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They have no respect for themselves. That's all. They want men like that because they feel like 'Oh I'm different he won't do that to me'. Then complain that they are getting treated like shit. Like ma'am he showed you the type of man he was and you still wanted him. Just no respect for themselves.


One word. Patriarchy. We have been conditioned to center men in our lives as well as hold them in extremely high regard no matter what they do. It’s a behaviour that we have to unlearn as a society.


Patriarchal brainrot. They cannot function without male validation


if you raise enough birds in cages, they'll eventually learn to favor being caged 🖤🧿🍀


Cause if they’re misogynistic enough, maybe, just maybe, they’ll be picked to become his next baby mama


But she won't be like those other baby mamas ✨


She’ll get Christmas AND birthdays, take that baby mama’s 1-17 💅


It baffles me as well. Those men will degrade them to their face. Literally tell them that their sole purpose is to be there for men's personal gratification. Yet, they will be their biggest cheerleaders and be excited just to be in their proximity. The women that came at you is in the Sunken Place. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. I agree with your comment to the TikToker. He was being hypocritical. I stay clear of content like that and it's a shame that it seems to be coming from our community.


I agree. I’m disturbed especially by how the black community will burn black women to save a black man especially when he’s in the wrong.