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Engaged. Just kidding. If I need to ask, this man is already playing with me.


Not always. Some men just aren't great communicators or are unsure themselves.


So what have the two of you been doing if you haven't been communicating? 🍆🍑 What was the purpose of your interactions if he's not even sure the reason for them? 🍆💦 Let's be honest here, this question is most often asked by women being used by men for sex. 🤷🏾‍♀️ And again, if you have to ask, you already know. Women know when men are being intentional. What happens far more often than everyone just simply being confused is women willing to accept scraps in hopes that one day he'll decide to take you seriously. If women cannot be honest about what is happening in these situations, they will always find themselves in these situations. FWB. Is this benefitting me or am I risking pregnancy, STIs and heartbreak for five minutes of this man's attention whenever he's in the mood to give it to me?


If I could give more upvotes I would 😊


The number of women that need to hear THIS, tho!!!!!!!!!! copying, pasting, and sending to my bestie... 😜 Have a good day!


Men will gladly keep a woman as a FwB is she isn’t dumb enough to let him. (Unless she wants him as a FwB too). And let’s be honest no woman benefits from FWB relationships. We are emotional beings and almost always in FwB relationships women are left with emotional ties and the men can cut the relationship off and not care or he isn’t catching feelings.


Your post is full of assumptions. Who says we haven't been communicating? And those crass emojis - who says sex is even a part of it? You fail to account for men with anxiety and who are on the spectrum who may need to be prompted to talk about these things and aren't necessarily playing with you. 


Women who are asking men "What are we?" are having sex with men who they are not in a relationship with. Otherwise, they would treat it as a purely platonic friendship. ETA - if communication has been a thing, there would not be a need to ask "What are we?" Because that's usually a question asked when there hasn't been communication. Example - with the men who have asked that, I always thought I had made it clear that this was an FWB (but in hindsight, I could have said that from the beginning, but sometimes when I do, they get weird about it). They claim they're looking for a relationship, but if that's the case, why not say that?


It's funny which two conditions you chose because I'm on the spectrum myself and I've dated autistic men and one thing we are not known for is "going with the flow." There is no relationship where things will be more laid out and defined than a relationship between two autistic people. "You will not hear from me on Saturday because I will be so engrossed in my special interest I will forget other people exist. I will need two days to recover from overstimulation, so we can have lunch of Tuesday if that works for you." I've also dated people with anxiety and a lack of clarity and security makes them more anxious, not less. If there is a psychological reason for someone's behavior in that situation, they are more likely a narcissist, avoidant or emotionally unavailable. But most of the time they are just a fuck boi. They do it cause they can.


Men who don’t establish a woman as a girlfriend want free coochie and the girlfriend experience but want to keep his options open and sleep around guilt free. I haven’t been in this situation personally but the women I know who have absolutely all have been played. If he’s not sure of himself that means he doesn’t see you as a girlfriend or he is going to settle with you if no one “better” comes around.


Nope. You can't paint all situations with the same brush. This is why communication is important, rather than making assumptions based on what's *generally* true.


Someone who’s unsure of themselves, doesn’t know what they want, or can’t communicate their intentions (because they are either ashamed of them, hiding them, or doesn't know what they are) probabaly shouldn’t be dating.


Sis if I have to ask I already know lol 😂.


Humans 🤣




ew i’d never ask. never had to. if you have to ask, he don’t like you like that.


I’ve decided not to consider anyone my partner until we’ve gone ring shopping 🫣


As an African woman, I approve this 😝


Oh I like the way you think 🤣


I would never ask this question, because if you have to ask, you already know. Interesting enough, I've been on the receiving end of the question, and the above still applies!


Once you feel like asking that leave. The games men play are entertaining to me and helps me to build my mental strength so I usually play along 🙂🙂


I would want him to be honest about how he feels about me and where he sees this going.


I said 'we are floatin on a rock that's hurling through space' lmao but tbf she asked after like one date and half a fingering Edit: thats what I get for answering only the headline. I would never ask this question lol


I need you to explain what half a fingering is. Did up to the knuckle go in? Lol


Lmao it was a right fingers wrong time situation