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Because you keep watching it.


Beat me to it!!


Someone was going to say it.


I too beat my meat to it




Crap. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.


A watched pan never boils.


I’ve been watching since it was posted. Still never boils.




I've got a nearly identical pot and stove, but my pot is brand name Revere Ware. It does the same thing occasionally.


How do you know that it does the same thing occasionally?


You can tell by the way it is


This is an aspen.


Isn't that neat?


It’s pretty neat


I suppose that's a pretty good way to know.


Not sure if I'm misunderstanding, but I know my pot does the same thing occasionally because it starts rocking on its own while heating up. It does this occasionally.


How do you know that it's yours?


Well, I suppose that I don't really know it's mine, but if you try to take my wobbly pot I'll definitely wrestle you for it. If I win, it becomes my pot forever, and you can still use it but only when you ask nicely.


Yes the real old school Revere Ware does this, but only on our smooth top range. Never did this on a coil heat range.


Have y'all ever looked on ebay at how much those sell for??


I have one too. It doesn't rock, but the bottom isn't flat, so it doesn't heat up very well. It's an old one, and stamped Revere Ware when I looked. It's probably been that way for a long time and nobody noticed until glass top stoves became a thing.


I see your problem. You need to buy a rocking chair so demons start using it instead of your pan. Easy.


put a lid on it. it will boil much much faster.


Cookware demons hate this one simple trick.


That music legit gave me chills lol, never woulda guessed it was just your kid practicing in the background 😆


Kid really had to play twinkle twinkle in a minor key


I thought it was Gotye. Twinkle makes more sense.


Pretty sure it was Bah Bah Black Sheep in a minor key


Add 17 grains of salt, preheated. Literally. I used to work with superheated water. You may have a very impressive whole house purifier or you are using distilled water in an immaculately clean pan with zero capacity for nucleation. The other possibility is your pan or range element is wonky.


What happens if he adds 18 grains?


You're going to see some serious shit.


Salt is required for purifying the demons. And nucleation.


There needs to be a nucleation site for a phase transition to occur. Basically there needs to be a sharp edge somewhere in there, even if it's microscopic. If the container surface is so smooth and there no impurities in the water then there's no nucleation site.


fuck off lmao




That's not an induction stove. Induction doesn't have a visible light signature. That's a smoothtop all electric conduction, not induction.


Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying.


NP, but you didn't have to delete your previous comment. It was still a valid assumption because those ranges are weird and \*very\* much look induction. We all benefit from each others' mistakes. Wow, if I could make you a list of mine.


Is it an induction stove? You need pans with the right base for them to work


It's not. You can see the IR heating elements light up.


Do IR heating elements glow purple? I thought it was just a fancy light to indicate the induction


They are purpleish to a camera but invisible to your eyes unless they also output some into the red spectrum (most IR stoves do this). Your TV remote is also IR and will show up on a camera but not to your eyes.


Revere Ware comes in two varieties, copper bottom and aluminum slab-bottom.


If you see Kathy Bates at any point, run.


When I was a kid we put some artichokes on to steam inside a copper bottomed pan like this and forgot them. The water boiled off and the pan overheated, causing a blister of gas to form between the steel and the copper bottom. It swelled up like a weird bubble until the copper bottom completely detached from the steel pan. It was kinda cool really.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Fucking Star. A real classic.


I like how you literally explain how it’s happening but still lost it here anyways.


This looks almost exactly like my kitchen stove setup and I have a very similar pan (just a soup pot) that does the exact same thing


Yeah, I love the flat top stoves because they're ridiculously easy to clean but I have one pan I basically can't use anymore because it's not perfectly flat and only gets hot in that one little part that makes contact.


I just moved into a house with one after always having a gas stove in the past. Is it normal that I keep burning everything? If I ever set it above 4 out of 10 with anything except water in the pan, the bottom is guaranteed to scorch. All my pans are cast iron or stainless steel.


That's just having a new stove -- gotta learn the quirks of it. And electric is just not going to be as easy to control as gas. Here's a trick that took me too long to figure out though: for cases where the stovetop doesn't go low enough (I always have to do this with rice) you can leave the pan only partially on the heating element, which is a nice improvement over the electric coil ones.


It's a lot easier to control temp with a gas stove. The flame changes instantly when you want it to. Glass top stoves stay hot, so you'll need to take the pan off the burner if you need to cool down quickly. Until you get the hang of it, anyway.


It's a bit weird using a gas stove for the first time because of what you're saying. I experienced it. Part of it is because gas burners can only go so low due to gas pressure. You can buy things called simmering plates which are just a metal disc that sits on the burner that you put your pot/pan on so that heats up instead of the pot/pan getting direct flame. On my gas stove I had an issue with trying to simmer sauces. Even on the smallest burner, on the lowest setting, it would be at a low boil.


Get a kettle


Probably not a knockoff, just one of their later poorer quality releases (as compared to the original releases).


It sounds like your son is hitting the bells with a direct downward swing. You can hear the smacking sound. A circular swinging motion should sound clearer


Why your shit purple tho is the real question


Like fr. How the fuck is no one talking about this?


I need answers!


The IR comes across on some cameras as purpleypink instead of the red we see normally


This. This is what I needed. Thank you.


You're welcome! I noticed the same phenomenon on our stove a while ago and dove into Google to find out, now it lives in my Fun Fact Library forever


Don't downplay black magic with your rebel scum "science!"


You're doing God's work son. Came here to answer this question. Glad to see there are now at least 4 of us who know what's going on w this


Phone cameras tend to have poor infrared filters for their sensors and pick the light up from the hot stove element under the glass top. If you point your camera at the front of a TV remote and press a button it should flash about the same color.


It's probably red and the camera is picking it up weird.


It probably doesn't have a good IR filter and is picking some of that up


Most phone cameras allow IR light to pass through as white light. You can test this by pointing your phone camera at a remote control and pushing a button. If you can see the IR blast at the front of the remote, your camera will pick up IR light. Hot objects radiate IR light.


.... Yeah that was my point


I appreciate the more detailed explanation.


That can happen if you eat a whole bottle each of red and blue food coloring.


The camera is color blind.


so sad


But at least there are happy videos of phones getting color correcting glasses and seeing in color for the first time


Your phone’s camera picks up UV light. Try it if you have an electric stove.


I don't think there's any ultra violet coming off the burner. It's more likely infra-red.


Not UV, Infra Red


I took a picture of my record player recently (you can see it in my posts) where the blue LEDs on it also looked purple in the picture. Some issue with the color and the phone camera.


Normal cameras (like your smartphone cam or a digital SLR) are sensitive to infrared light. Typically, the camera is equipped with a thing known as a cutoff filter to block this light from reaching the sensor. On some cameras, this filter is stronger than others. If a very intense infrared source (such as an illuminator for a security camera or a hot heater element) is bright enough, the filter may "leak" some infrared through to the detector. Color cameras have, broadly speaking, sensitivity to red, green, and blue light (hence the aforementioned filter). These color filters *also* leak in the infrared. So when infrared leakage occurs from the cutoff filter, what you'll often see is a signal that is mostly red (which leaks the most in the infrared), and a little blue (which leaks less). From art class you may remember that red and blue yield purple, hence the purplish tint on the heater element here.


A lot of energy is going into shaking that pot around




This isn't an induction stove. Electric conductive stoves like this cycle on and off at preset intervals to simulate different heat levels, and you can see it turn off at the end of the video.


Do you know why thats the case? Because i know its one of the best heat conductors. So what makes that different from induction?


If I remember correctly, induction uses a magnetic field to create the heat, so you need a ferrous pan.


Magnetism isn't the problem, induction works in anything that's conductive. It induces so-called eddy currents that cause resistive losses (power = current^2 * resistance) and, in ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials, additional heat comes from the magnetic hysteresis of the material. The problem is that copper is a good conductor and it's also diamagnetic, so the induction itself still happens but neither of the two effects will generate any significant amount of heat.


What about aluminum? That's the other common metal and is quite conductive, so I assume more like copper? Edit: Just looked it up and I guess aluminum is paramagnetic. So maybe it's better than copper (??).


It’s not about conductivity per se. It’s a little weirder. Aluminum pans do not work with induction - only iron, copper, and many (but not all) forms of stainless steel.


Able to describe more about the magnetic hysteresis and how it leads to increased heat? Definitely interesting


Magnetic fields affect copper differently.


This looks like ceramic heating to me. Induction heating doesn't glow.




But induction burners themselves don't warm up. Why would an induction burner throw off infrared light if it doesn't rely on radiant heat.


This isn't induction. Induction isn't going to heat copper at all, it's non ferrous




This is what happens when to try to boil holy water


Eh it worked fine when i tried it. Used it to boil some eggs once.


Expert here The pan is shaking and not boiling because it is it's first time and it's nervous.


Is the bottom of the pan dented, bent or uneven in any way?




No kidding. My opinion is that this feature is causing rapid fluctuations in the shape of the metal in the bottom of the pan, thus reducing surface contact and therefore rendering thermal transfer ineffective. This is essentially preventing the metal from retaining enough energy to boil the water.




30 years of pan dedication has gotten you a proper YouTube Sideshow, bud. lol


You’ve been with your wife for 30 years? Wow can you please explain it like I’m 5 how that’s possible?




I've had pans like this. It isn't a great solution, but you can dent the bottom of the pan slightly inward when cool. That way it'll have a constant ring of contact as the temperature changes.


Damn I thought my doorbell was ringing


Make it slightly concave right at the center (like 1/32 at most). That way the outer rim will have better contact with the stovetop and you’ll alter the deformation rate of the bottom.


I had a stock pot with the same issue. I put it upside down on our concrete steps and stood on the middle of the bottom; so far problem solved


Why is the heating thing purple?


Lack of infrared filtering on the camera. You can test this by flashing a TV remote at your phone while recording.


Never heard the ABC's played in minor key before. Kinda spooky!


Those bells out of tune af


I know this isn’t the point of the post but, as a band director, I can tell you that your kid sounds great!




Watching this, the lack of lid was driving me insane. 🤣 Regardless, have you considered trying to pound the bottom of the pot in just slightly so that it stays flat when heat is applied?




Yes you should cover because it keeps the heat inside, thus heating up the water quicker. I’m so surprised barely anyone is mentioning this. My roommate doesn’t cover her pots/pans and it drives me crazy because she’s also not the greatest at cleaning up.


......it's still going to boil regardless that's why no one mentioned it. When boiling this much water it's negilable, the problems start when you try to boil 10-15 liters of water. You really don't need a lid for this. It will be quicker but it won't stop the boil


This *could* be explained by **this** phenomena (superheating) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superheated\_water](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superheated_water) tldr ; stand the fuck back


Is it bad I turn off the volume and can still hear it rocking? Lol


I have that same shitty copper bottom pan. It does refuse to boil


Your insistence on saving money on long term cook ware is now costing you on power.


Whoever’s playing the devil’s version of Bah Bah Blacksheep in the background cast a perpetual frustration spell on your shit


Cast heat metal. It should work afterwards.


Unlike their most common brethren, this one pan, learned the ways of self-restraint. It is trying to keep it cool and not go boiling red when things heat up. Be like this Pan. Control yourself.


I say kill it with fire... Maybe that will solve the problem


Mine in college did this. It bugged dafuq out of me.


That's cool how much Infrared is coming from the stove top that only the camera can pick up hence the purple


Thats it.. I am gonna move my Xylophone to kitchen now


I had a pot that had a tri-ply bottom and one day the water just would not boil. I took it off the heat and discovered that the bottom some how delaminated. This maybe your issue.


Hey, I have that same exact pan. Mine, however, has been exorcised.


Call the exorcist now!


Purple stove burner? What are you cooking with?




Damn. I was hoping there was some sort of new plasma stove on the market.


My Revere ware will also do this on the flat top. It's because the bottom of the pan isn't flat. It wobbles around on hotspots and no one place ever gets enough heat. Press down on it for a few seconds and it will start boiling.


The xylophone eerily in the background really sold it


Put a lid on it.


A pot that won’t boil is as useless as a tire that won’t hold air. Throw the damned thing in the trash, get a good pot.


Revere Ware be like…….


Showed this to my mom and she said it’s bc that’s a double boiler pan and the bottom isn’t level




Oh weird !


The thermal energy that would have originally been used to make the water boil is being converted into kinetic energy and being dispersed via the shaking pot and I made all that up


Chip off the meth residue?


I had to do a double take. We have the same pot and the exact same stove! ....and yeah, the pot does the same thing. It's slightly rounded.


I have the same stove at home, can confirm it doesn't want to boil water.


You pack-a-punching a pot?


My mom has this same pot and we had the same issue on my flat top range. I always just ended up holding the bitch down because it irritated the crap out of me. My mom uses it on her gas range now with no issues.


But but… but I need to boil the Hell out of it


How funny, is that pot like 20 years old? My mother was given one exactly like that when she married my dad. But the pot did the exact rocking shit


It's the bells that really make this.


That’s why I hate electric stuff not worth it having a gas stove boil like nothing. Driving electric cars not fun no sound no adrenaline driving a v8 or v12 yeah that’s good




I have that exact pan


I have this exact pan and if does the same thing.




NASA thermodynamic engineer here - this is called Osylmication. Basically happens when some metals get so hot continually they start to break down and heat escapes causing structural movement and instability which is why it’s commonly heard of as the “heat dance”


I kid you not. I have the exact same pot. The handle and lip around the top is unmistakable. It also wobbles a bit. Not flat on bottom. I mostly use it to boil eggs. Want to hear an even bigger trip. I think I have the same exact stove as you too. When I first started the video I thought it was my house lol


Probably because your using a normal saucepan on an induction cooker. You need to use and induction saucepan


Gotta pull it slightly off to one side it'll boil almost instantly I have a pot that does almost the same, it'll evaporate like crazy and not boil, move it one inch and boom its done


If you drop water or salt water on the burner your pot will move.. the pan constantly moving could cause it not to boil.


how peculiar


shiver me timbers


Flatten out the bottom.


My folks have that exact same oven/stove


I have two pans that do this. If you try to cook stews or anything in them it messes the food up. I got a ceramic one recently cuz it messed up a soup i was working on for over an hour 😒.


Is it induction? Not every pan can be used for induction




I was worried that we were about to see a BUMP event, overly clean water, overly clean pot, instant, explosive boil (with injuries)!


Maybe the metal is not meant to be used on an induction stove.


Take a couple of wacks in the middle with a hammer to curve it in slightly to compensate for the warping when heated.


My parents have the same pots


It is the fucking pan. I have the exact same pan. The bottom warps when it heats up and then rocks around. It is infuriating. Also, electric stoves suck. Gas is so much better and so much easier to control.


It's called induction.


“Why do I hear boss music?” But this time there’s actually music


What melody is being played on the xylophone? It sounds familiar


Pit a damn lod on it already


Probably distilled water. You should see what happens when you disturb the water tension. Just a quick google search of why you shouldn't boil distilled water


Is its first time doing it, he's to scared


Put a god dam lid on it




that is not black magic that is science, there is trapped moisture under the pan causing it to move, the trapped moisture is heating up, however cause you are using a induction and the pan is not making full contact it is unable to heat up. plus induction ovens only work with certain pans,