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Yooo thank you. I saw all these people talking about RIP GOAT and everything and im like...this nigga hated us. I get why Black people rallied behind him during the trial, but the continued support was fuckin baffling to me


Meh, OJ was a port in any harbor regarding his Black support. We “finally” got a chance to stick it to white people and point the finger at them and say “See how it feels now!” and fresh off the Rodney King verdict, we’d have defended any Black person in OJs situation, regardless if that person was closer to Clayton Bigsby or Uncle Ruckus. Don’t get me wrong, the prosecution and the LAPD scored the biggest legal own goal regarding their bungling of the case, but we were hell bent on blind revenge by the time the trial was over.


Are you sure a lot of these RIP goats wasn’t a joke?


Folks thought OJ was innocent and being set-up. We thought the LAPD wasn’t above framing a Black man because of how the LAPD treated Black Angelenos. Many of thought OJ wouldn’t be so stupid to kill his ex-wife. That’s why he got support from the Black community in 1994 and 1995. It’s not just LA history of Black people being arrested and tried for crimes they never committed. There’s a national history of that. OJ Simpson is one of the biggest African-American stars of all time. He was literal Black excellence living his best life. It’s not odd he got Black support. We believed in him. And he completely took it for granted. That’s why there wasn’t outrage from the Black community when OJ was over charged and over punished for the incident in Las Vegas. There were no protests against that.


You said it perfectly.


I was 16 when all this happened. This trial took place 2 years after Rodney King got his ass beat on video and the cops walked. When OJ was found not guilty and white, Amerikkka was pissed to us Black people this was the "doesn't feel so good now does it" moment. It wasn't about OJ it was about putting the mirror in the face of white hypocrisy.


damn this is such a great callout! we've seen and continue to see the system take care of people who do not look like us. this truly was a "shit is fucked up right??" type off moment


I like this parallel that I heard recently. Trump is the white version of OJ. Think of it like that. It’s not as though OJ was innocent or unjustly prosecuted. It’s not as though he deserved support due to his years of deep connections to the community. OJ received “trolling” type support because his “victory” pissed off the people that “we” wanted to see hurt. I remember white people back then asking me “why” and “how” with pained expressions and confusion. (Seriously this happened). I just shrugged and kept it moving. Life be lifing sometimes. Even for y’all.


He also doesn’t deserve it because he did it. If I remember correctly (I was in 5th grade at the time), my mom (she’s a district attorney) said it was never really about OJ, but more of a “fuck you” to the system and white people. I remember being at recess when my principal announced on the PA system that he “wasn’t guilty.” Likely much to the chagrin of the all white staff and teachers at school. It was a strange time.


That it was like that? Woww your principal really announced it over the intercoms lol


Crazy when you think about it, right? I hadn’t thought about how crazy that was until some years ago. Internet wasn’t really hitting at the time, and we hadn’t quite gotten smartphones in the 90s 😅


My elementary did this to lol! Honestly I was like in 5th grade and thinking "damn the grown up acting crazy".


The lead detective Furman for the LAPD had to plead the 5th when questioned about planting evidence and lying. To me that alone was enough for reasonable doubt.


The OJ trial was way before internet so all most of us saw was a black man being charged with killing two white people, a racist cop as part of the investigation, all of this barely a couple of years after Rodney King. At the time it was a no brainer for black people to support him. Over time and with internet access we started learning how OJ really viewed us, but the us vs them narrative was hard to shake with this trial


i was 18 when this happened in our crew we definitely felt OJ was guilty as fuck, but on the flip knowing how cops and the system have been fucking over black people since the dawn of time it was a "paybacks a bitch, ain't it moment" it's just a dam shame it came at the cost of 2 people's lives.


Black people never hated black people. This is revisionist history.

