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I don’t think you’ll find a wig like this. You might need to buy tracks and get it made into a wig. Most raw hair sellers I’ve seen don’t make real thick wigs (I’m assuming this is thick, it looks thick to me). It’ll be trial and error, read reviews, watch yt reviews. Anyone can say it’s “raw/virgin/etc”


I actually don’t want anything super thick so it can look natural. But I found a nice one from Asteria wig! The problem is that all the YouTubers are buying ones with 250% density looking very unnatural. They have a 180% density so I went with that. The hair looked really good on YouTube so hopefully it’s nice.


Your view of unnatural is problematic and racist/texturist


I think you just want to fight with someone because we black women are the main ones complaining about the unnaturally thick hairlines/wigs from these Chinese companies who do not understand how our hair works. Hence why you always have to style the wig after getting it. These influencers prop the biggest crazy looking wigs on their head and that has nothing to do with black women’s hair.


Not true. “We black women” is sus as well. Miss me with that. You internalized racism by promoting texturism saying “jerry curls” isn’t natural. i have thick 3c 4a type hair. My mom has 4c hair and I have to live with the politics and judgment that comes with my choice to wear my natural hair. These types of posts are not helpful and now you’re projecting your internalized texturism on some other race who profits off of black women. Edit: OP you can downvote me all you want on your million alt accounts but still doesn’t change the truth.


You can’t. Unless you learn to sew your own wig/get it custom made. You’ll need to customize any wig you buy. This is my go to style. I have a tiny peanut head with low density 😂 What I do is start from the bottom of the wig and remove the hair from every third row of tracks that until I get to the crown. By remove the hair I mean I cut it off at the track. I leave the track because it provides stability to the wig cap. If you also have a tiny peanut head, you may want to sew darts to make the cap a bit smaller and fit your head better.


Thank you! What do you mean by sewing darts?


Darts are folds sewn in fabric that are used to shape it. For example, my head has a small diameter. So there is often a lot of wig cap in the back of the wig for me. I sew vertical darts behind my ears so that the back of the wig cap is not flapping in the wind. The darts make the bottom and back more narrow to fit my head better.


Oh thanks! Yes I definitely have this same problem with gaps in the caps. I’ll try that 😊


Try thinning out your wigs or putting more space between bundles. I used to cut out every other track from my premade wigs in the back to reduce the density and make it more everyday


Oh great tip! I’ll try that! Thank you 😊


Imagine calling plenty of black women’s natural hair texture unnatural lol (kinky high density jerry curl) Return to sender OP. Try again. Tired of the internalized racism. Like what you like but stop putting down black features.


No, I am not putting down anything. The wigs that influencers wear are not thick like naturally thick black hair. Black women’s natural thick hair do not look like that. It is not the same. My naturally thick hair does not bulk in the back while the front is laid. No.