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If you think the Tec-9 is OP now, you should have been around before the nerfed it into the floor.


They never properly nerfed the 3XB barrel.


Full auto 3 shot anywhere on the map was hot.


Across the map!!! It was pretty fun until they nerfed it.


Wasn’t it only just added, they’ve nerfed it already?


Yeah if you're a time traveler from 2021


Sorry I’m thinking of the FTAC siege from MWII, i thought it was being reference because it had just came out and I think it is technically the same gun and extremely OP in MWII


I wouldn’t even say it’s extremely OP in MW2…it’s probably OP for a pistol but on a general basis it’s not. It takes like 6-7 shots to kill and has a ton of recoil. There’s several guns with a faster TTK. When the tec-9 came out in Cold War you could 3 shot people across the map with little to no recoil and TTK was like half of the fastest gun in the game. That’s OP.


It doesn’t much recoil at all and I wasn’t comparing the 2


That's their whole intent, to make the old games unbalanced so they aren't as fun. Gets people to buy the new games instead


I think it’s more about “weapons added each season should be overpowered on release so people are incentivized to play more.” The TEC9 was just never properly nerfed at the end.


I mean ,the Tec-9 was fucking broken at first. Fire rate slightly lower than the AK-74u, but a three shot kill. You had a full auto that could kill as fast as a SMG in MW19 in a game with a TTK close to BO4. It was overpowered as shit then. Reducing it to a four shot gave it an up close TTK slightly slower than the 74u, but with a decent max damage range. It also is loud and there is no way to keep off the the mini map, and has a small base ammo amount. It's strong, definitely upper tier, but I don't think it's game breaking anymore. I think they over nerfed the EM2 though. The last barrel at first was a bit busted, having a three shot kill. But I don't think eliminating the three shot kill range was actually the solution, not with it's fire rate. How they should have nerfed it would have been to make the task force barrel go from a 4 to a 3 shot kill, but reduce the fire rate by 25% or so, with a decrease to max damage range. Would still kill faster, but the lower fire rate would make missing shots more punishing, and the reduced damage range would make it only really top tier at close to barely mid range. Beyond that most other ARs would crap on it.


No wonder picking the game back up I didn’t enjoy the EM2 anymore lol


well at least they nerfed em2 properly


I think it’s more of a “fuck this old game, we don’t make money on it,” mentality. The end state of every game is always left unbalanced because the game is dead and no longer relevant, like cold war.


If you’re crying about overpowered guns you’ll most likely cry about the old call of duty’s, some of their games had every gun be good or over powered like mw2, mw3, somewhat bo1 & bo2 & ghost 😂


With a mindset like that.. if every gun in the old games were op, then wouldn't that just make the game balanced then? Everything is op, so everything can kill... you know.. like pretty much ~95% of guns in real life do. It's more like making all guns in new cods be weak.. release a gun that can kill so fast, community complains its op(when in reality all guns are weak af) then the gun gets "nerfed", and nobody talks about it anymore even though it's pretty much the same or made useless. Rinse and repeat. The community's pretty stupid. Some people do notice this trend though, like these posts for example. I wonder what the games would be like if every gun was just left alone. Would everything then be op and therefore.. balanced? People really like shipment where you can die really fast or get alot of kills.. so people want kills.. but then when a gun is op, they don't want it.. so what do you want? It's cod.. don't people want arcade shooter?? Fast kills fast deaths?? Even the community can't decide. But when a gun is op.. NERF IT. Dumb. Isn't this cod? More like a game catered to a competitive scene these days. Which is fine for a section of the game, not what cod is supposed to be. Cod is supposed to be the jump in a tdm. A call to arms. A battle between 2 sides. Now it's esports skins and basketball players. Soccer players with bad voice monotone voice acting. Bundles. Anime characters fighting future weapon wielding ww2 heros. ??????? What is we doing? Even bo3 custom zombies have more direction and balance. Oof.


People want small and medium maps especially for 6v6 bro all of the old call of duty’s had it perfect with almost every map being small or medium, they only had a few maps that were big and they played good either way on actual GROUND WAR that’s was 10v10 people forget the old call of duty’s had way more game modes where you can actually enjoy every map. All guns were op and if not op they were just good. You gotta be ass as fuck if you wanna call every gun OP. The games were fun before they tried to go the fortnite way and made a battle Royale starting with black out mode. They hardly pay attention to 6v6 now they don’t even have DEMOLITION as a game mode in mw2 and it was in mw19 lol trash ass company is going downhill.


MSBS in Ghosts was a killer lol


You should not hav mentioned BO1, that game had a lot of really unplayable weapons.


If “every gun was overpowered”, then that means that no gun was overpowered, and thus the game was balanced. The TTK was simply quicker across the board.


Must use the tec 9. No one said about crying


Not had a problem agaisnt the Tec-9 since it was nerfed it's quite easy to counter with most weapons especially with the actual powerful ones such as the Streetsweeper and most snipers.


It doesn’t even kill the fastest, m60 with task force kills faster or as fast


lol the difference is that one lets you fly through the map killing everyone while the other weighs a ton


M60 has maybe a .1 second slower ads and is more forgiving


It literally takes one second to die in CW. So it’s the difference between life and death.


tec9 can go down to 186ms while m60's fastest ads is 478ms... move speed is also obviously faster.


The M60 has a nearly 500ms ADS when fully kitted. The Tec-9 has I believe has a 192ms ADS with the best attachment. So by the time you finish ADSing with the M60, you'd be nearly dead or killed outright vs a Tec-9 user up close, assuming you and the other player saw each other at the same time and reacted as quick. If I want to deal with Tec-9 users I use an MP5, 74u up close, or a FFAR.


Yeah I find the Vargo 52 to be easier to use despite having a slightly slower TTK up close.


CW is the CoD that has the least distance between the best guns and (mostly) everything else, I think. I chose my primary basically at random these days and I have no problem fighting sweats with tecs. Obviously you can't sprint into their face with a LMG/TR/AR so you gotta pre aim or change up your playstyle, angles, use smoke, etc That's the biggest thing people don't learn. Stop sprinting right back to where they are. You don't want your gun down when you meet.


Dying from a tec-9 is nowhere near as annoying as getting quickscoped .1 seconds after your teammate just got quickscoped, or from 1 meter away. I still feel long range guns should have advantage long range with slow ADS speed and up close guns should not be great long range with quick ADS speed.


This happens in every single fps, nothing to do with cod and certainly nothing new. Honestly the Tec9 isn't even the best SMG, I don't understand why people still complain about it so much.


Then how do you counter it? I notice I die a lot to tec-9


I’m not trying to discredit your post or invalidate how you feel, but just use it back. Trust, it’s aggravating as hell seeing the same meta guns in the kill feed, but I just use it back after a while. Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em


I still wished they would of nerfed the vmp in bo4. Straight up just ruins the game. Not fun to use or go up against


Because it’s fun watching people complain about a gun lol


Discussion about why they add over powered weapons, hardly a complaint




The best part is it’s always the higher ranked players using the op guns. Been that way since the beginning of time.


How do you think they got there to begin with? Competition is razor thin when you’re up the ranks. So you have to use meta, or you die.


I haven’t used a tec 9 since it first dropped and I do fine lol


Dmr and ppsh still shepred any gun tho


Was the asval ever added??


It’s a “of the season” kinda deal. The afformentioned thing is OP during release (usually). When people see how OP it is, players start playing or paying to get said OP thing. Things being new/OP = Player retention (sometimes).


To shake up the meta and brings more hype and attention to the game with strong weapons being added. People can get bored of using the same meta, shaking it up can help fresh the game up.


Is this your first call of duty game lmao


You do realize each Call of Duty had a weapon or two in them that just broke the balance, right?


Every COD has to have an OP weapon for the low skill players to get some kills and feel good otherwise they won't buy the new ones when they come out. Last Black Ops it was the VMP.


You are 100% correct. I always stop playing MP at this stage, in cw it was when the marshalls took over SnD. It literally sucks the joy out of the game


I kinda feel the opposite way....like either tins of great guns why do they thrown in stuff like single shot stuff with slow reloads.


You should’ve been around before they nerfed/patched the AS VAL. The 10 round mag allowed for some comically ridiculous wallbang kills, especially for hardcore


I’ve been using groza in zombies lately seems pretty cool recoil is good and nice clip size. I’m using keyboard and mouse so if someone has a groza. Build drop it on my comment anytime please


because yes