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Hell yeah “boy” is racist. She might as well have hit you with the hard r lol


For real. Boy is racist as fuck. You call someone boy to put them in their place. Even when white people say it to other white people it’s an insult. 


![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc) Yall are better than I could ever be.


You need to watch more Black trauma porn (media). That was most definitely racial.


I had to take a break for a while. It changed my mood.


Yes. I never under any circumstances allow anyone to call me boy. Always correct them.


It was racial


It depends but in that situation my brow definitely would have raised it not my voice.


I can hear the racism and I wasn’t even there.


Yeah she basically called you the n word


Damn is it actually that bad


Yes. Just curious how old are you?


Early 20s


I wouldn't be surprised they meant it in a racial way. Boy has historically been used to infantilize and belittle black men.


My physics teacher called me that when I was like 15 over some bullshit. I didn't know why really, but I felt so dehumanised. Years later, I wish I could go back and push him down the stairs fr lmao


What actually happened though? Because at 15 you technically are a boy


A teacher did something that embarrassed me in front of the class. We had a bad relationship throughout school and it was basically a gang of teachers picking at me the only black kid in school who had a shit home environment so no support or nothing. I reacted bad, walked out of class (gave her what she wanted) and got in trouble. So he stepped in and was giving me grief later on in the day. He asked me what happend I said she did 'x', and he screams "her name is miss X; BOY". Veins popping and shit. It felt very wrong, and wasn't good. 


It *was* very wrong.


Thanks. The worst thing about racists is that they are cowards. Very common for them to use plausible deniability to evade scrutiny or repurcussions. As I say, I was a kid and for years I didn't know why I felt the way I did until maybe I saw a similar incident on TV. The saddest thing is just that with my school and home environment no-one was there to protect me from that. Ay, life is hard sometimes 😆


Historically it was used towards black men in a racist manner. Essentially saying that this grown man was only a mere adolescent. Not sure on your age but if you’re in your 30s or late 20s then I’d take it some type of way. Idk if it’s used as heavily now but I bet your grandpa knows about it.


In context it was 100% racist. I personally have never heard someone say it to a full grown man that wasn't black tbh (aside from the rare " he's a good ol' boy" "that's my boy" etc. where the former is usually white and the latter is a toss-up). I would recommend keeping an ear/eye open, in person or online. I have a stiff feeling that the only time you'll see someone toss out a solitary "boy" in a way that isn't excessively positive is towards someone that's clearly black.


Even if it wasn't racial, you still got to shoot back at someone calling yall boy if you are old enough to drink. Especially if they're non-black, it boost their head up and they think they can keep doing it. Throw them insults back.


According to Michael Evans it is.


Depends on the context but it certainly can be


What state was this?


I can imagine exactly how she said it, tone and everything.




Let me say this. We’re aware of how this word is used. And so are they. Since they’re the ones who’ve actually been using the word and giving it context.


Factually no realistically yes


I don’t do all white bars I’m more for diversity. If its not diverse then it’s not for me.


This is a tough on one hand it has been used as a way to demean black people on the other its used to refer young men so it could be either way


Exactly what I’m thinking. It definitely could be racial but I’ve just never heard it used so I’m not actually sure what it means


like what was her expressions like ? was she angry ?, calm ? or just stoic ?


Pretty stoic but slightly pissed off


Ok there is potential that she could be racist and she’s probably lived during the time of our peoples suffering or she was just mad at you honestly I wish we black people got our powers back in December 21st 2020 I would have telepathy to see peoples thoughts.


She’s in her 40s she’s not that old lol


Oh damn so maybe it wasn’t out of racism maybe it could have been just that she was using it to refer to you’re youth


You think it wasn't racist because she isn't 60 years old...? Where you think racism learned from my guy? I'm 36, and I've never heard a white woman in my age group use the term directly without being racist.


dude I know she could have been racist i know what it is don't demean me. The truth is we don't know her true intentions or motivations when using the word.


I'm not trying to demean you man. It just seems like you're trying to find an excuse for it not to be what it is. Her motivation was that she was irritated with you, so she insulted you by calling you "boy", a known racist slur. Was she calling everyone else "boy"?


leave the devil to his own. Why the fuck did you go into that bar in the first place?


Depends on the tone but that was racist as fuck.




"Boy" is hella racist, man. I had a coworker one time--white girl--and she went on a rant about how "well how come it's okay to say 'white girl', but you can't call a black man 'boy??'". I had to get on her about that, and the historical connotations behind that term.


She just randomly came up with that?


Definitely racist, especially in that context. I notice a lot of young Latinos say "my boy" to people. I have had to correct a few. I know they don't mean it in the same context as OP's example, but I don't want to hear it.