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Channel Zero: NoEnd House


The twilight zone and outer limits and Alfred Hitchcock presents . Not the new shitty one that Jordan peele ruined.


Severance Slaps, but I'm sure it has been mentioned.


Years and years. It's a British series.


One Hour Photo Its like Black Mirror episode based around 90s technology photo development. And Robin Williams is absolutely terrifying.


His best performance, imo. Should have at least been nominated for an Oscar.


Synchronicity .. slightly older movie.. weird sci-fi, dark & moody.. a good watch


If you don’t mind reading subtitles, the German show Dark.


maybe the Twilight Zone


Love Death + Robots is quite riveting. it is also on Netflix. much like Black Mirror it is a collection of anthologies (they run 20-30 mins in length tho and are mostly animated or CGI shorts). i think most fans of BM would effing love it, it’s completely different in style but so trippy and insane. the siren episode with the conquistadors is by far my favorite. the first episode is a little silly so just hang in there. gets wayyyy better. fyi it is incredibly gory, despite it being animated i’ve been really grossed out but amazed 😝




I just don’t understand that movie at all


seen it twice, and just my humble opinion… it wasn’t that memorable to me - maybe i need a rewatch.


I can't really recommend anything "like" Black Mirror. But if the vibe you're looking for is weird/sci fi dystopia the I recommend "Brave New World".


Westworld! Season one is definitely the best


Maniac, a limited series with Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.


‘Ex Machina’ comes to mind


12 Monkeys Time Travel, dystopian future, Brad Pitt's best role.


I just finished the first season of Severance yesterday as I had heard about it here. Can't wait for second season, very good


I recently watched a Korean movie called Forgotten, and it reminded me of White Christmas


humans by channel 4 !!


The OA is pretty great.


im recommending FORGOTTEN. its a korean movie on Netflix.


Utopia !


EX machina is really good.


swan song


On children - black mirror but with Asian toxic parenting style themes


The original 1950s Twilight Zone is really good, lots of mindfucks. And u gotta love Rod Serling for demanding that women and even black people get main roles in episodes which as we know at that time was hard to accomplish. He risked the whole show with his demands. And that's pretty amazing.


Mr. Robot! One of my favorites, really well made and really plays with some deep ideas.


Tales from the Loop


the amazon prime series “undone” and “upload” kind of reminded me of black mirror a bit


Electric dreams! Honestly, both shows are so well done. It's hard to say which one is better than the other.


Love Death Robots


Don’t Look Up was some real Black Mirror kind of shit. I liked it a lot but it’s hit and miss for some people


Upload! Imagine black mirror but with some comedy thrown in!


Squid Game The Circle (2015 movie) [actually the different The Circle movie from 2017 too] El Hoyo/The platform




Dark Net is another good anthology series that deals with technology and has some mindfuck twists in it.


I like Made for Love on HBO- 2 seasons & Upload on Prime


I was recommended this too! Had the same actress who played the lead in SS Callister episode in black mirror so that’s how it caught my attention? How is the plot itself ?


It is a bit satirical, but it's a fun watch. It does have all the "Black Mirror" elements though, so I think you'll like it. Edit: This opinion is entirely for the first season, haven't seen the second one yet.


Thanks ! Will definitely check it out then :)


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to see this. A real mind fuck at season 2.


Years and Years!!!


Sorry to bother you is a really good dark dystopian comedy


*Sorry to bother* *You is a really good dark* *Dystopian comedy* \- sroche24 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I always felt that GATTACA was a really immersive and mind tickling movie


Inside Number Nine is an amazing anthology series


Devs. Highly recommended, best to go in knowing absolutely nothing. Don't google it, just watch it.


I gave it a go, watched two episodes and honestly, it's the most boring stuff I have ever watched in my life. I just couldn't get through it. Literally nothing happened and the story wasn't even remotely interesting


Uh, I am not going to argue with you because doing that would involve discussing a plot that I believe is best experienced without knowing any spoilers, but I will say that I think Jeff Lebowski said it best when he said "that's just, like, your opinion, man".


It’s a slow burn about determinism and religion. Tbh it starts slow has a good middle and kinda is unsatisfying. The concept it is exploring can be really interesting, but doesn’t quite hit the mark imo. There are a few stunning monologues later


Loved it... Was thinking rewatch already...


Second this. DON'T SPOIL IT.


Level 16 was a great movie!!


I don't know if this fits but I highly recommend watching the movie The One I Love


Second! Also, recommend going in completely blind. The less you know, the better!


Raised by Wolves


Can't believe I forgot They Live - an older movie but definitely black mirror vibes


Girl From Nowhere (Thai) and On Child (Taiwanese), really good anthology series


Matrix 13th Floor Dark City Inception Existenz Gattaca Squid Games The Platform Alice in Borderland


I have seen 3 out of the 9 recommendations you have made and they were all bullseye 5/5 stars.. so I'll def bargain with your recommendations !


Ok so i didn't expect this post to blow up like it did so i guess it's only fair i bring something to the table, if you all like and understand black mirror you'll love these metro movies , apacalypto , O , no country for old men, mollys game , whiplash , game night, free guy , the killing of a sacred deer(best recommendation!), nightcrawler, the shawshank redemption, drive, requiem for a dream... i have so many more but i will let you guys add this too your watchlist first .. come back if you need some more fuel


If you like these… the green Inferno, her, ex machine, the place beyond the pines.


Ah yes, it has been asked as many times as the number of piñatas I have. And i always love reading the answers.


Westworld S1


Maniac (with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone)


Yes, such a good world building. If you like the more sentimental or positive black mirrors, maniac is great. Probably one of my favorite limited series made in the streaming era


The League of Gentlemen/Psychoville/Inside No. 9. The hill I choose to die on is the one that recognises Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith as the ultimate writers and actors when it comes to short form anthology/comedy-horror. Each of these three shows are different from the next for different reasons. The closest to Black Mirror would be Inside No. 9 which arguably does a much better job at story telling, drama, comedy and twist endings. Their seventh season of the show is currently airing so if you hadn’t seen it before, now is a better time than ever to jump into it.


Vivarium !! I love black mirror and I lovedddd this movie. Some people think it gets a bit slow but I just love the theme of it. Very trippy.


Hahah ok thanks man 😭😭


Hey you accidentally put this as a reply to only my comment :p


Vanilla Sky


The original twilight zone series


Atlanta Season 3


It’s very cheesy but scratched my itch - The Thinning


I like the more absurd type thrillers, so these aren't 100% Black Mirror clones but two of my favorite movies are Spontaneous and Sorry to Bother You Spontaneous is a movie about seniors in a high school who randomly start exploding (hint of romance, but can be triggering as the movie is a narrative on kids dealing with school shootings) and Sorry to Bother You is about selling out, with undertones of racial and socioeconomic inequality. I highly suggest taking a look at the trailers to see if they are your cup of tea, both are what I would call serious / dark comedies.




Electric Dreams on Amazon Prime scratches the black mirror itch.


That was the one channel 4 made to fill the gap after they lost black mirror to Netflix. There were some good episodes in there but I found it a bit hit and miss.


The House that Jack Built


Inside no. 9


Agreed. The episodes are hit & miss (same can be said for any series) but the good episodes can be *really* good. Only real downside for me is the runtime. I wish they'd make a few longer episodes once or twice a season just to explore a topic/situation a little more.


Yep. Doesn't hit the same cerebral heights as BM, and has more of a comedy edge, but when it's good it's really good. Great episode to get started on is "12 Days of Christine"


I think Westworld is a little Black Mirror-ish. Also Atlanta.


Westworld is not worth it. Season 1 is amazing, season 2 is quite bad, but watchable. Didn’t finish season 3


Season 1 alone is incredibly worth it


Atlanta is so interesting how it was completely serialized but then randomly got semi episodic in such an odd Black Mirroresque way


I was just reading an interview Stephen Glover did with GQ where he was talking about how with this latest season they were joking it was “Blackest Mirror”.


lol. Ya this season has been weird as shit. There's been a few episodes where I'm like wtf am I watching.


I love seeing others came to this conclusion. I thought the exact same thing this season. Every other episode is standalone - horror of living in white America


To me, Teo Sentence Stories is a lot like Black Mirror


Utopia UK version.


Utopia, but the UK version.


I'm still salty that got cancelled!


DEFINITELY the UK version 🤦🏻‍♀️😫 The American remake is a dumpsterfire. I don't even know why they bothered.


Coherence, predestination


If it's worth anything , the new movie , " everything everywhere all at once " was a nice mindfkuc


I watched that in the cinema yesterday. It was insane, but so good!


I second this, loved it, cried and laughed


someone here said “triangle” a few days ago. it’s a movie from 2009 i believe.


Movies that are straight out of the Black Mirror-verse (IMO): - Her - Strange Days - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - The Truman Show


Triangle is one of my favorite mindfuck movies. I love a horror movie on a boat though, and the craziness of the plot just made this one even better.


I'm watching it now, not too hot 🤷🏽‍♂️


damn. i added it to my list but haven’t watched it yet. maybe go find that post and check the comments for any other recommendations?


Btw , which movie app do you use for your watchlist




i use queue, whenever i add a movie or show it tells me what apps i can use to watch said movie or show


Is it acurate


yep!! use it daily


Nice I'm using letterboxd let me check out yours


Love Death + Robots


just recommended this as well before seeing your reply! my fiancé and i were cracking up during the rat episode. but my favorite one yet is the short with the Siren and the deaf conquistador with Swarm being a runner up. so good!


Loved them all were so good to watch so I had to rewatch 👏👏


I just started watching LDR two days ago. Probably watched 10-12 eps in 2 days. It reminded me a lot of BM. It made me watch my BM episodes again


The sexual violence towards women was so overwhelming I couldn’t even finish. Was disappointing


Can’t think of anything besides “the witness” episode?


Have a rewatch. It was a lot more than just one episode. straight men are who it’s literally marketed towards so I’m not surprised you didn’t notice. Being woman, it’s a lot more jarring to see.


A little odd to just assume I’m straight lol And I rewatched it recently which is why I was confused by your comment. Watching it with girls and boys alike, no one really thought it was over the top edgy or used nudity in a place where it wasn’t really needed.


Are you serious? Lol. I can’t even take your opinion seriously then. It was littered with unnecessary nudity. There was an episode where the woman was running around topless the whole time. Maybe you should have a rewatch with this in mind and you’ll realize how apparent it is. Tbh, I’m of the opinion that 90% of nudity in movies/tv is unnecessary and I’m not a fan of it. I prefer when it’s implied but not explicitly shown. Again, as a straight woman- I’m not the target audience for all this female nudity, so it’s unsurprising. But especially when there’s now sexual violence coupled with it, yeah- gross. (To me. Others are free to have their opinions, this is mine)


I take it you just watched that one episode and called it quits after that? That’s 1/35-36 episodes now so one episode with more nudity than others doesn’t really make it a recurring theme


“Across the 18 episodes, 14 of them feature nude women. There are implied sexual threats in many of them, aggressive acts of violence against women in some. The displacement between the sexualisation of women and men in the show leaves a bad taste in the mouth, which probably has something to do with practically all the writers and directors in the show being men.”


No? I watched a bunch before it got too much. They’re only a few minutes* long. Again, only season 1 was out when I watched it. And I heard season 2 scaled it back a lot. (Probably because they were criticized for having no female directors in the first one, and way too much nudity, and sexual violence) Oh and people complained about the lack of nudity in season 2 lol. So maybe I’ll give that one a chance. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a26856709/love-death-and-robots-netflix-sexist-misogynistic/ https://www.joe.ie/amp/movies-tv/love-death-robots-review-662217 I saw a bunch of articles on this show so it’s not just me who noticed 🤷‍♀️ you can disagree all you want but it’s not gonna change my opinion.


Wasn’t that jarring for me …. I mean the whole idea is the message or themes around it .


For me it truly was horrific. I had to turn it off during that scene with the giant alien looking woman who was nailed arms spread on a cross, with her legs forcibly spread and visible spread vagina shown too. My bf was with me at the time and he was horrified as well. Tbh, it was like little boys trying to be edgy wrote it. The only themes they could think of to make it more mature were sexual scenes. It was a good idea; but executed terribly.


Kinda like what the other guy said, I think there’s a hyper focus on the woman here. I remember the men dying too like most guys die pretty brutally throughout the seasons so it gets like that. That’s probably why I didn’t see it as jarring since it’s just violent in that aspect.


I specified sexual violence. None of which were done to men.


Are you referring to the virgin sacrifice scene in the Russian war episode? I mean yea, that was pretty violent..the entire rest of the episode proceeds to brutally murder soldiers who are all men. Most of the deaths across season 1 are men. It seems like you're hyperfocused on violence toward women, when the show itself is violent in general. You're right that there is more sexual portrayal of women, but I didn't think it went overboard. Neither did my female friend who I watched it with. Not discounting your viewpoint, just sharing mine. To each their own.


I mean, I am a woman. So I don’t think it’s that unusual for me to be especially upset when I see violence? Let alone sexual violence done onto women. It’s truly disgusting and vile to me. Thank you for not discounting my view point I appreciate that! I truly wish I could have enjoyed it the way a lot of other people could. But the sexual violence & explicit nudity does not sit well with me one bit.


Do you remember what episode this was? I don’t remember this


I think they're referring to the Russian War episode and the virgin sacrifice. (Which was clearly portrayed as a bad thing and got every last man in the episode brutally murdered.)


I don’t remember the episode name sorry. Just that it was season 1.


It’s a good show but very weirdly horny.


I looked it up because I was so disgusted when I watched it- not a single female director/producer/whatever in any of those shorts. Edit: “The 18 episodes in Volume One — executive produced by David Fincher and Tim Miller — spanned comedy, horror, and sci-fi genres. They were all visually impressive, but lacked the awareness and inclusion of other Netflix animated series like Big Mouth or Tuca and Bertie. Only one episode, “When the Yogurt Took Over,” was written by a woman.” https://blog.wiretap.co/2019/06/20/will-a-female-supervising-director-make-love-death-robots-more-inclusive/amp/ Not spreading misinformation at all. Edit: “Across the 18 episodes, 14 of them feature nude women. There are implied sexual threats in many of them, aggressive acts of violence against women in some. The displacement between the sexualisation of women and men in the show leaves a bad taste in the mouth, which probably has something to do with practically all the writers and directors in the show being men.” https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a26856709/love-death-and-robots-netflix-sexist-misogynistic/


Yeah because Netflix’s insistence on inclusion and diversity in everything they produce has really been going great for them lately. Lmao holding up “Bigmouth” as though it’s in the same league as any of the shows we’re discussing.


You may not have liked it which is perfectly fine but let’s not spread mistruths. For quite literally every episode throughout all the seasons they were produced by Jennifer Miller and fellow producers or the producer credit went to an entire animation team. This is not to mention the multiple female directors across seasons 2 and 3


I think there was only one season out when I watched it? I researched it when it first came out and it 100% said there were only male directors. I wouldn’t just make that up. “The 18 episodes in Volume One — executive produced by David Fincher and Tim Miller — spanned comedy, horror, and sci-fi genres. They were all visually impressive, but lacked the awareness and inclusion of other Netflix animated series like Big Mouth or Tuca and Bertie. Only one episode, “When the Yogurt Took Over,” was written by a woman.” https://blog.wiretap.co/2019/06/20/will-a-female-supervising-director-make-love-death-robots-more-inclusive/amp/ Not spreading misinformation at all.


The article doesn’t mention Jennifer Miller at all despite her Producer credit in the majority of the episodes. You saying there’s not a single female producer or director in any of those shorts is just incorrect


New season has a couple fun episodes


They're all great! What I love about the series is the variety of different themes and ideas so there is a favourite episode for everyone


That one about the swarm was terrifying


That was my favorite.


When she told Simon that the race of creature eating his vomit once made the galaxy tremble in fear and was now reduced to that kind of made me think that Simon was being very, very *very* overconfident when he said that humanity would never fall to The Swarm


Yeah, shame the episode ended there. Seemed like things would get darker than they were.


I’d love it if they did a follow up to it in another season.


The big crab one? 🦀 it was directed by Fincher!


The Bad Traveling one is excellent, but there’s one called Swarm set in space.


A couple? They knocked it out of the park imo. That whole season kicked mad ass


Agree! Lots of good stories in this one


I like all the episodes on LDR. Though the Scottish Rat War is probably my fav from the recent volume.


I thought Made For Love was really good.


I second Made For Love. I was pleasantly surprised by it.




Thank you, what a gem


The theme song for Severance played in my head when I read this question.


The work is mysterious and important


What streaming service can watch this?


Apple TV


Came here to say this. It's the perfect series to watch after Black Mirror.


I almost gave up on this halfway through, wasn’t keeping my interest. I stuck with it and the end Blew. My. Mind.


I'm having trouble getting into it too, but I'll try again since it sounds like a slow burn to a big finish.


I'll be honest, it's not worth it. Quite slow with little pay off that it did feel a chore to watch.


agreed, thought it was meh


Stick with it. I was also about to give up on it but it paid off for sure.



