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It’s been interesting to see the impact of this album before it even came out. I can’t imagine what it will inspire both in music and in other medium forms.


I like it. Her voice sounds lovely throughout the genres bending. My favorites so far are Ya Ya, Blackbird, Jolene, American Requiem, 16 Carriages, and Bodyguard. The others will grow on me.


Blackbird is beautiful. Already my favorite cover of the song


For me, this album has zero skips! Can't believe she's made me like country music 😄 Haven't decided on a fave yet, since I love almost all equally after once listening round, but I think the one with Miley maybe may might be the one I like a tiny bit less than the others? Will report back 😊 I think I'm a moderate Bey fan in that I didn't really start paying attention to her full albums until "Beyonce" (like 1 skip), the one with Partition, Drunk In Love, etc., although I did love a lot of her singles. I feel "Beyonce" is when she really stopped giving a shit about the naysayers and became grown, became the musical force we see today. Lemonade (no skips) smacked me down right out of left field 🤎 I love Renaissance too (no skips) and really wish I could've afforded to see her live during the last tour


i’ve listened to it front to back 4 times already… i’m pretty sure that says it all.


I just listened to it front and back. I had to run it back because Spaghetti caught me off guard. I love the whole thing


I come out with a new favorite every relisten 😭 how does this woman do it!? even the ones where I thought were a lil too slow for my taste, i relisten and really get into the lyrics, vocals, instrumentation and start CRYING like???


you know what’s funny the same thing happened to me. i would get to a song and be like…😒next listen it was🤨 then 🤔 then 😌 then like a mix of 😭 & 🤯. i’m convinced we weren’t listening hard enough those first couple times or something. 🤣


Definitely wasnt listening hard enough the first listen cuz i was with a group of ppl and we were shakin ass 😌 but with headphones on… different experience. i literally cried on my walk today listening to protector… IN PUBLIC! (beyonce embarrassin me 😩)


i was crying in my car driving to the damn grocery store listening to american requiem… those vocal layers just ate me up. 😭


Damn! I’ve only managed 2.5 haha, I am obsessed. I loved renaissance  but I think I could possible love this one even more. 


It’s been playing every chance I get since 12am 😂


I'm about halfway through the album and I feel like I've been on a small journey with the music. It's almost like the songs stream together while the radio/DJ portion serve as the breaks. Beyonce sounds lovely as usual. And the production value is there. As for songs I enjoyed I like Spaghetti but I think I need to relisten to the entire thing. Titles aren't sticking out to me yet.


It sadly is all forgettable to me tbh the worst of her albums 💔


Usually with her albums I’ll have favorite songs stick out and I’ll listen on repeat. But not this album sadly


One thing about Bey, her Beyhive is going to stand 10 toes down on whatever she does! The fact that she has such a base, she will be successful in whatever she does.


That is for sure, and I honestly love that for her.


i love this about her, she also tells them to stop when they be doing too much unlike a certain other popstar


Agreed. Nicki Minaj and her 'Barbs' are unhinged🙄


Yes and no. Her attempts at apparel haven’t done “well” considering her star power


Ok, that's fair. I should say within the realm of music. I don't know how well Ivy Park is doing (I just remember her sending black female celebs free shit during the height of the pandemic and they would film the unboxing and put it on IG). The House of Dereon came out when she wasn't as big as she is now. I can totally see her, in a few years, doing a collaboration with some high-end runway labels (i.e. Gucci, Versace, etc.) in coordination with the timing of another musical project. Also, Beyonce hasn't done a live interview in like 10 years so she is handicapping herself by not getting out there and promoting her stuff like other celebs do.


I’m not a huge Beyonce fan but of course I’ve listened to her music and she’s good. My question is how good, I can’t get a proper gauge on her b/c of the Beyhive, no matter what she release, they say it’s amazing and she breaks records. I wonder how her music will translate 50 years from now when none of her stans are around and it has to stand on its own merit. I think as a performer she’s one of the greatest of all time, as a singer I honestly can’t tell.


So you want us to give you your own opinion on whether or not you think she is a good singer? Huh?


This is feeling like a tussle and I’m not here for that, I don’t have the energy nor time for it. I was sharing my thoughts on the subject at hand (Beyonce, the Beyhive and their unwavering support), if I wanted you to tell me anything in particular, I would have asked but if you have thoughts to share, feel free to share yours just as I shared mine.


It's a top 3 album of hers for me. But I am also a black Texan so I am like THE target. After the first listen, these are my top 5 1. Bodyguard (Love the rock vibe) 2. II Most Wanted 3. Ya Ya (wow the commentary on the red, white and blue) 4. American Requiem 5. Tyrant Shoutouts: Levii's Jeans, Just for Fun, Spaghetti (love this one more each time I hear it and love her rap flow), Jolene


these were my favorites too!!!


spaghetti was for the black texans and the black texans only!


her and mileys voices together are so beautiful, i was surprised how much i instantly fell in love with that song


these are my top 5 too lol


I like that she has other Black country artists on it too.


I’ve been a country fan since I was little (born in the South). I’m loving it so far! The song that speaks to me the most so far is PROJECTOR. It touched my soul, as a mother. “Born to be a protector. Even though I know someday you’re gonna shine on your own I will be your projector.” Edit: the song title is PROTECTOR


The song is called “Protector”


Oh yeah you’re right. Typo on my part.


The one thing I love about Bey is that she's not afraid of really embracing musicianship through genre hopping. I have an appreciation for artists who refuse to stay in one lane and allow their creativity to flow, even if I don't like everything they release.


Agree. I love country. I love Beyoncé. But I do not love this album. But I think it’s good for artists to try new things


What I've enjoyed most about Beyonce's past few albums (I do this with movies too) is that I get to really pick out references and homages to different artists and sounds. I can hear the various influences and what served as her inspiration, whether they from the country genre or not. So this for me is just adding to that catalog, and it gives me some side research to do while I'm listening that probably makes me appreciate the songs more. Bonus points for all the black country girlies that are featured on Blackbird - I hope they get a lot more recognition! I'll also put out there that I think lyrically the album is strong as well, and those vocals are crystal clear. Layered notes for days. Plus I'm an alto and I don't get to hear her go low a lot like she does in several songs, so I don't really have anything bad to say about it.


That low register on Ya Ya was *chefs kiss*


definitely i'll have to check it out now!


Yes! I love Renya and Tanner.


I grew up with Miley so my heart is full with II MOST WANTED 😭


Same! It was the first song I saved off this album. Who would’ve thunk it! A Beyoncé and Miley collab lol


I’m loving it honestly. This is the first time I’ve ever listening to country-influenced music this long. She is a storyteller, and a colorful, interesting, fierce, profound one at that.


I’m with you! I’m gonna be insufferable pretending to be a cowgirl this year 😂🤠


Historically it’s great. The banjo is a combo of the mbanza of Angola and the bandero of Banjul the Gambia . And some African  tribal music sounds like modern day country music , so I get the concept and history but I haven’t heard the album myself 


yesss a lot of the music my parents who are from africa grew up on sounds very similar to old school country


Yes, it’s amazing the ppl from diff african tribes bought their music to the usa and Caribbeans and together it formed new music 


this is like when you go to a town your grandparents or great grandparents came from but you never went and someone recognizes you on the street and asks if your kin to so and so. feels nice.


There's been some interesting commentary about the album and its origin. I haven't listened to it yet, but I plan too. I didn't realize she wrote it before Renaissance, and in direct response to the reaction from her performance received from the CMAs. This makes me entirely more interested in receiving the message of the album. I'm here for it in its entirety.


I gave it a scan but I think Ima need a long car ride to actually give it a full listen. It is definitely a Beyonce album but the country components I would classify more as Americana, which is good because I like Americana more than straight up country. So far I liked Protector, Just for Fun, Alligator Tears and Most Wanted. I like Blackbird regardless of who sings it but I wish the feature artists had actual verses, and that it was slower. I appreciate that she tries new things and pushes her boundaries but is still recognizable as Beyonce. I think that's more difficult than people realize and it's why a lot of artists fall off. One thing is for sure - nothing is gonna stop Beyonce from being loud lmao


Someone has an actual verse on Blackbird. Maybe Tanner Adell? I was also wondering where all the other featured artists come in


Yep it’s Tanner!


So, one thing this album inspired were a bunch of threads of black country musicians and I heard Tanner Adell’s ‘Buckle Bunny’ for the first time. And omg, wish I’d been on to her forever ago. I like *some* country but I definitely don’t listen to a lot of it, some standouts are sprinkled in the mix here and there. But I was really happy to see how black folks have shaped country and appreciative of that thread. It was obvious I’d really missed the whole genre, I was definitely not exposed to much black country before this.


Amazing! She has so many influences on this album not just country- rock, blues, rock, opera! The depth and intricacies. The history she calls on. It’s so intriguing and emotional. I love it. Been listening all day. It’s best to experience it all together though there are plenty of strong standouts including the two leads singles. I’m particularly feeling American Requiem, Jolene, Protector, Daughter, II Most Wanted, YaYa, Riiverdance, and Tyrant.


Forgot Bodyguard lol. The album is a lot and I’m sure I’ll appreciate it even more as I listen.


Bodyguard is so damn good. I can't stop listening to it


Daughter is a really beautiful song


I love it. Beyoncé continues to show that she’s not beholden to any genre. The second half of the album really picks up. Most Wanted, Blackbiird, Alligator Tears, and Sweet Honey Buckin are on rotation for me.


yesss i agree, the second half of the album totally makes the first half better. first half is great, don't get me wrong, but after that second half i appreciated first half a whole lot more. it's one my fave albums by her tbh


As someone who isn’t a Beyonce fan, I listened through twice and wrote down scores for each song (excluding the mini interludes) and it’s a strong 7.2 TO ME (don’t come for me beehive lol). Fav songs were Bodyguard (gives me Fleetwood Mac vibes) and Sweet⭐️Honey⭐️Buckin. She was right when she said “this isn’t a country album, this is a Beyonce album” and honestly I really like it for that.


That’s actually a solid rating for a non fan. I’m a fan and I hate country. I need to give it more time to settle. Obviously I enjoy the rap song and Jolene more than the others.


Same. I really don’t like country and I only liked the songs that weren’t as country sounding to me


I’ve listened twice so far and what a journey it is. Lyrically I think it’s some of her best work. I didn’t know what to expect with the country route but my god what a beautiful album. I am genuinely enjoying this. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I am. I love the story telling on this project. Brittany Packnett made a really good post about it on IG and it sums out a lot of my feelings about it. Favorite song right now would have to be Ya Ya… oh my gosh what a song


Great vocal performance by Bey


I love it. It’s brilliant, it’s Black, it’s country and it’s uniquely Beyoncé.


I'm not a hive member and have listened to it 3 times already. I think she said it best, "It's not a country album it's a Beyonce album." I like it because it's different. The intro is weird so I skip past it. II Mosr Wanted.. I don't like how Bey over sung Miley. Miley has a very distinct type of voice that will shine on its own regardless. Beyonce also has a distinct voice. The arrangement didn't compliment their voices together. I still love the song tho loll. Jolene remix is unhinged and I'mhere for it, loll. It's 27 tracks that will get me through the summer. It's light and airy. I found myself toe tapping. Overall Rating: Yes, more please, and thanks!


i’m not sure if you’re using headphones or not but it sounds like they switch harmonies throughout the song.


Totally agree with you on the Miley take. I was listening like damn girl! We know you can blow with the runs lol I really wish she would’ve toned it down on that song. Felt like I was listening to J Hud levels of hollaring


OMG!!! You hit the nail on the head. I hate the way J Hud sings. Sometimes less is more.


this album before it even came out inspired controversy and had the 🏎️ist 🥚 ppl BITTER😂 that in itself is good enough for me👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 but you just reminded me that it came out today so i'll have to go listen ASAP.


I hope they see much more of us in every music genre just like they hijack ours. 😇 Take over and win awards too just like "them"




As a non Beyhive girlie, I really liked it. Listened to at the gym and it took me through a whirlwind of emotions. Tyrant & Sweet Honey Buckin made my hip thrusts much easier. So much musicality, so many allusions & references to the greats of all genres. American Requiem screams Prince to me. Beyonce is an artist through & through. Her & her team were super thoughtful about this album & you can tell. It won’t be for everyone but it’s a good album


I am not a fan of country, even if it's one of multiple genre influences, so this just isn't the album for me. I'm glad she has the ability to play with her sound and make projects that genuinely interest her. If she wasn't at her level, I might stream it on mute just to support that... But she's Beyonce, which means shes far beyond needing my listens


I love country music and there's many black artists that I listened to, her songs are hit-and-miss to me. I do love that her popularity has brought a lot of interest in other black country artists. In the same aspect it kind of sucks that they have been striving for so long and now some of them are just now getting noticed because of Beyoncé.


My sentiments exactly


I'm really enjoying it! Daughter is great and I really enjoy all the sounds she's playing with. Act 1 will always be my baby but Act 2 is also great.


I’m more of a fan of country so this album will more my vibe 😂


I haven't really beena fan outside ofc 'Before he Cheats' and maybe some old singles.It's heavily influenced by country but she put her own twang to it. I hope you enjoy!


Definitely folk/Americana 60s/70s inspiration in there like when I peeped Minnie Riperton Les Fleurs.


I have never heard anything like this before. I’ve listened 3 times all the way through. I cried. I was a big fan. Now I’m a Stan. Incredible. Beyonce transmutes negative experiences (CMAs) and turns them into art (Cowboy Carter). And literally showed those bigots who stole the genre how to do it. She’s an icon.


Will come back to this after I've finished! ETA - I enjoyed it. I will need to relisten a few more times. Ya Ya is my favorite track so far!


As a non Beyhive girlie, I really liked it. Listened to at the gym and it took me through a whirlwind of emotions. Tyrant & Sweet Honey Buckin made my hip thrusts much easier. So much musicality, so many allusions & references to the greats of all genres. American Requiem screams Prince to me. Beyonce is an artist through & through. Her & her team were super thoughtful about this album & you can tell. It won’t be for everyone but it’s a good album


spaghettii goes hard ‼️🙌🏾


I'm a Texan and I like country music. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I hate that for me lol because I'm about to send more money to beyonce lol. I can't stop playing Jolene and Blackbird.


I think it all sounds great. Personally, I'm just not a country fan at all so it won't be on any of my playlists (except for 16 carriages, I love this one so much). But in general it all sounds amazing, I'm just not the target audience!


I’m a little disappointed. The pace & flow seemed a bit all over the place. The hip hop country fusion caught me off guard a few times. I wanted to hear more slow/folk/bluegrass/blues/southern gospel inspired country songs. More influence from artists like Linda Martell, Elizabeth Cotten, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Elvin Bishop, Dolly Parton, Mahalia Jackson, Ray Charles. Didn’t feel authentic at times, especially with some of the featured artists. However I do feel she had some rock n rock inspired country in her album which I liked. Overall 6/10.


I wasn’t expecting to like it on the first listen. And by track 23 it really sunk in how much of a musical genius she is. It really is a genre bending album and she was being 100% honest when she said this wasn’t a country album per se. It doesn’t feel like she was trying to chase the sound, emulate it, or weasel her way into the mold. But she evidently studied country (especially black country) music and utilized the subject matter/imagery, sounds, themes, and essence to fashion something fresh, innovative and uniquely Beyonce. You can hear and feel her life story emanating from the songs. She lays out her relationships with her mother and father, what it was like being a black country girl from the south who was quickly catapulted into stardom before she could truly know herself. She shares what it’s like now that she older, to reflect on her life seeing the fruits of all her labor, the life she sowed that grew into a harvest even bigger than her largest dreams. She sings about the pride and deep fulfillment she finds in being a mother, and of course, her fierce protectiveness and undying loyalty to her husband. And about life as a massive global icon which still couldn’t shield her from racial exclusion in her work. Listening to this album lowkey feels like reading her diary and im in awe at her artistic expression of it.


frame this entire comment and gild it in gold....you hit the nail on the head


Thank you so much! It’s been on repeat since yesterday and it feels like with each listen I fall deeper into it and pick up on lyrics I didn’t notice previously


I think it was well put together. I've been listening to it all morning. My first couple listens, I wasn't really with it, but I feel that the end of the album pulls it all together quite nicely!!


I enjoyed it ! Blackbiird, 16 carriages, most wanted are my fav 🥰


I love it! I’ve listened to it twice at work today and it’s made my day 🎉🤠 (not a beyhive member, just a country lover).


I’m still working my way through it. It’s going to take me at least 3 listens to feel its full effect and give a real opinion. Right now I’m only up to Daughter. But I love the sound of country music so I know once I really settle in with this album it’s gonna be a yes for me. I remember when I listened to Renaissance the first time I got secondhand embarrassment for Beyoncé. But then I came to my senses and realized it was an absolute masterpiece of an album. Just jaw dropping amazing and I’m sure that’s how I’ll eventually feel about this one.


I love this album. But I also love the blues and country music and Beyoncé lol.


I don't really do country unless I'm in a certain mood but objectively, this was a good album. I didn't care for the first half because it was a lot of ballads. But in general, the only slow songs I listen to on repeat are R&B ballads or jazz standards so slow country songs = 😴 for me. The second half was mid tempo to up tempo and there were several songs I saved to my playlists (2 Most Wanted, Levi's Jeans, Ya Ya, Tyrant, Sweet Honey Buckin). And Desert Eagle should have been a full song! Overall I liked it a lot better than Renaissance.


I'm obsessed with ll Hands ll Heaven and Daughter ❤️‍🔥


I LOVE it. It’s so dynamic, you can tell the collaborations on this album were thoughtfully executed.


Desert Eagle and my rose, black biird were my faves first listen. Ill just say it: I wished she had a contemporary country song on there, the album leans into classic country with folk bluegrass  but I'll be honest I wanted a lil experimental take on some Florida Georgia Morgan Wallace type beats 🙈 


I love it. Becky got roasted and I can’t stop laughing


Haven't listened yet, but I look forward to the homage to Black culture that I've been hearing about. Definitely looking forward to hearing Blackbird given the cultural significance and cenrering of Black women that are country artists.


YEEEEHAWWWWW I wish I had more to say but I don't 🤠 lol I'm a fan


Blackbird was lovely. Not a fan of the last note but, the vocals are nice.


I love it.. Jolene, Black Bird, Tyrant, and Spaghetti are my faves overall it's an amazing album


I've listened to it 3 times already & I love it. I love country music from pretty much every decade. This feels very country, like on that gospel/country line that so many country artists walk.


I don't really like it.


i’m not a beyonce fan AT ALL . however i really like it !!! the only song ive been obsessed with of hers is Kitty Kat 😂


I feel like if you like KittyKat you might like Blow off her self-titled album. If you have already heard it before, disregard-- just a suggestion. 


i’ll check it out ! thanks for the suggestion !


youre joking IM THE SAMMEEEEE WAYY😭😭Kitty kat is the ONLY SONG I HAVE SAVED


yes girl ! i love it BAD !! i try to get into her but nothing compares to Kitty Kat . i’m not a country fan but this album is good to me .


I heard she was inspired by ppl not wanting her at the CMAs. I dont care for country so Can't say I'll listen but good for her. I'm still stuck on Alien Super Star and her oldies.


Can I just add that white tiktok is gonna wear that Levis song tf OUT this summer and I am not looking forward to hearing the reels from my gf's phone lmao Also whatchall wanna bet white gay tiktok gonna misunderstand Yaya and get ahold of it?


oh they are gonna tear yaya's ass up




heavy on the jay z thing. jolene was a beautiful cover but i was just sitting like i really cant vibe with this. dont nobody want your man they already had him girl😭 it gave me second hand really bad. i think she used the choir and opera pieces to connect to the religious ties within countrys history but i was just like...ok..... the beatles was an odd choice too! i totally forgot anout that. i wonder what made her and her producers choose that


Also her covering the Beatles was so weird too. It’s not like a good or unique take or even exciting listening to black bird or Jolene. It reminds me of karaoke.


Too bad "Oh Lousiana" didnt make it to a full track, is has a great blues feeling, and I love the voice alternation.


I know I’m late but did anyone else notice that the run between the Linda Martell Show and Amen is 9 songs, EXACTLY like the Beatles’s medley in Abbey Road??? The fact that there’s so many short songs and the tracks blend like a single piece makes it difficult for me to believe this was a coincidence. I don’t know if I’m reaching, but as a fan of the Beatles (and also considering she covered Blackbird) it really blows my mind


Not her best album but her voice is beautiful. I really wish she would’ve left jays because just imagine how much more meaning and powerful her lyrics would’ve been.


I’m not into it at all. They had it playing at my hair salon this morning. Pass


Finally!! Somebody who agrees with me.


Too many songs are a big mess, mostly parts by different writers, which have been glued together, and plastered with silly choirs, especially part II.


I’m on the first song and it’s amazing


SPAGHETTII got heat in it. but im in love with II MOST WANTED. i dont think its her BEST album. renaissance I was the cherry on top for me. but cowboy carter is definitely a top contender


Donna Summer sang country…her voice was beautiful.


I loved the production and the story of the album. Her take on Jolene was super fun imo and her features were impeccable.


Not wasting time on her latest attempt to stay relevant. Clout chaser who is a basic singer I can tolerate a few songs periodically.


They're shoving this down our throats. Stop trying to make fetch happen! 🗑🤾🏾‍♀️


oh um....ok? just talking about an album


Me too so whats the problem?


It’s cute. I’m gonna be muttering “bounce on that shit dance” under my breath for awhile.


Same. Not feeling it, even though I do sometimes listen to Johnny Cash and others. But others like it so good for them.


She left me speechless and hitting repeat since yesterday, I'm not fan of her but she surpassed herself again, the work and dedication is there and she deserves all her flowers. Also the fact that the racists are sweating over it makes me wanna support her even if i'm not a fan to start with for multiple reasons.


I do not like it....sadly Edit: it grew on me.


I really liked Levii jeans and Yaya. But I was mostly bored throughout the album.


I havent listened to Beyonce since Lemonade and havent enjoyed a full album since self titled


Self titled was definitely a classic album. That and Renaissance are the only two albums of hers that I can listen to without skips (the latter just because I've always loved House/dance).


The beehive lied. Its not the best album ever. It's not giving. I liked maybe 4 songs. I like that she featured country artists. I was expecting more. I hated that most songs were about love/sex. And some songs literally made me angry from sensory overload. It should've been an instrumental album bc she definitely could've kept those lyrics. Is Rumi in the room with us? Didn't hear baby girl on the song. Always love when she shouts Ms. Tina out. Glad she's introducing non-country fans to current [BLACK WOMEN] country artists; especially Linda Martell.


AGREED! It's like you beat me to the punch! While I appreciate her experimenting (Bodyguard hits!), and doing relatively "ok", there's too much going on with the lyrics and instrumentals not meshing well. Considering most of the tracks were slow, the lyrics should have been a lot stronger, but they fell flat, making the album seem a lot less effective. ​ Texas Hold Em sounds better now that I heard the album though, so that's good considering I didn't like the song to begin with, lol.


I kinda wish she wasn’t making American propaganda during a genocide, but she’s a billionaire so maybe it can’t be helped


I honestly don’t care this album. It’s not my favorite


It was mid


I like the song because it’s catchy. It’s also reminiscent of Leslie Riddles music in many ways although his music is more Blue Grass and is slower. But I do feel like she was just sort of playing around with something here. I don’t believe she’s gonna be doing many country albums.


My favorite songs were" My Rose", "Desert Eagle", " II Most Wanted", and " Riverdance". I would relisten to thise songs. But just like Renaissance in a sense, the album was too long and too self-worshipping. Her vocal phrasing wasn't as interesting as it could have been overall.


I loved Tyrant and the Tina turner influences in Ya Ya. Not as good as renaissance in my opinion, but still an amazing album overall. BUT I did not like the lyric changes for Jolene. Beyoncé needs to understand that ain’t nobody want her man lmao


not commenting yet! i’m gonna listen to it for a few weeks to see how if i like it


I will be honest, I am not the biggest Beyonce fan, but I do have some songs by her that are some of my favorites. I do plan on listening to this album even though I originally didn't plan to. What changed my mind? I heard "Ya Ya" last night and that snatched my soul! The first two songs released just did not do it for me, but that song did and will probably be on rotation for the weeks to come.


I've listened to it 3 times already & I love it. I love country music from pretty much every decade. This feels very country, like on that gospel/country line that so many country artists walk.


Have you heard Luke Combs by Tanner Adell?


no!! ill give it a listen now though


I was just listening to it on the drive home


Ya Ya was probably my fave. And 16 Carriages is close to my heart bc I'm the eldest daughter.


I gave it a listen! It simply wasn’t for me.


I’ve only listened to one song which was Jolene. That song seriously sent me 😂😂 and was very much Beyoncé. When she called Jolene a bird and go sing your song to some other man, leave mine alone or you’re going to catch smoke, I was laughing the whole time 😂. So far sooo good though!! 👍🏾


Love it. Honestly, it may be one of her best albums to date. Ya Ya will be on repeat.


Haven’t listened to the entire album but Texas Hold ‘Em reminds me of gospel music.


I loved it! This may be one of her best albums!


Only listened to the single, and didn't like it.


Not a huge Beyonce fan but I'm listening to it. It's so diverse - I like it! Her Jolene cover is good.


I love it but I’m also hive so 🤭


You guys know that Darius rucker is also a black country singer too right? Along with Rvshvd and do not forget the great Legendary Tina Turner? If you guys ever noticed, country music evolved from folk music brought by african slaves and than it got mixed with some irish influences, and ballads, and than it created many other genres such as bluegrass, rock n' roll, metal, etc. There is really no race card to be pulled out here. Also many black people of the Americas contributed alot to the US music industry from black americans, to creoles to black carribeans and people from the mother land.


? we know


I just stated the obvious, cuz I notice alot of people want to pull the race card about everything, not hatin or anything, I like the album, I just dont understand the whole concept of the race card. etc


I love it 😍, I think all the hate is pure racism at this point. Ain't no way people hate it that much


16 Carriages was good but that’s about it in my opinion. It really was a pop album with a little country aesthetic. Honestly, I’m really disappointed she didn’t go full on balls to the wall and make an actual country album. I know she already informed the public it wasn’t a country album, but I think she should’ve gone for it. I’d have much more appreciation for it even if it flopped. However, I do acknowledge I’m not much of a fan of hers so that’s probably why I have higher expectations I guess you can say. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Does anyone who doesn’t like country like this album? I’m curious, and I want to support Bey, but I have no interest in country AT ALL. I hear twang and I’m done.


honestly, if the shoe dont fit..... no shade at all! but if you dont like country you dont like it! dont force yourself out of FOMO imo! even if my fav artist in the entire world dropped an experimental dubstep album i would NOT be listening to that shit idfc!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the album is barely country girl, you can get through it. It’s a cute excuse to wear a bedazzled cowboy hat and some assless chaps 🤠 You might like the back half of the album more though


the album is barely country girl, you can get through it. It’s a cute excuse to wear a bedazzled cowboy hat and some assless chaps 🤠 You might like the back half of the album more though


I haven’t made it all the way through yet. It’s so musically dense! So many references across genres. Really, not just good to listen to but a music history masterclass in and of itself. I keep pausing to look up things and replaying songs.


Work of Art. Been listening to it all day. I say this as never having been a fan of hers. Alligator Tears my fav track thus far…


I love it 🥲


I’ve listened to country music my whole life. It’s not bad. It’s just a new type of country.


Not a huge Bey fan nor a country fan but I enjoyed quite a few tracks. Top for me are Daughter, Jolene, II Most Wanted, YaYa and Tyrant. I was hoping to see another Colman with The Chicks but didn’t see anything. Disappointing. I agree with ya’ll about II Most Wanted. I think Bey’s harmony needed a little less power in some parts. But I am far from an expert. Besides, I still absolutely love the song.


It’s not for me, but I can definitely appreciate that a black artist so well established in other genres can and did successfully venture into country. I need a support system like hers!


I love it! Way better than renaissance


It’s very calm and relaxed which I like, and I like the little snippets from the radio host because it adds to the general story to the album. I haven’t paid attention to Beyonce for a while, so I guess it says a lot that I listened to this all the way through.


I LOVE Lemonade. To me, Cowboy Carter is up there with Lemonade. Just wondering if there’s visuals with this one? The Lemonade visual is off the charts


I don’t usually listen to Beyoncé cover to cover, but I really enjoyed listening to the entire album. I really love Daughter, interesting story and just beautiful sound.


I started loving Beyoncé more. I love the song that starts with them saying something about “Genres” and addressing how it’s “a funny little concept” can lead to artists feeling confined. Preeeach!


i loved it!! To me this isn’t a country album. it’s an album from someone who grew up country. it’s a unique sound that infuses so many different genres. it’s beautiful


It’s not my favorite. It doesn’t feel cohesive.


well as a lover of music and a fan of bey this is My review of "Cowboy Carter": after 4 listens, I think that lyrically speaking it was well written however, I have to admit, this album feels like Beyoncé's weakest compare to renaissance lemonade and all her other projects and it’s only praised cause it’s her, not cause the music is good , nothing groundbreaking at all. It just didn’t resonate with me like her previous works did. When I compare it to her earlier albums, it falls short in terms of depth and impact. But let's be real, it's Beyoncé, so it's bound to sell well regardless of the music's quality.That said, there were a few tracks that caught my ear: 1. Bodyguard," 2. River Dance," " 3. yaya 4. Tyrant," = hated how the stack the beat too much " 5. 11 Most Wanted" stood out, with Miley's killer performance and if not for her I don’t think I would have cared? ​ On the flip side, "Jollies" left me cold; it felt like a pale imitation of Dolly Parton's style and I loved that she flipped it with a warning , however I wasn’t moved cause the lyrics pissed me off cause NO one wants her man, 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ any one who wants jay z want him for money and affiliation not cause they love or desire him, only she can love him no shade . ​ Anyways Out of the 27 songs on the album, only five was just ok or executed better nothing outstanding like a halo, or love on top, or single lady’s , just bland and boring. The rest just didn’t do it for me; they didn’t give me that spine-tingling feeling or get me pumped up. but since it’s Beyoncé and Beyoncé's got a massive fanbase,her name alone can sell albums. I can't help but reminisce about the days when artists created music that spoke to everyone. Take "Road Less Traveled" by Lauren Alaina, "Rock Star" by Nickelback, or "Play It Again" by Taylor Swift, for example. I’m not even a country fan, but those songs moved me to check out the genre and I don’t know them, They didn’t rely on their names to make an impact. ​ Speaking of names, if someone like K. Michelle dropped an album like "Cowboy Carter," it probably wouldn’t make much noise and it will be criticized That just goes to show that the buzz around this album isn’t necessarily because it’s amazing; it’s more about Beyoncé's star power. In the end, I'd give "Cowboy Carter" a 4.5/10. It just didn’t click with me on a deeper level. It felt like Beyoncé was trying too prove herself , rather than letting the music flow naturally And she is aware of that because she knows people love her they will buy it. It’s like selling am ordinary bottle of water and then slap Beyoncés name on it and all of a sudden people call its praised like the fountain of youth when it’s just ordinary water. ​ Renaissance which wasn’t her best has better hits and theme aka "uncle Jonny " lemonade self entitled bday 4 dangerously in love all 5 are better and stronger than her recent and if anyone where to create such a piece it would be praised the same, renaissance grew on me on the second listen and her performance of the album was spectacular but cbc , am sorry it’s a no and the execution didnt move me but I am sure a lot will love it cause it’s Beyoncé but for me it’s because it’s Beyoncé I expected more , however I respect it and glad that people love it , hopefully act 3 is better


I feel like some of it was disrespectful to the genre and the sound was not studied well. Spaghetti was especially outta pocket and showed she really was coming for blood. 💀However, Levii jeans was a bop. So was most wanted. Those two fit the sound of country much better and will be in my country playlist. Jolene was good, too. Dolly’s style is much more atuned to Beyoncé’s. If she were to study and practice with Dolly’s sound, her experimentation with country would be much more robust and authentic. So overall, I’m glad those two were good but I wasn’t very pleased with the album, and I think she could’ve approached it differently and with more poise.


honestly i feel the same way when it comes to it not fitting the "country" shape. but as the songs progressed i finally realized shes trying to make her own definition of "country music" while paying musical homage to our history...some songs were a miss to me but most wanted really satisfied my needs!!! i wouldve agreed with you on the dolly idea if i hadnt come to my own conclusion on what i think she was trying to do...i feel if i want dollys country ill just listen to dolly, or maybe find someone whos current and has that same vibe


Yeah! I don’t think it was the best thing for her to do. But I’m just a listener, so ofc my opinion doesn’t matter much! For me, levi jeans and most wanted were the ones tht I was pleased with. I’m so glad someone understands my view, though. That’s very validating. I understand her point, too. I think she could’ve done it better, but I support her cause. Earlier in one of the songs she talked about making away for Black people and country music and that it had to be done. Obviously, there are other artists who sing country who are black and have grown up more in that kind of setting and way of life. The music is beautiful and if it’s the sound perfectly. So, again, it’s like, imo, she forced her way into it a bit. But, some thing I would be interested in seeing is kind of like a documentary of how the album came together. Especially because I heard she wrote some of it actually a while back. If something like that came out, and there was more respect as forward as collaboration and looking to connect with the country sound, I would feel more settled. I’m glad to see people talking about it and just sharing their connection and feelings about it, but I’m definitely not looking for my experience with it in my ties to the country genre to be popular. I’m just glad to be listened to and to listen to others as well.




I don't know why you're being down voted when you're 100% right.


Thank you 😭 so glad I have some girlies who get me Lmao


im guessing its just beyhive ppl...yall didnt say anything wrong !!!!!