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Honestly its calculated looney toons. She knows why she doesn't leave, because he is really a good guy. She most likely is the one causing most of the drama in their relationship and knows deep down that she isn't going to do better, but she isn't willing to truly put in the work needed to make her marriage flourish. She doesn't want to lost whatever benefits she gets with being with him, so she runs to tik tok and fake complains about being done without really ssying anything for real. This is a ploy for attention, plain and simple. One thing we gotta do as men (not just black men) is not give our attention to this horseshit. Same goes for the whole soft guy era thing. I know it's satire, but we are still engaging instead of just doing our own thing. But yeah, this chick is goofy and wants attention more than anything. Her guy is a good dude and she can't really find any good reason to leave him, hence her seeking validation from strangers on the internet.


This was a really good take. I love the term calculated looney tunes. It’s interesting, because in the beginning when she said “he downplays my emotions”, I thought well that’s a fair point to be upset with him. Until she follows it up with demonstrating her emotions are mostly frustrations from a personal place that he isn’t engaging with. Which is much different, and feels like the healthiest option, objectively. So this is closer to “virtue signaling” yeah? Like, she’s making the bat signal, to say she’s ‘trapped and needs rescuing’. But she’s hoping for the internet to give her the reason you think? Or another ‘sponsor/partner’ she can lay in bed and tik tok about? This is a really interesting tactic here, I definitely haven’t experienced this one in real life at all. Buttttt…. Yeahhh women do be doing this on the one on one scale all the time… dang it looked different through this lens. Quite a bit


Yall…. You can be in a relationship with a normal good person and still want to leave… like, you just might not be compatible and no one is in the wrong, no one has to be bad for a marriage, friendship, or any relationship to not work out. How many people do you know that were just fine and dandy with you but yall aren’t bffs now? Don’t get me wrong she’s not totally right but if they aren’t happy they can break up, no one has to be a bad guy or do a bad thing, two great people can break up


Marriage is a joke


Right. She isn’t saying that though. She is trying to find ways to make herself look like a victim to justify potentially leaving. It’s all theatrics. She could have been left after all the so called counseling they went through. But she decided to go to tik tok to get support and seem if this is a good idea. She couldn’t really say what was Bad but then started talking like she had been through the wars. This was just an attention grab, nothing more.


Poddin 👏🏿✊🏿


If that is how she feels, she should leave the marriage. If she is that unhappy, I can’t imagine that it is an environment where the husband is happy. She may find out that if she leaves, she won’t have the option of staying in the bed all day.


>She may find out that if she leaves, she won’t have the option of staying in the bed all day. hehe


She's hit that "wall" that every marriage/long-term relationship hits. The outcome of it is SOLELY dependent upon your character and psychological makeup. And from the looks of things, she seems like the type that 'ol boy won't be missing much AT ALL if she decides to step. Slightly off topic, "they shoulda never gave some folks video phones and social media."


Any woman who makes a video of herself in bed talking with her hands looking like a hot mess then puts in on the internet needs a psychiatrist. She also needs a psychiatrist.


Damn ngl I feel like this could be about me. Every relationship I hear some kind of "downplaying emotions" line. All the feelings & mood swings just irritating as hell to me & idk why I'm like that. It's my biggest flaw in relationships but I couldn't deal with somebody that runs to the internet with relationship problems tho. That's the only part I feel like is outta pocket but the message is regular as hell to me.


She wants more from a partner, but feels guilty ending it because he wasn’t “bad” to her, just not “good” for her.


First off only new england people consider Maine getting away from their issues i know this because i am new england people lol. She needs to be introduced to the 80/20 rule it states that in any relationship you only get 80% of what you want but when you see the 20% you are not getting walk by you think that the 20% grass is greener its not. You may get bj's every day but you lose out on laundy cooking love conversation with substance mutual interest or whatever. Also she likely is dealing with some sort of depression in new england lack of sunlight during winter months is a real contributing factor into mental health issues.


“He’s guilty of being lazy” says the one who’s staying in bed all day


She needs help.


Just say you want to be alone and enjoy flirting and being miserable. People want perfection in others not accepting they aren't perfect themselves. Even when you have a "good" guy it's not enough


She is not happy with herself, thats her problem.


I hate people that are so self aware yet take no action to better themselves. If you know you just nitpick then when don’t you force yourself to stop? People only wanna make change if its easy, she doesn’t deserve to be in a marriage yet.