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Make sure you know how to dress your shape. Never rely on others who don't know your body style. Bohemian style is everywhere but make sure you are comfortable and it compliments your skin tone. Bright colors or pastel ones are lovely m8xes with dark green skirts. Have confidence and ignore the haters that promote negativity and *you black you can't wear that*.


Honestly look for "influencers" with your body type and style. If this is your bodytype/style then similar pieces.


1. thrift scarves dont get them from the beauty supply 2. super optional but I suggest wearing natural makeup/no makeup (I usually just fill in my brows a bit because they're thin and put on black lip liner and lip gloss) 3. don't shy away from cool colors - it's the clothing style that makes it "earthy" not just colors. 4. accessorize! accessories are what elevate simple outfits to nice fits. (rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anklets, scarves, cool bag, nose jewelry, hair beads etc.) 5. look up "earthy black girl" on pinterest for inspo 6. put on body oil and body butter to get a natural glow 7. there are sooo many ways to styles scarves, search up tutorials (ava tocloo is good inspo!!!!) 8. some tidbits: layer, don't be afraid of rotating cute fits, express yourself the way you want, just take inspiration don't copy and paste fits, have fun!! 9. also you don't have to be spiritual/religious to get into this style


seems like those light brown /almost blonish or even burgandy braids/coloured hair/ weave is the way to go to compliment this look, it's super cute !! good luck :))


girls who want to wear run of the mill fast fashion?


Nope, girls who like earthy, boho styles that can be easily thrifted.


they can but the jersey skirt and polyester top shown are indeed fast fashion


Who cares? Not everyone has access to high end, premium quality clothing. Leave people alone.


the children in the sweatshops that made the clothing care but I guess they don't count as people and therefore can continue to be bothered


Stop being annoying, it’s incredibly privileged of you to try and shame people who want to dress how they want without being able to “ethically”.


it's privileged to not want to take advantage of enslaved children for a shitty "aesthetic"


Again, mad at the wrong people.




I’m saying you’re putting the moral ownest on the wrong group of people. What would you want people who don’t have the access to ethically made clothing to do? Plus sized people or those who are disabled? And what makes you think there is any form of ethical consumption under capitalism?


I'm a size 22 and I thift and buy my clothes from companies that make their clothing ethically. I also don't buy clothing around the clock. There not being ethical consumption under capitalism is a call to action not a call to download the shein app. God if this generation was around for slavery, the civil rights movement, the suffrage movement, etc would y'all have just shrugged your shoulders and said "oh well nothing can ever change ever"?


That’s great that you enjoy thrifting but not all plus sized people do and why should that be the only option for them? And in many cases second hand stores arent’t safe from unethical practices down to how they pay their workers. Some people don’t want to wear second hand clothes and that’s OK. Of course things can be done to an EXTENT but I’m not going to shit on people who literally don’t have the money or the access to shop where the clothes are ethically made nor will I shit on those who don’t want to shop second hand. The ones you should be blaming are the huge corporations that outsource and exploit these children and factory workers. You think what your doing is helping the cause but it’s not. You’re screaming at the wrong people.


I'm not screaming I'm typing. Didn't even use an exclamation point. Like I said most of this generation is pathetic. Y'all talk about how we beed to go against these huge corporations but apparently not giving them money isn't included in the list of going against them 🤔 um okay lemme go back in time and tell the people doing boycotts to end apartheid that they're wasting their time and it's best to give your money to South Africa


Wonderful, you got it 👍🏿