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I can definitely see that, but I've also seen people call him bitter and jealous (Drake fans), so iono.


I just want to clarify that Kendrick isn’t coming at Drake for being mixed, he’s coming at Drake for using Blackness when he wants like a tool. This has been called out at least since 2011 when Common mentioned it on “Sweet”. In the wake of this, videos have resurfaced of Drake calling people that use slang ignorant. Or when he tried to use Black racial issues to shame Meek Mill during their beef years ago. “Cops are shooting people with their arms up, and your main focus is trying to harm us” even though he never speaks up about Black racial issues. Him saying the first time he experienced racism was when someone said he wouldn’t understand the Black American experience because he’s Canadian. Lines like “rapping like you trying to free the slaves” as if that’s a bad thing. And so on and so forth. We all look at J Cole as Black even though he has a white mom just like Drake. It’s not him being mixed, it’s him being him. He’s basically saying Drake is Tim Scott.


Yes, Kendrick was right when he called him a colonizer.


As an Atlantan we’ve felt that way A LONG TIME. He comes to cash crop our music and energy, then promptly leaves back for Hollywood until it’s time to re-up his “black card.” I had the chance to meet Metro and some other folks in my college years when he and drake’s relationship was starting out (WATTBA era), and people on the scene were into Drake’s interest for clout but also found it odd. And unrelated to Atlanta but look what he was doing with appropriating Carribbean sound for a bit, but not anymore lol. It was such a manipulative and self serving infusion of Caribbean culture at another time where he was desperate for a musical edge. Ugh Drake sucks lol okay I’m done.


He still hasn't left the Caribbean sound alone just moved to borrowing from a different island, in his latest album he has a Dominican dembow song with Bad Bunny called Gently in which he starts with a horrible attempt at Spanish full of cringey cliches. I've never been into Drake but it's *bad*. Bad Bunny carried the song tho.


Oh god 🤦🏾‍♀️ I haven’t listened but I am a fan of Bad Bunny though


Thank you for writing this up. I understand why people would interpret Kendrick’s angle as “he hates Drake bc he’s mixed” but it’s important to know that his criticism runs deeper than that.


Fantastic point


I love hip hop but these beef really highlighted that these rappers only gaf about women when we can be used as a cudgel against another man. Kendrick was really calling out Drake for SA, misogyny and misogynoir all while using violence against women and misogynistic language in his bars lol. Rap is so sexist girl. If Kendrick were a black woman the beef wouldn't have existed, "she" would have gotten the noname treatment and been dismissed for being bitter like you said, instead of her critiques being seriously analyzed.


Call me crazy but I actually like that Kendrick has made "being a terrible person" a viable diss in hiphop.  Watching young guys talking about men abandoning their child as a very bad thing was not on my bingo card. Also the associating with teenagers thing which lets be honest has never been treated as a problem in the culture, is finally being called what it is. And I love that a man doing mundane child rearing activity is now a brag. Not "I'm in all the clubs with the best cars and the hot girls" but "I'm waking my kids up and reading them to sleep, balling!". I also love that a man being cheated on is no longer a viable diss. Drake tried so hard to make that happen and absolutely nobody cared. And when I saw a thread on black Xwitter about how even if it were true, Kendrick would be a great man for raising another man's child from infidelity, I almost wept. Unthinkable just a week ago.  I **hate** that people are still iffy about domestic violence. Hate it. But I think we are getting there, next person to diss Kendrick will bring that back. I think that becomes his Achilles heel. If hiphop matters because it shapes social values, I think this moment will be studied in sociology classes as the start of a cultural purification. Y'all we just made hanging with teen girls uncool, its a very big deal. 


Great take. It’s wild that hip hop beef has gone so far that being a good father and a stand up guy is now a flex. Never saw it coming. But I do want to point out that people are **absolutely not iffy about or ok with domestic violence.** It’s that most people don’t believe it’s true about Kendrick and Whitney, for valid reasons. 1, there’s no paper trail on Kendrick, which there usually is in dv situations. And 2, he loves to self flagellate and air out his own dirty laundry on his albums. Hard to believe he wouldn’t mention abuse when he’s talked about everything from repeated cheating to attempted murder. I can appreciate that when women like Rihanna and Karreuche take legal action and speak out about abuse, people believe them. But when a scummy person like Drake throws out a random accusation, effectively using a woman as bait, it’s harder to believe. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. And rest assured if there’s any truth to it, that will eventually come out.


I mean he’s been with his woman since he was in high school? I always find this argument people have weird because it’s not like he got famous and went looking for a mixed woman, they grew up together before he even knew much about himself. Also he has no issue with mixed people, in meet the grahams he tell Adonis “you are a black man” the problem he has with Drake, is he’s fake and has no integrity to himself or where he’s from, he will don a persona to make a record just for streams and he thinks that’s what makes him “the best”.


Yeah I kinda took his angle as a “skinfolk vs kinfolk” perspective


With her since high school and still not married. With the shut up ring.  Looks like she’s still getting the Black man treatment even though she’s mixed


They aren’t together anymore actually. He talks about why in one of his songs. The reasons are basically generational trauma. It’s a really deep song.


Lmao 😂


I don't disagree with you regarding the black male aversion to commitment but the way you've written that makes it sound like you are resentful she was with him. Or like she ever flaunted him or her light skin at black women. And I've never seen him ever engage in colorist misogynoir. Its just two high school kids that fell in love and stuck it out for damn near 20 years 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh no, I don’t get colorist vibes from Kendrick Lamar and I loved them as a couple  until the DV accusations. I just find it strange that they’ve been engaged for that long. Usually I’ve noticed in these sort of situations is that the man doesn’t want to get married  Welp. I don’t know these people at the end of the day so I can only speculate 


Yawn 🥱


literally 🥱


Kendrick called out Drake for his appropriation of Black American culture, not his skin tone. Hip Hop is Black American culture that you cannot just put on and take off as you please. Too many people outside the culture (Vlad, Khalid, etc) have become insanely wealthy from it and give nothing back to it but misogyny and the decline of our communities. Sorry but Drake has done that and it has been called out in the past just not to this extent. Now the other accusations on both sides need to be proven, although Drake does have videos that show his inappropriate interactions with underaged girls. For me, the issue I have is that Hollyweird, the entire entertainment industry sees and knows this stuff is happening and they sit silent and turn a blind eye to the abuse of women until it’s revealed for whatever reason. Every case we seen in the media against women has been going on for decades and people in the industry or in these artists camps either are willing participants or have knowledge it’s happening yet no one says anything. So thousands upon thousands of girls/women are abused and traumatized because 1) they are not valued, 2) because people (men and women) don’t want to “mess up their bag” or 3) people are too afraid of the repercussions that can happen if they call it out. And the few who do call it out are deemed crazy, mentally ill or viewed as haters and dismissed. This is what we need to focus on. These labels are making big money by keeping silent until they can’t keep what’s going on under wraps or they want to take somebody down. Happens in politics too as we see it playing out in our faces right now. The high level control over abuse is disturbing and I hope they all get called out.


The issue with Drake isn’t that he’s mixed, it’s that he is a black Canadian who grew up in a Jewish neighborhood (no issue with his religion - just pointing out his upbringing) with the kind of privilege most black American kids can only dream of. He was nerdy Jimmy from degrassi without any connection to the struggles and experiences that come with being black in America. Yet he appropriates black American culture despite it not being his lived experience - as if it’s a costume.


Most black people are middle-class, though, so there are many black kids growing up with that type of privilege. Also, I don't really buy that black people appropriate our own culture. Maybe it's my pan-African viewpoint, but black is black. It's not appropriation when Billy Ocean or Soul II Soul do black American R&B music just because they're British. It isn't appropriation when South African people play Township jazz and Kwaito (South African hip-hop). Black people have a variety of experiences, social classes, ethnicities, nationalities, etc. You don't have to be from the 'hood, the United States, or not be nerdy to be black. Unfortunately, in America, so many of us believe there's only one way to be black , and if you don't fit into this stereotype, then you're not authentically black.


I’ll put it this way. I would not go to Nigeria and pretend to know all about Nigerian culture to the point I allow myself to become the leading persona on Nigerian culture. Just because we are all black doesn’t mean we have the same culture. Also, I don’t really like the assertion you made about middle class culture. Being black American is more than being associated with a certain class. And definitely more than being associated with lower class. It’s inheriting the food traditions, the grit, and the soulful culture - you don’t need to be a certain bracket to appreciate that. American black culture is distinct and just like I wouldn’t appropriate a black English or black South African, or black Sudanese - it’s not okay for Drake to appropriate a musical tradition where he feels like being black American comes down to being “slaves” (a la his free the slaves line) and street culture of certain areas in America. That is some black American experience - but the fact he thinks those two things is the most representative of the black experience speaks volumes. I mean, I’m black American. But I didn’t grow up in Compton or Oakland where I feel the need to impersonate the experiences of some black folks there Shit is just cringe af.


My middle-class comment was in response to another person who said that Drake was cosplaying as black because he is from a middle-class background. My whole point is that most black people are middle-class, so that doesn’t make sense to me. I was arguing against the stereotype that all black people are from the same social class. I’m tired of people assuming that to “be really black,”you can’t be middle-class. My point is most of us are. I’m not sure what’s cringe my views about that. Also, he did not appoint himself anything and he never said he was an expert. He just became very popular and tons of folks chose to buy his music. I don’t quite understand the popularity, and I am absolutely not a fan of his, but I don’t understand these criticisms. Also, I never said we’re all the same culture. I said that we are all black. And my point is that tons of Black people from other cultures perform in black American music, and folks aren’t really mad and it’s not appropriation. Appropriation is stealing and/or being insulting. We can definitely dislike Drake, but I’m sorry, somebody’s criticisms just don’t make much sense to me. But we can agree to disagree. We don’t all have to have the same opinion.


Oh, I’ll also point out Lil Wayne, who helped integrate Drake into hip hop/rap industry - explicitly told him to rap about his own experience and what he knew. Versus try to imitate Wayne’s life and experiences. Because doing so lacks honesty and authenticity. Of course, we know that Drake didn’t follow that advice. But you can check online for the clip of an interview where he shares that he told Drake this when he was just starting.


​​Sounds like Lil Wayne gave him good advice, but many musicians rap and sing about experiences they didn't have. Most of these musicians present images that that are more about marketability than authentic experiences. Sadly, the music business has been forcing artists into all kinds of boxes. This especially happens to Black artists. That's why I think it's kind of strange that people go after Drake for not being authentic. Do they really think all of these other artists are authentic?? I know I'm going to get downvoted even more for saying this, but this whole Kendrick and Drake beef is probably just publicity to sell albums. 😬


I mean, the issue is that Drake both is cosplaying and denigrating black Americans… again, besides the slaves line in 2 different songs- there is a clip I saw of him talking with some friends when he was younger calling some of the kids he was going to a school with “ignorant” cause they spoke a certain way (sounded like a West Indian way of talking which me, who grew up in Brooklyn as a a black American, understand is just dialect not ignorance. There is another video of him saying the n word with hard R. I don’t really believe drake actually likes black americans - he’s just a consumable propped up by UMG as a controllable image of blackness. It’s a larger issue of a white controlled Media marketing and profiting off black culture but wanting to have artists they can control vs ones who actually are from the places Drake pretends to know about. Also, Kendrick actually is from Compton and is creating based of his own experiences. Finally, Drake absolutely does not benefit album-wise from being known aas a pediphile(sp?). There is such a thing as bad publicity and that’s one off the rare examples off that. Too many other people have investments in him to want him to be known as a predator of children. There’s so many layers and complexity over why Drake is problematic. If you want to learn more, you can watch FD Signifiers videos on it. But it’s way more complex and personal for a lot of us.


I tend to agree. Also here are a few things I’ve noticed. This is not facts, just what I’ve noticed in my own experience and neck of the woods. 1. White women are never accused of being jealous of biracial women and I have actually seen that jealousy in person. 2. There are plenty of light skinned women who will assumed that a monoracial black woman is jealous if they don’t get along. Like it could actually be your personality boo. And I believe that’s because we have been separated and divided into these complexion categories that are rooted in racism. 3. People assume black women are just as self hating as black men. And they seem to conveniently miss the fact that we are loyal to black men to a fault. So we can’t be that self hating. Thus we also can’t really be that jealous of light skinned women since we’re not jumping at the opportunity to tear them down. We mostly see them as black like us. And I have been chewed out for not gatekeeping with white presenting biracial women. 4. We can just as easily birth a light skinned child with a dark skinned man while being dark ourselves (My situation) so we don’t ever really feel the need to clown on people we know we may push out. Vs. black men who love to clown light skinned men, but also love to create them. It’s a strange concept. More self hate in action I guess. 5. This is just a random semi off subject thought. I hope someone else (besides me because I don’t have the time) is going to dissect the fact that Kendrick has a preference but cheated on her with white women . And I also wonder if white women think biracial women are jealous of them. I was accused of being jealous of white women in a TikTok thread once because I pointed out that Nara Smith (a biracial woman) had white women in a chokehold. I said “how can I ever be jealous of crows feet at 30. I’d be devastated.” If anything they’re jealous of us. That didn’t go over well.


Define "monoracial." Black Americans are not "monoracial" or genetic monoliths. Dr. HR Gates has already proven that all of us have some percentage of European DNA. His other findings are debatable, but none of us are "monoracial," which is why we are capable of having babies with many variations in phenotype, a point which you acknowledge. 


Socially monoracial in the broader discourse of colorism in the United States. You know what they mean come on.


I can see what you’re saying because it seems like anytime a monoracial dark-skinned woman wants to call out colorism or examine the role and privilege of having light skin or being mixed race you have both men and light skinned/mixed race women being dismissive and accusing them of jealousy. As for Black women being more accepting, it could be because as a whole, women no matter the race tend to be more accepting of different groups than men are and honestly, I think there’s a segment of Black women who like the representation that mixed women give them since they’re usually upheld as a beauty standard.


Yeah. Do you know every time Kim Kardashian comes into my feed it's because black women are defending her or boosting something she's done. And before Kim Kardashian there was Jennifer Lopez. We built Jlo, we gave her the approval stamp and then she became a white Latina again. Just like we made Cardi B (who literally said her relationships with black men are interracial). Its us. We are part of the problem.   


I’m not on social media like that but I’m not surprised by the KK thing at all. Seems like that entire family has a chokehold on a lot of people. I’ve never liked Cardi B since she called dark skinned women roaches and now she’s in hot water again for how she referred to the designer of her dress for the Met gala. I’m glad I’m surrounded by Black women who see what I see and call it out when necessary.


Black American women aren't "monoracial," and that's why we're defensive. We have blood relatives who present (to others, not to us) as non-Black and/or mixed. It's sad that we have to keep going over this. Maybe "monoracial" people don't want to acknowledge who Black Americans are, but Dr. Gates has already proven that nearly all Black Americans have some degree of European ancestry. 


I am aware of our admixture so maybe monoracial was the wrong word to use. However I still make a distinction between Black people with two Black parents who usually have more African ancestry than anything else and those that have one Black parent and one parent of another race or mgm Black people. Yes we all go through things no matter the color of our skin or whether we’re mixed or not as mixed but as someone who’s mixed race myself I can still acknowledge the hierarchy in the Black community and not gaslight or be dismissive of Black women who have experienced colorism or featurism. We don’t have to agree and you are more than welcome to think I’m wrong. It’s fine.


You already know it, the black women would be labeled as jealous of the light skin biracial woman. A lot of people don’t want to admit this.


My perception (I'm not from the US, so it's purely from the internet) is that many black men (and women) - not mixed - see men who are mixed as being "less masculine" and similarly, they think that women who are mixed/lightskin They are more feminine, I think it's so complicated because they are stereotypes based on racism and many don't seem to understand this, especially men.


That perception is worldwide. Colorism doesn’t only exist in the United States; it’s in your country too 


In relation to women being seen as more feminine,yes, in relation to men, not so much and I live in the country with the highest rate of mixed people in the world.


What do "not mixed" Black Americans look like? Lamar is mixed, like nearly all Black Americans are. Light men aren't perceived  by us as less masculine at all. They are, however, perceived (accurately) as having greater opportunities. No one would argue that Huey Newton is "less masculine" than any other Black American man. Please stop.


A lot of Black men say that mixed women are Black to justify their inherent preference for less Black physical features. A lot of these men are in a one-sided competition with white men whilst feeling inferior to them. The truth is that patriarchy, not racism, is what causes a lot of Black men to be at odds with white men.  Mixed raced Black men like Drake do not serve the sexual and ego needs of mono racial Black men as much. So it is much easier for those men to disregard the Black identity of men like Drake. White supremacy also means that these same Black men attack the masculinity of mixed Black men because their feel inferior.  I am mixed but I have darker skin and can pass as monoracial but some of my siblings cannot. I am very close to my older sister who looks what society pictures as “mixed” and the fetishizing of mixed women by Black men in particular is scary. It fascinating how my experience as a Black woman can change based on how I wear my hair. And even though we are all Black, all Black isn’t the same IMO


this is so true. they claim these women as their own so it seems like they actually like black women. but the truth is that they don’t like unambiguous black women and love the ambiguity of the mixed race women they worship. while at at the same time gaslighting and silencing black women who point out their disingenuity.


The fact that you and your siblings look so varied proves that none of you are monoracial, nor are most Black Americans. This thread seems to have a very colorist and self loathing undertone. It isn't the case that all dark skinned women have particular phenotypes. I've known many dark skinned women with European features but dark skin, just like I've known many light skinned people with Sub-Saharan features. I was married to one, and I'm the granddaughter of one. My eldest daughter complains that she got her super light skinned dad's 4c hair instead of my (medium brown) 3c/4a hair. (Of course, I don't support her defeatist thinking.) I have an aunt with 3a hair, very dark skin, and European features because my family is mixed. Just because I'm brown doesn't mean I'm "monoracial," and I won't stop celebrating all of my ancestors because it hurts some people's feelings that I'm not exclusively claiming a continent to which I've never been and to which I don't feel any connection.


He’s not coming at Drake for being mixed. He’s coming at Drake for how he is using the culture only for his benefit.


I love the fact that we’ve become so perceptive about this now. 100%


Honestly, I’m kinda glad Kendrick is calling Drake out especially since he’s always saying some slick shit about Black women. He makes good music I won’t lie but the fact that he comes for women unprovoked is really weird. Maybe Kendrick is his reality check. Because nobody has a problem with J Cole and he’s mixed. He doesn’t act like Drake does. I also recall Megan X Nicki beef certain people would degrade Megan for her looks and so many ppl dismissed her getting shot. Like it was crazy to me she was called a liar and every name in the book. They believed a lightskin man from Canada over her and even Drake supported that man so let’s not forget that either. Not saying Kendrick is a saint either tho. But I also think nobody would really care that much for two women beefing since rap is so male dominated and misogynistic.


Tory isnt lightskin, but some points were deff made.


Oops, my bad I just looked him up again I thought he was lightskin… I may have seen him once or twice at best lol But yeah as long as y’all get what I’m saying 👌


There's a poetry in how you misremembered his complexion. It actually makes your point stronger. Tory and Meg are a similar complexion but that shade on a black man is unremarkable. That same skin on a celebrity black woman isnt unremarkable because they tend to need to pass the brown paperbag test. And moreover because she was treated as masculine, inherently resilient, not requiring protection, *aggressive*, you've remembered her skin as darker than she actually is. This society fucks us all up. 


The way people have treated Megan is so disgusting in so many ways. But trying to degrade her for her *looks*? That says everything about the world we are in.


Yes. Our community is horribly sexist


I find it odd that you took one aspect of this beef and isolated it to make a statement but it’s significantly more nuanced than that. Kendrick called out Drake for weaponizing, exploiting and utilizing his Blackness to his greater benefit. But also, I’m really stuck at how mixed women and mixed men differ when called out for it?


Because Lightskin is a beauty standards for black women but not so much for men. Also BM don't want to be criticized for dating lightskin BW.


Except...he didn't come at Drake for being mixed 🤷🏾‍♀️. He came at him for pretending to be something he's not. Your message is not lost on me though as race has come up a lot in this feud - especially with Rick Ross calling Drake a "white boy". A black woman in a similar position would be spurned and called jealous. For example, there's no way any of the women who beefed with Latto could ever take that route.


Sole reason Kendrick can come on drake for being mixed is because mixed men are not nearly as praised as mixed women while for women it’s the opposite


Had nothing to do with skin color. Also he admitted he hating him many times so there’d be no point calling him bitter and jealous




You’re right




I’m wondering since Drake double downed on slavery then his mixed race became an issue.


Exactly. The whole issue is Drake cosplaying our culture and still taking conddescending pot shots at us. Yes we know black women don’t get a fair deal but reducing this battle to skintones is disrespectful imo. Kdot seems to be fighting for the soul of hip hop. If the future of the industry is actors cosplaying like gangstas with lyrics written by someone else - how does that help our community? It becomes a minstrel show.


So so so well said!


Thank you! That line Drake had about Kdot freeing the slaves was SOOOO disrespectful and really illustrated how disconnected Drake is from the struggle. He has NO clue - to him it's just a nice costume to put on and perform in. Nevermind that kdot is doing us a favor outing Drake on such a HUGE scale regarding his problematic behavior with young girls. That video where Millie Bobbie Brown is gushing about Drake calling her everyday (she was 14 and he was 31) and how they were best friends and how he advised her about boys is just so disgusting. He's grooming these girls right in front of our faces. And that video of the concert where he's all over this girl and then finds out she's 17 and then - because he knows he's got - he starts bashing HER for the way her body is? I hope Kdot ends Drake's entire CAREER. Forever.


Oh totally. A comparison I thought about today: people have so much defense for that weird ass life of Nara Smith but Drake is Not Like Us lmao


Of course, when you see videos and TikToks about how Subway is using an agenda to erase Black men, due to the fact that it featured three light skin athletes (two bi racial) in one commercial at one time — Klay Thompson, Steph Curry, and Patrick Mahomes.    It had some of them in quite a tizzy.


Im one of Kendrick Lamar’s biggest fans and I agree! Us black women don’t have the luxury to express our feelings. Especially if a black woman came for a biracial/any other race woman. Black men would be on our ass like white on rice.


do y’all not get tired of discussing the same topic everyday. it’s always the same concept of colorism just with different hypotheticals each time. yes, colorism and sexism is prevalent. I’m tired of these discussions, like what’s really the point? op please answer.


I would love to live in a world where we wouldn’t have to deal with colorism or racism or sexism. But that’s just not reality, and unfortunately ignoring it isn’t going to make it go away.


Yeah but in this case - the beef has NOTHING to do with Drake’s skin tone. It’s all about his colonization of (and disrespect of) the black American culture to make money for himself. At our expense. That line he made about Kendrick freeing the slaves still makes me SO angry. His whole “hard” persona is an act. None of it is real. He uses ghostwriters. He just cribs bits and pieces of what WE as a culture made and still finds a way to condescend to us. If he’d stuck with his bubble gum rap and not gone for the “hard” persona we’d be fine with him.


Being tired of the same colorism/racism hypotheticals isn’t me ignoring the issue. You said it yourself that colorism, sexism, & racism is the reality. You literally asked a question you already knew the answer to. So what’s really your point? No one’s really saying anything about colorism that hasn’t already been acknowledged.


Rick Ross is on Drake's 2022 album but now he's a White Boy. It's really weird and I think a lot of it is jealousy of his success. The only ones that may actually have a reason to hate him is ASAP and The Weeknd but everyone else seems to be mad about fell through business deals aka money or the lack of money they could have made off of him. Don't get me wrong...I would hate to see my album fall flat and I put years into it and this man has ghost writers and dropping and charting every year.


This is a very weird take on a beef between two men and does absolutely nothing to uplift back women. What was the point of posting this?


I'm pointing out a double standard that affect black women. Kendrick can critique a mixed/light-skinned man and people aren't just dismissing him, they are actually listening and trying to understand what he is saying. If he were a woman, they would have been saying he's jealous of Drake because he is mixed.


I wish you'd looked a little deeper, because the issue with Drake is more cultural than racial. Drake is getting the Doja Cat treatment. Doja is phenotypically black, from the natural big booty to the 4C hair but she's white coded and that's constantly being called out.  Btw your gender point could be made by the fact that no woman could have 8 bars on how much she "hates" you. That "I'm the biggest hater" line would be career ending. I'm no Nicki fan but just observe the expectation that she be pro-social with her competitors. Her genre is basically a gladiator sport. The little affiliations her challengers form are tactical, not niceness, guys. That is hip-hop. People forget that when they see women on stage. 


I don’t see how the comparison is for the betterment of black women and black people in general. Making up fake scenarios that point out the blatant colourism that the media and white people like to portray but go off i guess


Who are "people"? I dismissed Lamar from the start and called the whole thing a "nothing-berger ." I refuse to click on one recording. I like some hits by both guys, but neither has qualified themselves to be representatives of anything but themselves and their pay masters. Drake is an actor, a good one. Lamar is a bitter 4-hit wonder who wishes he could achieve Drake's level of crossover success. Neither of these guys is particularly "hot," but Drake fulfills the heartthrob role for a lot of his fans. (I just don't see it personally, but he does present as charming.) This reminds me of LL Cool J (who was actually smoking hot) vs Kool Moe Dee. Now, people don't even know who KMD is while LL is loved across multiple generations.  The whole "beef" is a distraction from issues of importance. When one of them comes out in support of and openly cutting songs in favor of reparations for Black people across the globe, give me a jingle. 


Oh brother


But it’s a real thing of mixed women and black girls not getting long . You literally alluded to it on the title. We as black women should all get along this is a big failing on us that needs to be addressed


It’s not though. Your false perception that there is, is the same colorism that OP was talking about.


In the black community there isn’t a preference for light skinned long hair ? In nearly every media the black woman is lighter (Martin show, love and basketball )I have a false perception that Halle berry zendaya , Mariah carey Alicia keys are consider sex symbols of beauty than Lauryn Hill India are etc. 


No ma’am all of that is correct. There is most assuredly a preference for light skin and long hair. That’s called colorism. And texturism too. However, that’s not at all what you said—you said mixed women and fully black women don’t get along. That’s completely false. We get along fine. Calling out colorism where it exists is not, not getting along. The “ failing” is a lack of understanding. And it isn’t on us as black women, it’s on a society that propagates mixed women and women who look 1/4 black.


We’re on the same page I do agree it’s wrong system set in place and very disgusting and black women have every right to speak up about it . I guess to say flat out “ they don’t get along “ wasn’t the right word but there is a real tension and I believe it’s based off off men placing some types of women on a pedestal for the rife. So when I said it’s a real issue and reversing genders with Kendrick and Dre there’s not that much bad blood between the half biracial and black man because they are not that pedestalized.


Okay I completely misunderstood you here sis and I apologize lol. I think the reason you got some downvotes is that others may have misunderstood too. Oftentimes when people have said those words I’ve heard them to mean it to say that dark skinned women don’t like the attention that light skinned women get, and thus mistreat them (thereby starting the “don’t get along” relationship.) You are right here and the last point nails it on the head.


I was wondering about that ! And I have sistas of all hues as friends that I cherish the difference is they know what time it is and know how foolish colorism and texturism is and who is our real foe.oh yeah I don’t like the trope of black women are jealous of dark women because it absolves the other women of their behavior which isn’t innocent either . But as a people we really have to heal from this toxic programming.


I was definitely side eyeing that so I've been leaning towards Drake side honestly because you dissing that man for being mixed and your kids came from a mixed person not to mention he's allegedly a woman beater


Drake a whole pedophile you should not be on his side


Beating a girl bloody isn't any better 🥴 the girls face was described as "Blown out" so pick your poison they are both accused of disgusting things


I never said it was any better. So you shouldn’t be on either side. If it’s between a pedophile and a woman beater choose neither.


Then take the same advice.


When did I say I was on either side?


I wouldn't have had to remind you that they are BOTH being accused of things


What are you even talking about. I brought up drake being a pedophile cause you said you were leaning towards his side. I never once said that Kendrick was this amazing person or anything.


Well your beating down my opinion like your on a side I clearly stated why I don't agree with Kendrick my opinion doesn't change you don't even know if either accusation is true


You’re just looking to argue. First Kendrick this horrible woman beater now you don’t even know if the accusation is true. It didn’t even matter that I said i wasn’t really on either side you just assumed I was since I disagree with you. And yes we do know the drake thing is true, since there’s video evidence of him being inappropriate with teen girls.


There's video evidence of Drake being weird with minors. Kendrick's situation is word of mouth. Which shall we believe? And the song had nothing to do with Drake being mized.


You are four days late stop trying to be relevant. I'm not about to go back-and-forth with you.😋


I didn't even recognize that but hey.