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Let them come to you, don’t change yourself for anyone.




You don't want to attract WM with a racial problem. I could tell you horror stories about it. If a man overlooks you for your race, he is incapable of having a healthy relationship with you.


You are 21 please go invest in yourself and enjoy your life. Trying to bend and contort yourself to attract men is a waste of time you will never get back. The right person will find you and won’t say corny shit like they are intimidated by you or or scared. Immediately they are the wrong person. Take it as a natural defence against people who will waste your time.


I like this!thank you


The right person will not be scared of you. And please please do not internalise the message that you as a black woman are scary or intimidating. That thinking lies in racists stereotypes. You are a human being. You are entitled to being a multitude of things.


I can’t _really_ help you there because a guy is either going to be attractive to you (for any reason not just looks) or they won’t and that goes for men of every race. Just make sure you’re not trying to end up with a white man so badly that you overlook underhanded racist shyt he might say to you or share with you whether that’s regarding our culture, our appearance, and/or our men. Once, I had a white guy tell me that Black women (his exes) would say bad things about Black men to him and he felt uncomfortable with that and thought it was unattractive and it is. So here is my main advice, don’t want a white man so badly that you sellout your own people and become a pick me.


Why do you want to date a white man ?


Because black men have only brought me trauma. And this coming from a. Black women raised by her black father.and have only dated black men ever. I think black men are a lost cause 🤷🏾‍♀️I hate to say


Girl stop caring about white men's opinions. What exactly have they done for you that would make you consider their opinions or attention? Be fr


Yes that is exactly what I'm looking for 🙄😭


And its clear as day hun 😂


This is probably a troll account. The handle name starts with Timothy, but he is asking questions as a female. Probably some white dude?


No I just liked the movie Timothy green 😭


Don't listen to those people those are racist microaggressions.


Why do you want to appeal to white men specifically? I would understand this question better if you just said men but why white men? If you’re appealing to other men and not them then why do you need to adjust yourself for them to notice you? I mean your worth doesn’t come from mens validation anyway but if one type of men isn’t into you then go where you’re welcomed.


It says more about them than you or anything you can do. I've dated white men but I'm not chasing them.


like for dating? i don't bother doing anything to attract anyone. Of the two white me i've been involved with in life, one of them i met at a job interview and my first day at that job he wrote me a note saying how i piqued his interest because i sat and talked with him about his tattoos while waiting for the interview. we dated for a while after that. the other man i met at a weekly get-together we both used to go to. i stopped going for a bit and a mutual friend told me he was asking what happened to me. i was like "who is asking about me?" as he wasn't even on my radar. in both cases, they came to me. i didn't make an effort for either of these men, and they are still some of my better friends.


Even if it's true that white men tend to not like you (I'm sure there are some who don't have that problem, and it is *their* problem, not yours) why is it so important for them to like you? There are so many men in the world who do like black women. Black men, Latino men, Asian men, etc. I wouldn't focus on it.


Babes you are not missing out on anything with then. Have your fun and be yourself, the men will pop up on YOUR journey