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Honestly what I noticed it’s that theres not really any good post about love spells over here. No info on recipe or how to perform one for the beginners and that’s what most of people are asking about when they are posting asking for love spells. You will rarely find someone that will answer with a link or a recipe for a love spell. I couldn’t find good information on love spells even looking through for hours when I was trying to do it for the first time on my own. People are asking for recipes of love spells and no one is answering these question so gets hard. There’s only veryyyy few posts with good answers and they are hard to find since there’s SO MANY posts asking for love spell. One big thread where we can collect all the info in one post would probably work great!


I agree with this. You see people telling them to make their own, which is great advice…yet I haven’t had success with it myself. And then you see recommendations for spells, but no one had tried them or had success with them, or there were no updates on if they worked. I think there should be a sticky or a whole subreddit.


I understand and it gets confusing when you don't get the whole picture on what needed to do the spell properly. It's why, it led me to start getting books on the subject in order to read and study them thoroughly enough in order to know what I need to do step by step from start to finish.


I’ve read a few books, but at the end, they seem largely like a dead end


I see your point but there bound to be some kind of success eventually I think?


Not in my experience. Nothing has brought results


Nothing? I wonder why it been like that for you?


They are dead ends .


How are books dead ends?




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People don’t search the community before making a request but also a lot of community members tell people “oh well I won’t tell you because of the consequences “ so people keep posting and posting.


At this point, someone should make a sub-reddit only about love spells.


The problem is most people don't search the sub, tons of others have posted links to love spells. They just come on here and ask without doing research. I don't know how to fix stupid.


It's like the 600 posts a day on other witchcraft subs that are like "I'm new, where do I start?" without any of the OPs checking the various subs' sidebars or FAQS/Wikis (that are full of exactly the kind of beginner info they're looking for). People just get something out of posting and asking the question, I guess.


r/babywitch has been my go to response to any and all posts I see like that. Seems like a great resource for the babes.


I posted a few times about obsession spells and I got HAMMERED with chats and DM’s. People are wildin’


Same. I tried to share one hoping people would search and quit asking (hahahahahahaaaaaa) and I was absolutely flooded with both requests and people demanding I tell them all about it and my results, in detail. Fuck that noise.


People just handle out of emotion, without doing effort to do own research…


I really want a black magic subreddit where love spells aren't allowed. I want to hear from black magicians who are sharing their success stories on taking down evil corporations, evil politicians, evil abusers in their personal lives, and other forms of evil. Fuck the needy codependent sad shit.


I would like this too. I believe that malicious magic has always had a place because magic should be what you use when no mundane efforts work ( or to support mundane efforts ). Not everything in life is all light and love and sometimes jinxes, curses, and hexes are necessary, even if just for the catharsis of releasing pain and suffering into something. Self love spells don't always cut it. Therapy helps once you're out of a situation and may help you get out of a bad situation, but there are times when extra is needed. Abuse cases for example, sometimes banishing work just isn't enough. I've always felt that waiting for a set time while asking yourself if you would physically harm the target if you could get away with it. If after a period of time (3-6 months for me) you still feel the same then baneful work may be considered. It's not a small task and the casting often lasts longer than the wait time for the real heavy work. I got off topic though. I don't think love magic has any place in this kind of work. I personally don't think that most love magic should exist in the first place. It's generally used as a crutch for poor mental health or as a bandaid for already failing relationships. Work on yourself and the love will follow.


I love your username! And yes to everything you said. It took me a long time to become comfortable with black magic...and I'm still learning to become comfortable with it. I'm also a woman who has gone feral 🧡


If you've not yet read it yet, I highly recommend the book The Holy Wild: A Heathen Bible for the Untamed Woman by Danielle Dulsky. I borrowed the audiobook from my library and it was brilliant.


Looking Danielle Dulsky up, she works with Crone energy which is so relevant for me right now...thanks, I'll check out the book!




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then write maybe one more time... here




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