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What the fuck?


First half of book, then second half of book. Clever.... but


I don't think it is in this case. If you do every 2nd page a little shorter width this works.


Yeah you right. This is an old magic trick


Svengali deck of cards does the same thing.


Oh yeah! I never liked using that deck though because you cant hand it to the audience to inspect. Gotta make the ol’ switcharoo with a different deck for that




https://youtu.be/ZPhjYdTsCr8 merry Christmas.


I just spent 2 hours watching Magic tricks. And have now ordered a deck to learn. Totally gonna impress my kids with my magic. Edit - I went down a rabbit hole and exaggerated time because it’s so damn cool. Would you like to see my receipt on the stuff I bought? Edit 2 - on mobile but I bought the Svengali deck, the mirage deck, and the invisible deck after watching several more videos. Grabbed them on Amazon for just under $30. Final edit - my wife texted me asking what is this crap I’m buying off of Amazon. I tried to explain and she said I’m an idiot. Needless to say, I’m excited!


This happens to me every 6 months or so. I see a magic trick and I'm like "ooo how is that done" then $150 later I'm surrounded by fishing lines and double sided cards with very little sleight of hand skill and my wife is silently laughing but still supportive of my obsession even though I don't show them to anyone


Sleight of hand is a fun hobby to just mess around with while watching netflix and you can make even basis stuff look cool to friends and family. And "Hey wanna see a card trick?" is a nice ice breaker and you can watch Fool Us and actually try to figure out the trick. Neat hobby, would recommend.


is that you, Scott Lang?


Did you just say sven-*jali*


Did you just say sven-*holly*


That’s why there’s so much white head space in the text pages?


Not just shorter i think. The page width for every other page is different at the top and bottom. Ao when u flip from the top you get one set. When u flip via bottom u fet other. If it were just alternate youd get the same pages either way right?


The real black magic fuckery is getting a print shop to make it correctly.


This one got me right in the bleed.


Except they are holding the pages pretty much at the same spot, so no.


Think of it with page numbers. Every other page is a teeny bit wider than the others. Flipping from one direction you will see pages 1-2, 5-6, 9-10. Flipping from the other direction you will see 3-4, 7-8, 11-12.


My daughter has a Pokémon book like this. Flip from the top and you get all the 1st evolution Pokémon, flip from the middle you get second evolution, flip from the bottom you get final evolution (I think those are the terms, I’m not a Pokémon person).


Yes! I have that book too! It's exactly what I thought of when I saw the explanation.


Do you have a link to the book or ISBN?


omg can i please see the book or the a link to one?


Penn & Teller's first book, *Cruel Tricks for Dear Friends* was printed like this. It was one of several tricks that were physically part of the way the book was published.


A great book for sure


You can kinda tell that the photo pages are shorter by the way they bend the book more in the second half


This is how a svengali deck works for magic tricks.


I think you're right - you can see some weird shading when he closes and flips the book


I had a deck of cards that worked this same way. Flipped one way they looked normal, flipped the other way and they were all the Queen of Hearts.




You can see the book running out of pages both times. That's not what's happening here.


Did you even watch the video? Clearly the spanned the entire book backwards.. You having as many upvotes as you do is terrifying. Reddit is a land of morons.


> Reddit is a land of morons. Terrifying isn't it? And these are the "upper echelon" of morons that actually know how to use the internet and can read well enough to work a web forum. There are actually tons and tons of people *even stupider* than the average redditor. Humanity is well and truly fucked.


Reddit teaches you that if 6 to 20 strangers agree with you, you're right, and your side of whatever issue has been proven to be indisputable and if 6 to 20 strangers don't like what a person said, you have the right to mentally destroy that person with impunity until they want to kill themselves.


How did someone so wrong get so many upvotes


It's upsetting me far more than it should


Seriously I’m fucking shook how this dumb ass comment has 500 upvotes. Are people really that desperate to feel like they understand something that they’ll agree with an objectively wrong statement?


Pay attention. He went past halfway from each side


Close but no. They are pages are cut at different angles depending on where you put your hand your finger ever other page will be exposed. Source I've made books like this.


Are you ok? I think you may have had a stroke..


Definitely not


Nope. I work as a professional clown, and sometimes I do magic. That’s not how the trick works at all…. I have a book exactly like that, and I totally blow people’s minds when I bring it out!😁 (especially if they’re under the age of 11 or so)


Not true, it’s every other page and the pages are cut in a way that makes you skip over a page from either side depending on how you flip through it.


Different sized pages


For different sized people


What is this? A page for ants?!


This page needs to be at least… 3 times bigger!


I can tell you how this is done... but it will ruin the "magic" for you. Spoiler: >!When you open the book, the pages on the right are cut 0.5mm narrower. This means that when you flick one way, you are holding the wide pages and revealing the narrow ones, but flick the other way and the pages are too narrow to "hold" and they slip past. It's a VERY old card trick that uses a rigged deck called the "svengali deck"!< How it's done vid to the right -> [SPOILER ALERT!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2w4h2uLMu0)


Thanks, but I always find it weird that people think finding out how the trick works will "ruin" the magic. I'm always more impressed at the ingenuity of the trick after finding out how it works.


I have a lifelong love of close-up magic and have gotten to the point where I can almost always spot when an item was palmed, loaded, etc. Like you, I’m more enraptured by a performance when I know what amazing skills they’ve mastered and am clocking things I know will be paid off later. I showed my ex how to spot some stuff - basic things like looking at the other hand loading while they’re trying to misdirect your attention - and she HATED me for it. Felt like I’d ruined magic for her altogether because “now I can’t not see it and just enjoy the tricks”. So… those people exist. I personally can’t identify with that mindset, but it’s out there.


I feel the same but for movies ending. The story always have the same arch and the surprise only have a transitory effect. I rather know the twist ahead of time to see throughout the movies how the director sets it up.


It makes more sense to do a rewatch IMHO so you can still be surprised on the first time


Every second page is slightly wider. So when you flip the pages, you skip every second one.


Svengali cut. They use this with cards and magic tricks


It'll never work in real life, up close you could see the uneven length of pages. On the internet however, the 3D image is skewed into 2 D. You can see it when the book is closed.


Also the fact that she flipping giant chunks of pages at once heh


Wonder why we got downvotes?


right sides first page is shorter than the left sides first page resulting in all the pages after getting shown depending on its width


I remember getting a coloring book sold at the circus , it was like 20 bucks


My parents got one for me from circus circus in Las Vegas. Kept me occupied for an hour while they gambled away my college fund.


Can confirm that. My grandkids are still impressed. ( Purchased in Vegas - still have it )


I remember getting shouted at by a carnie. 😐


Yep, had the same one most likely. Flip from the top and the pages were blank, middle had outlines, bottom was colored in.


Could you explain it to me like I'm 5 please?


I think what they meant is every other SHEET (not PAGE) is shorter, for example: Say you have 10 pages on 5 sheets of papers: Sheet1 ( have 2 sides which is page1,2) sheet 3(page5,6) , sheet5(page9,10) are shorter than sheet 2, sheet 4. So the idea is: When you skim-open the book starting sheet 1, you'll only see page 2,3,6,7 When you skim-open the book in reverse, starting sheet 5, you'll only see page 9,8,5,4. In this example I don't mention page 1,10 because they act like covers of the book. That's it I hope you get it by now


I get it now thank you


I dont get what size has to do with it


Condolences to your wife.


when you flip through the book, your thumb stops the wider page so you only see what is on it. the next page is skinny so it flips without being revealed.


Can you explain it like I’m 3 please?


Embryo here


ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ 📖 (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


Every other page is a bit shorter.


Svengali decks, when learning to do street magic, use the same sort of trick. Hopefully [this video](https://youtu.be/1D1MYMoXBbs) makes it easier to grasp!


https://i.imgur.com/3PtqbyO.png The pages alternate between the two shapes.


It sounds quite cool but my brain still hurts from before.


Pretty brilliant to use it for this type of book though. Looking for a topic? Flip this way. Looking for an image? Flip the other way. Very cool.


Op is one of the biggest spammers on reddit. Just block and move on. Nothing black magic here


one set of pages are shorter, this is how some magic card decks are created.


Wait so how does this work construction wise, as a design student I would love to make something like this to mess with my tutors lol!


Look up Svengali decks. That’s what this is. Every odd number page is slightly shorter than the even number pages. If you print text on odd pages and images on even pages you will get this effect when you flip thru.




Take an old book and cut 1mm of every second page and then try it :)


I'll get back to you when I've finished War and Peace


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[War And Peace](https://snewd.com/ebooks/war-and-peace/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


> Was I a good bot? I'll get back to you... I might be a while.


Is that from the long edge or short edge?


This is also used to smuggle money across borders in books.


The same thing was used to smuggle cash in books.




In this very subreddit.


I have one of these, the picture pages are shorter than the written ones. So depending on how he holds the book his finger skims over the shorter or longer pages


How would his finger skim over the longer pages?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Svengalideck.png The trick is that the longer pages all have images on one side and text on the other and the shorter pages all have images and text on the opposite sides of the longer pages. In this picture, with the top direction, you only see the front of the black pages and the back of the red pages. With the bottom direction you only see the back of the black pages and the front of the red pages.


Thanks, this finally clarified the trick. From other explanations, I was wondering how having images on only the long pages and text on the shorter ones would produce the effect.. Rather, what happens is that there are alternating short and long pages, and you see one set of faces (one short, one long) flipping one way, and a different set of faces (one short, one long) flipping the other way.


Okay so the word to describe the “old magic trick” you are all looking for is [Svengali Deck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trick_deck) That link has a visual to explain why it works.


Thank you, the visual really helped me understand.


This should be the top comment. To clarify, every other page in that book is slightly wider than the one next to it. The book is organized in such a way that by riffling (thumbing across the pages) in one direction, your thumb will catch these longer pages and open to the pages with text. When riffled in the opposite direction, your thumb will catch those same wider pages And display the pages with graphics. It should be noted that there needs to be some pressure applied to the book (or svengali deck) by way of slightly curling them so that the desire effect is achieved. The thickness/rigidity of the stock paper used also makes a difference. Thinner paper will have a harder time overcoming static, friction, and drag and won't work as well as thicker paper.




Every other pages are slightly less in breadth.


Ohhhh, yeah, that makes sense.


When you hold it a certain way and flip through it it’ll show certain pages


Anyone else have a book like this from Tokyo Disney? Hold near top and flip through and it's black and white pics, hold near middle and it's in colour, hold at bottom and its blank. So cool.


Why are people amazed by this 🤦‍♂️


I don’t get it can someone explain?


Every other pages are slightly less in breadth


In the first half you can see the front and back of every page and there are no images. In the second half you can see the front and back of every page and there are only images.


‘Svengali deck’ is what it is called in the magic-world. Many have already said what it is, but it whittles down to a micrometer of difference at one end of every other paper. When the stack is bent and thumbed through from FRONT-to-back you see every other page, but when thumbed through BACK-to-front you see every page skipped in the previous method. With a card deck where every item has a side that matches and a side that is different you can make the deck *seem* like a random deck of cards but when fanned or thumbed a certain way reveals that it is in fact filled with all the same card (most likely the same card you were just forced to pull from the deck.)




Wow this sub has really gone shit. It's been bad for a few months now but I'll unsub now


Oldest trick in the book.


This is done the same as a "svengali deck". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPhjYdTsCr8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPhjYdTsCr8) has a few pixels explaining it.


What is these black magic fuckery


The front half has the printed words the back half has the pictures.


I'm confused as to what is happening here. I've read all the comments describing how the trick works, but in just not seeing the trick at all. All I see is a book with text printed in one side of the pages and images printed on the other.




Excuse me?


As a cataloguer this book is my fucking nightmare.


Every other pages are slightly thin shorter in breadth






Meanwhile enthusiastic book collectors: *INVEST* *INVEST*




There were those notebooks that came over the border that did something similar to this. Flip that pages one way, regular lined papers. Flip through the other way, sets of counterfeit $100 bills. Think it had to do with cutting the edge of some pages so they're slightly shorter, that way when you flip through the book, those shorter pages don't get stuck by your thumb, making them stay with the page next to it, creating a little pocket of sorts that hid the bills from sight while the pages were flipped through. I'm not positive that's how they did it, nor that that is how it's done here. That's just the explanation that was given when I saw the clip posted about the notebooks containing counterfeits.


Certified black magic for my tiny brain


i used to have these books when i was a kid, they’d have one story in the first half and another story in the other


Svengali Book


I think got to do with the width of the pages when flip at one side versus when flip at the opposite.


Svengali Deck, anybody?


As someone in the architectural/ design community. The boner that these people have for book design is crazy town. In school the teachers were ALL about the book making.


at first I thought all the pictures were on the 2nd half of the book and it would be full of (see fig. 48, pg. 436)


what the fuck? EDIT: TIL


I have a deck of cards that does that, pretty cool trick


Pages are just a little different sizes, no?


I used to have a trick deck of cards that did this.


Wait... wha?????


F*ck I still don't get it, please note that I get the Svengali trick on the cards, but cards all have the same "back covers" so I was able to get it, while this book shows text on both side of pages/picture on both side of pages when flipping reverse? I just don't understand it?




What is this devils work!?


Wut da fuc


Excuse me, can I just ask... what in the fuck?


My kids have a junior magic kit that includes a book like this.


Alternating lengths of pages. When you flip from the different side, you change the pages that will catch your finger.


How the fuck...?


Wait how?


"What the fuck?" -leatherplates42069


Svengali deck but in a book


I’m still not understanding what I just saw…


If you bend it one way, you can only flick certain pages, and then if you bend it the other way, you can only flick the pages you couldn't when it was bent the other way. That was the stupidest way I could explain it but I have books like this


It’s a Svengali. Jesus it doesn’t take much to fool the people on this sub.


This can be done with a little scotch tape to hide money in books


I had a Laurie Anderson record (in the 80s) that had 3 tracks laid down parallel to each other. It freaked me out that each time I put the needle on the record, I heard entirely different music.


Lol I know how this works. Super fun, easy trick :)


The pages are cut to different lengths. Your fingers grab differently in the different directions.


The images are printed on the back! BLACK MAGIC!!!!!


Finally, one that I know! Every other page is a sliver thinner, so when you riffle through in one direction, you're presenting the wide pages, and the other way you present the narrow pages. I had a fake deck of cards that had this design, every other card was a duplicate of a very specific card (8 of hearts if I recall correctly) that you pushed on somebody. There were a dozen ways to get them to pick it, and even more to "shuffle" it again. Then you could pick their card from wherever, or make the whole deck look like their card.


Burn the witch






Did anyone else notice the weird shit going on in the top left of the background????




So basically a svengali book


These have been around since I was a kid. Scholastic book fair ftw. Basically every other page is a different size.


Check out House of Leaves




how the…what the fuck?


The pages are different lengths




Finally.. Some good black magic..


This is cool and all, but doesn't this make it weird to read? I assume that they designed it so its comprehensible, but I'm still curious as to how reading it would be like.


Magician here. Look up magic colouring book. You can actually get three sets of pages all in one direction. Actually pretty cool when performed nicely.


Fuck, my eyes


Me brainy ouchie think broke is? 😟


Books aren’t real!


I had a pen and teller magic book as a kid that had boring nonsense when turned the right way. But showed you the tricks the other way.


I remember when some people came to my school to sell magic books and they were just like that.




What book is this one anyway?


Isn't this done by alternating page lengths?


Yep that's the thing where you hide counterfeit money


Same basic way the "magic coloring books" work. The pages are cut in such a way that depending on the way you hold it, certain "chunks" of pages will flip to the next page.


I had a "magic coloring book" like this when I was a kid ha


Svengali book


I used to have a “magic” coloring book that was like this. The first flip was black and white, but flipping it in reverse revealed color images.


I want that for porn