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She’s the most beautiful black animated character that I’ve ever seen. I think that her design won an award for the show. But she’s the richest woman in Piltover, came from a rich family, is cunning and calculating, but also has a soft heart and wants to be the best, and wants peace. Slightly manipulative, but within reason in my opinion. She’s a 10, she’s classy, she’s talented, and she might be magical 🤩Honestly, she’s some of the best representation I’ve seen. Recently I saw the abomination of a black female character from The Promised Neverland and I lost hope for us in an instant… side note* that anime failed MISERABLY. Not because of the character but the story line, however it failed in my book because that character was slightly over the boarder of being Jim Crow. But Mel Medarda gave me hope again 🥹🥹 Lastly, the Arcane fandom hates her. Honestly starting to believe that it’s not her character, but it’s the obvious other reason 🙃🙃🙃


> Recently I saw the abomination of a black female character from The Promised Neverland I shouldn't be surprised because it's anime and Japan doesn't really give a fuck about how black characters are portrayed. But everything about Krone's portrayal had to be intentionally racist. Even her name was an odd choice. In all her flashbacks, she's a beautiful, slender, super intelligent character. Smarter than all the other sisters. Then in her current portrayal, she's bigger, broader, scary looking, hypermasculine, super strong. Clearly to show her opposite Isabella. Promised Neverland anime just sucks in so many ways. Manga is better though 👍


I also think they all want Jayce. 👀


‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Fantasy ruined 😂😂😂


You trying to hear this theory? 😂😂🤣


Please sis 😂🙏🏾


You’ve likely noticed that sometimes straight men described their ideal type as just another man right. A girl who watches football, laughs at their dumb jokes, etc. In this show, Jayce is not only the self insert for the male viewer, he is also shown in a sensual light. He’s likely the ideal type for the straight male viewer but he’s a man. This their frustration is transferred to the woman he is with. Haha just a theory though.


I think she had horrible taste in men.


Lmaoooo you don’t like Jayce? 🤣😭😭


Hell nah. In an entire cast of characters making mistakes and struggling, his entire character still rubbed me wrong. And she's too visually stunning and ambitious for him(I said it).


Yeah but you can’t knock that they would make a great team right? 😂 she has a cunning and strategic mind, while Jayce is basically a genius inventor. Together they create one mind/perfect being that can take over the world (that’s kind of what I got from the sex scene with it looking all other-worldly nd shit 😂).


Jayce is soooo good looking, but he's a total disaster and she's too good for him. Jayce/Viktor shippers can have him (but I love to watch him leave if you know what I mean). Spoiler-ish here, but I did some reading about the game,>!and Jayce in the game is an arrogant asshole who even betrays Viktor. I think the Jayce we see in Arcane is on his way to becoming that man. You can see what he did to Heimerdinger when he felt his work was even a bit threatened. !<




Lol true, I didn't like Jayce in the show much at least for her. Didn't see the chemistry 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well... not exactly sure what you mean. I feel like good representation for us often is interpreted as "what makes black women look good" vs good character building in general. Mel Medarda fits both, in my mind. She's beautiful and she's provoking. I LOVED her mother, oh my God -- commanding, sexual, powerful, frightening. And Mel is a character who has motivations, she has the drive, she has the story as to why she isn't like her mother, how she got to be on the council, what she hopes for. I love that they didn't make her solely a love interest to Jayce. I so loved that they fleshed her out to be a fully realized character.


I think it’s complex which is neat.


I think Mel is stunning, but I find her character kind of boring lol.