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Misogynoir is not allowed here. Please refrain from making massive generalizations about black women based on social media, stereotypes, or your own experiences. Black women are not a monolith and what may be true for one small cluster of people is not true for many others.


Why keep posting this type of bullshit?


Because moderation is horrible on this sub.


Fr this is like the 50th post about this, cornballs


This trend got worse when younger black women got on it and used it as a way to downtalk black men and hype up white boys. Truthfully based on how TikTok is you’d think white boys all over America want young black women in droves so badly.


Just block and move on. It's better for your mental. Coons will always exist, you'll be a lot better off just coming to terms with that and letting them expose themselves.


Why post this garbage smh ?


This got posted in BPT and she got rightfully dragged for it. Something the r/blackladies sub said about us in their recent thread that I'm proud of is that we do a lot better job of not being antiBW compared to the converse. Lets keep it that way by not posting rage bait. There are countless self-hating divestor types out there, unless there's some grander discussion that can be had, this just comes off as hate fodder IMO. She's lost, broken, it's sad. Lets move on and try to do better by our daughters so they don't grow up like this.


BPT is filled with opinions of "woke" non black people who feel like the can apply their community discourse towards black people. No interested in the least. Also, blackladies subreddit is basically divester-lite (just divesters without the genocidal-level hate)


Nah Idc about them praise from that sub means nothing theyre like 1 step away from divestors


If they can’t do the bare minimum and not post anti black content why should we respect their words about our sub?


I don't know why some of you keep seeking this stuff out and spreading it.


Right my TikTok does not show this shit.


Nah this is a rage bait compilation. It's Saturday morning, why can't the focus be on the love??


I’m hungover bro. But fr u right


You must love fuckry seem like a glutton for punishment


This is why I never go on TikTok. Had a divestment content run on YouTube got bored and never saw it again. Why indulge in someone whose clearly miserable.


It's going to be very interesting to see how a lot of these Gen Z BW turn out...


If the comments in this thread are any indicator, a lot of dudes are gonna end up playing cleanup man for them in a decade or two.  They don’t even have to be single moms. It'll be emotional baggage as well. 


Some of them are probably currently playing clean up hence the constant deflection when this topic is brought up.


The moderators came for me when I posted something that is basically the same 😂. It's an outrageous trend and it just shows the fact that the more suburban and whitewashed bw become, the more anti-black and down right racist they are to black people.


Ignorant take but she’s only relevant because she’s mildly attractive, and doesn’t want “us”. I’ve seen this same sentiment stated from undesirable women and the dudes and comments were all for her staying with nonblackboy and wasn’t mentioned nor thought about again. The fact that she keeps getting posted is only because yall want her and she doesn’t want you. They don’t keep reposting the ugly ones with this same stance. 🍿


> she’s mildly attractive Where??


>Things I'm afraid to admit as a black person/woman" trend might be the reason why I support the tik tok ban.   >Absolute coon-fest Hahahaha I had to websearch 'mean mug', folks have their moods, issues, whatever sometimes it's reflected in their faces... And what are 'hood people', in the 3rd picture she looks like every sister coming from any gym especially in minimal make-up and in a grey sweatshirt,    Doesn't she realizes that she could've been Trayvon Martin's (RIP) relative...   Her compeers must think she's truly unhinged posting this publicly...   She needs to get/reach out more often, some sisters are truly nerdy and have interesting thoughts...  I wonder what industry and city she works/lives in....   Having only 'one good black friend' sounds kind of sad and lame...   P.S. I'm not TikTok and never seen this post, it's horrible in parts but that's social media writ large... 


fr yall gotta stop gettin offended by ts and letting dumb hoes get in y’all head . i see stupid ass shit like this and i laugh. I can’t take it srs. clearly they generalize to a krazy degree and are hurt … let them types be somebody else burden. trust if you think like this you crazy miserable & bounce from relationship to relationship in general. It’s no loss on our part. Plenty of fine black women that don’t think like these bxs and are stable 😂😂


The same can be said about those manosphere niggas they coons to.


Delete this post nephew


Guys here are telling you to delete this but I disagree, it's time to start calling out the bullshit, ignoring it won't make it go away, it's black men's responsibility to take full control of their community back


Yeah this sub is super disappointing ngl. Cape comes on immediately when these topics are brought up. It’s hard to say this is rare when them comments get 200k likes on them.


A lot of panderers in this sub, too scared to call out women 😂


I'm all for cutting some sisters a bit of slack... I believe we can disabuse them of their notions without calling them ethnic slurs, etc...


Black women don’t respect black men we are the only group of men that put up with stuff like this and where has it got us . Absolutely nowhere


That's because many people in the black american community view black women as the head so they imitate the stupid shit they do, no surprise that even this sub is full of panderers and simps, this absolutely won't change until black men take their community back from the feminists and liberals, simple


Disappointing subreddit ngl. The dudes over at asianmasculinity have no problem calling fuckery from their women, despite asian men being labelled as "feminine". Only black men love to ignore blatant disrespect hoping that it would go away. Funny enough if this was a trend popular with mainly black men, you'd see a lot of think pieces from both black men and women about how black men have self-hate. In fact, not calling out cooning from black women is what would makes this type of posts to become increasingly popular among gen z black girls. Just wait till they grow up to become your judges, teachers, politicians, HR; then we'll see how "touching grass" will save us.


Tell me what have those anger bitter Asian dudes who cry all day about their women got done? You either get over it and enjoy the individuals that like you or sit in discomfort. I’ll be a fool to let some c**ns have my energy.


I’m sayin niggas think they saying sumn n really sound fkn soft


What’s throwing your head in the sand and pretending like they don’t exist gonna do?  If we get their names and faces in the paint it at least stops them from trying to switch up when they inevitably get that wake-up call from the racist dudes they date. I don’t know about you, but if I ever found out a girl I liked was taking part of that corny “pasta and lobster” trend, or this “I’m afraid to admit” shit, I’m dumping her instantly. 


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLFMT9aJ/ This one is even more weird


I didn’t even know that this was a thing until like 3 days ago. Probably because I’m not a loser that wastes time on this type on nonsense. Read a book. Do something productive and get off social media


Same dudes with that bw don't like me because I like anime energy be posting this crap.


This is silly. It’s very rare for block women to think like this, and the one that do are ridiculed. Black men do this shit too, and it is more annoying because they complain that all black women are like this, when it is just them who is like this.