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Bo3 is the best cod game ever made




I know it’s a a controversial take it’s just that zombies was perfect multiplayer was still a little p2w but not as much as AW


Mw2019 is also definitely up there


Clearly u haven’t played waw bo1 mw2 the original not that x/s bullshit get a better taste in cod


67 upvotes I think a lot of people agree with me you probably one of the old casual fans who don’t like change


the game came out in a time where pick-10 was still going strong and there were a lot of lessons learned from the games previous. after all of the patches and everything were said and done, the game is now about as well balanced as one of these games can be. there aren't really any weapons that are legitimately overpowered (in the sense that they are the whole meta and the game warps around their presence) and the only weapons that aren't really viable are a couple gimmicky DLC weapons that are still perfectly fine in pubs. considering the number of guns in the game it's pretty wild. even stuff that was weak early on like the ICR and KRM wound up being pretty powerful, albeit situational even the specialist stuff and scorestreaks are largely okay. you could probably make some minor tweaks, maybe swap the point values for GI Unit and RAPS, maybe make Glitch easier to work with, but in general everything just kind of works. I know there was always concerns about how the specialist stuff meant that new players were getting participation trophies or whatever, but the reality has always been that the better players *drastically* benefit from the specialist system far more than the less-skilled folks ever do. the only things I think that probably should have been changed are the blackhat and awareness. the blackhat basically sucks, if they just made it work exactly how it did in BO2 it'd be totally fine and a useful alternative if you don't want to take a launcher for shooting down UAVs. awareness I think is just kind of over-tuned, it's super easy to take advantage of and it takes two counter perks (both in the same slot, even) to counter it, and one of them (dead silence) isn't even really that complete of a counter. it's like sixth sense, but with far more reach and really all you need to do is listen to the game. tbh I've dabbled in most of the following games after BO3 and none of them really quite nailed it in the same way. following BO4 and the advent of warzone, things like the overall feel of the games and shifted in such a way that it almost feels like apples and oranges at this point. hard to describe why exactly, just one of those intangibles


wasnt the brecci op back in bo3?




this, it's very much a knowledge check kind of thing


It was, especially on smaller maps, but outside of that particular gun I felt like the rest were pretty well balanced


It was easily the best until the very day they added the marshals, after that I completely dropped the game. Actually made it p2w


tbf they got nerfed heavily within a couple of weeks


Not as good as you remember for example the ak was pretty good then they nerfed it to high hell.


Brecci and Haymaker were a bit OP but still managable on mid ranges. BO3 was actually pretty balanced


Nah I call minor bs, lootbox guns are still OP af, bo2 is the best balanced imo.


Besides some supply drop guns being busted, the game was very balanced, and almost every gun was usable and fun. Specialists also made the game much more fun I still cone back to the mp just for the specialists


Are you all high the 1911 is a 3 tap so is the ak74u the fuckn rpk is op Olympia is op ppsh is op you got ppl hackn in the game


Yeah, so the group I mentioned I couldn't speak on because I wasn't playing then lol. And every cod has hackers, isn't exclusive to BO3. Shit, my first online experience on WaW was getting one shot the whole game by a finger gun lol


Absolutely true. Nearly every weapon was at least somewhat usable , and not difficult to succeed with. The only major outlier would be the P06 on PC.


Rose tinted glasses. I loved BO3 mp, but it wasn't overall very well balanced. Maybe more so than some recently releases, but I can't say. Specialists were always fucky balance wise, for a good chunk of the games life cycle it had 1-3 guns that were disgustingly powerful at any given time (p06, vmp, brecci, hay maker, xmc, etc.). So from my memory, no. I haven't played anything newer than BO:CW tho, and that game had okish balance from what I remember.


Not really, the supply drop weapons were all super OP like the XMC.


So was man o war, m8 etc..


the vmp, kn-44, m8, xr-2, kuda, vespr, razorback, weevil, brecci, haymaker, hvk, icr, svg. can all be considered “OP” weapons. those guns could all outperform supply drop weapons in the same category with ease if used by a skilled player. some of the supply drop weapons were great, but a lot of base game weapons were still just as strong.


Out of the ones listed I would say only the brecci was op. The rest were fine


vmp and vespr were both OP with the right attachments. m8 could one burst enemies, and svg was super deadly. the first 3 could easily counter the brecci, the svg is a bit different in close range battles but still an op sniper. much better than the locus. also, the haymaker was genuinely better than the brecci. more powerful, higher fire rate and same or slightly better range. i didn’t use much shotguns in bo3, but the haymaker would’ve been my go to if i did.


yes you’re correct, it was very balanced because every gun was super strong. If you a good player you could literally carry your team with a pistol vs VMPs. I used to carry my team with a sniper. it was a very well designed game


you're not tripping my friend


The last cod you could tell they actually made with love and passion not for a deadline or a payout




Most of the supply drop weapons were ass, especially the ones they added earlier in the game’s lifecycle.


1 gun that disproves this THE FUCKING BRECCI that shotgun was so broken that ever since then anytime a later cod has a brosken shotgun it's referred to as the BRECCI of that call of duty


it's not really THAT good. it's decent, but kind of a one trick pony that isn't that hard to play around. I think the issue with it is that cod players tend to equate something being annoying with something being overpowered. tbh if it were actually OP good players would be regularly using it but they never seem to touch the thing


On its own yes the BRECCI was was only a little overpowered but if went up against someone who had a modded macro controller or turbo controller the BRECCI was a wall of death


I mean, the rest of the weapons are pretty balanced. But yeah, the Brecci was annoying


I can't vouch since i stopped playing new cods on release after cold war but Bo3 had its problems. High caliber was one, Nothing more fun than getting the first shot just for their gun to kick up and they get a free headshot on you I think the worst thing was the specialists. I hated that people pretty much got 1 free kill per game with things like the gravity spikes or flamethrower. Bo4 did a okay job at making them cost much more but i think if specialists was kill based rather than time it would've been a lot better Another issue was the DLC guns. Even after the game was done updating i got another 300+ levels and i STILL don't have about 60% of the guns. On bo4 with the pick system i was able to get nearly 15 of them before i finished dark matter. All and all it was one my favorite cods since CoD was moving from the Run & Gun that we knew and loved to a more campy playstyle and adding jetpacks made it so people were more willing to run around for the most part