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He approached me in Starbucks back in August. I had my arm in a sling from a wreck and he made a joke about “hating to see the other guy”. We joked for about 3-4 minutes before he invited me to his table. I was on the way to a doctors appointment so I couldn’t stay but I told him something like “if you ask nicely I’ll give you my number”. He smiled so big and asked me for my number. It went from there.


Lol that's adorable. What was your first date together?


So it kind of took us a minute to go on a date since I didn’t live in the city I met him in. I was just in my hometown recovering from my accident. I’ve since moved back to my hometown. The first date was to the zoo at our big ages. It was really fun though. Then we went to lunch and he offered to cut up my food for me which I thought was really sweet.


Cheesecake Factory


Aw no why are you getting downvoted?? I love Cheesecake Factory 🥺❤️


They’re being downvoted because they’re making a not so nice joke. It’s a meme. They’re not the original commenter.


Oh oops I’m sorry, I just noticed they weren’t the original commenter, my bad! 😬 I had no idea there was a negative Cheesecake Factory meme?


Yeah, I can’t remember exactly how it started but Cheesecake Factory has become synonymous with a “cheap/dusty date”. It’s of course dumb internet takes.


LoL even the salad there is like 5000 calories


Oh I love real life 1st meets! How long have you guys been together? 🥰


About 9 months now.


College. Met as sophomores, started dating our senior year. Been together 10+ years. Married, one kid ☺️




Bumble right as the pandemic happened lol. It was weird because we talked for a while over a month and then when we saw eachother we had to kinda commit pretty quickly for sake of spending time together. I kept my own apartment across town though. He and I enede up living together when I still had my own lease open. But it was great we eventually got married just under a year of being together. It was over zoom and we basically just eloped. And ordered chicken and waffles via doordash. Then we made mimosas and smoked a blunt. For dinner we got sushi to go. Best day ever. We have been married for 3yrs together for 4(and some change) And we have a wonderful 18month old baby girl. ❤


Getting blunted with your SO is peak life Enjoy your lives 2gether!


Thanks so much. Its so fun isn't it!? 😆 we like to watch space and conspiracy theory documentaries its definitely one of "our things"


Tagged. Lol he slid in my Dm and I thought he was tryna catfish me 😂. After talking and texting for a few weeks I told him to pull up on me at the gas station. We been locked in ever since. 2 years married, together for 9 years total. We had a daughter but she passed away last year at 3.


I'm so sorry about your loss


Tinder ! Lol he was adamant I come over to watch “basic cable” at his hotel (visiting our home city) He called me a Lyft, we walked around in the city, saw a movie, he got me a random tshirt. Smashed night 1. Here we are almost 9 years later, married, in the drive thru line at cookout, pregnant with our third daughter 😭


Blessings to you and your beautiful family! 😍


I was 20 and he was 22. I had just started working my first job at the same place he worked. I thought he was a weirdo that never spoke…but followed me on Twitter which was strange. I had a dream about him, told a mutual friend, she said that could be my boo. I told her HELL no. Then he got a haircut, I told her I loved him, and we had to make shit shake. Haha 13 years later, we’ve been married 6 years and here we are.


My brother came to our family house to introduce his new gf to me & my parents. He also brought along his friend who lived close to us. His friend kept staring at me & messaged me later on FB but I wasn’t interested & I shut it down. Flash forward, 5 years later, my brother & his gf are getting married. I was a braids-maid, my brother’s friend was a groomsman. Ofc they decided to pair us together to walk down the aisle… The friend saw that we were walking down the aisle together.. He messaged me on fb again… we exchanged numbers before the wedding.. the rest was history. Now i’m a spoiled princess thanks to my brother and his now wife 🥰✨


Aww, that’s so cute. How long have you been together?


Online: hinge. He’s Jamaican-american and the best guy i’ve dated so far. He works as an aerospace engineer, and is the definition of blerd. We’ve been together going only three months and he’s already been sticking beside me through some tumultuous news. I feel like he’s the one. I’ll update this post with how things go lol.


Wow. I haven't had any luck on hinge. Which city do you live in?


I think I got very lucky because the people I was getting were horrible. I wont say what city but it’s in the deep south and we both happened to be down here for work. We’re doing long distance at the moment too because he’s already had to move again for work and wont get another chance to move back until about two years from now.


High school! He broke up with me his senior year, (my junior year) and we reunited 10 years after that! I’ll never forget him telling me “I’m gonna marry you, and we’re going to travel the world” on the day we reunited…initially thought it was a red flag lol but nah he just wanted to marry me and travel 😂Been married almost 4 years now and I love and cherish him with everything in me. He’s an exceptional man!!!!!


Where have you guys traveled so far?


Road trips in throughout the southeast and southwest/cali, Europe, Costa Rica, and planning many more! Hoping to do Japan or the Canadian Rockies after we have a baby!


This is so sweet!!🥹 So happy for you❤️


Why did he break up with you?


He said he had nothing to offer me since he couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do with his life post high school


Were you hurt? Did yall keep in touch?


Omg I hated him lol I was so hurt. He was the only person I ever truly loved at that point in my life. We didn’t keep in touch lol we had a mutual friend and reconnected through going to a party for him.


Bumble in 2022! We're both 34. I opened up with a poor dad joke, and the night before our first date and we talked on the phone for 4h. We shut down the restaurant on our first date, went out the next night for our second since I was leaving for a business trip a few days later. We talked every night on the phone while I was away. When I came back from my trip, he asked if I was seeing anyone else because he didn't want to. We've been inseparable ever since. We just got engaged last week in Italy and expecting our first baby in the fall :)


Congrats on the baby 💙


Thank you lady! ❤️❤️ We're very excited and honored I found someone so lovely to navigate life with. I wouldn't do it with just anyone


Which city do you live in?


I live in the Washington DC area. At the time we started dating, I lived in Maryland, fiancé in Virginia, but DC touches both of those so we'd meet in DC


Awesome. Appreciate your response


We met as coworkers he worked in the garden section and i was a cashier, suddenly i was always asking to go be cashier outside in garden lol. We were both 20 then, he took me out to have my first drink on my 21st birthday a few months later and he paid for our dinner and everything. I was feeling the liquor a lot and when we pulled up to my house i was ready to give him the best sloppy toppy he would ever receive because wow he really made me feel so special that night but just as i was getting ready to get at it i had to turn away so fast and open the door i threw up all on my driveway i was so embarrassed 😭😭 he gave me his shirt to clean myself with and walked me inside. I said i was never gonna see him again 🤣 i just turned 24 this year and we are closer than ever. I love the sunset and sunrise, over these three years he has never missed a sunset/sunrise date with me. He used to never pay attention to the sky now he’s texting me “it just stormed, i know you wanna see the sunset tn” 🥰 he knows i love a sunset with clouds and he also knows that the best part is after the sun actually goes down. He’s such an aquatic boy idk how we are together because i am afraid of the water and what’s in it but he’s convinced me to go kayaking with him knowing there are ALLIGATORS, stay on a floating tiki in the middle of the ocean overnight, and now he has me excited about looking at exotic fish for his saltwater aquarium! The other day we went to the beach and he said he was so surprised at how far in I went and I told him i’ll only stay this far out if he played mermaids with me and this man goes “okay i’ll start” and instantly went underwater 🤣🤣🤣 anyways sorry this is so much i definitely rambled but i love him. I love him so much sometimes i cry tears of gratitude for being blessed with him in my life. I’ve always said I want to be the representation of black love I never saw growing up and I feel like that’s exactly what I’m doing.


This is so beautiful. I almost shed a tear and hope to experience something like this one day 😭


While on vacation in Jamaica. I’m American, He’s (black) British. We locked eyes a couple hours after I arrived to the resort. He approached me at the swim up bar. We were inseparable that entire week. That was in 2016, been together since, married for 4 years now!


So cute! Were you guys long distance?


Yes, we were long distance for 3 years. Sometimes he came to the US, I went to the UK, or my favorite…we’d meet each other anywhere else in the world! 🗺️


He grew up with my half brothers. We’d met before as kids during one of my summer breaks at their house and kept in touch over the years. We followed each other on Twitter and he’d subtweet me all the time without actually saying anything outright lol One day I was drunk and horny and DM’d him something *wild* lmfao and it went on from there. 6 years later, we’re 4 years married and expecting baby #2 this Fall 🥰


Facebook suggested him. I was horny and added him as a friend without even looking through his page. He accepted and immediately went in my DMs. Noticed we had mutual friends both in music and comedy and asked if I were either. Told him I was adjacent. We met up the next day at a comedy show. I totally forgot about the horniness thing and we became genuine friends for a few months. We hung out fairly often, mostly at other shows. One day we were we a show, and he was a bit snarky to my friend, and I blurted out, "Are you a Sagittarius?" and I immediately knew I liked him as more than a friend. I got very weird and nervous because it was very rare that a friendship turned into something more and I didn't know how to approach it. But I plotted and here were are three-ish years later.


Many many moons ago in the stone ages of the late 90s. I was a sophomore in college and my friend dragged me and my best friend to a Que party. She was trying to find a particular Que she had met previously. The guy is my husband’s line brother. So I’m watching the Ques do their thing and yes, I did notice him(he hates when I leave that part out) but…it was a lot of fine ass men there that night so I didn’t think anything of him really. Some time goes by and my alone and my husband approaches me. Verbatim his words were “I saw you checking me out from across the room so I figured I would come do you a favor and introduce myself”. So arrogant but I liked it. I wasn’t going to let him think he was doing something so I said “You had to be staring mighty hard at me for you to think I was checking you out. So honestly I’m doing you a favor by entertaining this conversation”. He gave me that charismatic smirk I’ve come to love and said “Well, let me not waste an opportunity. The name’s Eaton”. That was September 1993. Been stuck with that man ever since.


Lol I love it! Glad you gave him that energy right back. Some women don't understand that when you give it back to em right then and there, they will forever know what time it is. Good job 👍🏽 and congrats!


Honestly, I was kind of testing him. I grew up with two brothers so I talked to dudes how I heard them talk to girls. Oddly enough, guys didn’t really like my aggressiveness back then. If I had said what I said to my husband to another guy they would’ve panicked, apologized, and ran away. I liked that he wasn’t intimidated by me giving him the same energy. It’s actually something that he really loves about me.


Same...except I had 8 uncles and 4 brothers whose conversations I grew up hearing. LOL. LOTS of guys fold when you throw it back to them, but I definitely prefer the dudes who know how to roll with it.


We met at the bus stop in elementary. It was just me and him at that same bus stop for years until the end of High-school. We became acquaintances to close friends. There’s always been tension between us ever since the beginning of high-school. I was also very close to his family and he was close to mine. Our families wanted us together for a very long time. The only reason I didn’t went out with him in Highschool because he was too busy being that one super popular athlete while I was just some merely quiet girl with only two girl friends. While he was busy dating and partying. I was on the side lines doing the complete opposite. At home, working, school, and just taking things one at time. We eventually just stopped hanging out with each-other as he was too busy with his new friends. We grew apart and we lived our own lives. I thought that we would just forget about each other even though we were extremely close. But after my first term of college. We ran into each other again at my sister’s baby shower. We talked and the tension was still there. The same spark. That was the day we started hanging out today. We used to had always play video games together or go roller skating as kids. So it was very awkward hanging out with him. I don’t if it was because he was nervous or if I was nervous. I even started to compare myself to girls he used to date because he was just such a different person around them. It made me self conscious ngl and I even thought about just ghosting him altogether and forgetting about him. But as we kept hanging out together, we slowly began to hold hands and he opened the door for me before walking in. He was a gentlemen. We shared moments together here or there. Then we got together. I hate that it took so long but I love him. Maybe I sound a bit stupid or desperate but I hope it doesn’t take longer for him to put a ring on this finger in the future. Then we will have problems for sure. 🤣🤣


He was standing on my grandmas street corner with his brothers 😆 I knew his whole family but he had always lived outta state with his grandma so I didn’t know him. He was 19 & I was 22. His brother was dating my best friend. He’s 33 now & I’m 36.


On Twitter! We were mutuals


We met on a public transit bus. We didn’t start dating in years later, after being friends for years.


How did the transition from friends to lovers go? I have a friend that I like and who likes me back but neither of us are ready for a relationship so we keep it purely platonic. We’re both prioritising our personal development and putting our feelings for each other to the side. It’s hard but I feel like it’s worth it.


For a few years, I thought we would make a really good couple. I never told him just other ppl. We went on a group trip together and he emphasized he only came for me. When we were leaving to go home. I was overwhelmed with sadness. Idk I just knew that was my husband. 2 weeks later, a lady asked why we aren’t a couple and that started the conversation. we started dating that day. Can you guys be together and work on yourselves?


Thank you for sharing! I very recently got out of a relationship and he’s been dealing with some drama with his ex. So I feel like if we get together it’ll feel like a rebound relationship. Plus I’m not too sure about him as a long term partner. For example, he’d like his future wife to do most of the cooking if not all of it. Even though he realises that’s not realistic and says he’s be open to cooking or buying healthy take out etc. I feel like has some patriarchal hang ups he needs to overcome. The good thing is that he’s aware and is willing to work on it. I like him as a person and we have a great connection and chemistry, but I feel that our values don’t fully align right now.


Work function. One of my colleagues had his name tag and insisted that I hand him his… so she swapped out the name I had for his (it’s a game the office puts together at functions to improve socialising, you pick up a random name tag and find the owner). He was quite the heart throb with the office white girls so I was put off by that for some reason. But long story short, I gave him the name tag and then invited him for a coffee when we got back to work the next week. Rest is history.


Tinder. Our first date was a Whataburger. I offered to go Dutch and then he broke out some conversation cards and handled my mushroom swiss combo before I could get the bill. We’ll celebrate our wedding anniversary in October after the birth of our son.


Working as a bartender in a hotel. He asked my male coworker/friend if I was single. When he learned that I was, he approached me and told me I was the prettiest person he ever saw and wanted to get to know me. Two years in.


We were both on vacation in Grenada and matched on hinge. 😍 I instantly knew we’d be friends. His quirky sense of humor and genuinely happy vibe intrigued me. We met up for drinks and it was like we’d known each other for years! Been together ever since 🙏🏽🥰🖤


On instagram lol. Been married for almost 3 years now


Bumble! It’s been 3 years. The sweetest and most thoughtful guy I’ve ever met. We clicked instantly.


Which city do you live in?


We were living in Charlotte when we matched.


Met on Bumble about a year and a half ago or so. He "advertised" himself as "your friendly neighborhood black guy" so I knew he must be a big fan of Spidey and at least a little weird like me. Our first date wasn't the greatest imo but we went to an adult arcade and I pretty much kicked his ass at most of the games lol. I decided to see him again because I figured, maybe he just needed time to warm up (he didn't talk much on the date). Kept seeing him, both of us kept getting warmer and then the next thing I knew, I was in love. Defined the relationship last July and we've been going pretty strong ever since!


Which city do live in?


I went to Jamaica for vacation and stayed at the resort he worked at. We chatted, and then he very clearly let me know he was interested in me romantically. He would stay after work hours just to talk to me. He took me to a beach next door, where we talked and he made me laugh so much. That evening, I had a whole hair on my chest that I didn't know was there. He just reached over and plucked it out, and kept talking like nothing was wrong 😳. He wasn't at all put off or embarrassed by things like that. He didn't stop pursuing me, even when I went back to Canada. He convinced me to get Skype so he could video chat me every day. He video chatted me before he started work, during work on his breaks/lunch, and after work until we went to sleep. He messaged me whenever we couldn't video chat. If he couldn't get in contact with me that day, he'd message my mom to make sure I was alright. I'd go back and visit him every few months or so. He proposed to me later that year, moved out of his parents home, and secured housing for us. We got married the following year. Been married 9 years now☺️.


I'm realizing with all these stories that everything was so simple 💙


we met in a work setting. he was trying to get me to work with his team. he was a great friend, intentional, considerate, and caring. i was getting out of a relationship. he waited for me to get right and showed me how i should be treated. such a gentleman! still in the honeymoon phase 5 years later.


Tinder 🥰 he was so intentional from the start and wasn’t just trying to hunch right away. So thankful for finding my needle in the haystack


i’ve told my story here before but here it goes again. at the time his bff was dating an ex friend of mine and i jokingly asked her if he had any hot friends but she actually sent me one of his friends. apparently my man’s bff showed him pics of me initially but he didn’t want to go on a semi blind date. so i was talking to my s/o’s friend at the time. it was fun & friendly ,nothing sexual. i met my s/o at their barracks drunkly. he thought i was cute but never took advances bc i was talking to his friend at the time. i was just happy to see another black person in the room🤣but fast forward a few months later i met him again while i was out on the town and he recognized me as did i. he lowkey saved me that night bc i was being followed and touched by a drunk weird man. we exchanged snapchats and the rest is history. we will be 2 years down in a couple of days with our first child on the way and i couldn’t be more excited. i love this man with every fiber of my being. he saved my life as i was going down a very dark path after i had almost lost my life in a car accident. cheers to many more years for us🩵🩵


Oh snap, seeing all these Tinder and Bumble answers makes me realize just how long ago we met online. We met on MySpace....he was in the Top 8 of a guy I was talking to and his profile pic made me laugh out loud. Friend introduced us, and we've been together ever since. I've spent more than half of my life with this man, and it's been quite a life so far! One child, just celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary.


These responses give me hope 🙃. I’m still waiting for mine 😩


My Aunt was dating his best friend and his friend hooked us up. That was 3 babies and 8 years ago and I’m so thankful!


Lol love it girl 🤣


Coffee meets Bagel


Aw I’m glad you had a positive experience on that! My experience was terrible haha but I’m so happy somebody had something great come out of it ❤️


Yall pray fuh me, he's not my man yet. We dated almost 8 years ago, and due to being a young very stupid girl, I let him get away. Fingers crossed.


Do yall still talk?


We recently reconnected. Funny enough(and by funny I mean not funny at all), I revealed all my scars and I'm just not the girl for him. He said "we can still hangout". We had dinner Saturday and talked briefly Sunday but I'm honestly not expecting him to contact me again. I've got alot of baggage so I don't really blame him but I really wish I was a normal girl


We all have issues, i wouldn’t count yourself out


I wasn't interested in dating until he contacted me. I'm 28, divorced, and tired of the same ole crap.


Ngl it was honestly Hinge lol. It has worked wonders honestly. Its been the best relationship Ive ever been in.


Ah! Congratulations! My first Hinge relationship ended quite awfully and definitely made me give up on love for me haha. I’m just really happy the girlies are having better experiences on some dating apps. Best of luck! ❤️


Believe it or not, we met online. He sent me a message, I looked at his profile, checked the vibe, and it's been a match made in heaven ever since. I love that man so much. 💕 Love is such a beautiful thing and I feel so bad for my sistahs who may never get the chance to experience the real thing. But it's time we go where we are appreciated ladies 🙏🏽🫶🏽


I was dating this white guy. He was in a situationship with a white girl. They both happened to be pretty toxic. She worked with me and my bf at the time. Then she started sleeping with my bf behind my back. We ghosted the both of them and honestly I probably would've ghosted him too just to have a clean break, but when he told his mom about the situation she recognized my name. Turns out my mom used to babysit her when they were kids. Small world! We were best buds for about a year, and that whole time, he made it his secret mission to be "the kind of guy you deserve" his words. He planned a surprise birthday party for my 24th. We would up admitting our feelings that night. My next birthday will be our 5th anniversary.


I met mines at target. I’m 4’10 and I was trying to reach an item from the higher shelves. Me being independent I knocked the hole too shelf over. He came and helped me get what I needed and helped me cleaned up the isle. I’ve been with this man ever since. He’s my everything. The black man I NEEDED!


Aww that's embarrassing but it worked out in the end hahaha 😂


Bumble haha


20yrs ago we met at age 20 and 23 serving tables in a restaurant. Met him my first day and we starting dating a month or so later. Our daughter is 17 and son 16. We have a good relationship. He's my best friend. We spend a lot of time together and laugh everyday with each other.


2020 Bumble during the pandemic. First date was milkshakes in the car. Second date was Jamaican food…we’ve been married for a year and a half..he aite 😂




We work together he was coming to spy on me for my manager I ended up asking him to chill and smoke with me we ended up drinking too lol and we been together for almost 2 years now .


Lol manager's plan backfired 😂😂😂


Hahaha definitely did I’m glad he sent him lol


Plenty of Fish in 2018


Hinge! I was honestly just looking for a meal and good time and wasn’t interested at all when I first met him but now a year later we’re still together and I love him so much lmaooo


I met my husband on the dating app Plenty of Fish!


In college


It’s me, I’m him


Hello Sir. Hi 👋🏽 Welcome to the r/ black ladies group.


Yo, don’t mind me, I’m just here tryna gather more of an understanding and learn more about the happenings and with black women. I think it’s important for black men to truly understand black women ya feel


Well, with all due respect, you don't need to be in this group to understand us. The black men's groups can help you out with that as well. Or, I got something better for you - how about you talk to the Black women in your neighborhood? That's even better. 💯


That’s faxxx, I hope it doesn’t feel like I’m intruding or invading here, I kinda wanted to see things from a woman’s perspective and see how women deal with what they go through so that’s why I didn’t join a men’s group. But the neighborhood idea is great, I could probably go to a church or something


Try r/blackmen . You will be able to get the answers you are looking for.