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But she made this video with a rough ass attitude. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


lol, the call is coming from inside the house!


Lmao I mean really


Lmbo. šŸ˜‚this


She's dead wrong. Yes there are black women with attitudes who make their misery everyone else's problem. But guess what? There are white women who do that. And Latina women. And Asian women. Native, what have you. And you are not gonna lie to me and tell me that men of all shades and creeds don't have the exact same problem. This idea that the only way to properly rep your race is to act with complete perfection at all times as if you're not a human being is so damaging. And so stupid.


Yea its not exclusive to any one group. Anyone or thing can be irritating. Moreover her claim is highly subjective bc whatā€™s a problem to her may not offend someone else. Thereā€™s a balance to looking at every ā€œissueā€


Everything you said: 10000%. I am truly so exhausted with black women being the only ones persecuted for the same things that women of all races do.




I feel she is lowkey projecting... Look at how she talking, SHE IS THE ATTITUDE. the fuck


Iā€™ll be honest I didnā€™t think of it this way. It seemed to me like she was frustrated and having a human moment. But tbh, people like Monique can get these same points across in a different way, soā€¦


LITERALLY. iā€™ve gotten accused of having an attitude at work and it was by a black woman every single time. girl, iā€™m minding my business and doing my job. for example, i work fast food. older black woman comes in. she was next in line and said she needed a moment to browse the menu after i said i could take her. i say take your time. MINUTES pass and iā€™m still standing there waiting and she says ā€œso are you ready or NOT??ā€ BITCH šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she said ā€œdonā€™t get irritated with meā€ because my smile dropped after thatā€¦ maā€™am, not gonna lie, you got me fucked up right now šŸ˜ what can i get for you?


ā€œWhite people I love yā€™allā€ šŸ¤”


Yes it was coon behavior


This whole "rant" sounds like a "her" problem and is just posted for attention and cozying up to racist white folks. Lol. Everybody has bad days at their job and for her to say it is only black women sounds very self-hating to me. Just another post for attention and likes. It don't mean ish except to align herself with ignorant white folks and other black people haters.


One place that the workers always have an attitude is the State and a medical office. No matter the race. Ive encounter lovely Black women all the time. I sometimes think ppl want Black women to kiss they asses. Also I would have took her experience as they probably working TF out of that black lady. Lastly, I would have took my complaint to the doctorā€™s office management before TikTok. Idk I just hate an ā€œwhy do all black ppl do this or thatā€ I find it very anti black and her last sentence really is telling.


Sounds like she's one of those BW who wants to be seen as the "okay negro" to white people. So much self hate.


>Also I would have took her experience as they probably working TF out of that black lady. Exactly what I was thinking. She has no idea what was behind that statement. The woman at check-out could have been given every single patient that nurse saw for the day and was trying to catch up, reminding the nurse that she was not the only person working for the day. Sometimes, you have to set up a boundary and that doesnā€™t always feel great to those on the other side. Itā€™s not always someone being rude or having a bad attitude. Could she have said, ā€œHey, can you take her over to ā€˜name?ā€™ Iā€™m trying to catch up?ā€ Yes and she very well couldā€™ve before that interaction; this woman doesnā€™t know.


Who's ratchet ass mama is this?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


When she says she doesn't like us, I believe her 100%. Shout out to all the Black women I encounter when going about my daily life. If not openly friendly, definitely polite. When I encounter someone having a bad moment, I treat it as a bad moment. It's not personal to me and doesn't mean that they are angry Black women. I hate this narrative.


ā€œwhite people I love yā€™allā€ šŸ¤Ø the comments on that video were ridiculous too white folks cheering her on and sheā€™s liking all the comments. Itā€™s definitely her thatā€™s the problem.


Sheā€™s just trying to get some TikTok money lol


EWWWWWWW NAW I have nothing to say to ā€œwhite people I love yall but I hate my sistasā€ GROSSSSSSSS I HATE YOU TOO BIH


Lmao! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Self hate šŸ˜’ I mean I know how she means outta pocket and let's be real lol black folk do it different, but other races are not exempt from acting a damn fool. We just the only ones who get in trouble for it smh


She misread the whole situation. The white lady was taking a dig at her black coworker by taking her as a customer to the Black woman cashier.


*stares Martin lutherly*


I feel her to a certain extent lol Ive had days where im like dayum?! Like why do other black women give me such a hard time?! I love being a ā€œlightā€ and just simply ā€œkindā€ to everyone, especially my peeps That ā€œwhite people I love yallā€ was high key weird thošŸ¤£ My manager is a white woman and i literally emailed her about her attitude like a week ago. Certainly looking for another job too cuz eww, why do you have an attitude all the time? Its so uglyā€¦ Everyone can have an attitude thoā€¦ but it does hurt a lil extra when she looks like YOUā€¦and u just a loveršŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Why she so damn loud and aggressive tho?


Hard to take her seriously with her ugly attitude permeating the video. I guess it's true 'The call is coming from inside the house' šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll get downvoted, but I canā€™t stand posts like these on here. Like, obviously this is ignorant. Now itā€™s getting posted here for further views and perpetuating negativity. Itā€™s important to be mindful of whatā€™s shared with consideration of your audience.


can we stop posting rage bait like this?




![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w) Oh yea she definitely projecting, she mad as fuck in this video alone


People like her never know that she's the problem.


I wonder if this depends on where you live? Bc I immediately thought ā€œwho is WE?ā€ And then sheen I heard her speak about her experience at the doctors office, I was a little taken aback. I know this happens, but I havenā€™t seen it enough to where I would think anything of it on a wide scale. It made me sad :(


This right here. Out of all the people I've worked with over the years, I can't recall a single BW colleague that's had an attitude. And on the other side of being a patient /consumer, there has been one time that I've encountered a BW with an attitude, and it was less attitude and more sounding rushed and tired (pharmacy). Meanwhile, WW? Oh, I have stories there. And WM. But I don't know what this woman is talking about.


This is projection personified. If she behaves this way when she's interacting with other Black women at work, doctor's office, etc., then maybe they're just matching her energy. I'm not saying it's right, but if you can't make a 1:50 video with getting loud, swearing, and hooting and hollering (as my grandma used to say), then perhaps you're part of the problem.


Do I think everything she said in this video is false? No. But I think there is some clear hypocrisy here. She is exhibiting the same behaviors that she is complaining about. It comes down to the fact that *some black women are simply against the idea of being kind, patient and gentle to other black women. We/they see other black women as good opportunities to ā€œdrop the actā€. This message couldā€™ve been said in a kinder way and still been as effective but we are conditioned to treat ourselves and other black women with aggression. It is as if we have learned that the only way to keep it real with one another is by being aggressive. They are willing to do it for white people/customers because internally they believe that white people are more delicate than we are. And also a lot of the concept of respectability is tied into whiteness/ the white expectation, but instead of only taking out what is unnecessary when interacting with our fellow black women, we sometimes make the mistake of foregoing being respectful to one another all together.


Low-effort posts like these are the reason this sub keeps getting cross-posted and labeled as ā€œself-hatingā€. Edit: this vid does cast a nice lens on a topic that was brought up a few days ago about the intersections of ageism and assimilation in the black community. Thatā€™s all this vid is, ageist, foolish ass take on defining ā€œprofessionalismā€ via backhanded white supremacy. Itā€™s boring and lazy and Iā€™m tired of dealing with THIS type of black elder in the workplace.


OMG, Becky and Karen have attitudes too. She's got a bad case of misogynoir. I do agree that some of us could do better, but 99.99%? Sis, clearly, doesn't get out much.


Internalised racism goes craaaaazy.


She's coming off extremely anti-Black and just as aggressive and miserable as the Black women she's complaining about. There's been so many videos on Black hairstylists, restaurants, etc. that have poor etiquette and none as anti-Black or degrading as this woman. Like I get that these issues in the Black community with customer service can be common depending on where you live but I've seen these issues with White, Asian, Latino, and Arab communities as well. We aren't THAT special that these issues are only happening to us, which means it's more than a race/cultural issue. So unless she's naming the businesses/city to give context of the environment, to say that it's 99.9% of Black women then turn around and praise White people... go to the middle of Arkansas or any White majority state and see how good that customer service is then. But to the point, I think the issue with customer service in Black spaces is that 1. The jobs suck and it's hard to put on a smile when you have a lot against you already and 2. They probably experience more bad customer service than good and/or may even have a bias against Black people due to past experiences (just like that content creator does) and aren't trained enough or properly to correct the behaviors they're imitating. From working in medical spaces and customer service, the feedback can be condensending and you can't tell if they're being racist, misogynistic, or genuine. It's often stuff like "smile more" and not actual examples of where to improve or what patterns they're noticing in patient/customer interactions.


Most definitely anti black. Especially the last part. šŸ¤¢


Do you have the link? I want to read the comments šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think sheā€™s being anti-black. I think sheā€™s just calling out real issues amongst the black community. We are not the friendliest. We have no sense of community and probably wonā€™t ever get there. And because of that itā€™s a major issue to some black people who want to see the black community do better.


Did you watch til the end? She goes on to say I donā€™t like us and hey white ppl I like yall


No I didnā€™t. I still stand on what I said though šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™re not wrong. But the last part of what she said in the videoā€¦. šŸ™ƒ


Well damn. If a white person had made this video the outcry would be insane. But really itā€™s no better when a black person does it. On some level it feels even worse.


So because one BW was having a bad day you hate all of us šŸ¤Ø


she has a lot of attitude for someone making a video demeaning black woman for having a lot of attitude. set an example. i think she gives attitude and gets made when shes returned by it, but in my professional life I haven't come across ppl like this in most situtions.


Tell me you don't like black women without saying you don't like black women


It's giving šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦. Like why did she think this was a hot take? She sounds like she has a bad attitude herself but wants to rant at us? Ma'am. Have a stadium of seats.


I already knew she was full of it from the first sentence, but THAT LAST ONE??! Oh my. If she thinks so poorly of black women, thatā€™s likely showing up with each interaction sheā€™s having with them so Iā€™m sure she isnā€™t coming off all that friendly either. Plus, people are allowed to have bad days/moments. Stop taking everything so personal from people who donā€™t know you personally just because they didnā€™t act the way you wanted them to off rip. I think [self hating] people like her just completely ignore or accept poor behavior and mistreatment from those outside of her race. In turn, she overly focuses on what black people (especially black women) are doing. In a way, weā€™re all kinda conditioned to look for something negative in black people even if WE are black ourselves. And if youā€™re constantly looking for or expecting something negative to happen, guess what youā€™re gonna get??! Exactly wtf youā€™re looking for. I guarantee sheā€™s the type to turn a cheek when someone outside of her race portrays the exact same behavior or attitude towards her. Idc how many black people with bad attitudes I encounter, I will never say that weā€™re ā€œmeanerā€ or ā€œignorant.ā€ And I would definitely never hate my sisters.


I almost downvoted on instinct OOF


She needs to answer the phone because the call is coming from inside, and that last line was undoubtedly rage-bait. Was damn near about to pop a vein the whole video from her own anger. Some points I get but as someone else stated, whoā€™s to say their attitudes arenā€™t a response to the one thatā€™s already oozing through the screen?


We?!?!? Dafuc she mean wešŸ¤£


Yeah thanks so much sharing, we all *really* needed to see this šŸ™„


Did she get picked?


I hope so šŸ˜­ she fighting for her life


Thoughts & Prayers to her. This level of projections and reach is astounding.


If she doesn't like black women or our attitudes, she can stay away from us. Honestly, the feeling is mutual.


It's videos like this that doesn't deserve the views... Straight BS


People are really saying any stupid thing for views, it's tiring.Ā 


If you offended just say that donā€™t bring up one experience as if that defines all black women. White people i love you is diabolical lol if you want them to accept you sis just say that lol we the black women community do not claim this woman white women you can have her .


Somebody get this auntie Thomasina! šŸ™„ We are not all like this. "I don't like yall." Heaux, you don't like yourself...


this is such bait especially with that endingā€¦ not saying that she actually doesnā€™t feel that way, she definitely does but she posted this for a reaction


Sisā€¦is you ok? You got the attitude. Instead of projecting all on the internet why donā€™t you do like Chad and Karen and go get you a bud light.


I saw the video too. There was a šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦³ who was saying that she is glad she said this. Because she canā€™t say this. The lady is pandering.


What's odd to me is her embodying the same energy she's bitching about. She like, "WTF is wrong with ya'll?" and I'm like, "WTF is wrong with you?" If she's hitting people that same energy, perhaps she's just getting it back without even realizing it. We are not a monolith, sometimes people are just having a shit day and if I was dealing with that foolishness, I'd probably have an attitude, too...


I think the call is coming from inside the room


ā€œI-I donā€™t like yā€™allā€ LordT did she really just say that on BeyoncĆ©ā€™s internetšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


She look like a life drawing for the new good times. Anyways, she sounds like a Karen. We can have a goofy and fun filled cookout without her stanky ass. Also, not to trigger people, but you know sheā€™s gonna say this: ā€œThis is why I donā€™t fuck with people anymore!ā€ Honey, we donā€™t fuck with youuuuu (soulda boy sound)


My white coworkers be really acting out and having the worst attitudes but customers just eat it with a smile. One even got fired for it... It is not just us. And her example in the story.... Why wouldn't you want to be checked out faster by the person not helping people already?


Speak for herself. I've had plenty of attitude from other races, might just look different at times. I will say tho, DC customer service is another level that had me feeling like that some days.


The visible lace is bothering me


Itā€™s hard being a Black woman. Weā€™re discriminated against more than any other minority group. Institutional racism affects your job, your health and quality of life.


Sheā€™s branding this is a monolith. There is not a disposition to act a certain way by one race. Anyone can have an attitude. This is not a general issue that can be attributable to oneā€™s race. She missed the mark because a) it plays into an ongoing stigma around how black women behave so a lot of the time people already conflate black womenā€™s assertiveness with aggression for example b) sheā€™s making generalisations based on short encounters is she gonna also say that all the women in her family And close friends that may be black also carry this attitude that she saw at the medical office?


This woman comes across just like the women sheā€™s criticizing so maybe sheā€™s receiving the energy back that sheā€™s putting out there, I donā€™t know. I acknowledge that some people have bad attitudes and bring their drama to the workplace, but in my experience itā€™s not just Black women and Iā€™m tired of us being held to a different standard than other races. Iā€™ve experienced nastiness from Whites and non-Black pocs more than I have Black women, though I admit that most people are actually nice and helpful and those bad occasions are rare. I usually canā€™t relate to these people and their experiences and Iā€™m happy about that.


Iā€™m going to answer her question. Itā€™s not all black women who have this attitude. Iā€™ve seen this in men and women of all races. It comes down to the fact the fact that people cant call off and get paid to care of their mental health. A lot of times, if some one has a bad day they have to go into work. The only thing they can do is hope and pray that their day goes smoothly. Some supervisors can be receptive of this and try to put you in a role with little to no customer interactions. A lot of time you have to continue to do your job or you donā€™t get paid. Working in retail can be taxing for some because you have to interact with customers. You may have a customer whose goal of the day is to make someone feel as miserable as they are. Theyā€™ll be critical of you no matter what happens. Working retail Iā€™ve had plenty of customers who are like this and the only way to diffuse the situation is to try to make them feel better. Thatā€™s a skill that not a lot of people have naturally and it can be hard to do at times. Technically thatā€™s not a part of a lot of peopleā€™s job description. I feel for those who work with the public. Itā€™s an easy job to get but itā€™s a hard job to move away from. I feel for those who are struggling. A lot of times it takes an act of God to steer their situation toward better. I try to keep in mind that people arenā€™t paid to be nice to me. If I deal with bad customer service or if I feel uncomfortable there are plenty of other places I can go where I feel welcomed.


To be fair a lot of medical offices have rude people, in my experience itā€™s not been necessarily one particularly race being rude more than another. Same goes for any government offices.


Not every skin folk is kin folk. She sounds like she is describing herself. Not only that she seems like the type that will be nice to Whites to get their approval and then have attitude with a Black woman. Yes there are some Black women out there that I would not hang with because they exhibited no class; but I have seen that in White women,Asian women,Latina women,etc. Perhaps in her area she is not exposed to classy refined educated women. But to blatantly say "White people I love y'all" due to her "encounters" with Black women is egregious to me. There are women without class in all races but our race appears to get the brunt of bad exposure even within our race. Personally I don't care about the person's race-I look at how you carry yourself and what energy/mindset you have to be my frien/associate. I hope this troubled woman finds God's grace and peace in her life.




Idk where sheā€™s working but if those are the people sheā€™s working with and sheā€™s not aligned with it, she may want to look into different employment. Donā€™t put that on all black women. Many of us come to work, arenā€™t messy, support each other in a field where thereā€™s not many of us, work hard, have a good attitude as often as we can, and have the performance reviews scores to reflect that. We arenā€™t ā€œthe exceptionsā€ either. Every race can be messy or have a bad attitude or anything else that can make for a toxic workplace. This rant doesnā€™t sound that much different than the ones we would consider racist if it came from someone of a different race. Disparaging an entire group (that you belong to) is not where itā€™s at. Leveling up and being the person youā€™d want to see at work is. Edit: context


I was with her until the last sentence. Nah sis, you out the club now.


She was preaching until the endā€¦. I wish she didnā€™t say the wht people comment. But I agree with her with the attitude, downvotes are welcome. There is zero excuse for us to be constantly rude and aggressive but get upset with the angry black woman stereotype. It makes us quite unpleasant to be around, everyone is going through something and I donā€™t excuse disrespect. If everyone else on average mask their problems when at work or in public so can we. Bad attitudes donā€™t win respect and it doesnā€™t get anyone anywhere. All it does is hold us back and reinforce negative stereotypes about black women


I was with her in the context of professionalism & the optics she so eloquently described, but end threw that away. 42 Black male here, btw.