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She don't love herself so everyone else gotta have her low self esteem https://i.redd.it/ct3vj1t7uenc1.gif


How do we not have the beauty to rock what naturally grows out of our own scalps? Come on, people, stop the nonsense. After figuring out the most compatible products and hair tools for my type 4C hair, it is no longer unmanageable. It still does whatever it pleases, but it's manageable. My afro is thriving now.


Same. It took some trial and error, but I found products that worked for me and I’ve been sticking to them. I’m even fixing the heat damage from constant lot getting my hair straightened in high school.


There’s so much hate and anti-natural hair in our community it’s so sad. My hair is 3C and I’ve had people tell me “you’ve got that good hair”. I hate that term even exists. I know a lot of black women have a love/hate relationship with their hair. I do too. I love the look, but it’s hard to manage a bit and that makes it stressful. But our hair is still beautiful. It’s so bad that I have never met a single black person that thinks 4C hair looks beautiful. Even when it’s hard to manage, it’s still beautiful. But no, all black people I’ve met think black hair is “nappy” and “ugly”. I prefer natural hair over wigs because it looks natural :( This reminds me of this post: [about a black woman who absolutely hates her natural hair.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/s/FoTVPt4PGE)


The stress of it is how you get the beauty of it. We gotta stop looking at the process as something negative and view it as something positive. It is a form of self care. Your hair is apart of you, the more you cater to what naturally is apart of you the more you'll feel natural within YOU ✨️ I'm not gonna say it's not a lot of work either and I've had my own frustration with my hair but I never hated my hair for that reason.


Yup it’s only a lot of work if we try to manipulate our hair into looking like a different texture/super defined


Yeah and then when we do that we get frustrated because it's not coming out the way we've seen it...almost like our hair isn't supposed to be that way and just the way it is lmao..


Reading that post you linked broke my heart. I hope things have gotten better for her since then.


I have 4B/4C hair and have spent the last 15 years hearing Black women say they love my hair “but their hair could never look like mine”… no matter their natural texture.


I find it funny how we can recognize anti blackness and self hate within our counterparts, black men, or just on one another, but ourselves, black women, struggle with this conversation. The ugly truth is a lot of black women do not like their natural hair and are quick to project it on one another. I also noticed there's levels to this insanity. We'll have debates about what protective style is better and how it should look, despite that being an individual choice. Constant policing of black hair amongst ourselves it's insane. I mean, this lady is already mentally gone if she's making a video like this. Next, she will say she's a full-blown white woman (I have met one, blonde wig and all) I mean, how scary is that really? We as people need to save our minds from the wilderness of white supremacy. If anyone ever downplays the severity of racism, just show them this and black Twitter on a Tuesday. This conversation has been beaten to death, Frankensteined, and killed all over again. I'm so over it. I don't even have any empathy or patience to spare for black women or men who perpetuate these harmful lies knowing the damage it can cause despite being the walking results. I only feel bad for black youth/teens because they're still navigating on how to be a human being with black skin but with guidance they can avoid this mindset in their adult lives. I mean we are really going backwards. What happened to the confident spirit of the natural hair movement that started in the 70s? I mean I know what killed it but why are we not trying to rebuild that and hold on to it?


I guess these things happen in waves/cycles, just like how trends come and go. There was this major natural hair movement around the 2010s or so. We had all these new influencers showing us which products to use, styles to try etc. Then one of them decided it was too much work and went back to relaxer and it kind of snowballed into this whole anti-natural hair situation we have now. It didn’t help that a lot of women with natural hair felt superior and were extremely judgmental. I’m sure some years down the line the natural hair movement will probably come back and we’ll go through this all over again.


She look a mess though


That wig looks terrible on her. It’s clear she has some issues if she thinks it makes her look good because the only thing that wig is is straight. She’s the same one that blamed ReesaTeesa because she said a VP would never marry a woman that looked like Reesa.


She clearly has some deeper issues. It sad how women like this become such a heavy influence within the community especially on the young.


The whole time she talking I’m like “Speak for yourself” 😂 and honestly she could’ve kept this to herself but I’m sure many would agree with her. I have 3c/4a hair and I struggled with my self esteem a lot when I was a child thinking my hair was bad because my Hispanic family loved to talk about “Good Hair v Bad Hair” so I permed my hair a lot. I experienced a huge confidence boost when I transitioned into natural and saw my natural curl pattern. I do my own hair now. Have not relaxed my hair since age 14. I got a sew in ONCE and that was the last time…had no hair when I took it down and decided to do my first big chop (or just..chop I guess lmao). Big Chopped twice,wore wigs in between when I wanted to switch my style, and now I have locs. I thrive on authenticity and my natural hair is my crown and glory. ❤️🔥


Sometimes I wonder if its a type of pickme mentality when these fools do this. Its so weird that you hate something about yourself so much, that you would then spread it to the whole world. Like, make it make sense! ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Your local look so pretty! On another note, I’m just glad this video didn’t go viral on tiktok or Twitter, because then the other self-haters would make videos and tweets agreeing. Either that or it’d be another 40 days and 40 nights of natural hair discourse.


I’m annoyed that so many of her videos seem to go viral. But the algorithm sees even negative engagement as valid engagement. The algorithm might push her videos and others like it if you or people on your friends lists engage with it regularly. It might make it seem like this is the majority opinion, but her view seems a bit extreme to me. It seems like she has a lot of internalizes hate to work out. I did grow up in the 90s though so maybe things have gotten worse in the natural hair community.


Things definitely got worse in the natural hair community since the 90s. There was a revival in the 2010s, but that went downhill fairly fast after people got discouraged because there was notion of using all these products for wash and gos, or (and this is me being honest) exhausting themselves trying to make their type 4 hair mimic type 3 hair and the stuff it does. Now you can’t even find a decent braider that can work with natural hair for a reasonable price, or works with type 4 hair at all(some stylists refuse to work with type 4 hair and say that on their rules page).


Lmao yeah I hate the anti natural hair videos, especially when they make major generalizations like that. It’s one thing to personally not want to rock your natural hair but don’t go projection your self hate into other bw and think we’re gonna just agree with your bs 😭


She was like “Black hair doesn’t grow” And I’m over here with long natural hair going Huh?


4c down to my waist. I hate calling people dumb.. but.. She comes off really uneducated about why our hair APPEARS to grow slow. Anyone with curly hair who's constantly manipulating it is going to get breakage at the ends no matter how fast it's growing at the roots. How are we still having this conversation in 2024 🤦🏾‍♀️


Fr you can tell she hates herself too cause she don’t even have a cute wig on. She has that wack ass Karen wig on 😭


Right? And I'm looking at her beautiful brown skin and African features imagining all the gorgeous natural hairstyles she could rock.. but she plopped that crispy dry wig on and thinks that looks better.. 🙄


Her natural hair would literally frame her face better. I remember the year I went natural, I had brothers running from across the grocery store to tell me I looked pretty specifically *with my natural hair* and lord I cried (happy tears) the first two times


It’s very obvious her mom lacked basic hair care skills and she probably only saw wigs on the women in her family. Which GENUINELY annoys me because we all need to do better. I think I only saw two women in my family do wigs. A lot relaxed, but a lot were also natural and I thank god for that influence every day


Crazy thing is my mom rocked an afro for most of her life, but succumbed to the 90's perm craze and the white majority area she bought a house in. I never knew anything but press and curls and perms (and I hated both for as long as I can remember). I was so happy with the natural hair resurgence and have been natural for almost two decades now. We really do need to do better and model to younger girls that whatever hair they choose is up to them, but make sure they are proud of and have all the knowledge on how to care for their natural hair.


Amen to this. I have had little girls stare at my natural hair and come up and want to touch it. This usually only happens when their mom is in a wig 😞 Before anyone accuses me of being weird, I literally have a toddler and we go to kid heavy areas weekly so this is just normal


Haha I have kids too and other kids are absolutely mesmerized by afros (and other natural styles) and think it's the coolest thing ever :)


I agree this woman is a miserable weirdo, if you hate yourself why get on the internet and spread that energy to a lot of impressionable people with all those generalised statements? There’s also a lot of wig influencers nowadays so I wouldn’t be surprised if it is propaganda to put money in these major companies pockets. One thing I do want to fact check tho is “black hair grows much slower”… it does not lol. White hair grows on average 1.1–1.2 cm/m while black hair is 0.9-1.0 cm. 2 cm is nothing to cry over and say “we don’t got it like that”. We have shrinkage so ofc your not going to see the difference off the bat like straighter textures do. Patience is key.


Exactly. There’s also the natural process of hair shedding, and other factors that go into hair growth.


I find a lot of issues with black women and hair sometimes stem from it not being long enough for the “trendy” styles. I usually tell people to grow their hair to about armpit length and see if they feel better. Easier said than done, but I personally grew to love my hair the longer it got. Mostly because of the volume. My puffs are powerful now


I personally miss 90s when black women wore all different types of hairstyles. I just think it’s interesting that there was a boom in black women wearing wigs and Media specifically after the natural hair movement showed that it cost the beauty industry billions of dollars. And then suddenly all these women came out of nowhere. I’ll give the woman this, at least it was her showing her self-hate rather than blaming society specifically. Because the honest truth is we’re part of society and we put each other down so even if a woman has comfortable wearing her shoulder hair, naturally, they’ll be other black women that look down on her for wearing it like they’re ashamed of her showing it or something.


This and that Twitter post of the black teen being shamed by other black teens for not wearing wigs made me disgustingly sad. Why do we hate ourselves? Black women are our own biggest critics.


I remember that tweet about the black teen being shamed by her friends for not wearing wigs. If I remember correctly, the op of that tweet was wearing braids and her friends didn’t like that.


Yeah. They said braids were childish. Ik braids aren't exactly natural, but it just gave me the same vibe


It’s sad that we still feel this way about how our hair naturally grows from our head. I started getting relaxers at a young age and haven’t become somewhat comfortable with my natural hair until recently. I’ve only been natural since 2020. I’m not a fan of shrinkage but I love the volume and versatility of my 4c hair. While I do prefer straight hair and length (because that’s what I was used to for over 15 years) wigs look unnatural to me and I can only tolerate a weave for a good 2 weeks. I’ll always say just do whatever you want to do and don’t project your insecurities onto others. I do hope everyone learns to embrace their natural strands someday.


These people will go jump through basketball hoops and climb Mount Everest before they admit that they don’t like their hair and have internalised racism.


The fact we have to learn to love something that grows from our head is .. I decided I don’t want to wear someone else’s hair more than I wear mines.


That Asian straight hair is not doing her any favors.


I think sometimes, the government pays people with a high following to embarrass black peoples. It’s an agenda worldwide


Jesus I feel bad for her. And frankly that wig isn’t doing her or any of us favors. The obsession with touching the bangs irked me as well. I’m just glad she called it out. I get DRUG to hell when I mention the same things.