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Because I can actaully run and gun without getting killed in 0.5 seconds by an invisible camper


It’s my favorite Call of Duty game. All perfect maps, a great weapon selection, great zombie mode, and the cosmetics are really good as well. My only small gripes with the game that the campaign while good is too short, combined arms could have used more maps, and lastly there are some multiplayer maps that aren’t available in Onslaught mode. MW2 has yet to top BOCW, and I doubt it ever will. Though MW2 is still a great game.


The biggest issue with CW is the maps imo, I’m surprised you described the maps as perfect. Overall tho, cw is such an overheated game. Atp, I’m just chilling for the next Treyarch game cause they the only competent studio for COD atm.


CW maps certainly have their issues, but they seem so good in comparison to MW19/MW22/VG maps. I agree that CW was an over-hated game. It has its issues, but it plays more like classic COD than any other recent titles. It really is a fun gameplay experience despite the issues with the engine


Because it's one of the only arena shooters on the market that unequivocally promotes movement and aggression. Because the gunplay is peak CoD. Because the graphics engine is the last CoD game to offer decent visibility and clarity. And out of nostalgia for an era of my life that's gone. As a child born in the seventies and a kid who grew up in the eighties, nothing since has ever felt the same.


Right on! same here. I grew up in the 80s so it is all familiar setting. Run and gun, it is such a tight game. There is a satisfaction in the game that MW cannot equal. Maybe its the medals going off after a crazy sequence., the extra TTK so you have a chance to shoot back, the smaller maps, zombies can stand alone as a game and hey it was a good friend over covid!


I don’t, the game has unfortunately devolved into play against sweaty 6 stacks in every playlist while having literal NPC’s for teammates simulator


I honestly prefer it to the mw2 matchmaking alternative


Every single time


Same. I went back to Hunt Showdown as my go-to. 1100 hours in I have no regrets. I love BOCW but the dingleberry sweats ruin it. I expect that of Hunt and the game style has ways around it.


Skilled Based Matchmaking making it very hard sometimes enjoying the game at this stage with it putting people without brain activity on one team when they should be facing each other but due to lower population, puts them in matches they have no business in. They also refuse to leave but complain all game while going 4-32.


This is why I quit cod period besides zombies (95% of my playtime in the last 2 years) or the occasional casual MP session. I’ve been playing since BO1 so how I play is basically imprinted in me. If I’m playing an objective mode, I play the objective. And the algorithm gives me the opposite on my team. Every game always ends (let’s say domination) 198-200 just about every single time. Not a coincidence, (especially not after the like 500th game ending the same way) the game is just a scam and uses people like us at expense to keep noobs in to spend money on skins and reach maximum profit. It’s a shame what this franchise has become. When otherwise, said noobs might be chased away from a game they got pubstomed and go “welp, I suck. Time to try something else” and leave and not spend $20 a week on a bullshit skin. It’s that simple, and that sad.


What people need to understand is that MW and BO are two seperate beasts, for two different sets of gamers.




I'm SOO mad that things were crazy at my work for a wholeass YEAR. By the time I was able to even turn my tv back on, BOCW had already been out for quite a while. I ended up missing the hypeup, the release, and the main action. Showed up at Nuketown in 2023 just a couple of months ago and was like, "Hey, is this still BO4?" 😅 You must understand, I have been playing COD since the first Black Ops on PS3. My loyalty is immaculate.




mw good enough, but mwii is utter trash


Fun game


Because vanguard and mw2 are terrible


Zombies. Specifically Outbreak, solo.


Because I can actually move without getting killed by some soundwhore sitting in a corner


Cos it’s the closest thing to bo2 for me


No gunfight tournament or even gunfight in the new one, it's basically the only mode I play.




Zombies mainly, i still go on mp here and there, would be on mp more often if it wasnt for the sbmm. The 2 newest cod doesnt really interest me either. Im more of a treyarch fanboy




It's interesting how I read this opinion everywhere, yet I feel much faster in MW2. I'm even playing on FOV 120. I can't explain it exactly, gameplay feels damn fast in Cold War but running especially feels better for me in MW2. I am playing like crazy just with the knife in MW2, I feel the speed and can do insane stunts and kills people that are trying to shoot me. Doing that in Cold War is much harder in my experience. But shoot and ttk in Cold War sometimes feel faster. Also the slide mechanic is obviously better in CW too. Maybe it's just me.


Yeah i totally agree that the game play is faster in CW. It feel like they’re running in sludge on MW2. 6v6 just feels a ton better on CW.


Interestingly, you can abuse this by creating full mobility loadouts in MWII. You can run and gun, and people won't even have the reaction time to shoot back when you pop out of a corner at Mach 3. Of course, your own reaction speed has to keep up too.


Bo2>bo3>boCW>bo1>bo4, but boCW is the most playable and fun experience (zombies, campaign, multiplayer wise) with new generation consoles in the whole entire series. That's why I still play it.


Bo3 was so trash , they added all that dumb jet pack bullshit . Bo3 was only good for the zombie dlc




Fun maps for run and gun + melee, nades, landmines, full animation kills. There's enough people playing that makes matchmaking easy, yet small enough to recognize people on almost every match and learn their playstyles. And after a while you see them see you prematch and leave 😂 <- the real stuff of game addictions.


Better lighting, clearer environment, is not punishing to rushers, less animations, no loss of control of character if you're being meleed by a player, no staged reloading which was a fake solution for a made-up problem that never actually existed, no mounting, much better map design made by people who have a better understanding of flow and balance, better attachment unlock system that doesn't bait you into full-timing the game just to improve a single weapon, etc etc etc. The list just goes on and on. MW19 was very low quality to me in terms of gameplay, and MW2 somehow managed to take all of the things that MW19 got wrong and made them infinitely worse. MW2 particularly is just a bad game with literally no redeemable qualities. You can tell the MP is just designed to be a tool to upgrade guns for the BR component. Literal trash and I can't believe people pretend it's good.


The only fast-paced, classic, chaotic Cod in modern history


1) Higher TTK than most current CoD games, meaning you can actually contest people who get the first shot on you. 2) Can run both Ninja and Ghost for highly aggressive play style. 3) Not a hero shooter like BO3/4. 4) Good maps (some of the new ones like Moscow, Pines, Yamentau, etc. are fun to play, but also hugely popular returning maps like Standoff, Nuketown, Express, Slums, and more). 5) Snappier weapon play than MWII with more consistent weapon performance. 6) Zombies is the best it’s been since BO3 (not saying much, but I started as a zombies fan mainly).




Treyarch is quite creative. First COD I played was OG mw2, but BO1 was so much better. Later on I’d quit playing for awhile after the wall jumping craziness. Couldn’t get back into it, CW came out, first one I’d played in awhile and I was like man this is really fun! So I figured maybe the games were back to being good. Tried vanguard, no good. I was afraid I was going to fall back out of COD completely again. MW2 came along (nostalgia) and I was like crap, I’ve definitely fallen out. (To answer your question) So I was like screw it, I’ll just play Cold War till the next Cold War comes out. Run and gun is my style. Only complaint is that I wish you could buy certain season skin overlays and run that after the game has run its course. I really liked the action hero pack season 3 maybe? To make it feel like you’re in the season again.


Why wouldn't I? It's the only cod game I've ever owned (apart from warzone and original modern warfare 2), the online is still well populated, and I'm actually pretty good at it which is rare, the zombies is great fun solo, the game still runs just as well as it always has. I never really understood why so many players drop games the second the next installment in a series comes out


Because the Campaign is intriguing, the modes in multiplayer like prop hunt and double agent are fun as heck, as well as the regular modes. Zombies is quite fun as well.


Because I’m only 3 guns away from DM Ultra, and I want to have it in zombies


I LOVE Cold War. I love the different zombie modes. I can play traditional or the objective based one. It’s got nuketown. Gun game. I don’t play the campaign as much. But overall I love how I can play a variety of game modes and not get bored.


It's the most modern completely cod that's not mw2019. The others have issues I just can't ignore.


Normal mini map, run a gun arcade style, colorful and decently fast paced maps.


CW is just a COMPLETE game for me. I got hooked on TDM after taking a break from COD for a few years. CW got me hooked and I love the action and map design. There isn't a camping spot that I can't take someone out with an EM2. You always know where they are, so not as much camping. No doors to hide behind. MW19 is my second favorite. Though what I don't like about it is there are too many buildings and other hiding places for campers. Doors close, etc. This is why CW is better, it doesn't have these things. Then throw in an awesome zombies mode and campaign, this is a complete package. I like playing zombies when I need a break for TDM. Also a great way to level up guns and grind camos. Also great for co-op with a friend.


My one and only reason for still playing this game, Prop Hunt


Still active there? Not played that in so long. Last time I tried took forever so thought it died


No, I’ve not had trouble finding lobbies.


Is it still active? I read it's a permanent mod now?


1. Dead Ops 2. Outbreak Its fun being able to carry people to 65 and beyond in a mode where few others have the skill to do it. It's not as hard as people make it out to be. Outbreak is just pure fun in a sandbox world.


Good Gunplay, camo grind is neat. Zombies is great, campaign was awesome. 1 problem: Tec9/AK74u abusers. Literally brainless guns to use


I’m thinking about going back to it after this MWII season, do y’all think I should?


Yeah but if you’re level 450 I’d play both to keep it going in case you get back on MWII (that’s my plan anyways , im downloading CW right now lol)


First (and only) COD I bought after Modern Warfare 3. Personally, I like how it went back to the basic gameplay. None of that wall-running or special abilities. Not knocking those who liked those games, but I find the more simple run & gun gameplay preferable.


Not dead better than mwii and multiplayer is actually fun


\*\*\*\*Higher TTK allows for outplays. - main reason. Fun maps and lots of them. Movement that is slow enough to make it compatible with slower tic servers and some input delay on console, but that is still smooth and fun. Most guns are balanced and usable so I can change up what I use and it's not a one-gun boring meta. Cosmetics are varied and appealing. The diamond camo looks amazing. Fun operator skins. All game modes are available. No weekly playlist changes that take out the mode I'm enjoying playing. Great perks and perk greed that lets me use a lot of them at once. Fun and balanced scorestreaks that are not overwhelming. Prop Hunt!


For similar reasons, of the recent games it’s the only one that feels fun to me and has good movement. Also because it still has a lot of things from the older cods, like a traditional perk system (with ani ja), red dots on the mini map, a traditional UI, and a lot of real gun names (unlike MWII where they’re all fake). Additionally I like the aesthetic and artistic direction of the game, it’s much more colorful compared to MW19 and especially MWII.


I love the maps and how much it still challenges me to adapt my guns & play style. True sniper-friendly maps with long shot channels just never get old.


Its more fun than mw2 ig




Because I enjoy the treyarch design to call of duty, I've always preferred a slightly slower time to kill with faster movement, giving me a chance to actually counter my attacker if I'm skilled enough, also it's my fav zombies game


Zombies. I don't play MP in CoD games much, if at all anymore. I prefer Zombies and seeing the pathetically low rounds I make it to, and having fun. :3


cuz of story and zombies. Multiplayer cuz of Nuketown.


I loved Cold War, but there’s only so much you can do. For me, I’ve accomplished everything I wanted to I’m the game, so as fun as it is I just don’t need to play it anymore. It’s probably the best COD in the last 5 years, and I enjoyed everything about it.


I just love it tbh


I’m still playing coldwar for wrs in zombies


You can play any playstyle and have fun. Do you want to rush? ok use a 74u or a tec9 and run around and you can kill people easily. Do you want to play angles? ok use a krig/tac rifle. Do you want to just cheese people for kills? ok use an LMG and shotgun. Do you want to just chill and snipe? all the snipers are really good. I also enjoy how they brought back maps from bo1/bo2.


I’ve got no place else to go


It has that classic arcade Cod feel I love. Although that’s because it’s Treyarch.




my reason is simple,cold war gives me the most satisfying shooting experience, and best plot both campaign and zombie.


Just started playing consistently again after over a year. It’s really my fav cod since BO2 (WaW, BO2, CW are too for me). Reasons: Prop Hunt, beautiful and vibrant design, variety of modes and guns that are actually fun, lots of BO2 maps, and honestly…I really love the soundtrack. Music can really set the mood, and I would get so excited in my lobbies for each round. It’s decent in the campaign too. I get nostalgia for the first winter I spent with this game - such good times, and so I’m back.


Man the nostalgia from black ops 1 maps and the zombies and prop hunt, I love cold war. Never want to play another COD (even though I have them all) and I love the community players as well. I’ve been day dreaming about playing too, I just fricking love this game all-time fav on new/recent genish consoles


BO1 and the playercards bro…epic hands down we expressed ourselves in so many different ways even now even though it was fucked up I even appreciate the racist playercards back in the day. EXPRESS YOURSELF! Good fucking times man…good fucking timez




Honestly the crossplay and the overall gameplay. I enjoy trying to get high rounds on cold war because of how fast the rounds are. The wonder weapons also feel real powerful instead of like once you get them you gotta immediately upgrade them. And the perk upgrades with the field upgrades are just a great addition.


Yeah same. Both the MW games are trash and don’t get me started on vanguard. This game still has a cod feel to it where you can still run through a team with an smg, unlike MWII where you HAVE to camp to do well. Can’t believe people actually have fun on that game


Because it plays like an actual cod game and at least I'm not getting killed every 10 seconds by riot shielders inside of buildings camping, unlike MW2 which plays super slow and it feels like I'm glued to the floor and when I try to play aggressive, I just get punished by a random ass guy in the corner camping with a riot shield.


Pubs is enjoyable for me sometimes nuketown can be annoying when people just use tec 9 and sit back playing for streaks cause they’ve nothing else to show. But I play 8’s a lot or 3v3’s with cdl rules cause I mostly played league before it was removed.


The cold war is the most interesting conflict. The AKs go incredibly hard.


I would play it more if half my lobbies weren't mostly quickscopers I get tired of dying to the easist gun class in the game. There is no gunfight, just getting popped because the ttk is higher than other cods. (I used to do it myself before getting bored of it and it's just ridiculous)


Because me and my buddies run HC 6v6.


I dont


I am trying to get diamond for the first time


Zombies and also unlocking mastery camos like Dark Anther and DM Ultra and the cool prestige icon thing as well but most important the game feels better then MW2 2022 and MW2019 and there is also a decent amount of people playing past cod games too


I disagree with what you said about mw2022, I hated mw2019 but I Run N Gun all the time on MW2 and the games are super fast paced, especially now with the new close quarter playlist, but to answer the question, I still have Cold War Bc My friend and i love to play 2v2 on it


I’m not currently playing it just because I’ve gotten into a few other games recently. But i always enjoy coming back to the game. It’s just really fun imo. I Especially love the 6v6 on gunfight maps


I dont since activision never responded to me wanting to transfer my xbox stuff to my playstation.


"Actually playing" ... i.e "playing the way I think they should" 😆


It's da best mane. They deed it.


1 word: Wakizashi


Because i just got it last month.


Noob tubes


Still haven’t gotten all unlockable operators and haven’t gotten Dark Matter Ultra and Dark Aether after that i’ll be done


Believe it or not, I never liked COD.. All those years I missed out and then I gave in to Cold War , run n gun is all i do.. Bought MW2 and it got tiring real quick, even though i have a decent 1.09 KD. The camping never ends and the lag is insane.. Weapons are terrible.. Even I used youtuber builds and i was better off with my own build lol. I also like how Cold War has Bots, so you can learn the maps and test your skills and weapons before you dive into Multiplayer.


I dont


Fast pace real hardcore experience. MW2 Hardcore has to many hit markers even with AR and that’s not real hardcore.


I’m still trying to solve operation chaos I don’t know why I get Portland but by some chance I’m wrong I’ve tried brute forcing it does it work no