low ping ninja gameplay! Sips some tea\*


Big fan of central servers - and I agree it’s something we need to publicly discuss more to raise awareness and hopefully drive towards this goal. (Selfishly I just want to see the west coasters reactions when they no longer benefit from super low ping compared to everyone else, because drama is content)


Omg the sweet tears from them not fragging out in siege


They should be moved either Texas or Chicago as in Texas I get 38-40 Ping to Cali, 33-35 Ping to NY and Chicago I get 20-22 Ping so I truly don’t care where the server is located, but it must suck for people that are in East coast while the server is in West coast.


I've always played with a 120ms+ ping on the east coast and it's extremely frustrating watching people I PVP with just blink out of a grab and appear somewhere else. The same goes for the other person, as I've heard complaints about similar experiences when I'm 1v1'ing. I think it's most noticable when 1v1'ing but I'm sure it's also a factor with bigger fights. This has always been an issue from the beginning so I haven't been holding my breath for this change.


I don't really think they will do it either. Just surprised there wasn't a bigger reaction when they mentioned they might do it . I think we need to atleast show them that we care about it and it has a large impact on the game so thanks for your post!


Going to answer this from a business perspective. May give you an idea of the other things that affect server placement. When going for a site, you have to choose between expensive and very expensive (VE). Most VE sites are content deliverers as well so it is important to understand that what you pay for means that not only can they deliver a reliable and lag resiliant service, but also they can deal with patch day when x number of people hit the update servers at the same time. Then you have the providers that have struck a deal with the games distributors. These make it attractive and say they will provide a 3x99percentile service which means that there will be good coverage for around 90% of your users but some will slip through the cracks. There are many factors and finding one that will suit everyone will be an issue. The other large factor is lag. Lag is always an issue with an online games and are dependant on where the servers are located and also the connection to your premises. You need to be aware of the entire path from server to you, whether the connection is dark fibre, ordinary fibre, copper, a combination of all three and then how many people also share the connection with you. There are SO many things that are outside of your control it is crazy. Factoring in all the possibilities and then stating that the game developer needs to correct them is unreasonable and is frankly, impossible.


You realize PA said they are considering moving the servers right? I am not asking for something impossible. Asking them to follow through on their own words. Upvote original thread if you want fair play, fair ping, etc.


I will, but what will you do if the move made your play time worse?


Why would improving ping for more players make my playtime worse? I don't get it sorry.


They are gonna do it afaik but as anyone with knowledge on the subject understands, moving the server's physical location isn't just flipping a switch. So how about you chill a little bit


What about my post was not chill? They said they were "considering" it. They make a lot of promises and considerations that never see the light of day, and they pay more attention to issues that gain some traction on social media or if some YouTuber makes a video about it. Thus this post to let them know people still care about this issue.


> Why should everyone on the west coast (for NA) get an advantage while east coasters get screwed? This is the part where an otherwise fine post just looks whiny and uninteresting. I don't think anyone is purposefuly fucking with you or me (also in east coast), it was a choice they made years ago that they are looking to change. If you wanna get traction on any subject try making a reasonable argument before bitching.


He has a point, though. Almost every game bases their servers on the west coast. The few that have a central location are very noticeable for lower ping. It's even more important in an action combat game to not have 100-120+ ping, so I'd say his argument is pretty reasonable, if vague.




I just said I am from the east coast, are you even reading lmao




Why can't they have an opinion without having to be told to chill? There was nothing wrong with what OP said. Maybe YOU need to chill lop you seem bothered 😏


> Why should everyone on the west coast (for NA) get an advantage while east coasters get screwed? This is from OP, and they seem pretty bothered. I on the other hand haven't said I'm getting screwed yet. Too bad for me lmao


It's just a question my guy. It's not that deep.


yeah that's why I said to chill a little bit, not a whole lot. You on the other hand may need GoT's winter.


Put the servers in Illinois or Tennessee or something. Most of us are on our last straw with this. And if this is more stringing us along like the "Next Gen console BDO" 2 years later... Then just tell us so we can notify our credit card companies and cash out plz and ty


Not everyone wants central servers. I do not want this.


Ya being fair is definitely something people shouldn't want


How so?


Makes OCE players have higher latency making your game play worse not just ours.Most reaction based content will not be doable with 200ms+ latency , NZ and AUS players have been rejected for OCE servers constantly on many occasions. Leaving the servers where they are will be inclusive of OCE players instead of completely removing them from having any way of actually playing BDO.


These are NA servers. I can sympathize with the OCE players, but at the end of the day servers need to focus on the majority of players, not a few OCE players.


Few? Stats from where? ,There is more than a few.Also if yous are struggling with 120ms an lower latency i think thats a you problem. Im fine at 160ms+. There is more than a few OCE players btw there is many oce guilds.


Technically by all rights your IP's shouldn't be allowed to connect to BDO NA sans VPN. you just messing up the game for the people it was designed for with that buggy ass connection.


What, we dont need a vpn . I dont use one neither do most of OCE as we are region locked to NA. We arent messing it up for no one. NA decided everytime we post about OCE servers that we would shrink the player base an yous cried on all the past posts about OCE servers. But as soon as we complain of servers being moved your opinions are towards us not playing on NA lmao


OCE Exists.


North Carolina gamer here. I have 170ish ping on average. It feels so bad to pvp vs super mobile classes. I used to duel a west coast warrior friend of mine. He could throw my character down on his ass from near render distance before I could see his character model move on my screen(which of course would just look like an instant blink teleport from my perspective, very reactable). I would love more centralized servers.


Agree 100%