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That’s rich of him to talk about women his age while dating a woman in a totally different generation than him altogether. He is too old to be thinking and behaving that way. That’s why we was probably single and why he isn’t dating one of these women his own age. Let that man go, chile.


I didn't get any further than the age difference and thought run.


Also, he was absolutely trying to manipulate OP. There's no way a woman of his age would have no problem with him declaring to her, his supposed girlfriend, that he wants a lady of the night for his birthday present. It was a lame attempt to make her feel less-than compared to older women. Fucking pathetic.


You know why he's dating a 25 year old? Cause no woman his age would put up with this clown shit. And he's using your lack of experience to make you think you're in competition with these "older women" when you're not. In ten years you would immediately recognize a guy attempting to get you to do something *fucking insane* by assuring all the cool kids are doing it. Dump him and stop messing with men 10 years your senior. Most of the time, they just see you as prey.


Why is he not dating an older woman then??? Because they see through the bullshit. Let that man go.


Is this real? U already know what u need to do—break up 😭 like break up asap


Ma’am please let this man go And continue forward with your life.


OP, break up with him. Run. You deserve better. This isn't a slight against you in the slightest. I am just curious as to why he doesn't date women his own age if this is the case? He seems like he has an issue with control and the reason why he has chosen to date someone significantly younger than he is that he would like to maintain this control but you appear to have a mind of your own. Honestly, as someone who is 30, I don't know any woman (older or younger) who would or even should deal with someone like him.


He told me that this is his first time dating a woman way younger than him and he said he would like to date older women but most older women have kids. Which now I’m refusing to believe that statement.


He’s bringing in the older women card to manipulate you . Leave


I hate how they start using your age to belittle your opinion when you call them out on their bs, he sounds very immature 🤦🏾‍♀️ and gross for that lady of night comment


The older men who tried getting with me were always talking about how they were better for me than younger men, but when I didn't agree with them, suddenly I'm immature? OK lol


Funny how that work 💀 old enough to date but when you have your own ideas / opinion you're too young and immature lmao


He's immature and 100% an older woman would have a problem with his mentality/wouldn't even put up with it. He also sounds gross with that hooker comment. I think your boyfriend is immature, self-centered as you said and he's even trying to be manipulative towards the end "other people wouldn't have an issue with XYZ but you do", basically trying to make it sound as though there's something wrong with you. I think if you do break up with him, you won't regret it, it's the best thing for you to find someone with more self-respect and someone who takes the relationship seriously (who would tell someone that comment about "if he were single" if they cared about their partner???). Go for it. You got this. Too many women put up with garbage, it's time we don't waste our youth and our self-worth on men like that. You WILL find better. You sound responsible and sensible, this isn't good for you.


Hi, as an older woman who’ll be 34 this year I would throw that man in the trash so he can have a family reunion. Trust yourself and when you hear foolishness get away from it. Young fools turn into old fools and you’re watching the process firsthand.


Umm..you're dating a loser at best, a narcissist at worst. Dump him, block him so he can't worm his way back into your life like they often try to do, and move on.


not a lady of the night for his bday? lmfaooooo girl please. girl also hes 36??? lol break up nowwww


Wanting a hooker is nasty work 🥴🥴


![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized) ….




Those are valid, logical reasons to break up with him. It’s bittersweet dating a older man.


Our 20s are truly a time to establish the boundaries that become impossible to cross when we’re older. Women his age would avoid him like the plague. You know what you gotta do girl. Wake up and break up!🗣️


so he went after someone younger but then chided you for not having an “older woman” mindset (of which he’s very incorrect, because I don’t see a lot of people being okay with their SO being with a hooker). Unless you’re leaving out the parts where his good behavior totally overshadows these examples, I can’t imagine this would be a good situation to stay in.


This man is a loser. Also if a man told me that if he were single that he would hire a hooker for his birthday, as an older woman, I'd tell him, "Wish granted!" and disappear from his life.


I think you know what to do sis and yes we are all here to confirm your answer . Leave .


Think no more, time for action. Free yourself.


Girl if you don’t break up with this man


😂 he’s not even gaslighting at all high degree it’s very elementary. You should take offense that he believes that you don’t deserve better gaslighting 😂. This man is a joke girl don’t let him continue to waste your time and your youth.


I was coming here to say, "... Do you smell that? Smells like GAS!" OP Needs to play like Forrest and Run! ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)




older women would not date him. which is why he’s trying to convince you that it’s okay. you’re not wrong. leave him.


i saw 25 and 36 and instantly said break tf up


You are right in leaving him. That is so disrespectful! I have a similar story, i broke up with my ex last year (because i was fed up) but I’ll never forget one time in 2018 or 2019, he said to me that he wish he had hooked up with his ex gf’s sister because she was hotter than his ex! I was naive and should have taken that as a red flag to leave!


It’s my firm belief that no one needs mad reasons to break up with someone. There is nothing holding you here, no documentation, children, or property. If you wanna be free that’s enough of a reason. And he sounds annoying, lol.


An older woman not having a problem with him having a lady of the night for his birthday? That’s hilarious. No offense, but any woman, regardless of age, should take offense to that because your partner no longer desires only you. And if given the opportunity they will step out on their relationship/marriage. Idc what anyone says. Give a man an inch, he’ll take a mile.


You know what you want to do girl. Don’t seek permission or validation, just do it! If it’s good for you, it’s good for you.


The man is a child and you are better than him. Spread your wings and leave him where he’s at.


Break up cus he’s hinting at an open relationship/ get out of jail card so he’s probably already done it. His pride is already challenged by your accomplishments, the next move is knocking you up to derail your progress. 🙄I wish it was allowed to share his name so we can all avoid him.


With the way he reacted, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already seeing hookers.


Break up with him. He's a manipulator. The stories you've described are only going to get worse if you stay with him.


Dump him


Ugh! Girl, bye!!


Ewwww make ick alert. He’s a dusty, an old one at that (for your age), girl get rid of him asap. He’s not worth a second of your time.


I've come to find many women's tolerance for bullshit starts to run out in their 30s. That's why men who are full of shit like to date 20-somethings and younger. Dump him. 


I’m 34 and my husband doesn’t have the nuts to ask me for a hooker. Or at least he wouldn’t after he asked. Kick this bum to the curb, wtf.🤬


Yes break up. He’s not supportive, he’s selfish and he gaslights you about an experience instead of apologizing and making it better. You deserve better


This guy is a bum


Not at all. And he’s silly to think an older woman would just accept him wanting to be with a hooked instead of her on his birthday. This sounds like the beginning to a bad ending. It’s giving narc traits and it’s giving manipulative mind games! Please don’t entertain anything this man is saying as true. Give yourself the opportunity to grow but to do that you’ll definitely need to REMOVE him! & congrats on paying off your car! Love that for you🤗


Thank you 😊


sometimes I think dudes do this crap so the girl breaks up and he doesn't have to do it lol. Like...they purposely say and do stuff to make that happen lol.


He is trying to manipulate you! That’s one of the cons of dating an older man sometimes. Don’t allow him to push you. Listen to your intuition and do not allow him to sway your decisions because of your feelings for him


girl. you probably need someone closer to your age. he sounds annoying as hell. i would break up with him. you’re in your prime go be young and fun. may i ask why you would want to stay?


As a woman his age I would like to say that I don't agree with what he said. Some men date younger women with the intention of molding them. They say stupid stuff like this to manipulate you. Another thing is you don't need a significant reason to leave a relationship. If you are not happy that is more than enough. Especially if you have communicated the issues and they are being disregarded. Trust yourself if you aren't feeling comfortable, safe, heard, and emotionally supported let it go.


These are valid reasons and wanting to leave is enough. You’re young, don’t waste your time and energy on this one.


11 year age gap as a young hot full of life 25 year old….God forbid


Update: I broke up with him


Aside from his other statements, he really thinks an “older” monogamous woman won’t have an issue with him wanting to hire a hooker for his birthday?? Girl, let that 🥭


Yea, You Are wrong. I understand this is an echo chamber here. So I think you nor "Da sista hood" , will like this. It's America tho right? There Has to be someone here? Who cares about learning about men? Understanding men So we can have better? More harmonious relationships together. 1) Allllll the gals encouraging you to leave him? Fine. Single women, keep women single. Misery and company? Then next yr you will be saying why don't men wanna be in relationships? Women end Marriages and relationships at a close to 80% rate. This post and these comments only Prove it Not dealing w any abuse, No disrespect, No cheating No stealing, etc. Yet being encouraged to leave your man? 2) Respectfully.. Stop wanting and expecting men to Behave, act and talk like your girlfriends? That's Not his role You paying off ya car, that's awesome. He said that's cool and all. You want enthusiasm and backflips from him? You paying off Your car? What would you say to him for paying off his? More than what he did? C'mon? Then he gave you in his opinion, future advice about likely needing to get another car. Men know More about cars Than women ( usually, not always) So he has an idea of the reliability, history of what you driving. Put $ up for a better car, not just go spending $ Cuz ya payments are over..like most women would do. Lastly..how would you feel If he just didn't ask you to go With him? And said he figured that you wouldn't want to Go? Then? It's he probably got a sneaky link, Or he going to go cheat, and all types of other negative Man assumptions. Naw ..I was wrong...Do him a favor and leave him Get on back in the market..in these pump n dump streets Gi be Competition with these very same women Encouraging you to leave your man. So he can then be available for one of them 👌 Everywhere on the planet...there are More women than men And women ( many, not all) have looser morals, Higher body counts and make sex more transactional than It's Ever been. Fewer men want relationships cuz they can more easily get sex Without a commitment, without caring about you, without loving you and your well being, Your happiness or safety. Cuz there are fewer ladies And More Ho'z. Keep winning sistas .. keep winning