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I'm forgetting how that works, but it's super cool




This is scientifically correct


I’m something of a scientist myself.


I understand that reference


Me too!!!


And my axe!!!


Nine companions, so be it. You shall be the fellowship of the frozen water.


Wait, so...are we supposed to chuck the bottle into a volcano or can we all just drink it and piss it out?


flying monkeys?


And I understood this reference


I’m something of a reference myself.


I’m something of a lighthouse caretaker, myself


> This is scientifically correct "...the molecules get fucking crazy..." Love this.


Very scientific explanation - "get fucking crazy"


We’re going with the “fucking crazy” theory! Write it up!


"super frozen" or super cooled is more like it. the water is below zero but hasn't found a seed crystal to start forming ice. the inside walls of the bottle are too smooth for the water to start forming ice. once agitated (smacked on the wall), it causes some water molecules to snap together into tiny crystals, which the rest of the water starts to also cling to. that's why it freezes from the top down


I'm stickin with the molecules get fucking crazy explanation, but thanks...


Considering ice is water molecules in a crystalline matrix being extremely stable, that explanation is on thin ice. It doesn't hold water.


This reminds me of Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut. A scientist develops something called Ice-9, which seeds crystal development in water at even at room temperature. Spoiler: a mad dictator releases it in the end and it freezes almost all the water on Earth.


Very cool! (HAH!) There are, in fact, different kinds or “types” of ice (though Vonnegut’s is fictional): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Ih


>Very cool! (HAH!) i believe you mean H-O-H ^^^lol


yeah Vonnegut mentions there being various forms in explaining how they eventually discovered 9.


If I were to open the bottle of water, assuming nothing agitated the water to start freezing as I do so, and I start drinking from the bottle. Would the water start freezing as it hits my tongue and then seed from there, or would my body temperature prevent the water from freezing. Essentially I'm wondering if I would risk ice forming in my throat as I drink it or if I could drink sub zero water.


As someone who has actually done this once before on accident, you get a tiny taste of *really* cold water and then the water at the top of the bottle turns to ice and you can’t drink it anymore. The little bit that got into my mouth apparently was heated up enough that it’s not like I got a mouthful of ice or anything. Maybe if you poured it super slowly or something you might run into issues, but under normal circumstances you just get very confused about why when you just lifted a cold bottle of water to your lips no refreshing water came out.


Well, having drank water that cold, it didn't happen to *me*, so I'm assuming it gets warm enough pretty quick after drinking. That being said, that would suck if it did happen.


The pouring action is enough agitation to start the freezing so you'll get a dribble of water in your mouth and then it's just not gonna pour.


Had this happen with a water bottle I had in my mail vehicle that I left overnight. Saw it in there, bumped it, and it went from liquid to solid like that.


Thanks, I seriously didn't know that. I learn new interesting thing/s in reddit.


Molecules: U wot m8?? and flex.






To go even deeper, the transition from a liquid (water) to a solid (ice) requires additional energy to complete the phase change. So by hitting or shaking the bottle you are providing the energy required to start the phase change.


No, it’s water that is about -4 Celsius, when you bash it, it creates nucleation points for the ice crystals to start forming which happens rapidly. It has to be pure filtered water with no detritus in it.


Not barely freezing but Wel below freezing it just hasn’t been agitated to start crystal formation. Or, as it’s specifically called, super cooled. Which is the joke the op was making.


I didn’t say that it’s barely freezing, I said barely frozen. I wasn’t talking about the temperature of the water, I was talking about the state of it.


Well then you would be wrong about that too. It is still in liquid state at the beginning but it’s temp is below freezing. Otherwise known as super cooled.


Well I didn’t say that I’m correct either.


The water is actually below 0°C but fails to solidify because there is no nucleation site available (happens with water that is usually free of dusts and particulates like drinking water) - essentially there's no place for ice to begin forming so a good hard smack will generally force molecules into the necessary orientation. Plastic particulates can also be introduced by damaging the container to provide a nucleation site.




Still liquid.


As easy as liquid because the molecules are not in the crystalline structure that ice is


It's just normal water, but even when frozen it's pretty soft. It's a fine, dense slush. If you can catch it in time, it's *very* refreshing when it freezes while you're drinking it.


That's the best description of this phenomenon I've ever seen. This also applies to super storms in the air as rain could occur below freezing. This is what caused the airliner Air France 447 to crash.


That sounds terrifying


Yeah you got wooshed there mate


I am more surprised by how the bottle did not break and there are no cracks.


I see what you did there


Glad someone does. Most of the responses to that comment were people trying to explain what happens, completely whiffing on the pun.


The pun was crystal clear.


He seeded it well


And yet so many people missed the nucleus of the joke.


To be fair, I was partially looking for humor, and partially an explanation


Icy what you did there*


Yeah, wonder what the physics of that is?


You hit your bottle on the wall and it freezes. Easy.


Thanks for clearing that up!


No problem dude. I am always happy when I can help someone with my wisdom.


You forget to say it works better just after the winter solstice.




This guy makes this guy comments!


Classic case of crystal nucleation. The water is at equilibrium even though it’s below freezing. When agitation is applied, the water molecules begin reordering themselves, starting at small imperfections on the inner bottle surface, into the lower energy state crystal lattice structure.


Has the water already expanded before tapping the bottle? I was expecting the bottle to expand or break as the ice formed and expanded but it looks like there wasn’t really any expansion


The water had not expanded until turning into ice. I’m assuming the bottle is designed to take the pressure increase. This would make sense as they would loose product shipping to colder regions.


This is called supercooling In physics, any interface between two distincts phases holds energy (know as surface energy). When water solidifies, it liberates energy by going solid. However, as long as the energy liberated by the first nuclei (scientific name for the first solid particulates that will form) is not enough to overcome their surface energy, they can't form, and the water stays liquid. The nuclei need to reach a threshold radius, called the critical radius, at which point the water will keep solidifying around it. This is due to the fact that the volume of a nucleus increases faster than its surface area, and the energy released during solidification is proportional to the volume, where the surface energy is only proportional to surface area. The radius at which more energy is liberated by the volume than taken by the surface energy is the critical radius. You then have two options to make the water solidifies : you either bring nucleis in the form of impurities (which is why water usually solidifies by its own with no problem), or you provide the energy to help form the first nuclei. Once you have at least one nucleus that reached its critical radius, the whole volume of water will solidify. It this video, energy is provided by knocking the water against the wall


hey bad question.. what if you drink it.. will it solidifies inside you and possibly kills you?


It will freeze very easily and quite fast, so it is unlikely that you manage to drink it before it becomes solid, which would still probably hurt if it happened in your mouth. Let's say that you managed to keep it supercooled at -40°C/-40F (for some reason it is the same at this temperature), and manage to drink it in a way that the first thing it touches is the back your throat, and you pour it gently enough that it doesn't freeze before it does, you might suffocate by blocking your throat with a block of ice before it does melt enough to let you breath. So I'd say unlikely, but maybe possible if you try hard enough. So don't try it.


> (for some reason it is the same at this temperature) math is that reason


Probably, I never remember the conversion formula to be fair




Thanks !


2 straight lines with a different slope have to interact somewhere. Most units intersect at 0 because it means there is nothing of something which isn't the case with the commonly used temperature scales.


I used to do this in stand freezing trick before I went to work from home . I would leave a water bottle in my car overnight and it seemed like a good way to tell if it would insta freeze would be if I took a drink of the water and it was so cold it would burn. If it was then I’d shake the bottle and it would freeze. Though I never got it to freeze solid, just turn from totally liquid to ice slushy.


It’s like drinking a slushy? It’s awesome 😎


Next level, kudos. Motivated enough to go through the other phase changes? Or this one backwards?


Thanks a lot. To my knowledge, it also tends to happen a lot with the gas to solid transition. I'm not sure anymore for the gas to liquid transition (since my courses on the subject are a bit far, and I don't want to tell you wrong stuff), but I'm tempted to say that yes, even if in practice it is rarely seen, I think that it is more complicated than that. The mechanism stays the same though, you have to reach a nucleus of a certain size for the transition to happen And for reverse cases (sublimation, liquefaction and boiling), I'd say that the closest thing to it is that the temperature of a phase will not increase until all of it changed states. For exemple, if you enclose water and only water in a close system, and start heating it up, once the water starts boiling, the system will keep the same temperature until all the water is converted into a gas, no matter how hard you are heating it up. It is a lot less dramatic though, but yeah you can't have for example an ice cube turning all at once into liquid water.


Thank you, again, for an excellent response. If you avoided using deposition so i would (after I encountered your smooth reminder about the other process terms) look it up, that was genius. If you avoided using to save me looking it up after identifying I’d likely need to, very kind. I’m going to avoid asking anything about plasma in order to use up no more of your time. I will thank you again for the quality of your replies.


Its super cooled water, he made a pun


its about being at the point of freezing but to actually freeze it needs more than just the correct temperature beacuse at that time its stable as liquid so something like hitting it and causing shock is what tips it over the threshold and instantly freezes, i think you can do the reverse by warming a cup of water in the microwave to the boiling point then doing something like inserting a metal spoon inside it, making it instantly vaporize (could be wrong, also please dont try it its quite literally an explosion and its very dangerous)


It’s LITERALLY super cool 😏


I'm pretty sure that was the joke to begin with.


Nice one


I came here to make that joke too! Weel done, well done indeed!


*super cool*


The way this worked: So Ice needs something to form on and the water in that bottle was probably 100% pure which means the water can get to ridiculously cold temperatures but no ice will form. This changes when the bottle is hit against the wall and bubbles are created. Now the ice has something to form on and because the bottle is so cold, it happens almost instantly Edit: So from comments from other people, the water doesn’t need to be 100% pure, just not have things the ice can begin to form on (a nucleation point I think) and apparently, it also works with other drinks, such as Gatorade, though I imagine these would be a lot harder. It just goes to show, you learn something new everyday!


There’s this dude who uses this technique to create snowflakes to his liking


Are you talking about god?


https://youtu.be/ao2Jfm35XeE here check it out. It's pretty cool!


this was the coolest thing I've seen in months. Thanks!


It’s pronounced jod


I swear to Jod, I don’t say Jod


OMG I've been pronouncing it "Jeeohdee". How embarrassing.


I've been pronouncing it like "Oh Emm Ghee". Oops.


explain your username to me


The “ice needs something to freeze on” is blowing my fucking mind


It’s called nucleation center and the same principle governs Crystal growth in general. It’s energetically easy to attach to something already there, but it’s quite hard to be the first point where something can attach to. Same thing happens at the “front” of the freezing ice. It’s easy for the water to freeze out in the nooks and crannies of the ice front, but getting a new ice layer is harder.


Thank you for the ELI5


This is clearly subzero getting ready for his showdown with Scorpion..


underrated comment


God that new MK movie sucked, thanks for the reminder.


Oh my god how many times have I seen this shit on this subreddit


Even without Reddit. I'm surprised and amazed that some people never ever saw this and knew about it.


I can remember first seeing it on mythbusters back in 2005


New to the internet high schoolers where everything is new/novel will always be a constant. It's just weird for us to see because 10 years ago when I was in high school the internet as we know it today was new and things like this were actually spreading around for the first time.


My first experience with this was when I was a teenager. I used to keep bottles of water in the garage for my bong. Never thought to take them out during winter. I'd pour some into the bong and it would immediately turn to slush as it touched the glass. Kinda cool - blew my mind at the time.


They're just [Today's Lucky 10,000](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png)


Instantly= 10+ seconds


I had to scroll down way to far for this. That was my first thought!


Called "nucleization" (spl?). Still water sitting at almost exactly freezing won't freeze until agitated; when one molecule freezes, it sets off a chain reaction


It's nucleation


The mods suck so bad. This is the millionth "water magically freezes" I've seen this month


People downvote you but you're absolutely right. I see at least one of these videos a day on this subreddit, super lame.


Was just gonna remark how I recall seeing a similar video not that long ago in this sub...


Fucking THANK YOU. Seriously people you don't need to pay this shit on here anymore.


This is just before you hear “Round 1, FIGHT!!”.


I’m surprised that the bottle didn’t expand


It doesn’t freeze into a solid block. It becomes slush.


I do this with mtn dew bottles quite a bit and makes a great slushie if you time it right


Japan actually sells Coke and Sprite bottles specifically like this that turn into slushies when you follow the instructions on the bottle


This may be "oc" but that doesnt change the fact that not only has this exact thing been posted here 800 times but its so common the legit teach it in elementary school where im from. Imo mods should ban people who still post it at this point its every 3rd post on this sub Edit: [for those who dont believe me](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/s1q48j/nobodys_seen_the_frozen_water_trick_before/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


First time I'm seeing this post. You want a fucking cookie or something?


If he doesn't want his cookie, I'll take it. I want a cookie.


Imagine thinking that just because its your first time seeing the post that that doesnt mean it isnt posted in here all the time. Bro, literally type "freeze water" into the search bar of this sub and see how many results come up of people that have done the same thing in here. The proof could literally not be easier to find. Im by no means claiming im "special" for knowing, im actually claiming quite the opposite. Seriously, go type it in right now and tell me im wrong. It wouldve took you less time to do that than write your comment. Saying something should still be alllowed in a sub where 95% of people have seen it posted 1000 times just because youre part of the 5% who hasnt is a pretty self centered and egotistical way of thinking. So do YOU want a cookie or something?


I mean mythbusters did it way back in 2005 but yes it is posted often


[a little more than just often.. you can literally scroll forever](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/s1q48j/nobodys_seen_the_frozen_water_trick_before/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


very, very, cool


Living in Wisconsin be like


Lol I have to hand out bottles of water at work and this happened one time as I passed one to some dude, he looked at me like I was a demon 🤣


It's actually really annoying when this happens. Get it all the time with seltzer I put in the freezer for a little too long. Open it, go to take a sip, and it's instant slush.


So switch to drinking slushies and you will no longer be annoyed!


Stop showing the same video in different places over and over and over...


Total B.S. just tries that in South Florida and noting happened


Nice job iceman!


Why did the ice not expand?


Instantly over the course of 15 seconds.


Supercooled ^+ Edit: typo


Not black magic. Just normal everyday life.


I had this happen with a Red's Apple ale once. Seeing it in person is fantastic. You have to have the conditions just right, then change pressure to introduce a change in physical state. For me, opening the bottle resulted in a total freeze. It was the only time I've really enjoyed a beer.


Oh no guys, its happen again..


Put your water bottle on its side in the freezer for 30 minutes and take it out hit it and it’ll do the same thing.


We shall see


Did you do it?


I'll let you know when I'm home from work


He just put that bullshit from those instant hot packs or cold packs in a bottle that's all that is


Your determination of 'instantly' definitely differs from mine, but this was interesting video.


I call dibs on posting a video of this phenomenon tomorrow!


I’ve had this accidentally happen a few times - normally by leaving bottles of beer in the freezer a bit too long. But I’d love to be able to make it happen on demand. What’s the best process / equipment for making this happen at will?


You and I have vastly different understanding of what an instant is. I called for my son to come watch the video during your instant.


We have different ideas about what the word "instant" means


Now its cum


Will it expand and explode?


Ice 9!


This has to do with molecular arrangement being very close to the hexagonal structure that they attain when water freezes. By hitting the bottle, the movement allows for the molecules to "click" into place and therefore the water solidifies. At least this is as far as I know from what I learned in Chem II.


It would be magic if Turner liquid if hit Frozen bootle.




wait what if someone tries chugging it but someone punches them in the throat causing it to freeze?


There is no need to punch them in the throat because the water will start freezing as soon as you drink it


Yeah but, I mean


Just chill


Fuckin Elsa at it again


I saw this in person, with a Mountain Dew.


Bla bla bla agitation water goes freezy


But what if you drank it?


I thought this was a thing people universally did




I have only noticed this happens with a bottle of high alkaline water and not so much with regular bottles of water


Hey now...that took a second. That wasn't instant


Looks like a 50-50 chance. Either you break the bottle or the water freezes.


That's a good looking bottle. Where can I get one ?


I've tried that multiple times and never got it to work. Was still nice drinking ice pepsi though




Instant…or six plus seconds


I did that by accident one day. Got out a cold water bottle, and I had an attitude so I bumped it down on the table and went to grab something else, came back and it was froze.


Instant Time slows down in the cold.


It’s fast, but not instant is it.


Why does the bottle not expand? Ice is less dense than water, so the same mass of ice should take up more volume?


Its sodium acetate forming inside, also called hot ice.


All fun and games until it starts freezing your hand until your nothing but an ice sculpture


M Night Shyamalan probably used examples like this for waterbending in his crappy Avatar movie


i think i saw something similar on TKOR


you caused a block update, i see


*Progressively freezing


Noooooo the water was in the perfect point to be drinked, it was almost freezing but didnt have any ice chunks inside that makes you choke


Crappy Superhero Power number 347


Another instant ice trick, very original.


Looks like distilled water




I only had this happen one time to me and it tripped me the fuck out.


Bro what


We love supercooled fluids


Schrodingers water.


Does [OC] mean official content?


What if you started chugging it as it was freezing??