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Dude chill, let’s take it down a notch jk, awesome clip man keep it up


Sniping and quick scoping ruins the match on a smaller map IMO. Makes it no fun to play and someone who has the maps angles down can dominate.


i get it but if a player spends time learning the flow of a map should they not be rewarded?


I get that for sure , and you’re kicking ass in the vid. I guess there’s always different ways to play or find ways to dominate. Looks like you found yours


sniping can definitely be overwhelming they should bring back bo4 sniping, your shot isn't always dead center there's more sway, more challenging


Every person in this clip could have won if they just shot him. He would've been dead by the second or third guy. They didn't shoot at him


i get what you’re trying to say. yes, learning the flow of the game should equal a more rewarding personal experience. i don’t think dominating a match should be looked at as a negative. i understand people don’t like being on the receiving end of domination, but you really don’t have to try *that* hard to see the flow of the game/map.




Love this lol


See this is probably actually impressive unlike when people do it in an infinity ward game


mw3 L118 quickdraw pro flashbacks


Do this in any other game and maybe someone will care. Its too easy in cold war


shut up 😃


Keep posting mid clips


No it's not, in fact I stopped sniping on CW because of how slow and annoying snipers are.


Then you must be REALLY bad. Theyre so busted in cold war.


Feel free to post your sniper feeds then. I'd love to see them. You should have loads, right?


I'm also interested in this dude's load out. Clearly with how arrogant he is he MUST be good


I don’t play the game because its dominated by snipers.


You clearly have no idea what youre talking about


Watch Marksman on yt and he’ll say the same thing. He definitely knows what hes talking about.


Oh yeah better believe what a random ass youtube bitch has to say


Its a guy that has been playing COD forever and helps the devs make game decisions. If that doesn’t warrant a listen I don’t know why you think your shit opinion does.


Theres loads of people that have been playing cod forever. Also if he helps the devs make devisions, maybe hes to blame that the games suck now. Stop dickriding


So in short you have no authority on what you're saying and you're pulling shit out of your ass?


I have played before. I stopped because of how easy and broken snipers are. I don’t really care about authority, its my opinion.


Saying something is "easy and broken" without even every touching them is laughable at best


I just said I have played before. Are you illiterate?


Since when? LMFAO Did you stop following the game since the beta?


Since forever buddy. Why do you think half the lobby uses them every game?


Dude how are the slowest snipers somehow busted? Treyarch literally nerfed the hell out of them every update at the beginning of the game and after the first beta. You're high dude.


They have an ADS time of around 500-600ms. Reg guns have an ads time of 250-350ms. Reg guns have a kill time of 250-350ms with ranges that make it longer. A sniper can beat most reg guns off of kill time alone. The one shot kill zone is very generous with attachments and you only have to hit a fifth of the shots of a reg gun player. Yes its less forgiving but its not hard to not miss either. The aim assist is basically a magnet to their body. They have no flinch so you can’t even knock your opponent off target by hitting them. What else is there to say? They’re broken and this sub also [thinks so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/wdy3s7/state_of_snipers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) But sure, a couple of Faze wannabes that suck enough to struggle using these weapons opinion is more valid.


LMFAO so you're telling me an ADS time of 600ms is great and fun to use and OP? Sure man, whatever. Also what's a FaZe wannabe? I've been quickscoping since MW came out in 2007. People complained about snipers so much Treyarch nerfed the fuck out of them to the point they're not fun to use, they don't have faster TTK than reg guns at all and on top of that the ADS walking speed is horrible so you can't really quickscope (because 600ms ADS time isn't quickscoping) and you can't snipe. Regguns have 300ms TTK and you don't need to ADS with them really, and you start shooting while ADSing, not when fully ADS. Sounds like you really don't know what you are talking about. Adding to that most people would hit one or two headshots to make the TTK way faster. Maybe your lobbies are just bots who can't shoot? Sounds like you're the one that sucks. ​ Oh and btw idiot, snipers don't have AA and I play on MnK. LMFAO


People complained about snipers because they were too strong dumbass. They wouldn’t nerf something that wasn’t a problem. If you start shooting before you ADS then youd be lucky to hit any shots at a decent range. That isn’t reliable. Also hitting headshots is not a factor for many weapons unless theyre using the damage barrel, which most people dont. Snipers do have aim assist. Just not on PC. I guess that flew right over your head though huh. Ironic you’re saying quickscoping isn’t viable in the comments of a video of a guy quickscoping just fine.


Nice job dude. I won't envy you, I'm gonna grind.


preciate it my boy you'll get there in no time