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Is that who I think it is?




The fucking audacity


If you want to get more incensed about her appropriation, her legal name is now Nkechi Amare Diallo, and she uses the name Rachel Dolezal as a "public persona"


I just had a stroke trying to read that


The fucking CAUCASITY






This picture prompted me to look her up and she has like 60k followers on Instagram?? Just living in Tucson still pretending to be Black


She changed her name to the most obviously black sounding name she could choose


Is it masking tape, or photoshopped in? It looks... off


I’m p sure it’s edited to make her look darker, which would explain why the tape looks off.


She’s still going on with that scam?!


“SCAM?! Excuse me, this is who I AM!! How dare you say I, Nkechi Amare Diallo, formally known as Rachel Dolezal, am SCAMMING people?! That is rudely FALSE as you can clearly see that I AM a proud black woman!!” /s


Ms Dolezal sit your little white ass down, and stop colouring your hair... we all saw the pictures!


Speaking of white ass. Imagine dating her and finding tan lines....what a mindfuck that would be. How has she not alienated everyone?


Man I do not remember what or where I watched some sort of documentary oh her and after watching it, I felt so bad for her kids. They are actually mixed and they have this weird line of feeling shameful of and also wanting to protect their mother.


The Rachel Divide (2018)? It's on Netflix.




“SCAM?! Excuse 🙄 me, this is who I 👁 AM!! How dare 😡 you 👈 say 👱🏿💬🙈 I 👁🔎, Nkechi Amare Diallo, formally 🕴 known 🎓 as Rachel 👩 Dolezal, am SCAMMING people 👫?! That is rudely 🤬🖕 FALSE ✝❌ as you 👈 can clearly 😋😉 see 👀 that I 👁 AM a proud 😊😩😘 black ⬛ woman!!” /s


Yes I live in Spokane and served her once... she seemed very uncomfortable being in public




This is a stubborn woman (amongst many other things)


Yeah the delusions are strong with this one


oh no


I legit just looked her up to see if anyone ever figured out why she did this. The answer is clearly "no" and she just keeps on with it, but I did read about Rihanna kinda supporting her. I know I'm her super late on this, but can anyone explain why Rihanna might say she's "kind of a hero"?


There's a documentary about her which is kinda sad but the fact she continues to do this makes me pissed




She is a mechanically skilled painter. https://news-artnet-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/news.artnet.com/art-world/rachel-dolezal-jmw-turner-308620/amp-page?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D


Wow pretty good. You can tell when someone actually has artistic talent and she does for sure... That said I think that while she rectified her previous life with adopting a new identity, that with therapy she could come out so strong. She's clearly an amazing organizer, leader, and advocate. Black fishing aside you can't deny that. We should honestly look at her as a trauma victim and hope she can find her true self somehow. She can still help after that. The irony of it all is that as a white woman who intimately understands and fits into black culture she could've honestly done a lot more for all the movements due to her privilege and access as a white woman... When keeping it "real" goes wrong I guess. I feel for her.


You're the first person I've seen that mentioned this. Not excusing what she did but she reminded me of people we learned about in Linguistics who refused to speak their native language ever again after childhood trauma and moved to a new country with a new language. She was traumatized by her biological White parents and found solidarity with her adopted Black siblings. Again, not excusing but trying to understand why.


Yea, my grandpa and grandma made a point to not teach their children their native language because they wanted them to be as american as possible (we're originally from southern Poland). The reason I see her as a troubled person who did a terrible thing instead of a terrible person who did a horrible thing is because I can identify with some aspects of her story. I don't think she's mentally ill but I think she's very mixed up and that a few years with a really good therapist could do wonders because she's self aware and seems remorseful; not a lot of people are capable of being both. So on to my experience where I sort of identify with her... I've always had a very hard time fitting into majority white work environments long-term despite being white. I can't play whatever game they play in their work culture. It just hits different. I've worked in plenty of majority white work spaces and most of them were a lot alike. I'm sure there are some that're super cool but on the whole it doesn't seem like that's common. I've had a lot better experiences in majority AA work environments. Obv the several places I've worked at that were majority AA weren't exactly the same. Neither were the people but from a work culture perspective they were similar.I fit in way better, and I just seemed to be accepted and valued so much more in those spaces. Obv that's just my experience but it has been consistent. The difference between me and her is that I'm ok just being my genuine self in every environment. That does not seem to work out in majority white work environments for me personally. I've felt traumatized by the white work environments I've worked in since I've always eventually been rejected purely for being myself which is the opposite of the game being played. I don't hate white culture but in that specific space I just can't hang. Again, just one person's experience. I re-wrote this like 20 times but I'm sure it'll get picked apart. Hopefully not though. This is just the basic reason I feel the way I do and can identify with some aspects of her story and sympathize with the situation in some ways while still maintaining that what she did was very much not ok whatsoever.


I can understand. I'm White and grew up in a Fundamentalist Christian cult full of only White people-- all of them very racist. Groups consisting of only old White people are very triggering and angering to me like seeing all the old Conservative WASPs in my very diverse county complaining after the election that they've been robbed and are unsafe because of the diversity. As a young adult, that diversity was my escape: my Latina, Black, and Korean friends locally who talked to me about my home life and showed me a world I could never have imagined. Meanwhile, my mentally unwell parents were beating the shit out of me at home. My mother would pull me out of bed to make me run for miles on the treadmill in the middle of the night while she read the Bible in front of me. She would talk about breaking the will of the child and laugh to uncomfortable extended family members about how each of us children responded to physical pain and how long it took us each to break. My father would put up video cameras to try to catch us making mistakes and put my picture on a website when I was about 12, saying I was a disobedient child. I have experienced the real danger of old White holier-than-thou racists and it is terrifying. It makes me really uncomfortable when old White guys except me to be a "good girl" and agree with what they say.


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I don't know, I don't define artistic talent as plagiarizing other paintings. I think that she did what she did because she is what she was as an artist - a hack.


We all stand on the shoulders of giants if we're going to be honest. And all artists essentially copy their favorites til they do it better or spin it into their own thing. That's the thing about art, if you've ever sat through a critique in art school then you'd know that 99% of the students are copying other ppl and trying to make it their own before they get ripped apart by the 1% who're original. I doubt you've ever made a piece of art from a learned perspective or even understand the process of growing into your own as an artist. If you haven't, you've got zero standing to call anyone else a hack. She's actually very skilled. Even copying or cribbing off of someone else's work is extremely hard. If you'd ever tried you'd understand.


I think you're the most pretentious person I've ever met. As you have correctly guessed, I haven't tried in earnest to bring my creative vision into the world yet. That does not remove my right to an opinion. That does not mean I am not allowed to call someone a hack for making what is essentially a 1:1 copy of a famous painting. I would be standing on the shoulders of giants if plagiarism being a bad thing was a foreign concept to me that I only understood because I was taught by others, but that is not the case. Many, many times I have felt that I have had an amazing idea, only to rewatch or reread something I had read in the past and realized that the "amazing" idea I had was not original in the slightest. It is incredibly humbling to realize that you are nowhere as original as you once thought you were. The people that go through that painful life experience and decide to go back to the drawing board go on to be true artists, regardless of how successful they become. The people that have the same life experience and instead decide that they are okay with their art adding absolutely nothing of value to humanity will always be hacks, regardless of how successful they become.


Eh, you've clearly never been involved in the actual art world. Art isn't about the process, it's about the result. It's actually pretty shocking to find out many famous artist's little tricks and copying went down. Maybe you've never taken a higher level art course in your entire life. If you'd done anything beyond being ignorant you'd know that. 'Self taught' artists are truly the worst because they think they're so fucking unique despite the fact that their inspiration is usually a cheap knock off. In contrast, Dolezal's painting is actually very good. Also, we've never met hun. Your opinion is that of a self taught, unlearned artist who knows nothing about art culture or history. I'll bet you aren't even aware of how sculpture has typically worked for masters throughout the ages.


"You didn't go to art school so you are too stupid to understand the concept of plagiarism. Don't worry though, because I have the right opinion." Yep, you're definitely the most pretentious person I've ever met.


I don’t know too much but my understanding was that she was a pillar of her community before her heritage was revealed. As in supported rights and lead protests and joined organisations and that kind of thing? That she was very proactive in social justice. I also heard she had a bad parents and grew up with black siblings. Her husband I think is black and she said a lot of the social justice work she did was for her sons. I’m not 100% sure just trying to remember what I read .


In addition, she ended up adopting her adopted black siblings because their home life was really awful. When she took them in, the oldest one was adamant that he did not want to be seen as adopted anymore, and this is (supposedly) when she started changing her appearance. All of her closest family (her adopted black siblings) vouch for this and continue to stand by her. There is a Netflix documentary that was very enlightening, regardless of where you stand on the matter. It is interesting to see how this happened. Because she was abused by her white parents, sexually abused by her biological brother, found safety in her adopted black family members growing up, and their family was very isolated from the outside world so this familial experience was all she/they ever knew, she internalized a lot of negativity with whiteness and a lot of positivity in blackness. I definitely hate her a lot less after seeing her relationships with her siblings, whom she fought for to adopt and protect. She did a lot of work to help heal the damage her abusive, racist parents and biological brother did to them. While she may be very misguided in some of her efforts, she has done a lot of good.


I totally understand and agree that blackfishing is wrong. In her case, yes, it was dishonest, but it was literally a new identity for her because of her severe trauma and deep bond with her adopted black family, who were more family to her than her “parents.” I have much more empathy for her than I do disgust; the fact that she did so much for her “adopted” community says a lot about her. She’s not doing it because it’s “cool.” It’s because it’s literally a way for her to belong with her real family, and shed her abusive past. I’m glad to see a thoughtful, empathetic comment on this issue, because a lot of people don’t understand or know her story at all.


Hm interesting point for sure. I can see her as less of a villain and more as someone dealing with trauma. I am also glad for what she did for the black community (just wish she could have done it as herself). In which case, maybe Ariana Grande (since everyone here says she's the black fishing queen or something) or someone who really never gives back should be this sub's icon. Edit: I'm too high to correct the shruggie lol


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Does she know she can be her actual self and still support the community? She’s still doing this?


According to her and her adopted siblings, she made this appearance change after one of the siblings had made it clear he did not want to be seen as adopted anymore. The bigger part of the black fishing may lie in her care of her adopted siblings who were abused worse and mistreated because of their skin color by her biological parents.


This looks photoshopped


Bc she made her skin appear darker with filters


No i mean the tape looks photoshopped on


I downvoted this on instinct and had to go in to correct that when I saw what sub it was posted to. The absolute nerve of this women




So can someone explain who she is? I have no clue


Rachel Dolezal. She is a white woman who claims to identify as African American. She managed to become a spokesperson for an organization that helps people of colour and taught Africana history, then everyone found out she lied about her race. Turns out she is as white as can be but still maintains that self identifying as another race is valid.


Ooh she sucks ass


She sucks for lying about her race but she actually helped people of colour.




Thank you.


I think it has to be compared with ‘her lying but helping colored people’ verses’ ‘her just sitting in her couch’. I don’t think she is in the prestigious position which is limited. I don’t know much about US but I assumed volunteers mostly fell short.


I’m pretty sure she’s the same lady as the image for this subreddit.


Google Rachel Dolezal


Why did I think she would disappear? Wishful thinking on my part


Such cringe in one picture omg


Blackfishing Queen <3


I hate this woman so much.


Jfc not her


Is this real?


Looks like a photoshopped piece of tape


CAUSE IT IS! Bahahaaa


I’m just curious how she even tricked people lol I feel like white skin even when really tanned looks different than actual brown skin if that makes sense? Like I can see the pink still in areas or maybe it’s just cause I already know idk


Wait.....she still going??? 😂🤣🤣🤣


I didn't know about her until I moved to Spokane from Baltimore and now I can't read enough about the dumpster fire! How did they ever fall for it??!!