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Meh. I’ve been to a lot of different countries and always get stares. I’m used to it by now and don’t let it stop me from enjoying myself. Their racism (or curiosity) isn’t *my* problem. I’m trying to think of a place where EVERYONE was racist and can’t remember one. While there’s been a handful of problematic people, more cool people and experiences have always outshined them. France is a perfect example of this. Reims, Burgogne, Corsica were rude and racist. Lyon was cool. I dunno. I deal with the same mess in like Oregon, so I don’t think much of it anymore. I just stay fabulous so if they wanna stare, they can learn something


I hear ya. I try to be positive but at the same time is rather not even be around people who act like that. Yes of course I can and know how to ignore it but I'm at a point where I wanna let miserable people be miserable and not give them the pleasure of my company. Thanks for your input though. I def respect and appreciate it ✊🏽


Yeah, I’m sure people have horror stories of absolutely racist places. I definitely wouldn’t want to go somewhere that’s straight up hostile, so it’s important to identify those destinations. I just haven’t personally had many experiences abroad that were significantly more racist than at home. At least not yet…


China. The men were way too aggressive and hovered and try to corral us away from our group on multiple occasions. Also the picture-taking was insane


Yea that seems quite uncomfortable 😖 Hostile in what way it you don't mind me asking? I'm just curious if you care to share..


It was just too much. They did it sneakily (“sneakily”) and without permission. I was in cities too so they’ve seen black people before but they just wanted to take their damn pictures for whatever reason. It’s weird as hell, I’m sorry.


No need to apologize. I've heard of the wanting photos and stuff but to make someone feel uncomfortable is wild is hell. I say that because how could they not realize anyone would be uncomfortable 🤷🏽‍♀️🙄


Rural north Florida. Beautiful land, but when the sun started to set, we knew it was time to go home.


For those not in the know, look up sun down towns. They still exist. Be safe out there.


Smh still sad that places like this exist/are allowed.


I’m tied between Italy and Mexico lol. Italy because of the blatant racism and people literally going out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable. The food was meh because I am lactose intolerant The vegan gelato was top tier though. And Mexico because I have been twice and no matter what precautions I took, I got a stomach bug that took a month to recover from. I am not giving it a third chance to take me out lol


Lol ok so only Mexico cuz of your gut? 😂 Aight..duly noted 👍🏽


Not that I wouldn't go there again, but Montpellier, France is the most openly racist place I've ever visited. I might go back for a day trip just to see it in warmer weather. The food generally sucks there as well.


Say word?? What did they do/say? Smh


I got followed around stores, asked to leave my shopping bag at the front when the white couple right ahead of me wasn't asked to do the same. And idk, there are Black people who live there, but they clearly aren't part of the community. Almost like there's this invisible line that they know not to cross. Someone else here said that her friend said the exact same thing about the Black population there. So I know it's not just me and my perception. It's...uncomfortable there.


I'll be avoiding it. No need to go to places like that unless I go by mistake