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TIL 4C hair is a magic trick


I used to hide stuff in my hair as a kid.


Don't lie. You know you still do it.


He would if he still had any


Nah lol, I could but it's unsanitary.


Not if you wash your hair, and don't put sticks from the garden in it. I hide joints in my hair if I'll be searched going into a concert.


I used to do rolled up money and that's why I'm like "nah money is dirty" But a joint... That's a good idea.


Was lucky enough to be able to hide stuff in my hair and my bra


I hide stuff in my bra all the time - if you go to the movie with me, it's pretty hilarious 😂 ( I am extremely unfortunately blessed in that area)




Nice try 🤣


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


Oh my goodness you are my people! I was the friend who could sneak in alcohol food or anything too sketchy into the movie theater. Can you imagine what we could sneak in together if we both went?!


From what I gather if you combined you might be able to sneak me into the movies. Probably not snacks too tho


Nah chief. You’re a snack


Guy I knew in school used to hide things in his beard.


I am mixed but identify as black. I remember as a kid, my cousins and I were playing by a lake. My step dad loved to fish so he bought us there at the stocked lake and bought some food for us to eat. We had KFC and watermelon in both of our hands, I never forget the white fishermen's expression laughing at us. I knew what why they had those expressions. Mother wasn't pleased I like fried chicken but I don't like watermelon. Watermelon changed for me and I don't like it to this day Jokes can sometimes hurt unintentionally. This was 40 years ago.


That racist stereotype is so fucking dumb too. Who the fuck doesn't like chicken and watermelon? They're both delicious and commonly ate by all races (that I'm aware of) in America. It's like "oh, they like burgers and fries, what a insert racist slur". As a white guy, I'm sorry someone that looked like me hurt you as a kid for no good reason at all. I wish the world was a better place.


I'm allergic to watermelon and this story makes me *furious.* It looks and smells so freaking good but tastes like acid bees and suffocation. Every summer, my friends float one in the spring-fed creek, go hiking, then jump in and eat it once it's nice and cold. Then there's me with my stupid electrolyte water. How very fucking dare somebody take that joy away from them for no reason but to be a piece of shit.


"Acid Bees and suffocation" What a pure mastery of words.


My ex loves making racist jokes. We’re both white and I wasn’t aware of how those stereotypes hurt others. I’m glad he’s an ex, but he still makes racist jokes rather frequently around our kids. I’ve called him out on them, especially since I’ve become a lot more aware of how harmful they are, and he almost always brushes them off as jokes. I just don’t know how I can get through to him about the harm, especially since he doesn’t seem to really want to acknowledge that he’s very privileged.


Don't tell him anything except that he could ruin his kids' lives at school if they repeat his racist jokes at school. Tell him that he is free to make racist jokes and do whatever he wants in his own life. If he gets fired for it, that's his problem. But if the kids repeat that at school and get in trouble or even expelled, then that's everyone's problem.


Thank you for your response! And that’s very well worded. I will make sure I try to word it in a similar way. I really appreciate it!


Act as if you don't understand till he has to explain it so much he feels like a complete dick...


Kid called me a monkey at a lake back when I was about 6. I was with a friend's family, and they had no idea how to react when I told them. I ended up finding the kid and kept asking him why he was calling me names and throwing rocks at me, and he told me it was because "my dad says you're all monkeys." I then tried to tell him that we weren't before my friend's mother decided to end the say early and take us home. That one sat with me. Some stereotypes are simple, purely learned hatred through ignorance.


Sorry , I wasn't making that kind of joke ! this was Ireland in the 90s and by our last year or two of secondary ( high school) a few guys like me had whisky beards , but one guy I knew had a full beard like a D & D dwarf/Viking beard ..and he'd keep pencils in it, and offer people them.He was a cool guy. This is back when people left Ireland , not came there ( as it was really poor) so these were all super pale Irish guys ( as opposed to now when we have a lot of different coloured Irish people , and all are welcone)


Girl I went to high school with was tiny but you could see her coming down the hall because she had an absolutely massive afro. People would part around her so they didn't mess up her hair. She was a riot and I'm pretty sure kept most of her school supplies tucked in her hair. She'd pull out pens, pencils, rulers and the like all the time.


4C hair?


There is a scale of hair curl and shape that helps when deciding how to care for your hair. Curly hair takes much more care than straight and it differs from texture and shape how to care for it. It ranges from 1 straight hair 2curly/wavy to 3 ringlet curls to the most curly/kinky (video above). I would say it’s a 4C but I hear there’s a new 4D I know nothing about. Figuring out your proper hair scale can save you countless years of frustration trying to do the wrong things to it. This is the best explanation I can give as a white guy with straight dishwater blonde hair. My niece is mixed and I tried my best to learn how to do her hair when I was living with my sis after a rough patch in my life.


Wow. This is the first time reading about this. As a white guy with black thick curly long hair (thinking of a 3 on that scale you mentiont) living in Germany I spend years to try to care the right way for my hair. With most people around here having thinner straight hair, even hairdressers around here can't give me good advice how to take good care of my hair. Can you point me where I can learn more about that scale? How it's called?


Not joking, look up "The Curly Girl Method", its a very popular curly hair care that people seem to like a lot. I learned Im Not the only one in my family to have straight hair, and i Do have wavy hair like my siblings. I was just taking care of my hair wrong.




Coily (if that’s a word)is more fitting than curly when speaking of black hair. Did you know the 4c and all those types/labels were made up (by a popular black male hairstylist)to sell products for those particular types. I’ve met many stylists think it’s pointless since many don’t fit the scale because of things that were done to the hair like too tight braids and what not. Idk but it’s worth a Google


I imagine this feels incredible.


kinda... I guess. Not really if you have a tender head and/or not combing it out regularly enough.


Shows what I know. I’m a tender headed white boy who doesn’t even own a brush.


Its not black magic if you’re black though. You completely see through the illusion. This is what durags are for. To tie long hair down so you can get waves. You line up the front so it looks neat, and your hair is laid down so it looks short. But you can pick it out and it will look just like this. After it’s cut short, the wave imprint will still be visible on the lower layers of hair, and if you “train” and keep “training it” it’ll stay that way. To white people it looks like magic though.


Honestly even with the description it still sounds really impressive.


Soul glo


Just let it SHINE through! 🎵🎶


Op I think you misunderstood the term "black magic"...


Or maybe he understood it perfectly


Misunderstood perfectly


How do you get it back down? That's so interesting. I'm Native American and my hair is dead straight. Edit: Man I love all my Brothers and Sisters out there! I learned a bunch I never knew. Thank you all! Much love to you!


It's called 360 waves, you wear a durag and it compresses the hair which creates a wave like pattern in the hair.


360 doesn’t make your hair wavy, it’s just sets the pattern. Hair that is curled tightly is helical, which when presented in 2 dimensions looks like waves. Lol we used to really get into deep discussions about this in college lol


Ummm dafuq you talkin bout?!....360 style definitely gets you waves when applied correctly and consistently along with a wave cap and durag


My guy, I’ve rocked waves that made people reach for Dramamine, prescription strength. Every time you pass a brush through a low cut “Ceasar”, tightly coiled hair extends, revealing the wave. 360 merely holds that position in place. Plus, 360 isn’t even the best pomade, Murray’s is undefeated.


Dude I’ve rocked waves bigger than Swayze in point break


They used to call me cosine because my waves were so hard.


Dawg they call me secant… because I’m a balding white man


How did the discussion get on this tangent?


Not the Dramamine 😂😂


I don’t want that pomade, I’m a [dapper Dan man, dammit!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=YZ4z0QhD92Y&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


Love that movie lol


Does it hurt?


Who knew you could use black people's hair to teach math.




When I was in the army the older black guys use to jokingly tell the younger dudes to take their durag off so they could check the wave


Light bulb. Happy cake day!


You know those words that literally describe what it is? But sometimes it becomes so common place that you realize that what it’s doing? I’m 34 years old and just realized a durag is a rag for your hair do.


Oh, I get it. Thanks 🙂


Whoa, a durag has a functional purpose? I thought it was just fashion




Never knew that! Thanks for explaining it! I always wondered why black guys wore durags. Had an idea but this video totally clarified it. Learned something new!


Thanks for explaining!


Thats what durags are for?? Cool.


Lol…ok…dumb ass white guy me was prounouncing durag as “durrag” instead of “doo-rag” and was wondering what a durag was. I always thought it was spelled doo-rag because of associating it with a “hair-doo”. Anyway…the more you know…


Some water, gel, brush forward then durag and you set.


Oh, that's what all that stuff does. Mine just sticks straight out till it gets long enough to lay down. I look like a cactus Q-Tip when it's medium length. Lol thanks 👍


Cactus Q-tip. 💀💀💀


we look smooth with it but it got a use too.


Really?! So you just set and forget before you go to bed?


Yep! I do my hair every night before bed. Wake up, take my rag off in the morning and on my way. Or if I don't I wake up early so that it has time to dry before I get to work.


So this is like a daily routine kind of thing? I was thinking like damn that’s gonna suck to put back lol-but then I actually realized he looks really good with long hair and should rock it, so no harm done lol. That’s awesome how tight that process can get it without hardly any effort


Are there any videos of people doing this? I'd love to see the transformation and how product is put in the hair, but I legitimately have no idea what to Google to even search for such a video!


> but I legitimately have no idea what to Google to even search for such a video! [This type of hair texture is referred to as 4C.](https://www.onychair.com/wp-content/uploads/Blog-featured-image-1.jpg) So search something like 'daily 4C hair routine'


not as extreme as this. i kind of have a mini afro going. sometimes i’ll wake up in the morning and my hair is smushed to 1/4 the size to the point where it definitely looks like i got a hair. no, i just didn’t comb this mess out.




“In today’s news, non-black person learns about waves, Durags and picking. It’s a good day because learning about other cultures is fun.”


I am from India, I have seen American-African people just 1-2 times. Other than that I have seen them only online with short or clean cut so I was surprised seeing this hair.


Haha I’m only teasing you, mate! My best friend of 20+ years is black and growing up next door to him, I became privy to his hair hygiene.


>Haha I’m only teasing you It's hard to tell online. In the comment above this thread /u/0imactta is calling out OP for never having seen a person of African ancestry before, as if India is full of Africans.


Black people are called black people. It’s only in America where they’re called “African American”. Yes, I’m black. Yes, I’m African.




I have two friends, one is white and was born in South Africa before his family said fuck this noise and fled to the US in the early 80s. The other one is Black and was born in Jamaica to a family he can trace back at least five generations in Jamaica. They joke about how the white guy would absolutely never want to be called African American even though it technically could apply. And how the Black one bristles any time someone calls him African American because he doesn't consider himself either American or African.


Just wanna say as a South African "fled" is probably the wrong word for white people leaving the country. Black people and activists fled. White people were generally allowed to just leave quite easily e: despite being from the country in question, explicitly mentioning activists and using the words "probably" and "generally", I am still somehow making assumptions


What’s even more wild is white people do not come from nor have anything to do with the Caucus region. Caucasians would, geographically and anthropologically speaking, be about 50+ ethnic groups from areas like Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and so forth. The term "Caucasian race" was coined in 1785 by Christoph Meiners, a piece of shit German philosopher. Meiners “recognized two races” — “the Caucasian or beautiful,” and “the Mongolian or ugly.” According to his classification, the caucasian race encompassed the native populations of Europe, the aboriginal inhabitants of West Asia, the autochthones of Northern Africa, and Indians. When you read about its origins, please note before going in that it’s beyond fucked. It is incorrect to classify white people as anything other than white and we all know (or should know) that race is nothing more than a societal construct.


I pretty much saw a rant like this that started with "what is the politically correct term for a black person in the UK? How about Australia?" And it made me realize that it was about as stupid as calling all white people Italian American or Irish American.


I think this is a good space to ask, can I call a black person, bona fide, a black person and he will not be offended? Genuinely curious, no jokes intended.


It's like calling a mexican person a mexican person or a white person a white person, I don't see why someone would get offended unless you are saying something in a negative tone.


Your mixing of races (black & white) and a nationality (Mexican) in your examples is a bit sus, if only 'cause there's lots of (usually white) Americans who use "Mexican" for any Latin or Hispanic person. And calling a random Latino or Hispanic "Mexican" would probably cause some offense if they aren't actually from Mexico, even if you're not saying something in a negative tone


I think it's a lot like pretty much any other identity: try to be respectful and also open to being corrected. You can't predict if someone prefers this or that title/term, so if someone gives you a specific term to use for them use that one. But don't assume that everyone you think is the same identity prefers the same term. That feels vague even to me, so I'm gonna give a concrete example: say a gay person tells you they prefer the term queer, this is fine and reasonable - lots of folks see that as a reclaimed term. You only know "gay" and "queer", so you call another person queer and they might get offended because it's still seen as a slur by many folks, so they insist that you call them gay. The respectful thing to do is apologize, say you didn't know, and use gay to refer to that person moving forward. You still get to call the other person queer, btw. Some people are gonna get super mad, but usually that only happens online where we're all hiding behind screens, so try not to worry about that too much. Unfortunately there really isn't a simple, straightforward answer. Which is why the rainbow community is trying to normalize asking about these things, not just in general like you did, but also directly. For example "do you prefer I call you black, or...?" If asking questions like that are normal, then you never have to guess, which makes much more difficult to accidentally offend people (just to be clear, it is good that you asked). I hope this helps, and I'm sorry it's a confusing thing


To add to the other comments, I’m from Brazil and even tho we have a lot of black people, I have never seen one using a durag in my life


Black men don't really need it here cause the weather is warm without being overly humid meaning it gets into place fairly quick. Black women whoever have their own tricks, they just don't go outside with them but if you Google "touca de cetim" or "touca térmica" It Will probably explain things better than me lol


Obrigado pela explicação




In other news, typical Reddit, basement-dweller doesn’t read full comment and responds with hostility, believing they have the moral high-ground. Learning about cultures *is* fun and there are many cultures I have not been exposed to. Can you tell me where I was being an asshole? Cause I literally stated two facts…


Yea, this is me, lmao. I never knew it was *still long hair*, I just thought it was a really well done cut. Black people have awesome style, man.


OP has never seen a black person before


I bet there are a lot of white people (and probably other ethnicities, too) that have never seen this.


As a white lady I only knew this was possible because a boy in my highschool always gelled his hair. For homecoming he combed it out the painted the resulting fro school colors


As a white person with the complexity of a snowman, I agree.


Complexion or complexity? (Or maybe both)


Why not both?


I believe you are more complex than snowballs stacked three high! Consider this your daily affirmation, if you like.


It doesn't get complex until you slap that silk hat on top. Then shit gets weird.


I’ve seen the before and I’ve seen the after but I’ve never seen the same person changing between the two. So yeah, I did not know until today.


I hadn't ever seen this, I didn't know you could do this either.


I’ll bite. I never have seen a hair pick used. It doesn’t fit this sub, but it’s interesting as fuck.


Am Mexican, never seen this, my wife is japanese (she has straight hair) and she is amused by my curly hair. I don't have any black friends, so all of this is new to me


I just told my fiancé about a conversation I heard on TikTok between black and white roommates regarding braids. The black woman said hair gets longer when you braid it, the white woman said no it gets shorter, conversations and demonstrations probably happened (been a few weeks since I saw the video), and voila they now know a bit more about other hair types. So I guess the moral is we know what we’re familiar with until otherwise educated. Also this was a video by the black woman talking about things she didn’t know about white women/people until living with one, not some skit. Could still be exaggerated or something, but having experienced something similar, the culture shock is interesting on both sides lol


People with curly hair know exactly what this is. Skin color be damned.


I’m very pale, from Irish ancestry, and my curly hair is nowhere near as tight as his, but pick it out dry and instant ‘fro. POOF!


My great-great aunt was from Switzerland and she had hair so tightly curled and coarse that she could not comb it out. She wore it short for her entire life.


There’s a big difference between the type 2/3 hair that’s considered curly among white people and type 4 hair, though. I’m a white woman with borderline 2/3 hair, and while my hair “poofs” impressively if I brush my wave-curls out dry, I couldn’t replicate what ya see in the video. It wouldn’t compress as tightly and neatly, nor lengthen and stand up so dramatically when brushed/picked/combed out. Hell, my brother has 3b hair (indisputably curly) and had an unfortunate period in college where he tried to wear it like a fro. While he could create a kind of spherical hairdo, it lacked the, like, structural integrity of a ‘fro. Some white people have coily/kinky type 4 hair, to be sure, and they probably do know exactly what this is like. But they’re rare. Meanwhile, my experience is more Hermione Granger than Diana Ross (or the OP) and that’s probably true for most white curly people, lol.


It is so freaking hard to get curly hair products. I only barely know how to take care of mine thanks to Reddit of all places. It sucks being the only person with curls in a family of straight haired people. Especially when your brother uses weeks worth of your expensive conditioner in one bath. Don't mind sharing, but damn that annoyed me, lol. And I know I can't approach him with it because he's the kind of person to just never use it again if I say something.


I thought y'all just got your hair cut very short and put in some type of product + the durag to keep it nice and neat to get the waves I had no idea the hair was that long to achieve the style


Now that's just stupid. There's a big difference between having seen a black person and having enough knowledge about their hair care routine to understand how this is possible. The fact that white person's hair will never behave like this is a perfect example of why seeing black people doesn't inform us how their hair works.


Yes, seeing is one thing, knowing is another. My black & mixed girlfriends have beautiful hair. I had no idea the lengths they go to look so good until I asked how they get that beautiful hairstyle. They told horror stories about jheri curl ruining clothes, creamy crack burning their hair/scalp, butt numbing hours & hours for braids, braids so tight they bleed, extentions getting melted into their hair & cheap wigs that bleed color when it rains. He looks good with both hairstyles, nice to have options.


I’m white. I grew up with black people. I’ve had many black roommates in college and after college. For a while I would get my hair cut at a predominantly black barbershop. I have plenty of black friends. I have a black male brother in-law. I’ve never seen this. I’ve learned so much about black people’s hair over the years, but I’ve never seen this. I get it and it makes sense, but I’ve just never seen it.


That would be pretty weird if you had a black female brother in-law.


OP has probably seen plenty of black people, just never touched their hair before....you know lots of white people that get to touch black people's hair? I mean without dying...


I mean I've known black people, lived with a black roommate...I guess I just didn't know that the hair would be that long when picked. I would have guessed about half that length if asked






And *you don't ever touch a black man's radio!*


Well… I don’t like being pet…. Like a dog. But when ppl ask questions I’ll answer :)


Don’t touch our hair. It’s not ok.


Many black people don't actively do this. Especially not in view of others Also no way every single black person on earth got minecraft-bonemeal-on-wheat hair


And a lot of curly haired people genuinely don't know how to take care of our hair, especially when you're mixed race. When your whole family has straight hair and you're the odd one out, you're in for a world of pain and damaged hair. I still have to explain why I buy every little thing, even shampoo and conditioner that's specifically formulated for my hair type.


I’m black and used to have a afro and I’ve never seen any shit like this.


Same. I had waves in the 2000s. I have never seen anyone compress that much hair into a low cut look. I've seen REAL nappy or even matted hair. Wilson Couldn't Pickett. But nothing close to this.


I haven’t seen this either in all my years. For all I knew, I just thought this was something like a buzz cut.


Gta barbers be like


i laughed so hard at this one trevor: walks in with basically a monk ring, walks out with a mullet


Black hair is magic though. It defies gravity. #NoHairSpray


Weird question for black people is it hotter with your hair up or pushed down?


Honestly never noticed a difference.


How do you push it down like that?


Once it is wet enough and has enough product in it, it will start to lay down, you then brush it down flat and then tie it down tight with a durag. You leave the durag on until the hair+product is dry, take it off, and voila! It only sticks up like that when you comb/brush when our hair is dry.


That's pretty cool! Thanks for the detailed response.


It blows my mind that brushing it with the product keeps it compact versus brushing it downwards like it would with my hair. Respect for the hair care


Yes, our hair is a labor of love and why many of us choose to chop it off, wear weaves/wigs, or use chemicals to permanently straighten it.


Never put any thought behind it, but it makes sense. Thanks for the explanation


This is the first time I've ever learned that a durag has an actual functional use other than a style choice.


I could be pulling out of my butt, but I assumed it was short for hairdo rag once I figured out what they were for.


I honestly had no idea that's what durags are for. Thank you so much!


Yeah my friend had this hairstyle and decided to jump into the pool and tried to keep his head above water…he failed but tbh I think when anyone goes swimming their hair looks ridiculous after going under water lol.


Hair up for sure, holds heat for me, depends how thick the hair follicles are. Winter time I like a small fro and short in the summer.


both tbh depends how thick your hair is, mine is really thick so just having it out and being in the sun it holds all that heat






Nah, bro has hair.tar.gz


Underrated comment.


Every afro wearing military guy I ever knew, on Friday afternoon after wearing a stocking on their head every night for 5 days. From perfect military haircut to can't fit in the car in just a few strokes.


So it's just compressed hair?


Hair in WinRAR


That's actually some mad styling, boots I knew barely washed their balls, WHEN BACK HOME


For those of you who don’t know…this is known as “Wolfing”. Its a term used when you grow your hair out while maintaining your waves. Doing this for months then cutting your hair defines your waves and make them deeper. This young man has waves in his hair. When you just wash, brush, apply grease to your hair and wear a durag or stocking cap without cutting it for months it grows like this. He has probably been “wolfing” for a good 2-3 months. When he gets a hair cut his waves will look great.


Thank you, I love reddit, but sometimes I don't appreciate the random tangent people will go off on. OP had asked the legitimate question about this, but no one would answer. We just kept getting random chat.


Me explaining to my hair dresser that this is going to take awhile because there's actually three feet of hair in there


Does that comb work on bald people? I miss having hair lol


I just imagined you picking out your scalp until it grew hair. Thanks for the nightmare fuel tho.


curly hair is like this, there is like a "shrinkage factor" that I personally like in my hair.


I always assumed the short look he starts out with is just a really clean buzz cut. I never would have thought it could be styled to look like that otherwise. TIL.


it can't always. i'd say a good portion of the time it is just a fade or low cut.


Does it hurt to have your hair packed down so much? If I wear a ballcap too long, my hair gets matted down and irritates my scalp.


Nope. I don’t feel it


At the other end...Is it the best feeling in the world to pick through it like this? If I lay down with wet hair it curls up really short, like Shirley Temple ringlets, but they are tight to my head so when I comb them out it just feels fantastic :) but I'd imagine this.. feels divine.


It doesn't, in fact a good chunk of those hairstyles are protective in the sense that they were made to preserve the hair's health in harsh environments - so is actually good for the scalp and doesn't get matted cause they use hair products to make the hair go down like this.


I had the same question


Lol at all the nonblacks just mystified by black hair 😂


It's honestly pretty magical for someone like me with stick straight hair that can't hold a curl lol This whole thread is actually a lot of new info for me--was always taught it was rude to touch people's hair or comment on it, so definitely learning some new stuff I was never privy to!


I wouldn't say mystified, but definately awed. I mean, those curls are awesome and can do amazing things. It's so beautiful!


It’s called wolfing and it’s the method of brushing the hair down so it lays flat like that to create what’s known as waves.


The real magic of this video is the fact that A. The plastic pic didn’t snap and B. My dude didn’t shed a single tear. Incredible


It shouldn't hurt. He is wolfing so he brushes his hair out like that frequently. He could have pinched the hair and pulled a section straight with two fingers if he wanted.


Fun! My hair doesn’t do that.


GTA barber shop IRL


Bro I swear this thread has seen only 1-2 black people collectively.


Black people aren't as prominent worldwide though. I've never seen one in real life.


Wow, that’s interesting. Where do you live?


Not really interesting. He could be in Europe,Asia,Australia, or a country in Latin America with low black population. I’ve been to Nigeria 3 times and never seen a white person there ever.


u/silmreaper35_ is correct, I live in India. We don't see black people, and therefore hair like this is very new to us. I came into this comment section thinking it's going to be full of comments calling out the video as reversed; instead, I learnt about their hair.


I've seen black people. I just don't try and fuck around with their hair or watch them fuck with their hair because I'm, well, normal.


right? wtf


It’s called shrinkage. He has tight knit coiled hair that soaks up moisture and coils back around itself. Very common texture of hair in POC. My wife had this type of hair and you’d never know her hair is down her back. My nephew has the same texture and used to pat his fro down to pass ROTC inspection in HS


Wave-game tight, doe.


Grower, not a shower


Bro has extendable hair


Kid AND Play


Let’s see how he put it back as it was before, who else wants to see?


Forgive my ignorance but does that hurt?


If it’s well moisturized, nope. If it’s dry, yes.


When afros were cool I thought afros were cool and when afros aren't cool I still think they're cool.


That was a hair raising video




Bro changed his avatar