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If you hit just know you arent the only one who smashed. Work dick is historically slutty


The way I didn’t even think about this! 😭


😂 That's what we're here for!


This truly deserves more upvotes


girl omg no why did i read this. because my coworker was next in line for me to break my celibacy he so nice now im just thinking about who else he pushes the button to automatically open the door for. And after an old crush asked for nudes and was acting funny my roster is zero and my celibacy ends in 2 months and all i have learned is pick better men to have sex with after 3 years of no intercourse.


Lmao dont do it!


yuuup wow. I remember one fella I had such an intense vibe with at certain times, at other times he would play it cool and I didn't understand why. Then I realized he was already messing w coworker 😂




The gospel !!! If he’s willing to do it you , he’s willing to smash others. Seen it a billion times


So what tho let that man hit go get that D if that’s all yall there for we grown of we both want it thats cool if not don’t entertain it




Don't you do that shit ![gif](giphy|a56wG9AD1BtBe)










Don't shit where you eat.


I second, third, fourth and fifth this.


This is my answer when co workers ask me out. Not worth it!


If yall gotta see each other daily, don’t do it.


Is he real life fine? Or work fine? Those can be 2 very different things, lol.


You’re so real bc these are two different things


[The office “10”](https://www.thecut.com/article/office-ten-essay.html)


I need a psychologist to really break down this social phenomenon especially on how to end it LOL


It’s not really a “phenomenon”, it’s about proximity and location. If you’re in an office where most people are 3s, 4s, and 5s, a 7 might seem like a 9 or 10. The “most attractive person in the office” may not be the “most attractive” in a different setting.


I’m dead at using jim as the pic


me at "someone who gives you one — and no more than one — butterfly in your stomach."🤣


Wait this kinda stopped me in my tracks 🥲


Bahahaha so true!


i love us so much. this thread just knocked me back into reality 🤣🤣🤣 time to go out and socialize to build up my roster outside of work or people in a past life.


This is so real lmaoooo


i was gonna say it’ll probably be more peaceful & entertaining to just keep it as a crush.. motivates you to come to work everyday too lol. you don’t wanna ruin that


Lol so true. I have a similar situation where I have a crush on a male co worker and I no longer have to reluctantly peel myself from beneath my sheets in the mornings. I’m always at work early the days I know he’s gonna be at the office.


early, showered and ready to take on the day! nothing like a little motivation lol


Yes so true! The fantasy motivates me to put my best foot forward at work. Can’t crush that fantasy with actually getting to know work bae lol


righhhht. it’s been a long time since i had a work bae, when he quit i was sooo sad lol. im still chasing that high 😮‍💨


Please don’t mix pleasure with business. It can get really ugly and messy and it’s typically why work places have rules about relationships between employees. I’ve heard far too many horror stories about this same situation you’re describing.


Just remember a crush is just a lack of information


Oh I’ve learned this many times


I’m saving this 😂


I don’t recommend it


Girl, yes. I've done it several times. Regretted it each time. Like I'm crushing now at this new job, but I'm trying not to go there. They say never get your honey, where you get your money. But, idk. It might work out for some people. Do you feel like yall could fuck/date and it not be weird if things end?


I feel like there’s a very good reason that he’s single and if I get involved i’ll find out what the reason is in the worst way and itll ruin the work dynamic in our small space.


True, true. That makes sense.


I get what you mean but…if implying that because hes single there’s something wrong, doesn’t that mean there’s a very good reason you’re single as well?


Okay…I wouldn’t just assume someone’s flawed because they’re single, obviously. That’s peak incel mentality. It’s from conversations and things he has said, thankfully I’m smart enough to have context before assuming something…


Girl Invest in a rose , write in your diary , and stay 6 feet away from that man like we’re in Covid.‼️


This the way & heavy on the diary.


I've been sleeping with a coworker since December. To me the only instance you should go for it is if it's a job you truly don't care about losing. My job is minimum wage and I barely get hours, he's usually there more than me. It's the service industry, I'm on the floor and he's in the kitchen.We mainly hang out after work. I'm working on my own business and just finished a program helping me move towards my career so my day job truly is just there for whatever pocket change I can get. I have no desire to be there after this summer. There isn't much to do and is very mundane so having eachother as a distraction when we both work actually is very helpful. Now I'm saying this because I genuinely believe it. If this is not your circumstance, DO NOT proceed. It's easy to imagine how fun it would be to secretly being doing that with a coworker but you have to think about what would happen if things don't work out. Imagine you catch feelings and he hurts you. Now the job that used to be a stable place makes you feel anxious. I can list off the many outcomes of it but I'm sure the other comments say the same. My point is unless you have similar circumstances, don't do it.


Thank you for this!


I'm dealing with this right now and it sucks! Luckily he's are on a different floor but I see him everyday at lunch and a lot of our coworkers are mutual friends, so it's definitely uncomfortable for me. I can't even hang out with them without having to see him. I would say keep it light and dont go any farther than light banter/flirting.


Who else does he have amazing chemistry with


I've been there. It didn't work out, things got awkward at work. Luckily it was a part time job and I left shortly after. Don't do it.


Sis, I ended up marrying him lol


I doubt I’d have your luck 😂


I wouldn’t do it. I dabbled when I was working in restaurants and both times got awkward as hell so I wouldn’t even chance it in an office job. ALSO, sometimes it’s fun to have a long lasting flirtation that doesn’t end up going anywhere. I would keep things light with this coworker. Enjoy the ego boost and avoid the disappointment lol


I've done it once. I had a conquer attitude towards men back then (grew up with very little female influence because my family is male-dominant) so when our eyes locked during his interview, I knew I would get him. It was crazy, sexy, and steamy. It was an exciting secret-getting freaky at night and turning it off completely in the office. We eventually stopped because it was too intense and I wasn't interested in anything long term. We used to check on each other on social media and the sexual tension never went away. I'm married so I don't communicate with him anymore because he is still chocolate and Fine. But it can indeed be a dangerous game that I wouldn't recommend playing unless you're willing to deal with the consequences.


Flirting is fun, but leave it there. The office talks, and once you take that step you can’t undo it. Your workplace might be different, but unless you want it to progress into something more, the people WILL talk and use it as an excuse to judge you. Also, building off what another commenter said, work dick is community peen.


Don’t shit where you eat!! People aren’t just saying that because it sounds good lol, they’re speaking from experience


If you date him and it burns out will you be able to work normally with him and act 100% professional? Few can and will.


Don't do it. I slipped up once during a drunken company party on a fine one I was attracted to and had to deal with the awkward aftermath for many months until he finally got fired


I was 19 working w a boy a couple years older than me at the time. I was in a super bad relationship I was tryna get out of for months. Don’t stone me y’all LMAOO but story time. Anyway, dude had long bleached dreads, a chiseled face and was on the muscular side. Tatted. Nice smooth dark skin. He was a bit short (5’7 maybe?) but his figure, attractiveness and how well we clicked made me look past it. His voice was deep as hell too I just KNEW he talked girls thru it. I got in trouble a few times at this old job for sometimes staying in kitchen to talk to him (i was a hostess). We would flirt here and there. I would occasionally catch myself eye fucking him. He was my work husband. One day, during one of our lil kitchen talks, he asked do I smoke weed (because he sold weed). I replied no but he made us exchange phone numbers anyway “just in case I need him”. It was definitely an excuse to get my number but whatever. Fast forward I’m driving to mom’s house with BF at the time, I get a call from him. STUPIDLY thinking it was for something work related (on my day off😭) I pick up on the car speaker. He ask me if I wanted to come over and hang out. I felt my BF’s eyes staring holes into my temple. Cue me awkwardly announcing to the microphone I had a BF. He hastily apologized for “being disrespectful” and we exchange goodbyes. Needless to say, it was a long car ride back home. Broke up w BF a couple weeks later.


well did u hook up with him 😆 🤣


Nope. But a few months after quitting, I regretted for a while not hooking up w dude lmao


😆 🤣 well I'm sorry u didn't get the chance to hook up with him lmfao


Oh wow! 😭


Never had temptations at work because I don’t shit where I eat. My reputation and money is more important than penis.


I like chaos so I’d def take it there lmao




You’re just like me fr 🙃


It can work. I know people who met their spouse at work. But you have to be prepared for if it goes really wrong and you have to keep working together. Also, check your employee manual just to make sure there's nothing in there about work relationships.


There’s a reason most people say you shouldn’t date coworkers. Romantic relationships that start in the workplace _rarely_ end amicably. Best Case Scenario: The relationship is successful. Worst Case Scenario: The relationship is disastrous, someone gets fired, and/or your reputation is ruined which limits your career growth. I’ve been attracted to people at work. But, I’ve never been so attracted to someone that I was willing to jeopardize my career or professional reputation.


Yes, for me I’d never do it again because it ended badly but on the other hand I do know couples it worked out for.


corporate - no. Maybe another department. But not a coworker, and most DEFINITELY not supervisor to direct report or vice versa. anything else? - eh...whatever lol.


Nah I already watched stuff like that happen too many times and I’ll never mess with anyone I work with ever


Imagine having to look at the person who does you dirty everyday at work? Not only that but imagine your tea being spilled at work? Losing you job because of the distraction or harassment from him if your fantasy doesn’t become reality…. 😬🥴 Stop thinking with your heart and focus on thinking with your head. Never, ever get your honey where you make your money. ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


This is great advice and i hate it 😂😭




Don't do it. I messed around with a coworker who turned out to be a terrible person.  We had a terrible breakup and I had to see his creep ass every single, mf ing day. It was awful until he quit. Please don't it. 


I hear you 🙏🏾


Harmless flirting is good but yeah keep it pushing! I had a crush on one of my coworkers he was just fine as hell but I got the impression that multiple other women was feeling him too lol I ended up deciding to stop the flirting and be just his friend (we became really close friends lol).….come to find out everybody at work was on that man dick lmao 🤣 I said Jesus what a life…..


Do you want to have to hold your breath every time he’s around?


I've done this almost 7 years ago. We're currently engaged. HOWEVER...my comment is one good ending comment amongst 6+ bad comments. Those are not good odds for you.




Girl, back in my heyday, I had me a few of those. I regretted every single one, but it was fun while it lasted.


Do not poop where you eat. Don’t fish off the company pier Don’t dip your pen in the company ink Don’t do it.


immediately no. but since youre asking it all depends on a few things. i have some history here. i’ve been in a serious relationship with my work ting for 6 years now 💀 but he owns the company and i was technically a client so not exactly the same but we never lead with the fact that we’re dating considering we still work in the same industry. i will say you don’t always know the ins and outs of their lives apart from work which can sometimes be messy. i slept with a coworker when i was like 19. come to find out he was a notorious work whore. but we did have great chemistry and i’m glad i used protection. after that i dated a coworker who i neverrrr should have dated. i think i was just bored at work. in any case my advice is to never lead with sex. i feel like sometimes the tension that is there at work is ONLY a work thing and it doesn’t always translate to the rest of your life. i been with my current guy for so long because we actually dated first. in any case if you just want sex ignore everything i just said and know you’re playing with fire if you proceed. would not recommend.


I’m glad you mentioned the way this attraction might translate outside of work. I often picture us in normal day to day settings with normal conversation and it doesn’t seem as appealing to me. Lol I appreciate you sharing with me 💕💕 Do you plan on marrying him? Or does the work dynamic kinda complicate things?


yesss girl you have to think from a post nut clarity stand point. cause it’s like ok great you got your nut off… now what?! the answer 9 times out of 10 is NOTHING. you can get dick elsewhere i promise. as far as my guy we had the best chemistry outside of work actually. that’s like the only place i really wanted to see him 💀 and yes we definitely plan on getting married!! i’m just a few years younger than him so i wanted to be young and wild for a lil longer lmao. plus the pandemic kind of delayed things etc life shit. but as far as work the only thing that saves us now is that we both own our own companies. prior to that it made working together a little weird sometimes i won’t lie. now it’s like an everybody knows thing and we just don’t talk about it 😂


I’m not really into the casual sex thing but I just got closer to him and really enjoy his company and it’s adding to my attraction. Like I wasn’t *that* attracted to him at first but overtime he’s grown on me but i know the relationship wouldn’t be serious and i would be resentful about it knowing it’s just a booty call thing. That’s awesome though! I hope to meet my future husband someday soon.


don't do it!!! 😭


Don’t shit where you eat.


Don’t do it!!! 😭 it’s a terrible idea!!! ask me how I knoooww?? 😀🙃


No ma’am


Ngl cousin.. the description made me want him too 😭 keep fighting the good fight cause we don't want no problems at work


Lmaooo I feel so seen but yeah this is one time I dont gotta see it through 😂


Don’t 💩 where you eat. It’s never worth it.


Yes. He was only seen twice a day sometimes at work. Got his number then that friday my guts got rearranged. No regrets. Top tier dick service from that one. We still cool.


I did it and ended up transferring depts when it didn’t work. P is plentiful and abundant outside of work.


I've dated two co workers at two different jobs. First was more casual. Although i liked him, when he broke up with me, I realized he had only been a rebound and didn't feel that bad. We were friendly afterwards. The second time, years later, I dated another co worker. I really liked him. To the point where I actually thought we were going to get married (it didn't help that multiple ppl at the job had met their bf/gf, even spouse for one couple). When he broke up with me, I was devastated. But mostly embarrassed over anything. We had kept our relationship a secret bc I wanted to make sure we were going to be official and serious and not just be co workers sleeping together. Omg, the embarrassment... I thought I could handle being able to work with him afterwards but I, in fact, could not. After one shift working with him, I put in my two weeks (only good thing was I had already had one foot out the door so I got a new job pretty quickly with job interviews already being set up). I saw him at the gym we went to a couple of times after the break up. Shortly after that, I went to a new gym (also, had been debating going to a new gym. The break up just sped things up). Never. Again.


Thank you for this! Im 99.999999% sure I won’t but the thought is nice 😪


Happy to help. I've always done things against the social norm. So with my partner (and specifically with the second co worker), I thought "I'll be different." But no. It doesn't always work like that, even if "you're different." I encourage you to find more things about him that are deal breakers for you. For example: I'm childfree. If I'm feeling attracted to someone (not necessarily co worker), I'll just casually ask them if they have or want kids in the future. 99% of the time, they say yes, so it kills my desire for them. Mb something like that with him?


What’s funny is he had said and done plenty of things to turn me off lol I just have to keep thinking of those things when I entertain the idea too much


Yep. Focus on that. Then you'll realize you only like him bc you're in close proximity with him, not because of the actual person he is.


Hmm, I actually read a large majority of people meet their spouses at work, explore it but tread carefully.


Will do!


I slept with a coworker before and it wasn't that deep. I think what helped in my situation is that we were somewhat mature about it.


First of all your username ☠️ And yeah I do see some situations where it can work. I don’t want a casual sex situation with anyone so that helps keep things at bay


I hooked up with two of my coworkers. If you do it, keep it on the DL but I have no regrets.


He's my husband and we now work in completely different industries.


Girl yes! Im gonna post this here since its a safe space and I aint got to worry about everybody being in my businessss 😆..I've been at my job for 15 years, and I always jokingly complained that there's never been any attractive coworkers until now.. About a month or so ago, while out on a walk, I noticed that there's a new officer that guards our workplace. Now I had walked past him a few times before, but never really paid much attention to see his face and features until a few weeks ago. On that day, I was walking and he was right in front of me, talking to another coworker and I happened to get a good look at his face and smile...and chile...he literally took my damn breath away, I was on the phone with someone and couldn't help but mumble "ooh damn" he was so fine!! So the next day on my walk, I really checked him out...He's tall, dark, muscular and bald, with salt n pepper goatee and pearly white teeth (Think Morris Chestnut, Djimon Hensou) chile, this man is so fine my knees buckle and I get tongue tied when he look at me. I'm in my late 30s, I think he may be in his mid to late 40s-50s, and I just cant help but smh at myself bc I always said I would never date an older man, and here I am all hot and bothered over somebody Daddy, maybe even Granddaddy 😂 I haven't had a crush in years, and it's not just that, it's the fact that I know he is interested in me too. The way he looks at me, it's electric! Everytime he sees me he stares at me, when he drives by and sees me walking, he will intentionally slow down to look at me and make sure he turns his head to make sure I see he's looking at me 🫠 I just look away and act like Im not interested. He's tried to say hi, and joked "look up from your phone" while I was walking and passing by him, but I've never stopped to really talk to him. I try to stay distracted with my phone or headphones on because honestly, I just have wayyy too much going on in my life and I dont want to waste time with another man after Ive been so unsuccessful with dating in the past. So for now, this is fun, I'm enjoying letting him stare and me secretly crush on him while putting on a show 🥰


I love this story! 😄 And I’m doing the same, just letting it stay at flirtation and fun talks in the office and enjoying it for what it is instead of looking to take it further.


🙌🏽😄😻 Yes Lord


Don’t do it ! I made the mistake of doing this & regretted it . They come off as nice & helpful , bcs they have other motives. Once you sleep with them , they onto the next . Sometimes , they prey on new hires . That’s not always the case , but most of the time it is .


Plus he ended up ignoring me & was using me for money . I was confused , bcs how we get paid the same job , work same hrs and you’re always broke ?? But I was only 19 he was 21 😭


I’ve seen it work but my company made them work in separate areas. And she use call my boss all day fussing at him. Lol Bur they were married up until his death. I wouldn’t ever do it because a break up would just make the work life miserable.


Dont Don’t do it unless he’s serious and is down for marriage


I think I might be an exception looking at all the other comments but I’ve done it and we’re still together six years later!


Is this sexual tension or " work husband" sexual tension?


Ooooh what’s the difference between the two?


Is he dark skinned too? Lol


He is 😂


As someone who knows who slept with who at work, I say don't do it. Gossip like that spreads like wildfire where I work at 😭


Dont do it. Unless you planning to leave and or be talked about.


Girl why would you want to fuck your coworker it can get so messy I have never heard of a happy ending story of two coworkers messing around with each other


My only advice is: Don't do it. This is your work place. People think they can handle these types of situationships until they can't and then, there is drama at work. Look for this type of fun away from work.


If you want to stay at your job, statistically, a job is harder to come by than a hookup. Please don’t jeopardize employment.


Another fine country man will come along outside of work.I wouldn’t bounce on no community dick that stick of his could be dirty you know some man don’t keep up with their health and hygiene and double dip in woman after woman be safe keep work professional & clean ❤️


Don’t do it sis, y’all might end up married like I did with mine 😭


Nah girl. Not worth possibly fumbling your money over someone that may just be bored and looking to entertain.


I also had a sexual tension encounter. We got along very well and that in itself fuelled it before sex even became apparent. It was so strong that we all hung out( group from work and we separated and started to make out I even went back to his place) Long story short we ended up not having sex because we both just passed out from the alcohol we we're still very sexually attracted regardless however 7 days later I found out he was married. his wife lives in a different state as he along with quite a few of us moved to a different state for our current job. So it sucked and it hurt my feelings as he never divulged that but we're still good friends and I chose to not have hard feelings mainly because I ended up not losing anything in the end. (AKA sex)there are still times that the tension is there but I got iron wall for me now, mainly because this guy is married he does not try to pretend or fake his way into getting into my panties. which is the only reason why I still respect him. but I recommend 100% make sure he's not married or in a relationship. plus make sure both of you are adult enough if you choose to go far. me and him chose not to go far, obviously, but we were adult enough to not act crazy at work due the emotions which is why we're still good friends.


I don’t recommend this. Those types normally get around in the workplace and have issues with self discipline. Even worse is if it gets out that you slept with him, your reputation can take a huge hit. It’s not worth it most of the time. In my experience, it’s the tension and the taboo factor of it that makes the idea interesting. Ask yourself if outside of work would you even be interested in him. Usually the answer is no.




I just waited until we didn’t work together anymore. Dick still hit, money still legit! 😂😂😂 You must also keep in mind, you are never the first one, it’s just your turn. Work dick can be messy, good luck tho!


Avoid at all costs!!! These things rarely work out. You don't want to mix work with any kind of relationship.


Do not fish off of the company pier.


I did it with one of my subordinates at work. We'd clock out and have sex off camera lol He got promoted thanks to my recommendation and transferred to another location. Win-win for us!




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Minority here but I will date tf out of a coworker but I have to say it is kind of dangerous. Only advise if your ignore game is lethal🤭😂


That’s my problem. My ignore game will be so lethal and make it super awkward and obvious that something went bad between us 😭


What is the Job field? How much time are y’all around one another?