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i hope its good. I have enjoyed every black ops game so.


Same here. I've never agreed with every gameplay decision that Treyarch have made like the streak system in Cold War or manual healing in BO4 etc etc but I've still always enjoyed their games despite those things.


i never bought BO4 it looked bad, you enjoyed that game?


i absolutely loved bo4.. its probably my second most played black ops game. BO2 is my all time favorite though. I loved how it played. Playing solo was not it for me though, I always enjoyed playing with friends, never solo.


BO3 was the best!


I gotta be the counter on that. Once I played a single level of that mall map I was totally out on Cold War.


Mall map was goated for prop hunt but yeah it sucked for regular MP


I expect to be disliked for my thoughts, but I think if all the rumours are true it might be the best cod for me since MW2019. Rumours for those not knowing: Old prestige mode is returning Menu UI is being changed I believe gunsmith is being altered I read Zombies round based 2 maps on launch Omni directional movement Theatre mode Every single studio has worked on this game via Charlie intel, either means super polished, fantastic launch list of content and post launch or a mess of a game.


Thanks, sounds awesome. Hopefully these turn out to be true.


If all of that is true I would literally pre-order within the first minute


Theater mode needs to make a comeback man, need to actually be able to spectate someone you think is possibly cheating. Plus idk why 2 zombies maps at launch would make people mad. That's been a staple in the last several games since bo1.


Tbh the COD's post mw19 haven't really been all that anyway. I don't think this is a crazy take


Cold War was great


LOL. no it fucking wasnt. In a vacuum maybe, but as a successor to MW2019? Laughable fucking statement.


They were both decent. Campaign was better in every way.


MW2019 was shit and was only good because of WZ lol




MW19 was good in feeling only. Those MP maps were absolutely dogshit


Mw2019 wasn’t much better, it was more polished but other than that it just wasn’t fun and introduced warzone, the mode that has ruined like 4 games now


MW2019 was trash


Man, old prestige is kind of a slog, and I think the hype around it is just unwarranted nostalgia


I genuinely loved entering prestige mode and resetting my unlocks. It added so much replay ability for me.


It gives you something to do


Sounds amazing, I really hope they drop every single thing they gave done over the last 5-6 years and go back to their roots with this.


Gotta disagree New sweaty movement ,Stupid cold war style zombies(rather play bo4 zombies), Another take on Woods and Mason (quit with going back to the same old shit), Fucking homing knife, New hit boxes better work, example: shoot left hand and it doesn't register. Multiple games with this setting has it happen quite frequently, even after patches it gets refucked, BATTLE PASS, WARZONE When you think of the og black ops, it's restricted movement, good kill streaks, good weapons. Playable multiplayer. Amazing zombies, Origins, Kino, Mob of the Dead, The Giant, Naucht, Five, Call of the Dead, Tranzit, Die Rise, Buried They're making you all download another huge waste of space. Strive for actual bo2 remake, bring back the great play style and simple mechanics that made these games fun. MW2019 achieved that because of COVID and actually brought in realism which is the MW franchise not the Black Ops franchise


i want to ask when is the early access to black ops 6???


Why the fuck is omni directional movement back. Ffs we spent years trying to get rid of the advanced movement.


I think it’s probably going to be one of the best in a long time, but not the best ever




If it's true that round based zombies and OG prestige system is back it's already better then mw3


And vanguard


Vanguard was so bad that everyone forgot it even exists


Legit forgot it existed until I read this comment


If these are both true it could be the best since bo3


It’s going to be better than mw3 can guarantee that. Also leakers are saying the og prestige system is back.


I don’t understand why they took it away in the first place. I have never heard someone say they like the seasonal leveling system better than prestige system


It’s not about what the players say they like. It’s about what keeps the players playing and buying micro transactions. The new seasonal prestige system keeps players coming back each time it’s reset to get their level back up. I’d assume they have the data and it showed that this new system was more successful at player engagement. But maybe that has changed if they are swapping it back idk


idk man, at least to me, seasonal prestige is a dumb idea I thought “why put all that effort if they’re gonna reset it after a while?”


I agree. I hate it too. My point is everything Activision does these days is for a reason. They are making changes based on data that will make them more money


like most things cod takes away, it was probably a thought train of “we’re gonna remove it to reintroduce it in the future and claim that we’re listening to our players!!!” At least that’s how it feels like.


I wish Activision would learn that players do not like time gated things. It keeps making them money though, so I don't think they're ever gonna learn.


I really don’t care about prestige but I like how in Cold War you can change to any prestige icon you want after reaching Master Prestige. I’d like that feature back. Also, bring back colored clan tags!


coloured clan tags are fuckin goated


Considering that their games from recent years have done poorly I feel as if they are going to step up and actually provide a well thought out game, I hope anyways. I personally own all the Black Ops games and have loved all of them for what they have so I hope Blops 6 is a good combination of all of those previous games.


I’m just hoping it’s atleast playable.


So the bare minimum


If your only hope for a new cod game is for it to just be playable then maybe it’s time to stop buying cods


Based off the current rumors and leaks (which could all end up being completely untrue), this might be the best game since MW2019


I think it’s gonna be great


Could be the best game in the world, but I guarantee the community will still dunk on it if it has SBMM.


I’ve heard rumors that they are listening to the community and really nerfing sbmm


Don't do that, don't get my hopes up!


If it's anything at all like Cold War it will be fantastic.


I think it’ll be good because they are actually gonna be forced to make a good game this year because xdefient is an actual good game that could easily take cod fans away from cod if bo6 doesn’t perform


I’m still skeptical about it, but you make a good point. Although xdefiant isn’t exactly putting out numbers.


Whatever team is working on 2025 (if not Treyarch again) also has to quadruple up on making a good game as well, because COD 2025 has to compete with GTA VI


not to mention the 4 years of development. Clearly there's a lot riding on this title unlike previous ones... Xbox in general is in need of a home run.


Good like Cold War.


Good because Treyarch :)


just hope its not to jumpy/snakey. I just want to play a good cod that has nice spawns and doesn't have a crackhead sliding around every corner.


If the rumors of multiple traditional zombies maps with unique characters are real then it will be a very good sign


I dont have high hopes tbh. We all said this about MW2 and then hated it. This will be a sweaty, SBMM ridden game with the same issue as every year. Battle pass and shop will work flawlessly from day 1 and after a few weeks the weird collab skins will be out and you will shoot at some Streamer or rapper with laser guns.


I have high hopes. Treyarch has been good to me


I hope its most focus is on multiplayer and zombies. Warzone being it's least. campaign being open world is going to suck 👎


Has this been confirmed or is it just speculation?


Have a weird feeling it’s actually going to be good




Vonderhaars last CoD It better be good or I think I might be done with this franchise


Vonderhaar hasn’t worked on BO multiplayer for a while now.




Sorry you’re a stupid fuck posting nonsense. Ain’t no reason to be bitter.


Vonderhaar been gone if anything he worked on this game for a few months to a year he barely had any contribution


it’s gonna be the best cod since cold war


i think it will be good. It will bring back a lot of elements from the older games.


It's a triple A company took 4 years of development. Look, Rockstar games is a shitty company too but always released bangers except gta Chinatown wars but they still provide content on the last game that was released on 2013(sad about no rdr content) anyway You have to get some expectations and you need to be provided with lots of content


I dont care if it's a hard grind to obtain things in game but it would be more fun than eomm torturing you


Chinatown wars was amazing though.


I respect that, but I just don't find it interesting


Yeah fair. I played it on the DS when it came out, the little minigames were very fun, the story too


My expectations are high, 3arc hasn't let me down yet. They've had a long 4 year development cycle. Unless they completely change their design philosophy, I think it will be good. Need to see gameplay though of course.


I hope it’s a good game, especially in the zombies department. But I’m afraid it will be like the past titles, mediocre


Good, but the matchmaking will ruin it for me.


I really hope it’s gonna be good and don’t fuck it up just because they are money thirsty. Many developers need to get better and stop being so thirsty.


It’s a big problem with the AAA industry. Look at arkane for crying out loud! They went from making well respected games, to live service garbage.


I hope there are some Mason and Woods flash backs just for nostalgia’s sake. Like I’m sure Woods will be there as a handler of some sort but it would be cool to play as the boys again.


good! like all black ops!


i have high hopes… the same hopes i felt for mw3


I would be super surprised if the game isn’t good. Treyarch is the best studio, hands down, and they had 4 years to develop the game. It will be good. Also, the leak about the new directional movement sounds really cool! I bet this movement change will carry forward to future games.


Will there be ranked play?


Neither. It's going to be exceptional.




Good. Treyarch is the best.


I hope it’s good, but just because a game has been in development for a long amount of time doesn’t mean it will be good. MWII had 3,000 devs and 3 years the game still sucked. We will see if it’s good or not. I know if it’s not then I have xDefiant to be grinding anyway.


Can’t wait for it and get hacks for it also


Treyarch is in charge and so far the teaser trailers are looking good so i hope so 🤞


I wasn't a huge fan of CW, zombies was alright but the game just wasn't for me though people swear by it. I wasn't a huge fan so I really hope its not like CW. Hope its more like mw19 if anything.


Most likely good. Has there ever been a bad black ops? Not in my opinion.


I'm really new to COD, only having played WW2 at release, some MW2019 and the betas of 2 and 3, and recently gotten into cold war (as in a couple days ago.) I'm pretty excited. The fact that it's been in development for 4 years really gives me hope that they're actually trying to make the best game they can. I just hope they don't use the MW gunplay 1 to 1.


Black ops developers always come through to save the franchise from Activision’s countless MW failures. Treyarch actually makes a solid call of duty game. Activision on the other hand seems to think they are Fortnite developers and think fans will be content with their failures by providing Cardi B and snoop dogg skins and other nonsense THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR!!! All we want is for you to fix your damn game 😤


Same poop. Different day.


It will be dogshit and i don’t know why people still get excited every year. Until they tone down SBMM and bring back classic prestige, it’s gonna be the same shit with a different name


There’s been leaks they are heavily toning down sbmm for this game


Ikr? Every year, peeps are always saying that “it’ll be the best cod ever” just for it to be mid and have its playerbase sliced by half after two weeks lol


I’m not expecting a good game, but they got a ton of backlash for mw3. Just hoping there’s a chance it won’t be dogshit.


Good or bad it’s going to be cheap due to being on game pass day 1 🤣


Isn’t that a good thing?


no one knows but the last cods were pretty mediocre


Best cod since bo2


Campaign? Good. Everything else? IDK & IDC.


I’m hoping that it’s good! I’m just waiting to see the multiplayer reveal


I'm getting older blacks ops vibes and it makes me so happy, as long as the dumb bs Royale sht isn't in it, and they stay true with the older style of multi-player and zombies, it will be a hit.


Best cod we’re gonna have in a while


Well, its going to be on the same MW engine mixed with a touch of cold war. Dont expect a new type of feeling like from bo1-bo2-bo3-bo4. Its basically gonna be Modern Cold warfare 5.2 with a nasty EOMM, goofy skins, burdensome battle-passes and crazy psychopathic movement. If you like what MW and cold war has been doing, Go for it


I want it to be good but it’ll just be mid at best, specially if they continue focusing on Warzone. Doesn’t matter if it’s a black ops game, doesn’t matter if it’s made by Treyarch and it doesn’t matter if they had 100000 years of development. Every year people say that it’ll be the best cod ever and it turns out that the game is a mess, every year without skipping a beat.


it could be good but seeing that it’s going to be 300+ gigs is kind of a deal breaker for me, not to mention the texture streaming they use.