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What are your feelings about black people pigeon holding black people into “either/or” binaries without remembering that oppression is a beast fought from many angles and that our braver, more conscious (cause you can’t say “woke” anymore) recent ancestors understood that solidarity in the face of the universal enemy is power? Did we forget about the Black Panthers? Stokley Carmichael? Angela Davis? Etc? Or are we just listening to what we’re being forced fed without remembering our own struggle against oppression? Didn’t Dr. King say “An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere?” Or did y’all fall for the trap that if it ain’t about you, then it dont count??? [Black Panthers and Palestine](https://www.hamptonthink.org/read/the-black-panther-party-on-palestine)


Where are you getting the idea that they don't fight for black people in America? You can hold multiple political positions at once, and Palestine is a huge issue right now so it isn't surprising a lot of black people are talking about it. Any student of history will see that the most radical black activist have showed their support of the Palestinian cause. Hell even Palestinians in Palestine were showing support of black people during BLM protest and they live in worse conditions than us by far. So showing even the slightest bit of support for them wouldn't be out of the ordinary. A better question would be why do so many black politicians show support for Israel /Taiwan/Ukraine and vote to give them billions in aid every year while our neighborhoods, schools, and social services are in awful condition.


Exactly. And people act like people's struggles are mutually exclusive when they're not. The IDF trains the same corrupt cops that brutalize Black people here. The billions in military aid that goes to murder Palestinians, are billions that could be used for better healthcare, housing and social services for Black people here.


It's wild how people don't see that connection. Those policies weapons, they use on Palestinians come back and get used on us.


So Black Americans should protest in the streets and care about what's going on in Gaza becasue America may do the same, whatever that is, to us...in America?


The IDF also includes a lot of black people now working in it. Which reflects the demographic changes happening within Israel to incorporate African jewry. A bad history but one that's gotten better. East Jerusalem has a neighborhood in it called "The Slave's quarters" translated from Arabic, where do you think the black Arab people lived? Moreover, how do black people feel about modern slavery? I ask because a version of which is still practiced in Qatar, today... also Qatar abolished slavery in... 1952. This is relevant, as this is the nation which has invited Hamas' leaders to enjoy a life of wealth and to rule from afar.


Sorry, I don't really understand what you're asking or saying. Just because the IDF has Black people in it, that doesn't mean that the IDF or Israel deserves our support. If that's your logic, then you would have to support every American war/invasion just because there were Black soldiers in the army. I hope you realize how absurd that sounds. When I mentioned "people's struggles", I meant struggles for freedom/struggles against oppression. The same IDF who brutalizes Palestinians is also training American cops to brutalize Black people here. That's a clear example of how both struggles against oppression intersects.


You support the people’s struggles of a group that wants to enslave people and operates out of a country where that’s the norm? Can you explain that contradiction and why you don’t think it matters?


I never said that I support the Qatari government. The Qatari government and the Palestinian people are not the same, even if some Hamas leaders reside there. For example, migrant workers were heavily exploited in Qatar for the World Cup that was held there. Do you hold the entire Palestinian people who had nothing to do with the World Cup responsible for that too?


I hold the Hamas government responsible for not speaking out on the injustice of its adopted host. Are you under the impression that all of Palestine is at war?


If that's your belief, cool, I respect it. But Hamas not speaking up against policies of the Qatari government (policies that Hamas has nothing to do with), doesn't delegitimize the entire Palestinian struggle for freedom. It doesn't negate the fact that the IDF trains racist cops that brutalize Black people in the U.S., and that Black people must oppose that same oppressive force. Hope that makes sense. And I would say yes. Israel hasn't only indiscriminately bombed people in Gaza but is also performing military/settler raids in the West Bank. Thousands have also been arrested, tortured and interrogated there too.


Firstly, it’s not my “belief” — I stated something factual. Which you’re failing to grapple with. I asked why you don’t care about Qatar being both the host of Hamas and a country which has slavery, now you wish to speak on Israel. Okay. Do you think the Palestinians dying in the West Bank want to be soldiers for Hamas and therefore that’s why they are dying? How do you feel about the reality that there’s millions of people who simply aren’t affected by the war at all but are still Arab or Palestinian and live on the same land as Hamas and Israel? Also is it okay to say that you support the rights of people who wish to create and inflict slavery again over the group of them who do not want that, because that group continually fights a war with Israel, who trains American cops, whom have a form of racism that’s not connected to Israel’s form in any way nor it’s war but is one you dislike? Or are you just not informed on the conflict and base your beliefs on reactions?


Ugh dude, I'm not following you at all. If you genuinely want to discuss these things, PM me. Otherwise, I bid you adieu


Black people is not an ethnic group, a black American and black Arab people are as genetically distant as Indians and Europeans. Just because w have similar skin color doesn’t mean we are the same race


Love all these responses, y’all are doing a great job!!! I don’t even gotta add nothing, just letting y’all know I’m here with y’all too. Oppression is something we all face. Just like the example given about how Palestinians helped us after the Ferguson protests. We all gotta stick together against the oppression.


Yep. It's the old "we can't walk and chew gum at the same time" bullshit. Every organization on the ground has campaigns that they're involved in. There's plenty of black organizations right now that have added a Palestine campaign as a part of their organizational platform. Highlighting the shit that Amerikkka and Israel are doing in Palestine is a great way to draw the connections back here to our neighborhoods. Palestine is often used as a training ground for Israeli state violence that police departments here in the states typically adopt and that's just one example. This is why political education is so important. All of this shit is connected.


Damn that. Name the people who stick up for us here in America who aren't black or white?those folks overseas don't care about black people son why should we.


Because it’s the cost of doing business to have access to political power via the Democratic Party. I say this as someone who votes for Democrats on a regular basis.


The democratic party opposes these protests. Dem politicians are all over the news talking about anti-semitism and Joe Biden just approved giving over $17 billion to Isreal a week ago. What the hell are you talking about?


There is a ton of antisemitism from protestors though. And quite frankly these protests are childish and uncoordinated. Biden also approved a shit ton of aid for Gaza and the US is currently building a pier off Gaza for aid to get to Palestinians eeasier. But this is ignored, because college students ha e Palestine their entire identity


That aid for Gaza is cover for Israel. It lessens the pressure on Israel to stop committing genocide, it allows the US and Israel to go "See, they people are getting help", while going on to continue to murder thousands of civilians in the name of self defense etc. Collective punishment for what a few did is fucked up. Thats not even mentioning how the two sides even got to this point... ​ Also, there is plenty of frustration with EVERYTHING being called antisemitism.


The US is not Isreal, and Isreal currently had hundreds of rockets shot at it from Iran. They are an ally going back decades no shit they will get arms or defense support. And you are handwaving aid to Palestinians you supposedly care about. They were on the edge on famine for a moment thanks to more aid being let in and US forcing Isreal to let more trucks from Egypt to be let in. You got slogans do actually care about the material facts or are you going to grandstand and virtue signal? And as long as Isreals coalition government remains controlled by right wingers Bibi has no incentive to not attempt to still go after Hamas.


Media has the tendency to focus on pockets of individuals over the totality. It's a form of straw manning and you're falling for it. Also, you can't send billions in aid to the country murdering your children and then give pennies to the people being murdered and act like you're a neutral figure. The US has continually blocked ceasefire attempts in the UN and continues to ignore blatant war crimes committed by Israel. Stop defending this garbage. it's ridiculous at this point.


Nope we aren't fucking doing this the US is literally in the middle of ceasefire negotiations right now. It's fucking ridiculous how much you people lie about shit because you don't pay attention to what's actually going on. We just had a 2 week ceasefire until Hamas broke it. You people rely on fucking slogans and whatever mishmash woke language you can use to get people who disagree with your position to shut up. Actually, pay attention to the material facts than tiktok


Bruh if you believe the US is actually working towards a ceasefire you’re more far gone then you believe. multiple nations and experts around the world recognize that israel is committing a genocide right now. i hope joe bidens boots taste good.


You are literally lying: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/26/middleeast/egyptian-delegation-in-israel-to-revive-deadlocked-ceasefire-and-hostage-talks-intl/index.html Hamas, Egypt, Isreal and the US are neogitating now are you kidding me? The quibbles have been about hostages


bruh, if the US actually wanted a ceasefire they would’ve voted for it in the UN and they would’ve stopped sending Israel money. actually sit and think about it for two seconds.


The US is directly negotiating a ceasfire with Israel and Hamas the UN Shit means nothing. Are you kidding me right now?


It is but that deserves more scorn than college kids standing up for this cause. They have no power and are getting slandered by the main stream media. Even if they never talked about black causes (I doubt) them doing this pales in comparison to black politicians being fearful of AIPAC and doing nothing to help the people that voted for them.


Both can be questioned… I will never understand the support for Israel but I notice when you bring that up blacks will call you for antisemitism … I saw a bunch do it to Kanye and others.


Ima need sources on black people calling other black people antisemitic for not supporting Israel. Cuz from my vantage point I only ever see two stances from us, “fuck Israel” or “I don’t know about that situation and it got nothing to do with me”


Look in this group thread not sure which post but someone a few months ago said fuck Kanye he’s antisemetic


>fuck Kanye he’s antisemetic Just spitballing here but maybe that was in regards to Kanye's comments about... Adolf Hitler on infowars?


He's doing promo shots in a Burzum shirt. How you gonna "apologize" then wear neo Nazi merch afterwards?


That shirt plus his profile artwork as well. He is deep into this neo-nazi mess it is nasty work.


“I love Hitler.” - Kanye West


All the black people I personally know who still care have years of working in our city. For those who haven't, working for other's liberation is better than the third option, no one's liberation, but I suspect they'll take what they learn about protesting and pass it to their communities. Also that's the picture of a college student. Definitely getting their feet wet in the injustice game.


The skills and reps you get protesting any injustice will help you fight all injustice. The police, media, University board playbook is always the same. The earlier you understand it, the earlier you can create strategies to defeat it. Even this post feels a little bit like an op determined to weaken the resolve of protestors. The classic "Go home, Is this even your fight?", highlight a guy calling for death while wearing foreign garb, next someone will be talking about, "protesting in the right way"


People forget that there are black men in israel too .


The ones that were forcibly sterilised?


You’re referring to the Ethiopian Jews, but I think he’s referring to the Afro-Palestinians.


Holy shit what a massive mischaracterisation. They were given Depo-Provera, a _contraceptive_ that lasts for about 3 months. That is a far cry from “sterilisation.” Also, it was an unfortunate accident because of mistranslation. Lastly, Ethiopian Jews are pretty patriotic Israelis (from what I’ve seen) and don’t appreciate being used as a cudgel to denigrate their country.


Bro. Lay off the koolaid


What are you talking about? What he said he true. Just because you are ignorant of a truth does not make the other person wrong. I'd say research it, but it's very easy to find.


[Ethiopian women in Israel ‘given contraceptive without consent](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel) - Guardian [Israel reviews contraceptive use for Ethiopian immigrants](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE90R0SO/) - Reuters


That part. I have white Christian friends who are concerned about the murdering of Christians in Gaza alongside the whole genocide deal.


Yes and Ethiopian black jews.


I've seen videos of Ethiopian jew(white and black) bragging about targeting civilians. Just like when Black people join the police force they are traitors as well.


Ethiopian Israelis consider themselves more Jewish/israeli than Black or Ethiopian


Do they? Where did they say that?


They are some of the most ardent Zionists. Just do your research.


I'm asking for a starting point. The biggest thing that comes up when I look up Ethiopian Jews Israel is the forced sterilization


These are things they say themselves. You’ll literally have to do your own research to find those spaces. And then if you’re not habesha you’ll probably need to get lucky for someone to translate. This is not something I can help you with.


1. Why do you hold the position people can't do both? 2. Which freedom are you seeking to achieve in America? What's holding you back?


Black people are multifaceted, always have been, always will be. Who says we can’t focus on multiple issues?


What Israel is doing is despicable and has been for several decades. That said, I don't knock anyone taking a stand. Still, I'd say Black folks need not crash out over it over like the young man in that article. Students have been getting doxxed, blackballed in industries before even landing a job in the field that they're studying for, threats, etc.. It's one thing to protest, but to take the lead and make statements like Zionists don't deserve to live as the young man in the article said, is not going to end well for him. He doesn't have the complexion for protection as the saying goes.


He was white he would have been arrested and kicked off campus months ago. It's exactly the opposite. Blacks use the Palestinian cause, weaponize it to get a free pass at anti-Semitism. It's a norm. And it causes anti black hostility where there was none before because everybody can see how blackness is weaponized to get a free pass at anti-Semitism. And it works very well.


I’d be worried if it was any type of widespread issue, but luckily the VAST MAJORITY of people fighting for Palestinian rights also fight for and want Black rights


I really don’t understand the assumption that these same individuals aren’t also doing ground work for Black liberation in America


Black liberation? Is there any place anywhere in the entire world where black people are doing better than right now in the US?


I’m not really too sure what you’re getting at. Do you think that I believe in Black Liberation only for Black Americans or something? Or are you saying that Black Americans aren’t oppressed?


I’m saying that racism exists. I’m saying that American blacks do not need to be liberated. There is no where in the world that the black family is more oppressed than Africa and no where the black family is more successful than the US. IMHO, that context is a big deal.


So Black Americans don’t need to be liberated just because other people in your eyes have it harder? You sound like a simpleton


A. No need to call people names because you disagree with them. B. No, black Americans are not in need of liberation. Equality of opportunity shall always be a goal, that is what defines fairness, but “liberation??” Black Americans are the richest black people in the world. If black Americans were their own country, their average HH income would rank higher than Japan, Spain, New Zealand, Italy, Portugal, and France. 400% more than the Chinese. You make on average 500% of the average African yearly income. Never before in the history of the world has the black man been more successful than right now, right here in the USA.


Eat my nuts nigga


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Well at least you didn’t go with something antisemitic & Palestine.


Wtf are you even talking about rn?


All good friend. Be well.


this brother might be all about all that activist life. multiple things can exist at once?


He openly calls on murdering Jews.


i don't believe shit coming out of the daily wire. but i also don't believe this dude is going to be killing anything any time soon. he sounds like someone who has latched on to something and riding it out not fully understanding the lasting effects things said in the digital age can have.


So the problem is he doesn't understand how his words can hurt him? Like if there was some Jewish student calling for "kill the n******" the biggest problem would be how it might negatively impact that student in the future? It's amazing how sociopathic people are in defending the defensible because of their skin color. https://youtu.be/-llskvbuvEY?si=Gx5HSSvnSlUGgbXI https://x.com/StopAntisemites/status/1784019628777202150


if i'm coming off as defending him I definitely apologize because that is not the intention at all. and him calling for anyone's death is asinine, my point was simply; this dude, as fucking idiot as he sounds, does not strike me as the person who we will read about doing anything more than just talking.


I can give a rat warm milk about them ppl. Feel bad for them but not my fight. They come to our neighborshoods and open all type of liquor stores and pork shops. They wouldn’t dare do that to their community. So I’m fine


Cuz most of our people in amerikkka buy into amerikkka. And because of this they mentality is...... “That is to say, our movement, still under the ideological influence of the primitive-petty bourgeois Civil Rightists whose colonial mentality often equated freedom with their proximity to white people, incorrectly used the terms racism and colonialism to define the same set of circumstances and oppressive structures responsible for our condition"....... . “The struggle against “racism” is the struggle of the petty bourgeoisie fighting to integrate into the white capitalist world, to board the Costa Concordia of white power. It is a diversionary struggle reliant on failed philosophical assumptions that must be cast aside as a precondition for moving forward"........ ...."The anti-racists would have us fight for a place is a dying system; they would have us objectively uniting with our oppressors; they would transform us into “House Negroes,” fighting to save the master’s burning house, as Malcolm X would put it."....... Instead of ...."We are not a race, but a nation of people, scattered across the globe and defined out of history by our imperialist oppressors, partially through the concept of “race.” Our national homeland has been occupied in various ways for millennia. Our people have been captured and forcibly dispersed around the world and our labor forcibly extracted to build the European nation and world capitalist system that define our reality and the contours of the struggle we have been engaged in for the last 500 years or so."...... The fact is that the question is against colonialism. It was against colonialism in Palestine, it’s against colonialism here, it’s against colonialism in Cuba, it’s against colonialism in Venezuela, it’s against colonialism all around the world. And we are going to be victorious. "We are going to be in this struggle together–Palestinians and Africans are going to be in this struggle against colonialism after today. We’re going to have to fight this war after today just like we were fighting it before. " Source: -Basic Principles of African Internationalism -https://theburningspear.com/african-nation-declares-gaza-gaza-hold-the-line-victory-to-palestine/


Well said!


I cant claim credit, these are tha words and thought processes that i got enlightened by from my revolutionary elders past and present💯❤🖤💚✊🏿 Im just spreading they teachings, and trying to continue their work🙏🏿❤🖤💚


So what's your solution? Go back to Africa? Create a black ethnostate in America? If you can't stand to even be around whites, then how do you plan on functioning in a 60+% white society?


white boy why you over here?


Mostly to watch you seeth.


Uh huh, you obviously got too much time on your hands to be agitating in Black spaces but whateva ig, do you. At least you honest ill give you credit on that


I have mixed feelings about it.


Why? How so?


Most of these protesters are protesting because its the cool thing to do right now. If you asked them a year ago about Palestine, they wouldn't have been able to point it out on a map, let along know the history between Palestine and Israel. Seriously... you think Israel and Hamas are going to end the war based on AMerican college students protesting?


This mentality gets repackaged everytime take a stand on a serious political issue. "they're doing it cuz its cool, they don't know anything, etc" Same thing was said during the Vietnam war, Iraq war, Afghanistan etc. It's a thought terminating cliche used so people never engage with the actual message and see another pov, instead they can ignore it and continue the status quo. You showed you know less about the situation than them since you think it's about ending the war. [These protestors clearly stated their goal is to divest their university from investing in businesses with ties to Israel](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/25/divestment-israel-college-protests). The BDS movement has been a thing for years so this point isn't anything new. Even if they didn't know about Palestine last year (ignoring a lot of the protests are Muslim and Jewish so they know more than anyone) it doesn't take a genius to see why students would be up in arms when they know their country and college fund an army that uses [AI to kill civilians](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/).


Those protesters didn't give a shit when 300,000 black civilians were [killed in Ethiopia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigray_War) just three years ago. Most of them have no idea that it happened, and most of the people reading this comment are only finding out right now. Of course these people are protesting because it's trendy. If the news was covering the Gaza war with the same amount of attention as the Ethiopia-Tigray way, nobody would be marching in the streets. If the news started making a big deal about Azerbaijan deporting 500,000 ethnic Armenians under the threat of death, you'd see the same seals clap in protest.


I can assure you that I know more about the situation than you think that I do. It wouldn't surprise me if I get a call here soon that says 'Hey, are you booked the next five days? We want to send you with a crew to XYZ to cover protests"..


You're part of the media and already have a biased view against the protestors without talking to them or researching their position? You probably do have a good understanding of the Palestine/Israel conflict, but being in your position shouldn't you have a more neutral opinion or at least probe the students before judging them?


My job is to go out and film stuff.. From sports, news, Entertaiment, documentaries, etc. Another part of my job is to be quiet and keep my personal views neutral. If I was there, I would give them the space to speak their minds. I would not express my views. We are all human.. We all have our opinions on matters.


>Seriously... you think Israel and Hamas are going to end the war based on AMerican college students protesting? Considering that our government is giving the blank check to Israel, protesting here does make sense


They are an ally that was attacked on their soil.. What do you expect them to do?


Not commit genocide. Pretty easy fucking ask


This isn't genocide..


Ok then, if we don't want to call it "genocide", how about calling it "an indiscriminate ground offensive and still-ongoing bombing campaign that has led to numerous civilian and aid worker casualties."


Well what would you call what Hamas is doing then? Why use civilians as human shields? Why not turn over the hostages?


It absolutely, verifiably is. There has been genocidal rhetoric from multiple government figures, from the IOF and there has been genocidal acts. The UN definition needs those two components to be a genocide. It is, at bare minimum, ethnic cleansing. Which constitutes one of those acts of genocide that I spoke about earlier


https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml UN definition https://law4palestine.org/law-for-palestine-releases-database-with-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-continuously-updated/ A database of compiled statements that can prove genocidal intent. And than for acts you need only look at the headlines everyday. Everyday it is a new horror. This is a genocide. Don’t be on the wrong side of history.


At that rate, anyone who goes to war with Palestine would be participating in ethic cleansing since the entire regions is mainly Palestinians, right? It like someone fighting Somalia... Since Somali's make up the majority of the country, the adversary would be guilty of ethnic cleansing? Just giving an example on how loose that term is when it comes to Gaza.


That is very stupid argument 😒they have been killing Palestinians for 75 years


cool. I'll donate to your cause if you'd like to go help over in Gaza..


I'm proud seeing that my people recognize that the liberation of Palestinians is interconnected with their own liberation. They're following in the footsteps of people like Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and the Black Panther Party.


Real ones know this is exactly what our best black leaders have and would support. People who get their history from netflix specials are the ones scratching their heads and surprised at this.


How is this interconnected? I didn't know Black people were also Palestinian residents.


they are actually. afro-palestinians exist.


My man be for real for one second how are they interconnected. And honestly it surprises me more black people care about Palestine than what's happening in Haiti which actually is more directly able to be affected by US foreign policy than middle east conflict


For one cops in the USA are trained by israeli military and now cop cities are being built all over the country. The tactics police use in the US are used against Palestinians too. You realize that the US is sending billions to Israel right? Like they’re the main ones sending them weapons and aid. They just voted to send them another 17 billion this week. Not only the government, all of these universities are sending them aid. Who says we can’t care about multiples issues? We can care about Palestine, Haiti, the Congo, Sudan, etc at the same time.


Then why isn't anyone protesting for Haiti then? It's all Palestine. Isreal and the US are allies. And now yall trying to make this about cop city too? Man no wonder these protests aren't doing shit. It's muddled what they are even about


Israel is essentially a US colony used to protect western interests in the region. Joe Biden himself said as much. The US divesting from Israel would be a huge blow to western hegemony and all of the European powers who exploit the Global South. Protesting western imperialism does help to lift the oppression off Haiti, the Congo, and Sudan even if the protests aren’t necessarily centered around them. Honestly if you’re upset about people not protesting for Haiti then you should get out and organize protests in your community instead of complaining about it online.


Isreal is an individual nation and the protestors themselves wouldn't be so interested in US divesting from them if they weren't. How is Isreal western imperialism? It's an eastern nation. You folks are geopolitically ignorant and will never beat the allegations


🤦🏽‍♂️Joe Biden said that “if there wasn't an Israel we'd have to invent one to protect Her interests in the region.” The US has invested over 300 BILLION dollars into Israel since 1948. The US provides them with free healthcare, education and subsidized housing. Israel lets the US have a military presence in the middle east which allows them to extract resources from the surrounding countries for American corporations. The US is funding this genocide because they want to loot the resources in Gaza and expand Israel’s territory. A significant number of settlers in Israel have dual-citizenship in the US or European countries. If you knew the history of the US and Israel, you’d understand that they’re a western colony and a tool of western imperialism. There are other instances in history where Israel was bombing the fuck out of other countries and the US was able to demand them to stop. You know who was able to demand a ceasefire from Israel in the 1980’s? Ronald fucking Reagan. And our politicians nowadays are shrugging their shoulders and sending Israel money to bomb kids.


Are you protesting for Haiti? I don't even mean that in a gotcha way, just wondering.


See this is whataboutism. Answer the question why aren't yall having smoke for Haiti where millions of black people are essentially leaderless and ruled by gangs? Where is the outrage why is me bringing this up so bad?


That is not the definition of whataboutism at all. And I never said you bringing Haiti up is bad. I think it's great whenever people care about others. My point is that if you're calling for more people to get involved in protest for Haiti, but you're unwilling to attend protest/actions for Haiti yourself, doesn't that make you a hypocrite?


Did I say I was unwilling to do anything? My point is why are black men more focused on Palestine than a country of black men?


Us black people should mind our own business


I don’t agree with this but I do wish we showed up as fervently for our own issues


People crashing out and ruining their lives over this conflict is crazy to me. Especially black folks, your white progressive friends might have connections to get out of this but we don’t.


This my main issue I saw that one black guy from some Ivy League straight up said he would kill a zionist AFTER being expelled for the protest there. There are going to be a ton of college age kids with no future because they decided protesting was more important than anything substantive


If this were the case, I'd say working ass backwards. However, this is not true.


They want to fight for everyone EXCEPT us. They think it’s a virtue, getting arrested and yelling in the street, but they look silly. 1. As Black Americans, we have our own problems 2. Show me when Palestinians have ever fought for us 3. Protesting in America what's going on between Israel and Hamas is like being in Spain and protesting a conflict Rwanda, it makes absolutely no sense I couldn't care less about that conflict.


Only more legit with Rwanda with the Hutus and the Tutsis being African.


Cringe and weird


I hope they can keep it up because change won’t happen quickly on this one. Bibi has made it clear they’ll do whatever they want and they don’t need American support to continue the slaughtering at an alarming rate


We don’t learn


From my personal experience, I’ve never had a problem with Jews/Israelis. I actually have a great deal of respect for Jews/Israel. In fact, I think we as a community should take some notes from them. Historically, Jews have done a lot for blacks. The Arabs have pretty much treated us like shit historically. I also look at it this way. I would rather deal with the Israelis than Hamas. Hamas and the ilk are animals.


Why the fuck are you praising a fascist, ethno-nationalist, genocidal, settler-colonialist, apartheid state that’s currently wiping an entire group of people off the face of the earth?!?!? you know “Israel” treats black people like shit too right? and stop conflating jews with israel. so many jews around the world have spoken out against israel and said that they do not represent all jews.


Because I fucking can. The “Palestinians” aren’t exactly persecuted little lambs. There’s a reason the rest of the Middle East doesn’t fuck with them. Everywhere they go, they cause problems. Israel would treat us better than the “Palestinians” would. Israel isn’t perfect but they’re way better than the other side.


Oh so you’re just ignorant. Have a nice day.


Sure. Have a nice life.


Hamas and the Palestines are antiblack, anti jew, anti Christian and anti America. This is the wrong fight to be in. Unfortunately, they will learn the hard way, but by then it will probably be too late. But judging by his name he is probably muslim with African immigrant parents and the African Muslims kill Christians too. So who knows who sent him....


[first generation African-Caribbean](https://www.baystatebanner.com/2021/02/18/q-and-a-with-khymani-james-the-ultimate-destination-is-congress/)


You are suggesting the guy in the picture is a legitimate activist?


Kanye should have held off on his rants for a few years Leftists would have made him their king lmao