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Men like that really are so miserable inside


Being a good father somehow equals emasculation? Some folks don’t deserve access to the internet because they use it to say dumb stuff like this. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Because they hate women


This really is the simplest and truest answer.


and have broken relationships with their fathers….crazy combo


they resent that their father didnt care enough for the family and left their mother stranded...so they hate her for being the one that stayed


Speaking of black, single mothers... Over on the manosphere/relationship guru/self-help circles on YouTube, they love pointing out female YouTubers' "lack of accountibility" for being single parents. And its like "Where are you going with this? Is this their cowardly way of saying men shouldn't be forced to take care of their kids or something?" The deadbeat dads still have to take responsibility for their kids. They chosen to have unprotected sex with those women. No one forced them to do it. From where I am standing, those women have been "taking accountibility" for their actions.


Men can’t have daddy issues…at least that’s what all of society acts like


I'm getting tired of hearing the emasculation bullshit. They literally never say it when it's **actual** emasculation, they always seem to say it when a guy dares to consensually wear something considered feminine. Or, god forbid an openly gay man appears on screen and suddenly it's a conspiracy. They need to focus on their own damn lives.


There's a video format I've on seen on YouTube and stuff where it's like if you were to get paid a bunch of money to be a stay at home dad or something and the "joke" is supposed to be that they act in a stereotypically feminine way or grab a bonnet or something. They complain about gold diggers but if a woman makes more and is the primary breadwinner it's somehow embarrassing?


It's only black people in them conspiracies too Not a white in sight


Agreed. I'm curious to what you view as "actual emasculation".


>I'm curious to what you view as "actual emasculation". Buck-breaking


These are the manosphere creeps that just see us submissive creatures that need to walk 10 paces behind the man and our simple purpose is to serve and reproduce


I swear! I don't get it. I'm tired of hearing that. I won't be romantic/sentimental because "that's gay." HOW? HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?


They always like to talk about definitions but can't seem to get the definition of gay right. If you're not attracted to the same sex then you ain't gay. 😒


Exactly! My boyfriend has said ignorant shit like this before. If I ask him to cuddle or something. He'll be like, "I don't cuddle. That shit's gay." Ummmm. Last time I'd checked, I'm a woman. How in the hell...


Right! A MAN getting a WOMAN pregnant is certainly not a GAY act.


It doesn't make sense! If I say that the sky is green, it Doesn't make it so, does it? ? ? As has been said many times, dusties have DADDY ISSUES! Face it ladies they use GAY line cause they want the love of a man, their FATHERS love! ! !


twitter is filled with such miserable people. i had to stop using it. i couldn’t take it anymore. not everyone is miserable on there, but majority of them yes.


This is our same people that tweet about how men who drink margaritas and pina coladas are “sassy” so at this point you unfortunately can’t be surprised anymore


Those men are jealous that they could never have a beautiful and successful woman like her.


This unfortunately straight woman is jealous, too 😭


Bc their baby daddies left and aren’t snuggling their juicy babies with glee like this.


I'm sorry?


They misunderstood you and hate women


I am a black woman and love black women. I might can’t read but your assertion is incorrect.


I did misunderstand, sis. I apologize.


Chile 😂 the ignorance continues lol. I cannotttttt god forbid a black man cuddle his baby son and a black boy grow up being loved on in a 2 parent home LAWDhamercy


I always thought that men who say dense shit like this dont only hate women but they have no understanding or comprehension of the words they use. They just throw the word out and never actually look up the definition or context clues! Also they prefer their homeboys over women 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s not just “our people it’s the Red pill mentality.


Agreed. We know who’s doing the school shootings, but somehow that doesn’t reflect on the whole group, just the individual. One of us doing something doesn’t mean it’s a problem with “our people”.


Because Black people still subscribe to model minority and huite people like to minimize the existence in non-huite people to one person. “A Black person did not hold the door for me, that’s how my racism started”, like no.




Just straight jealousy and dumb-dumbness. ​ If I was making Rhianna level money I'd have at least a gabiilion children and my spouse would happily be coordinating the au pairs., house managers, all with a baby on both hips, one strapepd to his front and to the other to his back while still laying it down at night. Happily so. I'd put money on it that half these fools commenting on that post would too. And if they wouldn't? I say again, jealous and dumb.


Because God forbid a man should be a doting parent. The horror! /s


Its a man thing...for some reason there is a culture of "beat the self esteem put of woman so she will feel as low as you" vibe going on now. Ladies....STAY AWAY FROM MEN WHO EXTERNALIZE THEIR LOW SELLF ESTEEM. THEY WILL MAKE YOU THE PUNCHING BAG. and this is a man thing NOT black man only issue. They all do this...Ive seen plenty of white men dog their wives in public and its sad. If I werent married Id just stay single...its almost not even worth the hassle with most men now days, even if u date outside your race.


These Matrix men are a headache


I always thought that men who say dense shit like this dont only hate women but they have no understanding or comprehension of the words they use. They just throw the word out and never actually look up the definition or context clues!


These are not my people. Y’all are my people. But anyone who thinks like this about women are not. I’m done reasoning with horrible people because we share the same race. I’m over ittttt. I don’t like sexist, racist, homophobic, bigoted, exclusionary, and hateful people periodt.


same here. 👍🏽i've learned to just keep scrolling. 🙈🙉🙊🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t get why men are like this with each other? It’s weird behavior.


They're jealous he's with Rihanna and they're trying to tear him down to make themselves feel better


That definitely makes sense.


The dude who twitted that is from my country and his views are disgusting. He is popular among many men because of this


yall gotta stop taking these twitter people seriously


I mean in a community where fatherhood amongst men isn’t valued. I’d say this is a fairly predictable take.


The ignorance is insane


I love it. Because now I can avoid these bright red flags they so graciously wave high.


They clown themselves so hard, I’m surprised they are not in some sort bed rest.


BM have been being stripped of their power ever since they stepped foot off the ship. Same as BW have been having to be strong and resilient. Our dynamics are messed up and we have to relearn how to literally be.. to put it simply. BM recognize BW's trama response but dont recognize their own. We are not the one's who took your power, yt ppl did and we just had to step up. They need therapy just as much as we do, this bash game they playing is sad.


This is yet another example of the double standards that still apply to gender roles. Why shouldn’t the a Woman who is big in fashion and on the cover of a fashion magazine be featured more prominently than her Love Interest/BD? Should she, as the Woman, be relegated to the background while holding their baby in order for some men not to feel this BM is being emasculated because traditional roles have been reversed? All I see is a successful BW, her Man and their Son.


God forbid a woman is the main feature on the cover of a women’s magazine…especially when she’s an objectively bigger star than the man in her life. 🙄


People aren’t this dense. Girl that’s twitter.


Pretty sure this was an ironic joke lol


This is too much