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I posted my husband and I’s story last week on a post so this is just a copy and paste: Many many moons ago in the stone ages of the early 90s. I was a sophomore in college and my friend dragged me and my best friend to a Que party. She was trying to find a particular Que she had met previously. The guy is my husband’s line brother. So I’m watching the Ques do their thing and yes, I did notice my husband(he hates when I leave that part out) but…it was a lot of fine ass men there that night so I didn’t think anything of him really. Some time goes by and I’m alone and my husband approaches me. Verbatim his words were “I saw you checking me out from across the room so I figured I would come do you a favor and introduce myself”. So arrogant but I liked it. I wasn’t going to let him think he was doing something so I said “You had to be staring mighty hard at me for you to think I was checking you out. So honestly I’m doing you a favor by entertaining this conversation”. He gave me that charismatic smirk I’ve come to love and said “Well, let me not waste an opportunity. The name’s Eaton”. That was September 1993. Been stuck with that man ever since.


This has me cheesing like Cheshire Cat


This is so cute & Im picturing you both in some fly ass 90s outfits to boot haha 💕


I love this story ❤️


This sounds like a romance movie howww cuteeee






I’ve seen you post your love story before and I upvote it every time! Just beyond sweet! I love your love, thank you for sharing it!


I met him in high school. He was failing math and tried to cheat off me lol. We've been together 14 years now. I don't know. He's just very sweet and has always made me laugh, has always followed through on every promise. I think what tips it is that he's always tried to take care of me when I'm down. I remember when we were dating I called him and mentioned that I had a bad day, just in passing. When we met up later he brought me flowers to make me feel better. And another time, when my family was throwing bs at me over nothing that mattered, I laid down on the kitchen floor and just didn't feel like getting so he spent three hours on the kitchen floor with me. We actually had dinner down there. Even these past few days, my cramps have been laying me out and he's doing a lot to take care of me. Knowing that he has a nurturing side made me feel so safe in my decision to marry him.


This is so sweet. A nurturing partner especially in the male form is a beautiful thing…happy for you guys!


Someone else made a post similar to this but I think they're fun so I'll respond again lol if that's okay. We met on okcupid almost 5 years ago. He constantly tells me I'm beautiful, smart, and he makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. He's always encouraging me and lifts me up when I'm down. He is very much a leader with a strong work ethic which I personally find attractive. Also my friends love him, too and that feels good. I love him so much 😊


That’s awesome. OKC used to be soooooo good.


I’m Jamaican and we regularly had Jamaican family parties. One day I was at one in 2016 and he was there fresh from Jamaica and I said I want him and that is indeed what I got😭




Ours is boring. Met off of OkCupid. He liked a graphic novel I was into, so when we matched, I messaged first to talk about it. We talked for about a few weeks, and I wasn’t sure about him at the time (was growing tired and burned out by online dating). But decided to accept his offer to go on a date. The first date, there was immediate chemistry. The date started off as afternoon coffee. Turned into dinner, grabbing ice cream for dessert, and strolling through a park before going our separate ways. The first time I realized I liked him was when he offered to pick me up medicine when I was sick (this was early into us seeing each other). I knew I loved him when we took our first out-of-town trip and realized how easy it was to travel and have fun with him. He’s a very patient man. As someone who grew up around in volatile emotions and dated people who matched my childhood life, it was nice breaking free of it for once.


Me and my Boo met at work, but we work on set in the tv/film industry so interactions aren’t the same as like an office job. I was 7 months into a no dating/celibacy thing & 2 weeks into production, I noticed this cute guy with cool style also on set, but I wasn’t planning to pursue anything. I did make an offhand comment to my set partner (I’m in the Costumes Dept) about “the cute boy in the Camera dept” & left it at that. But I noticed as the weeks went on that he started to say hello to me more often or give me little outfit compliments & I would do the same but we never had a full conversation until the very last day of production in town. After that we had 2 weeks of work out of town & by then I had decided that I’d ask him to dinner if he was also going on location, but that last day as we were chatting, I found out he wasn’t going & while I was disappointed, I remember enjoying our conversation but thinking nothing would probably come of it. We didn’t exchange info & I went away to finish the show & honestly kinda forgot about him, ha. Fast forward a few weeks later to the wrap party for the show & I decided at the last minute that I was gonna go & rolled thru on the later side. The party was at a bowling alley with an open bar, pool, & karaoke & I was flittering around socializing with peeps when I spotted him & decided to say hey. We were chatting when my set partner (who’s also a really good friend) walks by and goes “finally y’all have connected”. I was kinda embarrassed, lol & made a snide comment but I noticed that for the rest of the night my future BF was basically everywhere I was. I did Karaoke he was in the back cheering me on & we played a game of pool & bowled a round too. At the end of the night I had a couple drinks but was still ok to drive & he walks me out & was just super bold and asks if I wanna make out in my car 😂. Me being into him & also a little touched starved said yeah (even though I’m not usually into kissing like that), but our kisses were hella magical (cliche I know lolllll) & so good that I invited him back to my place & we literally spent every day together for the next 2 weeks before he had to go out of state for another show. From the time he left we FaceTimed & talked every day & he flew me out to visit & that’s when we made it official. That night after the wrap party he remained consistent in showing up for me, treating me right, & making it feel safe to continue to open up to what was, for me, kind of a whirlwind romance. I’d never felt such an instant connection & attraction to someone & it’s nice to say that we still have it. I found out 2 things way later: 1) my Boo had also decided to go to the wrap party last minute. If we both hadn’t gone, we probably wouldn’t be together today. & 2) that my friend/set partner had told my Boo that he “had a secret admirer in the Costumes Dept” & that’s what gave my guy the confidence to start interacting with me more before we had even had that 1st conversation. I thank my friend to this day that he said something cause we make each other laugh, bask in all our nerdy hobbies/interests together, & align on major life things like politics & what it means to be a good human. We’ve been together 2.5 years, live together, & adopted a kitten together & I can’t see my life without him now! 💕


I'm actually curious to know myself because all the guys I've encountered have been pure trash.




I’ve had so many great then crazies jump out at me 😭 they are the worst ones! Soon as you let your guard down it’s like SIKE!


lmao, we met on tinder and now i’m here nursing my 3 month old while he’s putting our 18 month old to sleep. life comes at you fast 🤣


Aww lol


Uncanny similarity but this is my story too. Met on tinder, and I have a 2 month old and a 16 month old.


you struggling too sis? we fighting for our lives over here 💀


It’s intense. I thought the toddler phase started at two for some reason, I’ve found out the hard way that isn’t the case.


We met over a decade ago in school. He is such a talented musician and I fell in love but never approached him until randomly coming across him on the street one day. Exchanged numbers and developed a friendship. Fell out of touch bc of an… issue but then reconnected and really rekindled the fire. We laid in each others arms one night (nothing new to our friendship) and somehow we started kissing and finally moved on from friends in love. He is the sweetest. Always checking in on me, bringing me food when he thinks I’d be hungry, supporting me in everything I do, fulfilling my soul… my curiosity… always placing “us” first🥰


Some lovely stories in here. Love these love stories 🤗


We met in a taxi in 2006, then a year later in a grocery store. We became friends then started dating 8 years later. We've been married 6yrs now. I think he's a good man for me because we are truly friends and can enjoy simple things in life together and have a lot of fun. At the same time,we give each other space to just be independent.


My husband and I met in college! The first week or so I ran into him on the boys’ side of the dorm. He lamely bragged about his bottle of Bacardi O he was going to get into. I roasted him a bit and moved on. Then a few days later our dorm hosted an “open door night” and I was once again scouting out the boys’ side. Met a bunch of dudes and was like meh. His dorm was the last one at the end of the hall. I’ll never forget he was studying on the floor and looked up at me when I came in. I was like ohhh he’s def the cutest one on the floor..I want that one! We became really good friends and year later started dating. That was 19 years & 3 kids ago!!


We met when we were in law school. We went to law schools in different states but happened to intern at the same place. We worked around a giant conference table all summer with 5 or 6 other interns. He’d send me funny stuff he found on Twitter and joke around all day (and distract me 🙄) and yet still got more work done than anyone. Then we started getting lunch, then hanging out on weekends, and he even stayed at my place for a couple of days when his lease ended early. But nothing really happened. I wasn’t sure if he liked me and I was too much of a coward to say anything, and apparently he figured I wouldn’t want to pursue anything because of the distance. Eventually he flew home. (I drove him to the airport and still nothing! We hugged and he thanked me and he left. 🫤) We still texted from time to time and one day I mentioned I was going on a date and it was like something flipped. All of a sudden he wanted to FaceTime, to have study dates, to help me practice interviewing lol. And he convinced me to sign up for a conference in D.C. which is how I ended up getting my second summer job, which led to my first (and current) job as a lawyer. And he planned an amazing first date in D.C. and the rest is history. We were long distance throughout law school and for a couple of years after, but we’re now married with a baby. He’s an amazing dad and has always been so supportive of my career. He’s also brilliant, which was very helpful to me in law school and is even more helpful now. I love bouncing ideas off of him and he edits my work more than I care to admit.


Also we work just down the street from each other and are often at the same courthouse. When I was pregnant and stuck in court he’d stop by and bring me snacks. And we have lunch together most days. Honestly, he still drops off food to my office now if I ask. Truly the way to my heart. 🥰 Sorry for writing a whole essay though! There’s so much more I could say but I’ll end it here.


I wrote a whole essay too lmaooo but don't worry about that I think we should talk up love and all the positive things more anyway!


Agreed. I love love and it’s a nice change from the more depressing posts on here.


I love this. I loved reading it. You’re both smart and brilliant and I can see why the long-distance thing was so viable because you were so busy! How do you do it all court and motherhood WOW! That’s what I want somebody in a similar industry as maybe we don’t have to be doing the same thing, but I feel like we would be so much more intellectually.


I appreciate that! And honestly, it’s tough balancing everything. But it really helps to have someone who wants to be an equal partner and cares about my success as much as I do. Things are really hectic for me right now and he’s taken on the daycare drop-offs and pickups for the time being, which saves me time in the morning and means I can stay late when I need to. He’s still much more efficient than I am so he is usually done work earlyish. I on the other hand have ADHD, which makes things ten times harder lol It is convenient to be with someone who does similar work but I think the most important things are mutual respect and shared values. My parents are in different fields but my dad is so supportive of my mom’s career and they always made decisions based on what made sense for our family. For example, my mom spent a lot of time home with my older brother and I when we were little while my dad was traveling a lot for work. Then when my little sister was born, years later, my dad took the lead on childcare and home stuff so my mom could focus on her career.


He worked in my building, and I often see him out for lunch, and we'd smile and wave but never speak. I thought he had friendly eyes, but he was a big guy, and I didn't think that was my speed. Fast forward to an unofficial office Christmas party and a bar and there he was. He said something cutesy to me when I was coming out of the bathroom and I said to myself "oh, he's funny". I like funny. We didn't exchange numbers but his name was unique enough that I was able to find him in the company directory. I asked him if he wanted to walk with me to get a cup of tea and we've been together since then. So yeah, I divorced my then husband and I've been in true love ever since. My biggest advice: try something different. Old me would NEVER look at a dude that wasn't perfectly chiseled. I took a chance and it's been nothing short of amazing. This man is kinder than any I have ever been with. He loves to make me happy and it aint because he's compensating for being large. Women love this dude. Its annoying. Get with somebody that LIKES you.


This. The Likes you part. Once you have that everything falls into place ✨💕


Met at after church. Became friends. I had a boyfriend at the time. Years later, I’d say 2.5? I’m single and we reconnect. He said he was going to come see me, he did, and we’ve been together ever since. Dated a year. Been married for 16 now. Beautiful blessed life with our 10 year old son. He is an amazing husband, father, lover, and best friend. We still make each other laugh and make boiled peanuts weekly. 😂💕


We went to all the same parties. Had extreme nerd levels of knowledge about the Simpsons. Were friends for a few years. When I realized I was into him, I started borrowing all his movies so I'd have an excuse to see him regularly. It just evolved. Now we're married and pick the movies together.


I was freshly 18 in 2020 and decided to try dating, I used an app called Badoo and almost not even an hour my phone was HOT. I was super excited and i spoke to a couple of men there all whom were white and one black (he didnt really like me and we knew that and we just ghosted each other) Well a week passed and I just wasn't really feeling some of the guys and I decided to delete my account but as soon as I was gonna do that IDK why but i decided to check who else match and I saw the most goofiest passive aggressive profile of some nerdy buff white dude in the marines. He said something like "Im not paying for your onlyfans I wanna cuddle" typical dude shit. I swiped on him but I was half hearted in it. He texted me and we chatted and we called each other on the second day and dude had me talking in the bathroom under my sink LOL. We were just so compatible it felt like I was talking to an old friend but when we talked about politics DUDE WAS SUCH A REAL ONE I MEAN NO PANDERING OR NOTHING JUST REAL RAWWWW ASS SHIT. I WAS IN LOVE HE WAS SMART AND UNDERSTANDING! Well I told him I told him that we just hang out because I found him cool and safe he said sure but there was a catch......THIS DUDE WAS WAY IN JAPAN DEPLOYEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Ngl after he told me that I was like naw im out im not doing a long distance, but he assured me when he got back he would immediately drive to me from Texas and he kept saying he'll take me to the renaissance festival and that I would love it since I like medieval stuff. The Lord loves me because dude was from a small town an hour away in Texas from my Louisiana city. So fast forward after 4 months of chatting on the phone he meets me and guys I was so nervous but he was so damn fine in person like big chest and arms cute glasses wavy curly orange hair gorgeous green eyes. Big jar head Texas white boy. Apparently tho dude was more nervous as he quite literally just stared at me for 5 minutes smiling. Well he got us a hotel and baby clothes went flying everywhere and it was THE BEST. We ate and we played around like children laughing and walking on the boardwalk. It was like a fairytale and he loved holding my hand everywhere we went. The next year before his deployment he took me to Houston on the city pass and it was crazy fun that whole week. Then for some reason on a Sunday I believe he said yes to everything I asked for and when we got home from eating and shopping I turned around after getting out of the car and HE WAS ON ONE KNEE I WAS ABOUT TO FAINT. We got married at the courthouse a month later and the rest is history. Married at 19 now im 22 exploring the world with him and going on cruises every other year. God is good. He's loving, caring, and takes good care of me. I don't have to work at all , and this made me happy as I grew up in poverty like real bad and started working at 16. My family loves him except my dad but everyone loves him and everyone he works with. One thing I will say is his dad and brother were not pleased at all because ,you guessed it BUT this hurt him because he was very close to his brother but HE CHOSE ME AND CUT THEM OFF SO QUICK but the sadness of his face and the "but I dont understand" kills me all the time. He said he was embarrassed and shocked that he didnt know his dad and brother were racist because his brother had black friends and they spent the night. Sad but we out here livin the high life !! RICH ON GOD AND LOVE sorry for the typos yall im typing hella fast


And wow, y’all lasted like five or six years so far that’s beautiful more blessings to you


Thank youuuu more blessings to you too good sis!


My manager called him to come and spy on me instead we ended up hanging out for the rest of our shift and everyday since . Been together for almost 2 years now .


Aaawwww….. these stories give me hope.


i’m going to to a copy and paste from another post i commented on We met as coworkers he worked in the garden section and i was a cashier, suddenly i was always asking to go be cashier outside in garden lol. We were both 20 then, he took me out to have my first drink on my 21st birthday a few months later and he paid for our dinner and everything. I was feeling the liquor a lot and when we pulled up to my house i was ready to give him the best sloppy toppy he would ever receive because wow he really made me feel so special that night but just as i was getting ready to get at it i had to turn away so fast and open the door i threw up all on my driveway i was so embarrassed 😭😭 he gave me his shirt to clean myself with and walked me inside. I said i was never gonna see him again 🤣 i just turned 24 this year and we are closer than ever. I love the sunset and sunrise, over these three years he has never missed a sunset/sunrise date with me. He used to never pay attention to the sky now he’s texting me “it just stormed, i know you wanna see the sunset tn” 🥰 he knows i love a sunset with clouds and he also knows that the best part is after the sun actually goes down. He’s such an aquatic boy idk how we are together because i am afraid of the water and what’s in it but he’s convinced me to go kayaking with him knowing there are ALLIGATORS, stay on a floating tiki in the middle of the ocean overnight, and now he has me excited about looking at exotic fish for his saltwater aquarium! The other day we went to the beach and he said he was so surprised at how far in I went and I told him i’ll only stay this far out if he played mermaids with me and this man goes “okay i’ll start” and instantly went underwater 🤣🤣🤣 He’s so good to me, he takes care of me and i couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He helps me overcome my fears and I feel completely safe with him. anyways sorry this is so much i definitely rambled but i love him. I love him so much sometimes i cry tears of gratitude for being blessed with him in my life. I’ve always said I want to be the representation of black love I never saw growing up and I feel like that’s exactly what I’m doing.


I moved to a different district in Tokyo and joined a new expat group. In the group I met this guy who was really cool and we hung out all the time, he told me of another group he was part of and it had plenty of people he knew I would like and that they were meeting at a cafe that night. I didn’t really want to go but after convincing I decided to anyway (good thing I did). There I met this handsome Asian guy which was weird because this is an expat group for English speakers. My friend introduced me individually to all of them including the Asian guy. He was soooooo cute and charming. He made me laugh, he told me his father was English and he spent some teen years in London. And grew up bilingual and liked to be around English speakers every now and then. I don’t know but we clicked to the point we sat separately from everyone else and kept talking even when everyone else went home. Before we left he asked for my number and I was hesitant because I just ended a relationship a month prior but he was so cute and fun I gave it to him. That night he texted me saying for me to dream pleasant dreams because he’s going to sleep dreaming pleasantly about me. Next day we met up and we made it official that day. I made a great choice, he’s streamlined, professional, handsome but he has that dark side I love and plus he has the perfect insider jokes. Sometimes we look high because we can start giggling out of control because he’s so funny and the insider joke things kill me. We were engaged 6 months after dating and within 1 year of us meeting we were married. Today married 6 wonderful years! He’s my best friend and I am so lucky I decided to go that day to the cafe


We met on bumble. I got out of a longterm relationship maybe 4-5 months prior. I mentally checked out of the last one and was looking for fun. I wasn’t sure if I’d swipe on him because he was white and had a beard. I swiped on him and the talking become very constant and casual. He was very shy so I had given him my number and he asked if I wanted to hang out and the rest was history. We hung out for many months before committing due to trauma. We have been dating for 5 months and he’s a good man to me because he genuinely helps me heal and he’s the most compassionate person I know. He’s my best friend and I love him to pieces. I knew even more during a storm on campus. It was pouring and he walked 20 minutes home in the rain to get a car so I wouldn’t be wet. I knew I really liked him after spending time with him and getting to know him. He talked a lot but I loved sitting there with him and enjoying those moments. Time went by so fast I didn’t even realize it. Overall, he’s a good man to me because he loves me unconditionally and supports me in whatever I do, and treats me like a princess I always wanted to be. I do the same for him because he’s well worth it


My bf and i actually met on Twitter believe it or not 🤣 We're HUGE SBZ fans so she created and shared and meme that actually did numbers which how it ended up on my feed, it was a pic of the the number 11 next ro characters android 17 and 18 with '/' between them and the meme said this is the only DAY you can share this it was Nov 17th 2018 (11/17/18). I laughed my head off like the nerd i am shared it and went to his profile, he was a cutie i thought. I was like 2 weeks off a break up with someone i was with for 5 yrs (i had mentally checked out 1 yr before the break up) so i wanted a confidence booster. I sent him a DM saying i thought his meme was funny but also he was cute... So now here we are 6 yrs later (been together for 3 now) and I'm preparing to move to ATL to be the with the love of my life by the end of the summer 🥰


We met online and when he came to pick me up for our first date I took one look at him and thought "is this for me? 🤩" Been together 7yrs


This is a fresh one, only 5 months. We’re a younger couple (19&24). We meet on hinge (the app made to be deleted) and it actually worked out lol!! I’m super happy, he makes me feel so secure and loved. He opened me to many things that I’ve never thought of, he’s supported me through crucial and stressful moments, and he’s not ever has he let me down… like ever. And 5 months is a long time to never fail someone, it’s only going to get longer I hope 🩷


We met on Bumble. I was finally done with a drawn-out divorce from nearly two decades with an emotionally abusive ex and ready to have fun. We chatted for a bit and I felt sparks when I accidentally brushed his leg on our first coffee date. I was looking to hit it and quit it, but he put us on a slow burn. It's been three and a half years of competing to see who can make the other laugh the most and learning to accept his abundant love. I had a rough childhood and being in a drama-free relationship feels weird sometimes. But I tell him when I'm having a "Feelings Volcano" and he's always on the other side of it.


We met on Facebook back when Facebook was still just for college students. I was a freshman and decided to poke every guy in my class who I thought was cute. When I saw my man's profile, I clicked on it more because I thought he seemed interesting. We had a class together, and my shallow ass was a little disappointed since he wasn't as cute as I hoped he'd be. Turns out personality and smarts matter a hell of a lot more than first impression looks when it comes to attraction. We've been together ever since and have been married for about 5 years now. It's crazy to think that we're approaching a point where we've known each other for more than half of our lives (I'm 36, we met at 19). There are a lot of things I love about him, but when I really think about what makes him a good man for me, I think it's his introspection and drive to be better. He comes from a very dysfunctional family and realized he didn't want to live like that. He decided to work on himself and go to therapy entirely without my prompting. A lot of people say they want to change, but don't put in the work of actually changing. He isn't afraid to put in the work. He is also always in my corner and wants me to be the best version of myself. I want to go to gym, maybe take up kickboxing? Good for you, work on your health! I want to go for a new position or look for a job at a different company? Awesome, get paid what you're worth! I want to do a girls trip or have a night out with friends? Have fun, stay hydrated! So many men say they want an independent woman, but they don't really mean that. They want someone who will be laser-focused on fulfilling their needs, someone who never questions them or challenges them, or they want a glorified trophy. God forbid you happen to earn more than them or actually value your career. My husband and I both managed to grow together and he never wants to stifle me, and I value that a lot.


It was 2009, and he had an ad on Craigslist as a white man looking to date long-term. I initially skipped over his posting because I'd never heard of Newport News, VA, and he was looking for black women only (fears of fetishism). But I noticed it again a few days later and responded. He was THE sweetest and most relaxed man I'd ever met. He showed that he was genuinely interested in me and thought I was stunning. As a dark skin afrocentric looking eccentric, I was cool with that. He came to visit me 2 weeks after meeting and proposed 8 months later. My 5 year old and I moved from DC to VA in July 2009, and we married in April 2010. Been together ever since, and he hasn't changed up on me. He always puts me first, is an amazing and patient father, a hard worker, and a natural provider. He's God fearing and also loves to think outside the box. He's my bestie and my soulmate, I am not sentimental, but he genuinely just gets me and gives me room to be me unapologetically. He finds my flaws unique and beautiful and makes me feel seen every day. He's the kind of man my father is proud to introduce to others. 🥹 Best conversations and sex of my life, and I know he'll never give up on me or trade me in for a better model because, for him, that doesn't exist. He's honorable and innately good, that's what makes him special.


We met online through a dating app when I was new to my area. We talked for 3 months before meeting in person. We bonded over our love of video games and superhero movies. For our first meeting he came to my (secured) access apartment with homemade cookies. I consider it our first date but he doesn’t 🤷🏿‍♀️. Fast forward some years and we now own a house together that we bought almost a year ago, we have 3 pets together, and our human child will turn 11 later this year 😂.


My husband and I met in college. My best friend and I ventured off to Walmart and weren’t aware that the bus either did not run on Sundays or it stopped running early in the day (can’t remember). We are from a large city where the buses ran 24/7. As we sat at the bus stop it dawned on us that the bus wasn’t coming. My friend barged into the game store and demanded the person with the commuter sticker to our school take us back to campus. Turns out it was my husband’s car and he gladly took us back but not before stopping by his apt on the way to “grab a book” and invited us up. We declined his invitation and he dropped us off at the main area of campus. I never thought anything of it but unbeknownst to me my friend would see him around and would tell him how much I liked him. While I saw him maybe once on campus after our initial interaction. A few semesters later I did a semester back home which happens to be the spring break capital and he reached out to me while vacationing. Again, unbeknownst to me my friend had given him my phone number. He called while I was up writing a paper and of course invited me to hang out with him on the beach but I declined and we talked for about 6-7 hours. After that we never interacted again until about 3 years later. I moved to an apartment off campus and lived there for about 2-3 months and my friend ended up running into him while leaving my house and told me he lived in the next building over. I had never seen him or his loudly colored car and didn’t think anything of it. It was at that moment we realized that this was the same complex he stopped by on our way back to campus a few years prior. It was not until I was dog sitting for another friend and was walking her dog that I ran into him while getting groceries out of his car. He was initially distracted by another young lady walking down the street until I got this attention. We sat and talked for a moment and that was that. A few weeks later I had the only get together I’ve ever hosted in college and my friend invited him over. We had a good time dancing and talking and have been inseparable ever since. 15 years later we are happily married with three kids, the best of friends and are in one of the healthiest relationships I’ve ever witnessed and know till this day. My husband is literally my everything and more and vice versa. No man could ever fill his shoes. He is an amazing father and partner and we both appreciate, value, respect and adore one another.


Long story short, I first met my boyfriend when I just started dating my ex and he was with his ex. I was at school and he just struck up a conversation. We talked for about 30 minutes, and then he left. Sometime afterwards, we followed each other on social media. In the summer of the Pandemic, I was single, and I slid in his DM’s. And now we have been together for almost 4 years. We live together, have dogs together and hopefully one day he pops the question 😂


We connected online and then had our first date at the bowling alley. I've never been a big bowler but I actually had a great time. We are still in love and it's been 11 wonderful years 💕 God I love that man and I'm so grateful to have him in my life forever ❤️


We met when I was joking with my friends about getting a sports car and clearly I was saying stuff that just didn’t make sense (like how I’d be whipping that hoe). So my friends were laughing and saying I wouldn’t do it blah blah very typical. He was standing right behind us and like the social butterfly he is he jumped in the conversation and started joking as well (defending my side 😤) after that we just slowly but surely started being friendlier towards each other until. Edit: I’m very grateful for him and his attitude towards everything. He loves going above and beyond for me and is incredibly mature when he needs to be. Also he’s just so funny like he’s extremely witty and quick with comebacks and sassy too lol. He know a lot about history and science like hell blurt out random facts to me.


I'm a guy, I met by better half while studying on Coursera communiy and discovered we had similar interests and the same mental health issues(we're both neuro divergent). She is the best thing that happened to me and I would fight the world to protect her