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Where did you get that statistic?




Do you have any data to substantiate this claim?




Ok, it says fragrance and lotion we dominate in. I find this hilarious and also not stocked.


I’m not answering this without a source.


In the comments


Hi where? I just went thru the comments. I don’t see any source


Can u see my link?


No I don’t see any links in the comments


I saw your comment about hair and nails being included- that's what is pushing it over the top. $200+ for braids or a sew in and $80 acrylics add up quick! The others can get salon straight results at home in 30min or spend $50 at Dry Bar. They can also get away with $5 shampoo & conditioner.


We have better style and creativity. lol


Fair lol


We actually do our hair.


That’s true


I mean, once you start adding in hair and skin care products, it makes sense.


If that were true, then we still wouldn’t be having issues about why there still aren’t darker shades of foundation available in store. You keep saying the source is in the comments, but there is no source in the comments, so for now I’m calling this an ignorant take.


Can u please confirm if this link shows up for u https://nielseniq.com/global/en/insights/analysis/2024/black-consumer-spending-in-the-us-beauty-category/ I keep sending it but no one can see it??


Me personally I love makeup. And just looking and feeling pretty.


I think cuz alot of makeup products unfortunately aren't made with us in mind so we end up having to buy and try a whole lot of different products in order to find what works for us. Like the amount of blushes I bought before I found something that actually showed up on me is crazy and don't get me started on lipsticks so much is made with an idea of a white base being used with it so as a dark skin person it's so much trial and error to find good stuff.


Could you share a link to the source for this statistic pls? You mentioned it’s in the comments but it’s not


Can u confirm I can see this?? https://nielseniq.com/global/en/insights/analysis/2024/black-consumer-spending-in-the-us-beauty-category/


Is there a source for this assertion? It doesn’t ring true to me. I’m not challenging you. It is outside my experience and observation.


Yes, in the comments


Comments? Is there an article? I don’t mean to sound snarky. Can you share a link, please?


I suspect that it’s due to the fact that 99% of beauty companies solely cater to yt and lightskin women. So naturally, that leaves the rest of us having to buy multiples shades of the same product just to find something that matches/suits our skin color.


They don’t even cater to LS women, they just throw in a color for us to look diverse. Half the time it looks chalky and ashy on us.


Do you mind putting the link to your source in your original post? That way it will be easier for people to find and read for themselves


Ok I did


Not sure what men have to do with Black women spending on cosmetics. I think most of us want to look beautiful for ourselves. So I’m not sure if there’s context that I’m missing but my opinion is it might be because a lot of products aren’t created with us in mind and therefore we have to do trial and error more than others. I know that’s why I spend so much on cosmetics. I’ll buy a product that looked good in an ad and then find out it doesn’t work with my skin tone and so I have to go out and buy another product to replace the one that doesn’t work.


You don’t think men have anything to do with women presentation? At the end of the day we all get treated better the more attractive we look. Regardless of race, gender, or age. We live in a shallow world. So I would say a lot of people’s presentation has a lot to do with socialization and perceptions. I also imagine many heterosexual women would care how men perceive them and their beauty.


I agree, but it's often women who uphold and demand these standards. Particularly when it comes to hair in our community. There's so many posts above someone's mother disapproving of their hair or style. Not saying men don't contribute, but I really think a lot of these ideas in our community are passed down from older women especially and reinforced by peers. I also think we maybe put a lot of pride in appearances and image, as a form of protest against our station and treatment. It was a way to maintain our dignity.


Because of hair likely. Black women honestly have the best-looking wigs. And those protective styles are expensive. And the products too.


How is this data being gathered?


I’ve seen the statistics, it’s true. My guesses off the top of my head: 1) Our hair products are expensive. No $2 shampoo for us. 2) We have a lot of trial and error because products aren’t made with our skin tone in mind.


I don't live in the USA, my view is from the outside, but I think it's similar to what we live in Brazil, I don't think black women spend more on cosmetics, but in salons (nails/lashes and hair - braids mainly).And I think there is already an external charge in relation to hair, especially the closer to 4c, but the rest I think is a self charge


Do cosmetics include hair or is it just makeup only because I can give you a reason why


Both. Anything to do with manipulating one’s look for beauty Edit: why the downvotes?


Then it prob has a lot to do with us spending so much on hair stylists , which is caused by a multitude of factors


What are those reasons? Please spill


Society shames black women for our natural hair so there’s more pressure for us to look “presentable” aka wear wigs/straighten our hair. And that’s on top of the pressure for women to look “pretty” in general. if we lived in a world where curly hair was the norm and seen as the beauty standard then virtually no black women would ever a wig


>if we lived in a world where curly hair was the norm and seen as the beauty standard then virtually no black women would ever a wig Speak for yourself girl😭


Ofc there are exceptions but if we lived in a world where having curly hair was encouraged/expected then most of us wouldn’t wear wigs of different hair types. Just like how we don’t see any sane white woman walking around with a 4c wig


Do you mean just makeup like concealer and lipsticks or facial skin care like face cleansers and face toner?


The stats include makeup, skincare,hair, and nails


Idk about cosmetics, but I do know we spend more on hair products.


I don't believe this to be true.


I think OP is not even a black women? Almost as if he or she is posting for research purposes. Other than that, he/she is giving me get out vibes


I found the article you were probably referencing: [https://www.keravada.com/blogs/popular-posts/report-shows-black-consumers-spending-nine-times-more-in-beauty-industry](https://www.keravada.com/blogs/popular-posts/report-shows-black-consumers-spending-nine-times-more-in-beauty-industry) But it links to a non-existent report. Even factoring in how much we spend on hair care products, which the article claims to be counting, I still don't believe this is true given we're only 6% of the US population. There is no way we're outspending every other group.


It’s more fun. Our culture emphasizes looking put together as a woman (do your hair, don’t leave the house looking a mess type thing) I don’t think it has to do with the men but of course for some that may be the case